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Here’s when a ‘mass killing’ can be determined as a ‘genocide’ and when it cannot.

It took me years and years of scientific research.

Read, learn!

Killers: Muslims
Victims: Christians
Definiton: It’s definitely a Genocide

Killers: Christians
Victims: Muslims
Definiton: It’s definitely not a Genocide. Please refer to such events as “War” or “Civil Conflict”

Killers: Germans, French, Dutch, Poles, Greeks, Armenians, Slavs etc.
Victims: European Jews
Definiton: It’s a Genocide – But only the Germans are guilty.

Killers: Muslims
Victims: Muslims
Definiton: It’s a Genocide (If the victims are the West’s allies or the killers are the West’s enemy)
It’s not a Genocide (If the killers are the West’s allies or the victims are the West’s enemy)

Killers: Christians
Victims: Christians
Definiton: Incomplete data. Unable to make a judgment. Please provide the skin color of the killers and the victims.

Killers: The West
Victims: Peoples of the 3rd World
Definiton: Definitely not a Genocide. Use terms like Anti-Terrorism, Overseas conflict, War against oppressive


By Midas

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4 responses to “GENOCIDE FOR DUMMIES . . .”

  1. How true, how true!!

  2. How does this calculus work with Turkey’s defense of Bashir in Sudan, a Moslem, killing Christians and animists in Darfur?

    or the routine killings in Pakistan, a celebrated Turkish ally, of native Christians?

    or the equally routine oppression and killings of Christians in Indonesia?

    where is the Turkish voice for humanity

    or how is it that the US condemned and acted militarily to stop aggression by Serb, Christians, against Muslim Kosovars and Albanians if this whingeing piece were true?

  3. Hey Chuckels, the JDA Clown,

    Can you say mass Christian murders? Who killed more people in history, you pompous ass? From the Crusades to the Spanish Inquisition, to the witch trials in Europe, to the mass killings of native American Indians, to the German genocides of the Hereoes at the turn of the century (actually, the first true genocide of the 20th century), to the British massacring thousands of natives South Africans and their slave trades, to the US soldiers massacring thousands of Fillipinos in the first few years of the 20th century (again, one of the first genocides of the 20th century), to the British killing off thousands in India, to the French massacres in Algeria, to the Russians slaughtering thousands of Jews in eastern Europe in 1914-1915 (thus forcing the British to produce the propagandal Blue Book of 1915-1916!), to the Germans killing over six million Jews, to the US soldiers massacring hundreds of Korean civilians during the Korean War, To My Lai, to the 2.5 million who died as a result of aggressive dashnak Armenian actions before, during and after WWI, to the Armenians committing still more genocides in Azerbaijan and georgi in 1992-1994, to Armenian terroists killing and wounding almost a thousand during the 1970’s-1980’s, etc. So, comparing Christians to Moslems (in this case that YOU brought up, Turks), who killed more innocent people?

    Time for your clown show, isn’t it Chuckles!!! Don’t forget to wear your “uniform”!!

  4. Rebecca Olesen Avatar
    Rebecca Olesen

    :You suck shit, you worthless nutsack – muslims are responsible for the deaths of at least 270,000,000 people over the centuries AND let’s not forget 140,000,000 of those were black african slaves, something you goat fuckers fail to mention. You also fail to mention the crusades started in response to the muslim attacks of christian lands – why can’t you just fucking die already?

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