Prime Minister Erdogan Finally Admits

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Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing
In a daring statement, Prime Minister Rejeb Erdogan admitted for the first time, that the expulsion from Turkey of tens of thousands of ethnic Greeks in the last century was a “fascist” act, Reuters reported.
Some commentators viewed Erdogan’s remarks as a reference to the expulsion of 1.5 million ethnic Greeks from Turkey to Greece in 1923. The large-scale population exchange between the two countries also included the transfer of more than 500,000 ethnic Turks from Greece to Turkey.
Other observers thought that Erdogan was referring to the pillaging of thousands of Greek shops and houses by Turkish mobs in Istanbul on Sept. 6-7, 1955, following the spread of false reports that Atatürk’s house in Thessaloniki, Greece had been burned down.
Beyond the expulsion of Greeks, Erdogan made an indirect reference to the tragic fate of other ethnic groups, such as Armenians, in Turkey. “For years, those of different identities have been kicked out of our country.… This was not done with common sense. This was done with a fascist approach,” Erdogan said on May 23, during the annual congress of the Justice and Development Party, held in the western province of Düzce.
“For many years,” Erdogan continued, “various facts took place in this country to the detriment of ethnic minorities who lived here. They were ethnically cleansed because they had a different ethnic cultural identity. The time has arrived for us to question ourselves about why this happened and what we have learned from all of this. There has been no analysis of this right up until now. In reality, this behavior is the result of a fascist conception. We have also fallen into this grave error.”
The Turkish Prime Minister’s candid remarks were harshly criticized by opposition parties. Onur Oymen, vice president of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) said that associating Turkey’s history with terms like fascism based on hearsay was not right. He also said that no Turkish citizen had ever been expelled because of his or her ethnic background. Oktay Vural of the opposition MHP party added: “Erdogan’s words are an insult to the Turkish nation.”
In sharp contrast, liberal Turkish commentators praised Erdogan for his conciliatory remarks: “For the first time you have a prime minister who wants to admit that mistakes were made in the treatment of religious minorities. This is historic,” wrote journalist Sami Kohen in Milliyet. “But whether this rhetoric will be followed with deeds, remains to be seen.”
Hürriyet Daily News added: Erdogan’s speech was historic; it was the first time that a high official accepted there have been unlawful and undemocratic practices against minorities in the past. This sentiment was echoed by Prof. Halil Berktay in Vatan newspaper: “That statement was the most courageous thing ever said by Erdogan.” Baskin Oran, another academic well-known for his liberal views, told Star newspaper that he was “proud of a prime minister who denounces ethnic and religious cleansing.”
CNN-Turk News Director Ridvan Akar was more skeptical about Erdogan’s true intentions. He wrote in Vatan: “Minority rights as well as those of religious foundations are a structural problem within the Turkish state. Of course, Erdogan has taken a step forward with this declaration. But the sincerity of his words will depend on facts to back them up, such as the restitution of rights to those who have been expelled, the return of confiscated properties, or compensation.”
The Prime Minister’s statement is encouraging, if it is an indication that Turkey’s leaders have finally decided to face the ugly chapters of their country’s past.
However, it would be wrong to draw overly optimistic conclusions from this single statement. Erdogan has made similar comments about the Kurds in Turkey, only to have their hopes dashed by taking unexpected repressive measures against them.
The fact is that Erdogan is not the master of his political domain. The “fascists” he attacks are not buried in an Ottoman historical grave, but are alive and well in Turkish society and occupy the highest echelons of the military and judiciary.
Yet, Erdogan is politically shrewd enough to realize that his condemnation of fascism would resonate at home and in the West, and win him accolades and support against his powerful domestic opponents.
Erdogan’s battle against the ghosts of the Turkish past is in fact a fight for his political survival against those in today’s Turkey who view him and his Islamic party with deep suspicion, and are determined to counter his every move, ultimately seeking his downfall from power.

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3 responses to “Prime Minister Erdogan Finally Admits”

  1. KARAHAN METE Avatar

    Basbakan agiznda cikani kulagi duymuyor.

    Basbakan “Yıllarca bu ülkede bir şeyler yapıldı. Farklı etnik kimlikte olanlar ülkemizden kovuldu. Acaba kazandık mı? Bu aslında faşizan bir yaklaşımın neticesiydi” gini dudyunca benim kanim dondu. Bu ulkeyi fasizmin cizmesinden kurtaran Ataturke, silah arkadasalarin ve sehitlerimizi fasitlike suclayan bir basbakanin akli dengesinin yerinde olmadigini dusunuyorum. Bu sozler Turkiye Cunhuriyetine ihanettir, insanliga ihanettir. Bir ulkenin basbakani kurtulus savasini veren Ataturk eve silah arakadaslarina karsi fasit diyemez. Bunu soyleyen bir basbakan benim gozumde vatan hainidir. Imam hatipte belki tarih dersi okumadi veya TC tarihi kendisine yanlis anlatildi. “ Kelam biliyorsan kelam eyle kelamindan kelam alsinlar, kelam bilmiyorsa susta seni adma sansinlar” sayin basbakana duyrulur bu sanli Turk milleti hicbir zaman irkici olmamisatir, fasit olmamistir. Dunyaya medeniyeti, bilimi ilmi yayan insanligi ogreten bizim atalarimizdir. Halen bizim yaptigimiz koprulerden geciyor, hamamlarinda yikaniyor, yollarinda yuruyorlar.

    Sayin basbakana Canakkaleyi Turistik mekan gibi ziyaret ediyor herhalde. Belki tarih bilgisi yok fakat orada Ataturkun Avusturalayali askerlerin analarina yazdigi yaziyidami gormedi. Dusmanina kin duymayan, onlari kendi kardesiymis gibi goren dunyada baska bir lider yoktur. Millete yoktur. Sen bu toplumu ne hakla fasitlikle suclayabiliyorsun? Sen kimin basbakanisin?

    Mehmet Akfin misralarindan bir bolumu hatirtlamak isterim. “
    “Şu Boğaz harbi nedir? Var mı ki dünyâda eşi?
    En kesif orduların yükleniyor dördü beşi.
    -Tepeden yol bularak geçmek için Marmara’ya-
    Kaç donanmayla sarılmış ufacık bir karaya.
    Ne hayâsızca tehaşşüd ki ufuklar kapalı!
    Nerde-gösterdiği vahşetle ‘bu: bir Avrupalı’
    Dedirir-Yırtıcı, his yoksulu, sırtlan kümesi,
    Varsa gelmiş, açılıp mahbesi, yâhud kafesi!
    Eski Dünyâ, yeni Dünyâ, bütün akvâm-ı beşer,
    Kaynıyor kum gibi, mahşer mi, hakikat mahşer.
    Yedi iklimi cihânın duruyor karşında,
    Avusturalya’yla beraber bakıyorsun: Kanada!
    Çehreler başka, lisanlar, deriler rengârenk:
    Sâde bir hâdise var ortada: Vahşetler denk.
    Kimi Hindû, kimi yamyam, kimi bilmem ne belâ…
    Hani, tâuna da züldür bu rezil istilâ!
    Ah o yirminci asır yok mu, o mahlûk-i asil,
    Ne kadar gözdesi mevcûd ise hakkıyle, sefil,
    Kustu Mehmedciğin aylarca durup karşısına;
    Döktü karnındaki esrârı hayâsızcasına.
    Maske yırtılmasa hâlâ bize âfetti o yüz…
    Medeniyyet denilen kahbe, hakikat, yüzsüz.
    Sonra mel’undaki tahribe müvekkel esbâb,
    Öyle müdhiş ki: Eder her biri bir mülkü harâb.”
    Vurulmuş tertemiz alnından, uzanmış yatıyor,
    Bir hilâl uğruna, yâ Rab, ne güneşler batıyor!
    Ey, bu topraklar için toprağa düşmüş, asker!
    Gökten ecdâd inerek öpse o pâk alnı değer.
    Ne büyüksün ki kanın kurtarıyor Tevhid’i…
    Bedr’in arslanları ancak, bu kadar şanlı idi.
    Sana dar gelmeyecek makberi kimler kazsın?
    “Gömelim gel seni tarihe” desem, sığmazsın.
    Herc ü merc ettiğin edvâra da yetmez o kitâb…
    Seni ancak ebediyyetler eder istiâb.
    “Bu, taşındır” diyerek Kâ’be’yi diksem başına;
    Ruhumun vahyini duysam da geçirsem taşına;
    Sonra gök kubbeyi alsam da ridâ namıyle,
    Kanayan lâhdine çeksem bütün ecrâmıyle;
    Mor bulutlarla açık türbene çatsam da tavan,
    Yedi kandilli Süreyyâ’yı uzatsam oradan;
    Sen bu âvizenin altında, bürünmüş kanına;
    Uzanırken, gece mehtâbı getirsem yanına,
    Türbedârın gibi tâ fecre kadar bekletsem;
    Gündüzün fecr ile âvizeni lebriz etsem;
    Tüllenen mağribi, akşamları sarsam yarana…
    Yine bir şey yapabildim diyemem hatırana.”

    Sn. basbakan fasitleri bu topraklardan cannini feda ederek cikartan torunlayiz. Bizim ecdadimiz kuferden daha anasinin karnindan dogmadi. “Bourlenme padisahim senden buyukl allah var” senden buyuk Turk milleti var. Bir gun bunlarin hesabini yuce divada verdigini gorebilmek benim en buyuk arzumdur. Seni ne AB nede ABD Turk adaletinin elinden kuratacaktir. Seninle isleri bitince suyu sikilmis limon kabugu gibi atacaklarinda hic suphen olamsin.

  2. Mr. Erdogan,
    Unfortunately, mere words… mere apology would not heal the wounds!


    Turkey must face its past, the monstrous crime of the Armenian Genocide.

    Atmenian Genocide was the template for FASCISM!!!

    The Germans had the bravery to acknowledge Holocaust and paid substantial compensation to the victims’ families.

    Germany erects memorials to immortalize its own shame!!!

    Is Mr. Erdogan ready to follow to the Germans behaivour???

    Turkey destroyed the whole nation’s future, they have caused great pain to my people.It was terrible, monstrous crime against their citizens.

    We cannot forget.

    We remember 94 years!!!!!!!!!

    Armenians demand justice!

  3. Robert Avatar



    How about Armenians must face their past and beg forgiveness in front of the UN!!! 2.5 million people dead as a result of Dashnak Armenian traitorous treachary is certainly a lot of souls to account for, isn’t it? Armenians can NEVER openly discuss the PAINS which they inflicted upon so many people over the past century, can they? No, for to do so would open the door to far too many inquieries which the Armenian diaspora is simply not prepared to EVER deal with (they just wouldn’t be able to spread their BS Armenian Dashnak propaganda fast enough, far enough, or thick enough to counter all of the questions bound to be asked)! You DEMAND justice! Really! Tell me, has the world ever witnessed such a group of WHINNERS such as you Armenians? You DEMAND this and DEMAND that, like the planet owes you a living! Just who in the HELL do you think you are anyway? The world is sick and tired of your constant DEMANDS!! Per capita, Armenia is the biggest welfare nation on the planet, as they recieve the largest amount of foreign aide!! Go to Glendale, CA sometime and see for yourself how many Armenians who live there are on the welfare rolls! Armenians DEMAND justice huh?! Okay. Sit tight and wait for the real justice that Dashnak Armenians are going to receive soon enough for their heinous actions over the past century! You’re all going to get everything that’s coming to you…everything that you deserve!! 🙂


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