In the UK, it is already clear that the current Conservative Party will lose the general elections to be held on 4 July by a landslide.
In the USA, Presidential elections will be held in the first weeks of November.
In the European Union, elections will take place this week, starting on Thursday morning and ending on Sunday evening. The course of events is contrary to the principles of the formation of the European Union.
Let us go back a little and then I will come to the point.
In 1945, after the Second World War, which ended with the defeat of Germany and the victory of the USA, the leading countries of the European continent, such as England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc., saw becoming a political/economic colony of the USA as salvation in order to develop and return to the old days.
Under pressure from the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Luxembourg and the Netherlands united in 1951 to establish the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in order to strengthen the coal and steel sectors, the two basic raw materials of industry. The USA tightly controlled the ECSC both politically and economically. All the necessary capital was provided by US companies.
As a second step, in order to expand its export market and to dominate the global economy and the financial world, the US forced the ECSC members and Britain to grant independence to their colonies. It took until 1967 for European countries to grant independence to their colonies. France continued to rule its colonies with critical minerals from behind the scenes until today, as if it had granted independence to its colonies.
Going back to the beginning, it is certain that the Conservatives will lose power and the Labour Party, the main opposition party, will win the elections in the UK, which will start this week and continue until the end of the week. Although the first and second days of the elections will be official working days, voters who cannot take leave from their workplace will be able to cast their votes through methods such as ‘postal voting’ and ‘proxy voting’, which are not in force in our country yet.
In the European Union elections, the nationalist and conservative parties are on the rise, while the Liberal and Green parties are on the decline. Despite the rise, nationalist and conservative parties are divided into two groups within themselves. One group is pro-US and the other is anti-US.

In the European Parliament, some groups will lose seats while others will increase their capitulation. Of course, it is already becoming clear which groups will gain strength. In particular, the Renew Europe group, which includes French President Macron’s list, will lose 17 per cent of its seats. On the other hand, the Identity and Democracy Group (Identity and Democracy), formed by nationalists, will rise two places and take the 4th place.
Although Germany and France, the pillars of the EU, have been in serious disagreement for several years, France, Germany and Italy will increase their number of seats in the Parliament. This indicates that the absolute influence of the USA on the EU will continue.
The most important development will take place after the elections to the European Parliament.
The issue of ‘ending veto rights in the European Union or ending unanimous voting and decision-making processes’ will be on the agenda of the European Parliament.
Over the past 12 months, tens of thousands of EU citizens have submitted their opinions to the ‘Conference on the Future of Europe’, where the future of the European Union and their concerns were discussed. The most important conclusion of the conference was that ‘the European Union must reform in order to survive in tomorrow’s world, and that veto rights in the European Union must end and decisions must be taken by majority vote’.
What will happen as a result? Countries such as the so-called ‘Republic of Cyprus’ will no longer be able to use the European Union for their own political and financial interests with the ‘Veto Right’ and hide behind the European Union.
In summary, it seems that different developments will take place in the coming years, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East geography…
Prof. Dr. (Civ Eng), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Int. Rel) Ata ATUN
Member of the Advisory Board of the TRNC President
TRNC Republican Assembly 1st Term Deputy
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