Hagia Sofia in Istanbul – a Survivor of Byzantine Architecture

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Religion is very strict when it comes to the places of cult where you practice it and these places differ very much depending on that particular religion. You can recognize a Roman-Catholic church from the outside and also a synagogue or a mosque. That is possible because they have a totally different architecture. But sometimes all these rules are broken and you face a wonderful mixture and styles and that’s what makes the place unique. I am talking now about Hagia Sofia or Ayasofya in Istanbul that is presently a museum and one of the most famous remnants of Byzantine architecture.

It was in turns an Eastern Orthodox Cathedral, a Roman Catholic Cathedral and a Mosque, all in different times in history, depending on who conquered Istanbul or Constantinople at the time. So it looks like an Orthodox Church with Muslim minarets. It is unusual, yet incredibly beautiful and each cult has left nice marks on it. The original cathedral was built by Isidore of Miletus Anthemius of Tralles and is decorated on the inside with mosaique and marble pillars. It is tall and richly decorated, preserving in a perfect manner the base-reliefs that were specific to Byzantine architecture. It was a place for coronations and asylum for the ones in need and still attracts lots of tourists or pilgrims every year, because it really is a wonderful architectural monument.

via Hagia Sofia in Istanbul – a Survivor of Byzantine Architecture.

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One response to “Hagia Sofia in Istanbul – a Survivor of Byzantine Architecture”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    EVERYBODY SAY THANK YOU TO THE TURKS………here is why and The LUCIFIER (the devil the seytan do not want people talk about and this is the sample one of the realities )

    After the concering (1453 ) Istanbul the Turkish architectcs exzamine the st,Sofia church and they saw its massive doom near to collapse due to the lack of knowledge ( not enough architeterial skill to make such big doome as resulted ON THE WAY TO BE COLLAPSED and structural flaws as result on massive weights on its plans ….)

    Anyway, retrofitting and other necessary supports and repairs was urgent and while the massive repairs were under way (especially to save the massive doom NOT to be collapsed) they decided to be used also as a mosque and First APOLLO ROCKET S ( Minarets with no rocket engine in it ) surrander around like the GUARDIAN ANGELS around the st.Sofia . This was additional blessing for the poor architect and being massive with its own complications to be collapse . What means is due to the TO BE USED ALSO A MOSQUE the Turks did more extra supports and repairs Rather than low profile repairs ) But this is not the end of the story….after the Turkish achtitecs satisfied the health of the st.Sofia They remember the Emporer King Konstantin said in the past which was the HE WAS GOING TO BUILT A CHURCH ( St.Sofia) IT WOULD THE BIGGEST AND NOTHING LIKE ANY AROUND LIKE THAT and the Turkish architects took this as a challence since they fixed the collapsing st.Sofia The TURKISH SULTAN got excited and told the Turkish architects I WANT YOU GUYS BUILT A MOUSQE RIGHT ACROOS OF THE st.SOFIA BIGGER THAN HIS . THAT HOW THE BLUE MOSQUE BORN which is facing the St,Sophia . Today St,Sofia is a Museum to be enjoyed to Christian and Moslem architects all in one TO THE ANYBODY IN THE WORLD (This is a sample of one of stories regarding Turks Which the Lucifier (the devil The seytan ) DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW and turns upside-down the realty throw dirt over the Turks and endorsed by the anti-mose jews ,anti-jesus Christians and their priests and Rabbies in any subjects over a evil kick etc.

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