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Örnegin son günlerde Ermeni meselesi konusunda ciddi bir gelisme vardir. Alman Sol Partisi’nin (Die Linke) 7 temmuz 2008 tarihinde federal hükümetin yanitlamasi istegiyle bir soru önergesi vermisti. Konu: genelde sözde Ermeni soykirimi, özelde ise bu konuda Alman protestan rahip Johannes Lepsius’un oynadigi rol ve Lepsius’un adina Potsdam sehrinde açilmasi düsünülen bir Arastirma ve kültürler arasi diyalogu gelistirme evi’nin (Lepsius Haus) açilmasi. Sorulan sorular oldukca ilginç…..

Lepsius-Haus, Potsdam

1.      Örnegin Lepsius’un yayinladigi dosyalarda manipule olup olmadigi?
2.      Alman hükümetinin konuya nasil yaklastigi?
3.      Hükümetin öngörülen kuruma maddi yardim yapip yapmayacagi?
4.      Türk tarafinin ve bilhassa Almanya’daki türk kuruluslarinin olaya yaklasimlari ve bu konuda tepki alinip alinmadigi?

Sorularin ilginç oldugu kadar cevaplarda ilginç. Hükümet 8 agustos 2008 de vermis oldugu yanitda dosyalarda manipule oldugunu kabul ediyor. Kurulacak kurumla ilgili kararlarin ise henüz olgunlasmadigini. En ilginci, Almanyada’ki türk göçmen kuruluslardan konu hakkinda her hangi bir elestiri almadiklarini özellikle vurguluyorlar. Sol Parti tarafindan, kurulmasi düsünülen bu kurumun yönetimini türk ve ermeni kökenli olan kisilere verilip verilmeyecegi soruluyor. Burasi bizim için çok önemli. Madem karsilikli diyalogu (Ermeni, Türk ve Almanlar arasinda) gelistirecek bir kurumun kurulmasi gerekiyor, o zaman yönetiminide pekala Türk-Ermeni-Alman üçlüsüne vermek en mantiklisi olmaz mi? Geçmiste oldugu gibi burasi tek tarafli olarak Ermenilerin savlarini güçlendirmek ve propagandalarini yaymak için çalisan bir kurum haline gelmeyecek ve toplumlar arasi diyalogu artirmasi düsünülüyorsa, o zaman yönetiminide tarafsiz sekilde paylastirmak gerekmiyormu? Ve gözümüz adin degerli Türk STÖ’leri, nihayet Alman hükümeti Lepsius Evi’nin açilmasina karar vermis (Potsadmer Neueste Nachrichten, 26.05.09).

Dr. Ali Sak




Herzlich Willkommen auf
der Internetseite des Förderveins Lepsiushaus Potsdam e.V. Momentan arbeiten wir
intensiv an der Fertigstellung unserer Seite.


Ashes and Pheonix

Documentary film on the life and work of Johannes Lepsius by Merlyn Solakhan and Manfred Blank

The German theologian Johannes Lepsius was the founder of the Armenian Relief Organization and is regarded today as the “Guardian Angel of the Armenians”. When the genocide of the Armenian people in Turkey reach its height in 1915, Lepsius traveled to Turkey, collected testimonies from witnesses and other records documenting the crime. He later published these in Germany under the title “The Death March of the Armenian People”, which was banned shortly thereafter. In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of his birth in 2008, this project will present a documentary film and video installation about Lepsius’s life. The film examines the historical evidence, tracing the path the Armenians took on their death marches through Turkey and the Syrian Desert. It also highlights the current situation of the Armenians living in Turkey today. Both the documentary film and video installation will be presented in cinemas and international cultural institutions.

Artistic director: Merlyn Solakhan
Research consultant: Hermann Goltz

Schedule and venues:
Film and audio-visual installation:
beginning 28 June 2009 Filmmuseum Potsdam, Lepsius-Haus Potsdam, OWZ at the Martin-Luther-Universität zu Halle-Wittenberg, German-Armenian Society Frankfurt/Main, Yerevan Action Art Center, Center of Arts and Culture at the Sabanci University Istanbul, Catholicosat Art Center of Cilicia, Antelias / Lebanon

Film presentation:
Armenian communities in Berlin, Frankfurt / Main, Cologne, Munich Bielefeld, Nürnberg, Duisburg, Kehl; Armenian Cultural Association in Hamburg;
German community of Merano (I); Armenian Cultural Centre in Alfortville (F);
“Golden Apricot” International Film Festival (Yerevan/Armenia) (July 2009)


blankfilm Manfred Blank Filmproduktion
Potsdamer Str. 116
10785 Berlin


From Lepsius (in English translation):

originales allemandes :
Original German

Archives Johannes Lepsius
The Archives Johannes

Les archives
Lepsius de l’université Martin Luther Halle-Wittenberg ont été intégralement
publiées par Hermann Goltz et Axel Meissner sous le titre Deutschland,
Armenien und die Türkei 1895-1925
[Allemagne, Arménie et Turquie,
Lepsius Archives of the Martin Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg have been fully published by Hermann Goltz and Axel Meissner
under Deutschland, die Türkei und Armenien 1895-1925 [Germany, Armenia
and Turkey, 1895-1925].
Il s’agit d’une publication tripartite : This is a
publication tripartite

– Première partie : Catalogue des documents et revues des
Archives Lespuis.
– Part One: List of documents and journals Lespuis
622 pages
622 pages

– Deuxième partie
: l’ensemble des archives Lepsuis en 317 mircofiches, environ 40.000
– Part Two: all archives Lepsuis in 317 mircofiches approximately
40,000 pages

– Troisième partie : un lexique thématique des personnes,
lieux institutions, et événements.
– Part Three: a thematic dictionary of
persons, institutions, places, and events.

Pour les
références précises, la description du contenu de ses archives, consulter la
page de l’université : BEEINDRUCKENDE
For specific
references, the description of the contents of its archives, visit the
university: Beeindruckende

Lepsius :
On Lepsius:

internet externes:
External internet

Livres ou
brochures parus à l’époque
sur le génocide en allemand :

Books or pamphlets published at the time about
the genocide in German:

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