Russia Makes USA Look Foolish

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  If I was a more paranoid person, I might believe that Russia has orchestrated the entire Syrian Civil War simply to make us look like idiots. I mean, just think back over the last year at how often we have bumped heads with Vladimir Putin and Russia. They oppose us at nearly every turn, and of late we have not been getting the best of these encounters. When the NSA story broke, Russia gave shelter to erstwhile whistleblower Edward Snowden – President Obama huffed and puffed but nothing happened. In Syria, it seems that the world has turned against President Obama and the Syrian rebels, and has begun lining up with Putin to oppose US intervention in Syria.

As John Kerry attempts to drum up support for the war in Syria, Vladimir Putin makes no bones about what he thinks of the Obama administration’s arguments for war. Russia has essentially called Secretary of State Kerry a liar, by releasing its recently compiled 100 page report “proving” that Syrian rebels are responsible for using chemical weapons in Syria. If true, the Obama administration will not only become the laughingstock of the international community but will also lose all credibility on foreign affairs for the next three years.


The American people already have many reasons to be dubious about the Obama administration’s reasons for war. Adding the Russian report to the pile could prove to be the last straw for what has quickly devolved into the most scandal ridden and ineffective administration since the Grant years. The Syria debacle comes on the heels of the Fast and the Furious scandal, the NSA scandal, the IRS scandal, the Justice Department scandals, the State Department scandals, the Benghazi scandal, the Secret Service scandal… creating one contentious storm of ineptitude in Washington, DC. It seems like the perfect time for our enemies (and make no mistake – Russia is a political enemy of the USA) to take advantage of our weakened position.


In fact, news from the G20 Summit near St. Petersburg says that Russian President Putin is meeting today with the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff. Why would this matter? Ms. Rousseff just recently learned that the NSA has been spying on her, and let’s just say that the Brazilian government is not happy with us right now. This is bad news because Brazil has the fastest growing economy in South America, plus a booming population that makes it the perfect trade partner for our immediate future. Only now they’re cozying up to the Russians.


Our President is single-handedly destroying our national reputation and turning us into a joke for the rest of the world. That’s hope and change for you.




(If you have a strong stomach and want to learn more about the many atrocities committed by the Syrian rebels Obama wants to be allies with – they’re keeping track at the Libertarian Republic. Warning – it is graphic and not at all for young eyes.)

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