Muhammad full movie – Innocence of Muslims

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important to read
if ur arab/ muslim and u understand arabic then tell me what u think of what theyre saying in 4:20 if islam is a peacefull religion try to talk to your own people that are supporting these terrirests and the world will be more than happy to look at islam is a peacefull religion , dont support or help these idoits they are just distroying your religion and trying to make the world think a diffrent way i have some good friends that are totally diffrent than these just try talking to them and making them change in are religion we have something called forgiveness but in 4:20 it shows the oppostie , it says kill jews and christians and never and dont ever accept any peace or promisses of them , kill them and send them to hell allah is backing us. if u think your religion isnt what theyre saying then talk to them and make them change tell these i even made a video to show you even tho idk if there is much worst stuff


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3 responses to “Muhammad full movie – Innocence of Muslims”

  1. Mümin Türk Avatar
    Mümin Türk

    Turkish Forum does NOT represent the thoughts of Turks in general. They are hıghly Islamaphobıc. Our Chrıstıan and Jewısh brothers show more respect to us then your organızatıon of prejedıce.

  2. At least you can say whatever you want

  3. this is the third time I am writing my comments. somehow my comments disappear.
    Please do not include this idiot in Turkish Forum. by this time, almost everybody has seen the movie and felt insulted and ashamed that such creatures live among us.
    The verse he is quoting is just the opposite what he is writing.
    I wish the Islamic scholars do more teaching about Koran and the religion; but I do not how they would penetrate the ignorant South.

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