ILHAN ERSAHIN’S ISTANBUL SESSIONS “Hurri-Mitanni (Güzel Haber)” [official video]
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Sokaklarda dolaşan bir grup anonim. Her yer çok kalabalık ama kimlikler bir o kadar az. Birisi olmaya çalışmak, ismini, hızla giden bu dev geminin suda bıraktığı dalgalara yazmak kadar zor. Herkes, herkes ve herkes artık hiç kimse. Kendine kuytular bulduysa bile bu sessizlik, parlayan ekranlar üzerinden var olabildi ancak. O bas bas bağırılan ekranlarda, iktidarın aslında kimde olduğunu hatırlattılar o girilmez denen yerlere girerek. Ama bu güç umurlarında bile değildi. O üzerine günlerce ateşli konuşmalar yaptığımız alanlar bizim için ”artık böyle” bir yerdi ama onlar, ”hayır aslında böyleydi” demek için şöyle bir göründüler ama çok da ses etmediler. Bir kedinin çekiciliği vardı onlarda. ”Bakın burası böyleydi” derken onlar da orayı ”artık böyle” yapan her şeyin bir parçası oldu ve kaldırım taşları gibi fark edilmez hale geldiler. Sadece biraz olsun eğlenmek, kaygılanmadan birkaç yıl yaşayabilmek istiyorlardı. Beş dakika içinde, en fazla on beş saniye var oldular ve gittiler. – Gökalp Gönen

Director’s Statement
A group of anonymous wandering the streets. Everywhere is very crowded but identities are very few. Trying to be someone is as difficult as writing your name on the waves left by this fast-moving giant ship. Everyone is everyone and everyone is nobody anymore. This silence could only exist through glowing screens, even if it found itself nooks. On those loud screens, they reminded who actually had the power by entering the places that were said to be inaccessible. But they didn’t even care about this power. The areas where we had passionate conversations about it for days were a “now like this” place for us, but they looked like this to say “no, it was actually like that” but they did not speak much. They had the charm of a cat. When they said, “Look, it was like this,” they became part of everything that made it “like this” and became unnoticeable like paving stones. They just wanted to have a little fun, to be able to live a few years without worry. In five minutes, fifteen seconds at most, they existed and left. – Gökalp Gönen
“Hurri-Mitanni (Güzel Haber)” being the first single of Ilhan Ersahin’s Istanbul Sessions’ new album “Bir Zamanlar Şimdi”, is crowned with this fantastic video created by young talented director Gökalp Gönen.
Ilhan Ersahin’s Istanbul Sessions, the genuine quartet of the eurasia, melt their original sound with modern jazz forms, eastern beats and spices. The band’s 5th studio album is co-produced and recorded by Grammy awarded Italian producer Tommaso Colliva.
Ilhan Ersahin – tenor saxophone
Alp Ersönmez – bass, effects
Turgut Alp Bekoğlu – drums
İzzet Kızıl – percussion
Video Credits:
Video designed, directed, shot and animated by Gökalp Gönen [see Director’s statement below]
Visit: &
Dancing Girl with Red Scarf: Burcu Uçatenik
Walking Girl with Striped Scarf: Dilara Akbal
Camera Equipment: Çatı Moderntimes
Album Credits:
All songs composed and performed by Istanbul Sessions.
Produced, recorded and mixed at Laboratori Testone, Milan by Tommaso Colliva
Mastering by Dave McNair
Cover art concept and design by Ertaç Uygun
Management / Booking (Except EU): Artistic Ideas from Istanbul [email protected]
Booking (EU): Benjamin Levy [email protected]
Label: Nublu Records [email protected]
℗ & © 2020, Nublu Records , All Rights Reserved.
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