‘Turkish Authorities Manipulate People’: Turkey Shares Armenians’ Pain

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armenians istanbulTurkish authorities have to recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915, they have to accept their crime, so that the Armenians’ pain can be a little lessened. This is the opinion of Istanbul Armenian Sasun Estukyan, who, along with a few hundred others, participated in the Armenian Genocide memorial organized in Istanbul’s Taksim Square on Apr. 24. Recall, similar events were organized in other Turkish cities: Anakara, Diyarbakir, Bodrum.

Speaking to an Epress.am correspondent in Istanbul, Sasun said recognition of the Armenian Genocide is extremely important. “It’s important only in one sense: our pain will be lessened. And not only recognition, but also they have to apologize; they have to say we were wrong, forgive us.”

Another participant in Sunday’s memorial, Turkish student Esla Elmas said Turkey’s recognition of the genocide is important for the two nations, so that they may peacefully co-exist in this region.

“We share the Armenians’ pain; each person has to realize that without sharing the pain, the grief, the two nations cannot live together — these same peoples who lived together in a geographical area for centuries. Let’s forget the authorities: they often manipulate people, and ordinary people commit murders, as happened in 1915. We are not murderers and we’re not those old Turks, and we must show this by sharing the Armenians’ pain,” said Elmas.

Bekir Avjyn of Kurdish origin also participating in the Apr. 24 memorial gathering said he’s participating for one reason: so that he doesn’t think like Turkish nationalists and he doesn’t perceive the events as they do.

“Of course, you can’t bring back history, but for humanity and democracy it’s necessary for Turkish authorities to recognize the Genocide. We cannot forgive and forget even the death of one person,” he said.

Source: Epress – Originial Article

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