CIA Director Hayden: US Default Option is to Kill Terrorists Read more: Langley Intelligence Group – CIA Director Hayden US Default Option is to Kill and Not Capture Terrorists

Detention Center At Guantanamo Bay Remains Despite Attempts At Closure
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Detention Center At Guantanamo Bay Remains Despite Attempts At Closure
Detention Center At Guantanamo Bay Remains Despite Attempts At Closure
US military guards escort a terrorist suspect prisoner at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention facility.

Director Hayden: US Default Option is to Kill Terrorists

November 10, 2011
| Security
| Middle East and North Africa
In an exclusive interview with, former CIA Director Michael Hayden discusses the dilemma facing US policymakers on whether to kill or capture foreign terrorist suspects. Hayden says that although the United States may be losing crucial intelligence that could be gained by capturing and interrogating terrorists, a legal and political environment has developed in America that has made capturing and detaining terrorists extremely difficult.

In response to a question posed by LIGNET Managing Editor Fred Fleitz about whether the US currently has a policy to kill and not capture terrorist suspects, Director Hayden said that on one level killing terrorists is very satisfying and contended that the United States is under no obligation to risk American lives to capture a terrorist instead of killing him.


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One response to “CIA Director Hayden: US Default Option is to Kill Terrorists Read more: Langley Intelligence Group – CIA Director Hayden US Default Option is to Kill and Not Capture Terrorists”

  1. VdemirW Avatar

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