https://www.washingtonpost.com/, 05/01//2011
https://www.washingtonpost.com/, 05/01//2011
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TURKDEMOCRAT. TURKDEMOCRAT said: http://www.turkishforum.com.tr/en/content/2011/01/06/islamic-group-is-cia-front-ex-turkish-intel-chief-says/ […]
I wouldn’t trust a word out of the mouth of Graham Fuller. Fuller claims he barely knows of Gulen, yet at the same time talks out of his mouth about the letter Fuller wrote in support of Gulen’s Green Card. Fuller seems to be side stepping his involvement with the Gulen Movement (Hizmet).
Why is it that the Gulen Institute in Washington DC had a presentation with Fuller when he was promoting his new book ” A World Without Islam?” It’s not like the CIA is going to admit to any of this.
You must admit it is odd that the Gulen Movement has managed to infiltrate the USA Educational Charter System with 122 Charter Schools. While immigrating unqualified teachers from Turkey, for PE, Art, English, ESL and other positions that could easily be handled by the many out of work American credentialed teachers.
This abuse of h1-b Visas by the Gulen Schools is the largest even larger than the Los Angeles School District.
Are we to understand that the USCIS is just allowing these people in because ‘they cannot find workers in the USA?”
Wise up America. Here is a part of Islamic Imam Muhammed Fethullah Gulen’s speech that got him exiled out of Turkey.
“You must work through the arteries of the system until you reach all power centers”
In Turkey and abroad the Gulen Movement has managed this by controlling and manipulating: Media (Gulen owns many Turkish news) Interfaith Dialog, Education, Police and Military.
If you don’t think this same model is active in the USA, you need to do your research on the Gulen Movement and the school as well as the network of Gulen NGOs layered around the schools that are the receipants of $millions in tax money intended for education.
Lastly learn why ex-FBI Turkish Translator turned whistleblower Sibel Deniz Edmonds called Gulen “100% threat to American Security”
I do endorse ex -Turkish intellegence comments Furthure more I can say that CIA Mossad same thing U.S and Israel same policies Mossad represent Anti-moses jews and CIA represent anti-jesus christans acts For them only one target is Islamic world activities and threat to them Because THE KORAN covers old and new testament and expose this anti-moses jews and anti-jesus activities. According to tactics of CIA and Mossad Gulen ofcourse fonded by them aid to schools (money computers etc) , teachers .That is why Gule is pussy cat not to say anyhting against anti-moses jews or anti-jesus Christians and Let them capture or profile Moslems who say about this evil trade-off only limited to earthly earnings of the Anti-moses jews and anti -jesus christians NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GOD but linked to directly to the LUCIFIER (seytan-devil ) IN THIS SENARYO GULEN IS USED AS A VEHICLE and MUST LIVE UP TO THE TERMS OF THE LUCIFIER and keep QUIT and LET THE CIA and MOSSAD screen if there is a loud mouth will be threat for them or militarly go to other countries by killing spreas……..Still you are not conves Here is THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ( the ten centences of the check list and compare with events ans as a result if the action do not fit that you are anti-Moses jew or anti-jesus Christian IT IS THAT SIMPLE and there is no guessing or debate is needed. Also when the NOAH s ARK landed there was waiting (greeting host ) in the port as usual That host name was the Lucifier and when anti-Moses jews and anti-Jesus Christians embarking the ship they hand shaked with the Lucifier and they got the GRAND DEED (tapu ) and they had to work for the Lucifier (devil -seytan ) That is how Anti-moses jews and Christians continue their works which is ONLY EARTHLY EARNINGS ( The Ten Commandment is a threat for them always and they will try to crowl in your bed when you are away from THE TEN COMMANDMENT (The explanations giving to you is not in order and just to make the point only ) Also you use a back-up to regulate your brain waves by listening http://www.yayinonline.com/radyo/Anadolunun_Sesi.asp# From list select ANADOLUNUN SESI best sterio music which will cure all your problems and regulate your brain waves GUARANTEE …. If you disconnected click over TRIANGLE MARK.(+)mark volume increase.(-)mark volume decrease ….
It was Fuller who wrote the letter declaring that Gulen was not a threat to this country. Now all of a sudden he saying he doesn’t know the guy? This is BS.
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