Egemen Bagis appointed as Turkey’s first EU minister

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he served as the founding Chairman of the Advisory Board for “Istanbul 2010 Project”, under which, Istanbul was chosen as a European Capital of Culture for the year 2010.

egemen bagis

Egemen Bagis, former State Minister and Chief Negotiator for EU talks, has been appointed as the head of newly created EU Ministry in Turkey’s 61st government.

According to information on his personal internet site, Egemen Bagis was first elected to Parliament in 2002 as a deputy of Istanbul. He was appointed as Minister for EU Affairs on January 2009 and has been working for full membership negotiations of Turkey since then.

Bagis was the party’s Vice Chairman in charge of Foreign Affairs and as a Vice Chairman, he had been a member of AK Party’s Central Executive Committee, the party’s highest body until 2009.

Bagis was the party’s contact person for international relations and diplomacy. He directed and coordinated the party’s national and international network and local branches on foreign policy matters. He also coordinated the flow of key global developments to the party leadership.

As a patron of arts, he served as the founding Chairman of the Advisory Board for “Istanbul 2010 Project”, under which, Istanbul was chosen as a European Capital of Culture for the year 2010.

Egemen Bagis is also a founding board member of two prominent museums: Istanbul Museum of Modern Art and Santral Museum of Art & Industry.

In June 2006 he was also awarded the Italian Cavaliere State Recognition.

Bagis in the 1990s was the President of the Federation of Turkish American Associations in New York, an umbrella organization.

A popular civic leader, Bagis is the only President in this organizations’ history, who was unanimously re-elected for two terms. He has also served as the Advisory Board member of Turkish Citizens Abroad, a government body based in Ankara.

Bagis was born in Bingol, Turkey, in 1970. His family originates from the neighboring Siirt province, where his late father, Abdullah Bagis served as mayor from 1974 through 1979.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Resources Management as well as a Master of Public Administration degree, both from the Baruch College of The City University of New York.

He is married to Beyhan Bagis, and they have two children.


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One response to “Egemen Bagis appointed as Turkey’s first EU minister”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    Why Turkey MUST NOT JOIN to EU !!! AND STILL COMMERCE CAN BE DONE ((like anti-moses jews Israel does weith Turkey bettwen the legs Diplomacy away from the Turkish public eyes )) 1) Eu is bankrupt and hungry
    2) EU do not understand bussiness and pleasure DO NOT MIX
    3) EU is not able to make trade itself. They want you molest first
    4) EU wants your ass first first , before trade even can not be issue
    5) Namusunu teslim etmek ve ibne olmak sarti ve sonu gelmeyen ve gemeyecek tacizlerlerden sonra alis ve tokus belki yapilabilr….bu da EU nun gunluk tacizlik listesinin tatmin olup olmama derecesine gore ticaret orani kucuk tutulabilir.Taciz ci EU yi gunluk ve arkasi kesilmeyen taciz isteklerini yerine getirmek imkansizdir….Sonuc ta olumdur …posani cikartmislardir ve kendi borclarini odettirme icin seni sever gorunurler zaman zaman
    6) isin en kotusu de EU uyeleri anti-musali yahudiler ve anti-isa li hiristiyanlardan olusmasidir ..Yani ibneler birligi olup Allah sizdirlar ( All EU members made-up from anti-moses jews and anti-jesus christians and they do not have THE GOD another meanings EU is closest sample of the SODOM and GOMORE which mention in the bible !!! )
    8) EU still belives Greek Gods and futher than greece THERE IS NO EUROPA ( but greek islands Greek Cypres is and rUSSIA IS IN eUROPA but turkish cyprus never in europa !!! ETC

    Here are some educational activites past and present
    Sarkozi nin Avrupa da Kem Kum etmesinin sebepleri ….. Kes Kose Kes Kafani Gir Kumese (atasozune uyum yapamamasi ) ((atasozu Kanuni suleyman zamanindan beri gelen ve fransizin Turklerden devamli yardim dilenmelerinin ve yaptiklari mundarliklarindan bikilarak dogmus bir atasozu …)) ayrica Sarkozi nin Fransiz Bandirali Anti- Musali ve de anti-musali Israil Mandirali Yahudi ve anti-Isali olusu( Anti-Musali Israilin Avrupa temsilcisi …( Amerika kitasinda nasil ABD ise, oda Avrupa kitasinda Anti-Musali yahudi ve anti-Isali hiristiyanlarin ve sadece Anti-Musali Israil cikarlari dogrultusunda baskani olusu ve ANTI-MUSALI Rabbies ve Anti-Musali Israil ve anti-Isali hiristiyanlar ile devamli yelpazelenmesi.. Turkleri bloke ederken cok terledigi icin. hatta anti-isali Alman basbakani disi Merkel i bile kullanarak binek araci olarak sik sik beraber geziye gidiyorlar Turklere karsilik ortak planlar yapiyorlar Marco Polo nun Merkep le yaptiginin aynisi ) Ayrica , Turkiyenin Avrupadaki cografi koordinatlarini inkar eden Anti-Musali Yahudi olusu ile VE DE anti-Musali yahudi ve anti-Isali aile soyunun YOK OLMADAN Turkler tarafindan korunmasina tahammul edememisinin basincinin yan etkisiyle SARKOZI SIZOFRANIA hastaligina yakalanmasi ….vesaire….vesaire…..AND HERE ARE THE REMEDIES ….. and my sometime ago comment about Sarkozy in the past and his future came true… which was….. Gonderen:, Tarih : 22/12/07 New cure found for SARKOZY (saRkozi Sizofrania) the enzime in Turkish escardo(suluk) where in Black Sea coast of Turkey(facing russia which is an Eurupan country)Also, the second Turkish escardo(suluk)on Eagean coast of Turkey(facing Greece a Europan country) and also in the Mediterranian Coast of Turkey(facing Cyprees which is in Europe) HERE IS HOW TO SARKOZY HOW HE CAN CURE HIMSELF: Daily empty stomack one pound each Turkish Escardo(suluk) from these 3 locations of the Turkish coastlines and he must consume daily and he must drink ONLY one of world famous Turkish wine on his choise (red or White )for his life time…This also,will lift THE CURSE FROM GREEK GODS for his vision problems…. ALSO, please ,find the FUTURE OFFICAL DRINK of the EU ( Whenever approved Membership for the Turkey ) which is Called “SULUK ON THE ROCK” (All the ingredients must be from Turkey due to the special healing enzimes….) (The Land Of The GARDEN of EDEN as mentioned in the BIBLE) Here is the recepie 🙁 As explained above ) 1-Same amount SULUK from the mentionod 3 locations 2- only mix with the world famuous Turkish wine (red or white your choise 3- and VALA ready to go it is that easy…. .

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