Letter to Harut Sassounian, 01.05.2014

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Re: Armenians Should Thank Erdogan for… NOT Recognizing the Genocide

Dear Mr. Sassounian!

Having read your above mentioned essay of hate, an evil cocktail of lies camouflaged as an objective commentary, based on that great deception, the Armenian “Genocide”, I am totally convinced that you are a mean and very hard individual and a “ radical terrorist “, as you once described yourself to Patt Morrison of LA-Times.
I also remember you telling Morrison that you were struggling to keep “Armenianism” (!) alive and regain what was lost in old Armenia. Morrison reminding you of the fact that the Armenian policy differs from your thoughts and methods, you went on to say that “running a country is different than being an individual in the Diaspora”.
Yes, nothing seems to have changed in your head Mr. Sassounian! The California Courier has been around since 1958 and you yourself since 1983. 31 years of preaching hate ought to be enough don’t you think?
Indeed, individuals can perhaps afford to take such hard lines, but, peace can only be achieved by enemies, and by only accepting the legitimate rights of the other side. Mr. Sassounian, you can take Premier Erdogan and President Obama as model examples instead of making ugly criticisms. People do have to remember everything, because destruction of human life, irrespective of religion or blood group, cannot be forgotten or remembered selectively.
Mr. Sassounian, if  you wish to be remembered by the Armenians of the future and the world at large, then you can only achieve that by working for peace and not for war (even though you admits to be carrying out a war of words). The world is full of such examples (Ghandy, Luther King, ….), but who can remember a radical terrorist? No body remembers Idi Amin, and no one will remember Osama Bin Ladin in a few years time. So, it is never too late to stop spreading the seeds of hatred which are the seeds of future wars. Long live brotherhood and humanity on this 1. May!

Kufi Seydali

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