Israel imposed embargo on arms trade with Turkey

Israel freezes commercial supplies of military equipment and weapons to Turkey amid anti-Israeli rhetoric from Ankara, Cursor reports. - israel

Israel freezes commercial supplies of military equipment and weapons to Turkey amid anti-Israeli rhetoric from Ankara, Cursor reports. - israelIsrael freezes commercial supplies of military equipment and weapons to Turkey amid anti-Israeli rhetoric from Ankara, Cursor reports.

Nevertheless, it is noted that this information has not yet been confirmed by any official source.

The newspaper said the department of arms exports of the Ministry of Defence has decided to “re-weigh” all the requests of the Turkish leadership on the purchase of Israeli arms. In particular, they will consider the decision to sell electronic weapons systems to Ankara.

It is reported that Turkey is very interested in buying anti-tank missiles “Gil”, developed by RAFAEL concern, and missile defense systems “Barak”,produced by  Taas Aviram.

“Our attitude towards Turkey is extremely cautious, and we are very cautious about the issue of arms sales to that country because of its Islamic orientation” , a military source told the weekly.

The relations between Israel and Turkey have deteriorated sharply after the Cast Lead operation in Gaza, when Ankara subjected Israeli policy to sharp criticism. Militarily, the crisis was fixed in Turkey’s refusal to take part in the maneuvers with Israel.

, 22 April 2010


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