Biden asks Turkey to impose more sanctions on Iran

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South Asian News Agency (SANA) ⋅ December 3, 2011 ⋅

WASHINGTON, (SANA): United States vice President Joseph Biden stressed on Turkey to impose more sanctions on Iran.

In an interview with an American newspaper he said that he would continue his support for political solution of the Iran issue but for it, it is necessary to put pressure on Iran for dialogues and for this he wants that Turkey should impose more sanctions on Iran.

On the other hand US is making efforts to impose more sanctions by other countries and forbade Turkey for holding business with the black listed banks of Iran.

Meanwhile Turkey has said that it will not impose more sanctions except the sanctions imposed by United Nations.

It is worth mentioning here that in the current weak the European Union imposed sanctions for holding business with 180 personalities and companies of Iran, while it is considering imposing sanctions on oil trade with Iran.

via Biden asks Turkey to impose more sanctions on Iran | World | South Asian News Agency.

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