Armenian Attorneys Respond To Court Appeal of German Companies

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By Harut Sassounian

Publisher, The California Courier


Attorneys for Armenian heirs of life insurance policyholders filed a powerful response last month to the petition of German companies seeking a rehearing by a federal appeals court. The majority of a three-member panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled in favor of the Armenians’ right to pursue their demand for unpaid claims, reversing an earlier ruling by the majority of the same panel of judges.


The response of the Armenian lawyers dealt a devastating blow not only to the German insurance companies, but also to the Republic of Turkey which had shamelessly filed a “friend of the court” petition in support of the German defendants. It is ironic that instead of Germany, the Turkish government is the one objecting to the lawsuit against the German firms!


The Armenian claimants asked the Court of Appeals to deny the German petition for a rehearing. The German defendants had based their appeal on the contention that the California State statute extending the deadline for filing claims against insurance companies was unconstitutional because the law’s endorsement of the Armenian Genocide contradicts the federal government’s foreign policy.


The Armenian attorneys contested the German defendants’ claim by asserting that “there have been no negative foreign policy repercussions from statutes and/or enactments promulgated” by more than 40 U.S. states on the Armenian Genocide. The attorneys further stated that while several U.S. Presidents have objected to congressional resolutions on the Armenian Genocide, there have been many other statements by the federal executive and legislative branches in favor of such recognition. The attorneys specifically mentioned the two congressional resolutions on the Armenian Genocide adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives in 1975 and 1984, as well as Pres. Reagan’s reference to the Armenian Genocide in his Presidential Proclamation of 1981.


The attorneys asserted that previous U.S. Administrations maintained a “deafening silence” while more than 40 U.S. states recognized the Armenian Genocide, without constituting any threat to U.S. foreign policy. Furthermore, even if past Administrations were opposed to congressional resolutions on the Genocide issue, there would be no reason to object to local and state resolutions, as they would have no impact on U.S. foreign policy.


The Armenian attorneys cited previous court decisions asserting that State statutes could be challenged on the basis of the foreign affairs doctrine only if they conflicted with “an expressed unmistakable executive treaty, Congressional enactment or executive policy.” The attorneys reasoned that the courts had ruled a similar California statute on the Holocaust to be invalid because the federal government had created a Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States, obviating the need for separate Holocaust-related lawsuits. No federal commission has been established to regulate lawsuits related to the Armenian Genocide. Another key difference in the two cases is that the Armenian plaintiffs are not seeking restitution, but only the recovery of insurance benefits owed to them.


The Armenian attorneys also made the convincing argument that even if previous Administrations have had contradictory stands on the Armenian Genocide, “there is no evidence of an express federal policy banning the term ‘Armenian Genocide’ in legislative enactments by the States.”


The Armenian lawyers proceeded to slam the “friend of the court” petition filed by the Republic of Turkey, which claimed that the California statute conflicted with federal foreign policy on the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian attorneys asserted that “Turkey does not create or dictate United States foreign policy; only the United States government can do that.” Turkey’s allegation that “the current Administration opposes recognition of the Armenian Genocide are flatly contradicted by President Barack Obama’s own statements. As Senator and presidential candidate, he spoke forcefully on the Armenian Genocide. As President, he reasserted: “I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view of that history has not changed.”


Finally, the Armenian legal team pointed out that this case also safeguards the right of the State of California to regulate insurance companies operating within its borders. Thus, overturning the California statute on Armenian insurance policyholders would “impair California’s interest in providing individuals with access to its courts to resolve disputes concerning insurance policies held by them and issued by companies doing business in the State.”


Based on these powerful arguments — and the “friend of the court” briefs filed by several major law firms and organizations to be discussed in a future column — it is hoped that the federal Court of Appeals will rule against the German insurance companies’ petition for a rehearing. Should the German firms lose the appeal, they have the final recourse of petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court.


It is critical for Armenians to win these appeals in order to protect not only the interests of the heirs of insurance policyholders, but also to prevent Turkish denialists from exploiting this lawsuit to invalidate decades of efforts in support of Genocide recognition in the United States.


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One response to “Armenian Attorneys Respond To Court Appeal of German Companies”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    …….AND HERE ARE THE RESPONDES FOR THE REPAIDING PROBLEMS…… Easy steps with explanations (educational)n for the DUMMIES ;About human misery in the world and how it works with the anti-Moses Jews and anti-Jesus Christians ( became joint venture and blessed by the anti-Moses Rabbies and anti-Jesus Priests) Here is the formula and how equals to the Lucifier (the devil ,the seytan ) ANTI-MOSES JEWS plus ANTI-JESUS CHRISTIANS equals THE LUCIFIER (this is THE FORMULA ) (Turkcesi ; Ruh yapisi gelismemis insanlarin dunyadaki muzurluklarinin nereden geldigini aciklayan basit ornekler deki bas aktor olan anti-musali yahudi ve anti -isali hiristiyan ve de onlarin anti-musali Hahambaslari ve anti-isali papazlarinin musterek olarak bunu bile entrikalarla paraya ceviren sirketler (masa altindan veya masa ustunden olan mafia tarzi) konumunda yurutmeleri FORMUL le aciklanmistir ve formul soyle cikmistir ANTI-MUSALI YAHUDI arti ANTI-ISA LI HIRISTIYAN esittir SEYTAN (Iste dunyadaki muzurluklar bu formulle yuruyor) Asagidakiler egitimsel maksatli olup insan muzurlugunu (( insan icindeki seytani )) de-sifre eden cok yonlu aciklamalar olup bedavadir.Izin almaya gerek yoktur.Dunya capinda iyi bir insanliga yol gosterme amaclidir…….
    HEAD START UNLIMITED ART PROJECTS TO THE ANTI-MOSES JEWS and ANTI-JESUS CHRISTIANS AND WHERE TO DISPLAY THEM RIGH TFULLY ( The Proper place to displace is top of the Mount Ararat next to the NOAH s ARK (Nuhun Gemisi )) THE THEMA OF THE ART ( KONU ) When the armens was embarking the NOAH s ship they hand sake with THE LUCIFIER (the devil – the seytan ) the geeting host for the ship ……They got THE GRAND DEED (tapu ) of the region and in return they had the kill their ship mates and anybody elses beside them around Mt.Ararat and around that region and also THEY HAVE TO SPREAD THE LUCIFIER VIRUS (seytan mikrobu ) AROUND THE WORLD and ayrica Ortodoks kiliselerinin de sadece ortodokuz cekmeleri icin kullanilmasi sart kosulmus mus that deal still is going on as we speaking now. (agri-Dagi ismini boylece BUTUN AGRILARIN geldigi yer olmasindan almistir….Turk dilindeki essiz ve bir cok yerlerde hakli ve manidar isimlerinden ,sifreli , nedenlerinin gizliligine , en guzel bir ornek ,her zaman incelemege alinirsa aciklik getiren , hedefli ve nedeni olan , gizemli deyisler.le dolup tasarlar….). and now ,as we are speaking . continue ,.Also , that is why Mt.Ararat , so important to them(you see since Noah Ark , they killed ,lots of NON-Armes, (therefore KAN TUTMASI etkisi altinda kaldilar….)
    Unfortunatelly,their mess backed by the Ortodoxs priests and they are only limited , blessing the mess only… so, they can pocket money too…(Ortadokuz cekmekle mesguller…) ((( ATTENTION ; Zillions reasons why everybody MUST LEARN TURKISH ……pure,simple, and NO OTHER LANGUAGE SAME AS TURKISH and 100 percent phonotic (only language in the earth which means 100 percent write the same and read it as you write ….) and even trying to translate of meaning of the someting in TURKISH to the other languages IT CAN NOT BE SAME AS TURKISH WHAT IT MEANS 100 PERCENT ACCURACY FOR THAT PERSON HEAD START .(( Hedefi 12 den vuran TURKCE ve kisinin dunyada en ust kaliteli bir insan olmasina yarari))Another word you be lucky try to explain half an hour approxcimetly what that means generally in other languages etc… GUES WHO ELSES YOU MIGHT HAVE FUN WITH IT

    Since 1453 (finishing corrupt Christian anti-Jesus Byzantin empire ) the Turks shaped -up ISTANBUL (GOD indicating in THE KORAN to be finished like the JEROCO , SINNERS CITY and WALLS FALL DOWN and destroyed BY THE GOD which mentioned in OLD TESTAMENT ) and presented to the world with along whereever they haven been in throught in human usual….. The Turks made up from mixture of 12 tribes of ABRAHAM ( according to GOD an WHAT DOES IT MEANS TO YO U and you should be belong there too (( NE MUTLU TURKUM DIYENE From Ataturk suddenly said himself in high spirit while he was fighting evil anti-moses jews and anti-jesus christians and even without him realize fully extent of the projects how the God selected him for many things for his purposes to be continue – Highly recommended to read his all speaches -NUTUKS in Turkish )) .Recently Scientices finding IN GENOMS EVERBODY RELATING THE TURKS and even DOGS SPREADED THE WORLD WITH TURKS (central Asia todays Gobi Desert) even the DOGS LOVED THE TURKS and find shaltered and became loyal to the turks AND SPREADED THE WORLD WITH THEM whereever Turks went if you have gots to belive reality and not with the LUCIFIER (devi) ) (as a collections of from those free spirtited peoples and chosen by the GOD AND LABELED AS TURK ,TURKIC TRIBES known to the world ) ( THE GOD same GOD translating arabic called Allah shown in old and new testament and KORAN ) and Turks chosen by the God to step-on the tails of the anti-moses jews and anti-jesus Christians (devil-seytan server ) TO BE ABLE TO CONTERSEPT AS A CATALIZER FOR THE WORK OF THE GOD (Good vesus Evil Also written in old and New Testament and The KORAN God said that GOOD SHALL OVERCOME THE DEVIL ) FOR THE WORLD PEACE BALANCE (Ataturk even said PEACE AT HOME PEACE IN THE WORLD without knowingly fully religious aspect of it why and you see i have not seen him with TURBAN like religious scholar or in pretending giving shows like others at all and He was straigth TURKISH without knowing full extent of HOW GOD LOVED HIM SO MUCH and I BET ON IT ON THE OTHER HAND JUST LOOK LIKE OTHER PEOPLE Like Demonized poeople which hates Turks and they dont know they are under THE LUCIFIER (the Devil and still call theirself religos and kill theirselfd and you ).Any person or country against TURK or TURKIC ethnics YOU ARE UNDER DEVIL MEANS Because you are fooling yourself also as explained above (this is like breaking codes and explaining beetween the good and Evil ) beside of anything else called DEVIL ACT and always say opposite and do opposite of this (explained in old testament for jews and explained in New testament (for second chance for jews and Christians AND THE KORAN IS REPAITING BOTH OF IT AS FINAL WARNINGS TO THE MANKIND (not limited only moslems in Arabs which the same God used them as vehicle just did for the jews from the begining ) OFCOURSE God warned the man you have a supernatural company called THE LUCIFIER and will always will oppose to you and THE GOD ( Man Tested in Heaven with apple story (symbolic) and also named that WISDOM OF TREE ( what was mean of it is if you bypassing the honesty and you will BECOME A SMART ASS while you are being there and do not be against the perfect hormany of the universal laws with along the full privalage was giving to you . As seen throught human history Turks and Turkic tribes used from God as a back-up TO BE ENCOUNTER THE ANTI_MOSES JEWS AND ANTI -JESUS CHRISTIANS WITH ALL COST ( GOD s WILD CARD ) without even them noticed why and The devil in them labaled the Turks as Barbarians while they were the barbarians WHICH THEY FORGOT THE QUICK GUIDELINE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS EVEN and THE TURKS AND TURKIC TRIBES DID NOT KNOW EXCATLY -FULLY of their HOLLY TRAIL for the same God as we speak know (the Koran giving some clues on that and SMILING with lots of complementary ways ) My writing doe not intent one of those man-make (devil infulunce ) promotion over one to another .How many man goes under the devil and do evil acts and still claims with that religion and say he or she was with the same God again and again and hides behind the Lucifier (devil-Seytan) with a mask REMEMBER GOD WARNED YOU FOR and THIS WAITING CHALLANCE and ADDED QICK GUIDLINE which called THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (only ten centences) which jews Christians and Moslems ARE BINDING WITH IT without braging on their eachother details might kick-in THE LUCIFIER. unplesantly and kills the both side ……..In same God words everything outlined what is what and what will happen when you do not And NO SURPRISES AT ALL . THE WORLD EVENTS SHOWING That anti-Moses jews and anti-Jesus Christians became life line for THE LUCIFIER .You do not go to Moslem yet and .Pay attantions and LOOK the first (jews) and second (christians ) in orderly fashion remember who got the ten commandment first and who claiming to be first Christians (armens) and brags about it (ARMENIANS also known ORTODOKS ORTODOKS CHURCH ) and also Remember Anti-jesus Christians even VATICAN (roman catolic church ) altered bible recor ds etc. Both catogory churches made THE CRUSEDES (hacli seferleri) etc. THE POINT IS FIRST AND SECOND COMBINATIONS FAILED and STILL FAILING REPEAT AND UNDER THE LUCIFIER with man editions which comes with devil WHEN YOU ARE AWAY THE CHECK LIST THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ….You see two beggining stage of the groups continue to be under violations before and now and helping eachother under the devil Unless they stop their LUCIFIER (devil act) The Turks and the Moslems not to be attacked or say against them (They are usually in self defence motions against these two group…and also their bookTHE KORAN covering old and new testamant Makes them no threat if you go with the TEN COMMANDMENT in the first place without devil in you ) Tracing the history of man since Adam an Eve (Adem ve Havva ) What I mean is always these two group active and third is in defensive position as we seen today BUT GOD WARNING IS TRANSLATES THAT IF THE third one as group and allys altogether respons in counter attack In the lucifier game (devil wish everrybody must kill eachother ) THAT WILL BE END OF THE WORLD and EVERYBODY LOSES and no more chances left ……. SO ,THAT IS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT MESS WITH EVEN THE WORD of TURK or TURKIC ETHNICS ( Because as indicated above TURK and TURKIC ETHNICS througout man kind without even they are aware completly THEY ARE CHOSEN AS A WILD CARD BY THE SAME GOD as counterbalance to the anti-moses jews and to the anti-jesus christians ) AS WE SEE the from start the HORNY ONES are still beeing tool the Lucifier lifeline which are THE ANTI -MOSES JEWS and anti-jesus christians ) The Turks and Turkic Ethnics are before and recent landlords of the jews Christians (ortodoxs ARMENS ) terotories WITH THE GOD PURPOUSE , BECAUSE YOU ARE SCREWED-UP and WERE NOT LIVING-UP TO THE TEN COMMANDMET ANY WAY and YOU ARE EVICTED and NEW SHERIFF IS IN TOWN..(even old testemant writes IF YOU BE GOOD I HEALE YOUR LAND ).. THAT IS WHY TURKS .THEY DID SLAMED IN YOUR FACE AND DID and STILL DOING HOUSE CLEAN-UP FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD and FOR THE GOD SAKE……… Are you still disagree , look anti-moses jews are still are pimping the world ,and . also, So called bragging about fist christians ( ARMENS ) doing same and also from time to time , anti-Moses jews joint attack the Turks and Turkic tribes-Nations , together with the Armens . OFCOURSE , sometime they pretending to the Turks friendly and get ready for other evil thing to do etc. UNDER THE LUCIFIER (the devil -Seytan ) ( Seytan durtmesi) They use , churces , for whearhouse , for evil purpuse and masking it with religon , TO DECIVE YOU .. SO , WHAT WE HAVE HERE,AFTER ALL as a result , when the armens was embarking the NOAH s ship they hand sake with THE LUCIFIER (the devil – the seytan ) the geeting host for the ship ……They got THE DEED (tapu ) of the region and in return they had the kill their ship mates and anybody elses beside them , around the Mt.Ararat (Agri Dagi) and around that region and also ,part of the deal with THE LUCIFIER , THEY HAVE TO SPREAD , THE LUCIFIER VIRUS AROUND THE WORLD and that deal are still going on , as now., with the combinations of devil groupigs. as indicated above.)……REMEDIES for anti-moses jews and anti-jesus christians is has to follow AS INDICATED BELOW ; (They HOLD THE BAG first , from the God and do not look to the Turks and the moslems yet . before than (you must be complied the ten commandments , first , yourself ) , IF YOU DO NOT , (what means is , still , THE DEVIL GOT YOU ) and they do not know , while they are the devil , they will point to the Turks and the Turkic tribes -Nations , as a devil , etc. KAPISSSS) since , they (moslems) also , know THE TEN COMMENDMENTS .. but , you , got the bag , first ( God gave you first now you have liability ) you (anti-moses jews and anti-Jesus christians ) are subject to showing , the first , good or evil acts etc. ………and also , secondly , recommended you all , LISTEN the ANADOLUNUN SESI RADYOSU. Anadolunun topragindan ve her kosesinden fiskiran ve asirlaca sizin de parcanizin oldugu ( kaybolmus baglantiniza geri donus ) ve halk muzikleri ve degisik calgi aletleri , deyisler ve soylesileri ile STERIO olarak 24 saat yayindadir.Bos olan bataryanizi , zem zem suyu gibi , ruh boslugunuzu doldurmaniz ve beyin dalgalarinizin duzeni icin , calisirken ve uyurken dinlemeniz tavsiye edilir ( + ) isareti tuslanirsa ses yukselir (—) isareti tuslanirsa ses azalir ( sterio ayarlamasi ) ….THE LUCIFIER , The Formula and THE RULE of the Devil MUST BE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH and REPEAT IT LIKE BROKEN RECORD ( THE PERSON WHO EXPOSED TO THE LUCIFIER ( SHOWING THREE SIGNS and explained in the God book as followes;

    1) Dogruyu gosterince , seytan etkisinde olanlarin gozunu ,perde orter
    2)Dogruyu soyleyince , seytan etkisinde olanlarin kulagi ,sagir gibi olur.
    3) SEYTAN ETKISINDE OLANLAR , DOGRUYU SOYLEYEMEZ ,KABUL EDEMEZ,TERSINDEN GIDER , KIRIK PLAK GIBI TEKRARINI YAPAR….. Rahatsizlik duyar …. Tam tersini soyler ( Lucifier virus =seytan mikrobu nun yan etkisi ,altinda kalmak ..,,yuksek ates ile kivranan insan …Zambi gibi aramizda dolasanlar…seytana masa olanlar..digerlerini uzenler..vesaire)
    ( Turkler, Ibrahim (Abraham) in cocuklari olup, 12 kabileden birisidir…Tevrat ta bahsi gecen kayip kabile, (Turkler ) ( isim verilmiyor, fakat ,Turklerden baskasi gorulemiyor ve her zaman ve her olayda insanlik tarihinde …Yani gosterge, her zaman ,TURKLERI ve Turkic kabile -Turk devletlerini ( Cin sirindan bugunku Turkiye ye kadar) Gosteriyor , baskalari cikmiyor , Insanlik tarihinde . Seytanin kuyruguna basmak, gormemezlikten gelenlerin , gozune sokmak , Madrabazlik ta israr eden ve seytanlik yapanlarin kicina sokmak….ve yoldan cikmis , oteki kabilelere ve seytana yol gostermesi icin Allah in sectigi kabile Turkler ve Turk kabileleridir…vesaire…) ( Allah in Son Kutsal Kitabi Kuran da ve Allah in son peygamberi Muhammed in hadislerinde de Turklerin ismi bir cok kere acik ve ustu kapali olarak geciyor… Tevrat taki kayip kabile gizemi nide boylece desifre etmis oluyor ( Anlayan saz caliyor anlamayan kaz caliyor -_Atasozu) . ve anti-musali yahudi ve anti-musali ve anti- Isa li hiristiyanlari sucluyor …. Onlara Verdigi cezalari hatirlatiyor ,Tevrat ve Incil deki gosterdiklerini tekrar ediyor ve son eklemelerini de butun dunya daki insanlari kapsiyarak , son sozlerini bitiriyor ) ( Allah, Kuran nin son kitabi oldugunu ve melek Cebrail ( Angel Gabriel ) tarafindan , Peygamber Muhammed e ilettigini ve Tevrat ve Incil de gosterdiklerini , yazdiklarini ve ikazlarini ve butun peygamberlerini, hatirlatiyor ( Adem ve Havva dahil ) ve Kuran in insanlara en son kitabi oldugunu ve peygamber Muhammed in en son peygamberi oldugunu ikaz ediyor ( yalanci peygamberlerin gelecegini ve yalanci dinlerin olacagini ( Budizim vesaire -yani insanin insana veya ineklere tapmasi ve onun gibi insan veya hayvanlari tanri secip tapmasi ve din olarak ve peygamber olarak gostecegini ve onlara inanmamanizi ikaz ediyorVerdiklerini,Allah in yolunda kullanmayani ,Seytan yolunda olanlari cehennemde sonsuz olarak kisinin hic bitmeden yanacagini soyluyor . Cehennem atesinin ,dunyadaki ates gibi olmadigini ve imali olarak gunesin binlerce katinda ki bir derece oldugunu ima ediyor …..Dogru yolda calisanlari ve Allaha hizmet edenlere bu dunyada ve oldukten sonra , Cennet ( rahatlik )hediye edecegini garantiliyor…..
    1) TURKLER VE TURK KABILELERI Tevrat ta gizemli olarak , Kayip Kabile , ( Ibrahim in 12 kabilesinden biri ) olarak geciyor
    2) O zamandan , Muslumanligi secene kadar Turkler , bilmeden, Kayip Kabile ,olarak , Allah icin ,Anti-Musali yahudi ve oteki anti-musa li kabilelere karsi… hurriyet , dogruluk , savasi vermisler ve devam etmekteler………
    ( Tevrat ve 10 Emir disinda yasayan anti-musali yahudiler ve yoldan cikmis Ibrahim in oteki Kabilelerinin de ciddi olarak yola gelmesi icin , Allah in gonderdigi bakire Meryem den dogan ve yine de, yahudi olan, peygamber Isa nin getirdigi Incil (Tevrat in devami olan Incil Hiristiyanlarca beraber okunur ayni kitapta ve Musa peygamber de yahudi idi.) ( Kuran hepsini icine aliyor ve kapliyor ve herkese agabeylik yapan (big brother ) konumunda ve Allah in son sozleri) (Kuran , hic bir zaman Incil gibi, insan tarafindan degistirilmemistir)
    Buna ragmen , yine de Anti_musali ve Anti-Isa li yasayanlar cogunlukta ve Hacli seferleri yapiyorlar. _ (( (isa , onlara , Allah in 10 emri de hatirlattigi halde ,onlarin cogu , anti-musali yahudi ve gentile christians ( =yahudi donmesi hiristiyan ve hiristiyanligi kabul etmis ) olanlardi,)) ANTI MUSALI VE ANTI-ISA LI HIRISTIYANLAR ONUNE GELENI KESIYOR yani YAHUDI ,MUSLUMAN ARAPLAR ,CINGENE, TURK, LAZ ,KAZ VESAIRE ,,,, BUTUN DIGER KABILELERI , KUDUSE VARANA KADAR ..
    .BU SIRALARDA , TURKLER ,VE DIGER TURK KABILELERI , HACLI SEFERLERI YAPANLARLA YUZ YUZE GELDI , NASIL DINLERI VE NE ICIN OLDURDUKLERINE BAKILDI VE SAHTE HIRISTIYAN OLDUKLARINI VE TERSINI YAPTIKLARINI (seytanlasmis olduklaini ) GORDULER VE AYNI ZAMANDA MUSLUMAN ARAPLARIN , MUSA VE ISA ILE YASADIKLARINI DA GORUNCE , TURKLER ve TURKIC ULUSLARI , MUSLUMANLIGI SECTI ve HERKESE DAHA COK AGABEYLIK YAPTI VE KORUDU ( bIg brother) VE ANTI_MUSALI YAHUDI VE ANTI-MUSALI HIRISTIYANLARA, ALLAHIN TOKADINI ATTI , DIGERLERINI UZDUKLERI ICIN ( osmanli tokadi =sopa = falakaya yatirmak = disiplin olana kadar denemek – Sopa cennetten cikmadir (atasozu ) derler , Bu Atasozu IYI NIYETIN DIKKATE ALINMASI yani HERKESIN GOZUNU ACMASI IKAZIN DA OLUP ,SON SANS bir toplum ceza metodu olarak SOPA nin gelmesini beklemeyin IYI NIYETINI TASIR ( insan icindeki seytan , bunun manasini tersine cevirir suphesiz ve kirli islerinin devamini yapacak enayileri , cogaltmaya bakar ve iki tarafa da zarar vermek ister Buna daha yakin izah Allahin kitabi da olan Tevrat kitabi zamanin da ON EMIR Musa tarafindan Allah la gonderilmisti ve ON EMIR den bir madde olan ZINA YAPMA emri Haham Basi ( Chief Rabbie) tarafindan toplum duzenini korumak icin zina yapani toplum onunde tas atarak oldurmeye cevrilmisti. Yani ALLAH boyle oldurun dememisti. Yani ON EMIR den oteki madde ise OLDURMIYECEKSIN diye yazar . Yani sonuc olarak eskiden Turkler bunu SOPA ve FALAKA ya yatirmaya cevirmisler Taslayarak oldurme yerine (Toplum duzenini korumak ve kotu aliskanliga goz dagi vermek icin iyi niyetli bir uygulama ) DIKKAT; Turkiye Cumhuriyeti bir laik ulkedir .Din ile devlet isleri yurutulmez. Aciklamalar Turk ,Turkic devletlerinin kanunu degil ve sadece Insan davranislarindaki degiskenlikleri ve Allahin dogrusu ile insan icindeki seytansal davranisa ( celiskilere ) dokunmaktir , . Mamafih ,bazi musluman toplumlari yukari da izah edildigi gibi , yahudi din adaminin Tevrat zamanin da topluma yaptirdigi kanun diye tasliyarak oldurmesi de gorulebilir ve buna benzer namus cinayetleri zaman zaman rastlanabilir . Dikkat edilecegi gibi , Allah bunu boyle infaz yapin demedi ve insan bunu oyle cevirmis oldu. Allah , sadece , ZINA YAPMA ve .OLDURME dedi. Insan icindeki Seytan bunu ters yuz etti. Goruldugu gibi bazi Musluman toplumlarinda ,ZINA YAPAN oldurulunce ( taslayarak ve benzeri sekilde ) hemen anti-Musali yahudi ve anti -Isali hiristiyanlar butun Turkleri ve Muslumanligi kotu gostermeye calisir.Buda seytanin ekmegine yag surer. Bunlarin ,Isa ile Musa ile zaten ilgisi yoktur ve bu insan eski geleneginin kendi zamanlarin da yapildigini bilemez veya bilmemeklikten l gelenlerdir. Bu . sadece Seytansal bir yaygaraciliktir Eger , zaten , o bir gercek yahudi ve Hiristiyan olsa idi Musa zamaninda kendi din adamlari Taslamayla oldurmeyi kendi kanun duzeni yaptiklarini bilirlerdi .( Topluma goz dagi vermek icin insan kanunu ) Allah Oldurme demisti gonderdigi ON EMRI nden birisiyle .ve hatta yahudiler bunu ve digerlerini ( Allahin dediklerinin tersini -Seytanla esdegerli olanlari ) aliskanlik olarak devam ettigini gosterince ( yahudi din adamlarinin Bir cok Allahin dediklerinin disinda davrama aliskinligi artinca ) yine de yahudi olan ISA yi gonderdiginde ISA onlara tasla oldurmeye calisanlari gorunce kendi eliy le TAS vermis ve demiski , Hipokratlar ,Allahin dediklerini ters yuz yapiyorsunuz , araniz da zina yapmamis kim varsa ileri gelip ilk tasi o atsin deyince , hic kimse , ileri cikmamis ve Allahin ON EMRINDEKI madde ile insan uydurmasi bir kez daha aciklik kazanmis .Zaten , Allah , Isa yi yoldan cikmis, anti-musali yahudi ve anti-ISA li hiristiyanlar icin gondermisti .Cunku , onlar , Allahin dediginin tersini yapiyorlardi ve hatta ISA nin parmakla gosterdiklerine dayanamayan anti- Musali yahudi din adamlari ISA yi Romalilari kullanarak onu carmiha koydurup oldurtmuslerdi ( ISA onlari HIPOKRAT diye uyarmisti) bu laftan ve kanun dan anlamayana, kamu duzenini korumak icin uygulanan takviyeli ve iyi niyetli denemeler, seytan taslama vesaire … saka maka ) VE O ZAMANDAN BU YANA SEYTANIN KUYRUGU SIKISTIGI ICIN , ANTI-MUSALI YAHUDI VE ANTI-MUSALI HIRISTIYANLAR BUNUN ICIN , KUDURUP DURURLAR….(Turk ve Turk kabilelerine ve de Muslumanlara ve Kuran a ve peygamber Muhammed e … karsi )
    Israil de bugun bile ant-musali yahudilik surmekte olup ve Din adamlari Tevrat ve Incildeki Allahin dedikleri ve uyarilarii ters yuz edip , seytanin menfaatina ve anti-musali olma uygunluguna gore , devlet politikalarini yurutmekte ve din adamlarinin Tevrat ve Incil tercumeleriyle seytansal dogrultuda kendi cikarlarina gore izlemektedirler ve askerlerine oldurmeleri icin Kosher dir talimat vermektedirler. YAPILAN ACIKLAMAR GENELDE COK YONLU OLUP INSANIN SEYTANSAL CIKARLARINI ACIGA CIKARMAK ICIN YAPILMAKTADIR YANI BIR MISAL AYNI KATOGORIYE GIREN TURLU ENTRIKALARI ACIGA CIKARMAK MAKSADIYLA OLUP EGITIMSEL AMACLIDIR .INSAN MUZURLUGUNUN NASIL ISLEDINI ACIKLAMAKTIR .DIN DERSI AMACI DEGILDIR (oyle gorunse bile , Izahatler nedeniyle mecburi olmustur ve baglantilidir) INSANLIGIN ,.DOGRUSUNU VE OZGECMISINI HATIRLATAN , KURAN A VE MUSLUMANLARA SAHTE DERLER VE INCIL de ki BARNABAS KAYITLARI ve VESAIRE KAYITLAR ROMA DAKI PAPA (VATICAN) TARAFINDAN INCIL DEN CIKARILMIS ( ingilizce dilinde bile olsa . Incil in pek cok cesitli baskilari ile insan tarafindan duzenlenmistir) VE KASITLI OLARAK SEYTAN ETKISI ALTINDA KALARAK VE DE KURAN VE MUSLUMANLIGI , TEVRAT VE INCILIN DEVAMINDAN KOPARMAK ICIN ve SAHSI CIKARLAR ICIN DEGISME YAPMISLARDIR . (Seytanliga zemin hazirlama ) ( Isa . bakire meryem den dogmus ALLAHIN OGLU diye degistirdiler. Oysa Isa ALLAHIN OGLU diye cagrilmasini reddetmisti. Ayni mevzu Kuran da soyle gecer, peygamber .Isa , bakire meryemden dogmustur,( ve Musa ,Isa,Muhammed Allahin elcisi ve peygamberdir ve kendisi tarafindan secilmis ve gonderilmistir der ) Sahtekar hiristiyanlar onune geleni benim soyledigim gibi soylemiyorsun diye kafa kesiyorlar (Hacli seferleri ) ve su anda bile devam ettikleri laf oyunlari ile ve Kuran sahtedir,Muslumanlik sahtedir , Muhammed sahtedir demeleri sadece seytani memnun eder (Allahin kitaplarinda boluculuk ve celiski yapmak, peygamberleriyle oynamak , Allah in esas mesajinda ve sozunde dikkat dagitmak , Allah in sozundeki manalari sahsi cikar icin degistirmek , dolayisiyla seytana kapilmak, vesaire) ,
    Etki altinda kalmadan ve Olaylari (bagimsiz olarak ) ve konulari olcebilmeniz ( yani OLCU ALETI olarak kullanmaniz) icin asagidakiler okumaniz icin tavsiye edilmistir….(ingilizce olarak)
    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ( ALLAH in Musa ile gonderdigi 10 EMIR ) ( Insanlarin seytan in dumen suyunda alabora olmamasina kolaylik gostergesi olan 10 maddelik can simidi …saka maka 9 cani olan kediyi bile gecen (kapsayan ) maddeler )
    ve kirli isler icin enayi toplayan ( Incil de yakisikli melek diye gecen ve .Allah a karsi olan THE LUCUFIER (devil =seytan)
    Okuduktan sonra kendinize Mukayeseli ozetler cikarin temaslarinizda, vesaire
    Yani ;
    ( Lucifier Virus (seytan Mikrobu ) yan etkilerine (negatif) karsi nasil bagisiklik kazanmaniza yardimi olacak mukayeseli ozetler cikarmaya calisiniz…
    1) Bildiginiz gibi, insan tarihi , tekrarlardan ibarettir ve sadece Gokkusagindaki gibi , renklerin degisimiyle gorulur, zaman zaman ………
    2) PEYGAMBER ; (Allah in insanlara mesajini iletmek icin ve kendi sectigi insan . (Kuran da son mesajlarinin ve insanliga son kitabinin ve son peygamberinin Muhammed ve son kitabinin da , hepsini kaplayan , Kuran oldugunu soyluyor….)
    3) ENTERESAN TARAFI ; Allah,kisinin yaptiklarinin puanlama ( + ) ve ( — ) derecesine gore , otomatik olarak Cennet ( pozitif puan olanlar ) ve Cehennem ( negaif puanli olanlar ) rezarvasyonlarini garanti ediyor ( Yani ,listede ismim yokmus mus, arabam icin park yeri bulamadim ,cek defterimi unuttum vesaire derdi hic yokmus… baliklama iceri alirmis ve her iki tarafta da cok yeri varmis….. SADECE SENIN SECIMINI VE NELER YAPTIGINI VE TOPLAM PUANININ NE EDECEGINI MERAK EDERMIS….))
    +++++++++++++++++++ =================== +++++++++++++++Butun Anti-musali yahudi ve anti-Isa li hiristiyanlar ve Ortodoks ulkeleri (rus,Ermeni.Bulgar,Romen,Yunan ,Sirbistan vesaire ) Nedeni Nuh un gemisinden cikarlarken disarida bekleyen Seytan la (THE LUCIFIER ) hemen el sikisip sartli olarak bolgenin tapusunu almislar Gizli anlasmaya gore Kendilerinden baskalarini oldurmeleri ve seytan mikrobunu dunya ya yaymalari sart kosulmus (THE LUCIFIER VIRUS ) ayrica Ortodoks kiliselerinin de sadece ortodokuz cekmeleri icin kullanilmasi sart kosulmus mus Bunlar insalik tarihide anti-musali ve anti-isali lar olarak kayitlidir Strong Reccommendations to read ;
    2) THE LUCIFIER ,(seytan -DEVIL )
    3)NOT ; ANADOLUNUN SESI RADYOSU Anadolunun topragindan ve her kosesinden fiskiran ve asirlaca sizin de parcanizin oldugu ( kaybolmus baglantiniza geri donus ) halk muzikleri ve degisik calgi aletleri , deyisler ve soylesileri ile STERIO olarak 24 saat yayindadir.Bos olan bataryanizi , zem zem suyu gibi ruh boslugunuzu doldurmaniz ve beyin dalgalarinizin duzeni icin , calisirken ve uyurken dinlemeniz tavsiye edilir ( + ) isareti tuslanirsa ses yukselir (—) isareti tuslanirsa ses azalir ( sterio ayarlamasi )

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