Bugün Amerika’da tutuklanması, kırmızı bültenle istenmesi söz konusu olan ve kendine güvenli bir ülke bulabilmek için Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olduğu söylenen Egemen Bağış’ın arşivimi karıştırırken KKTC ile ilgili eski bir mektubu elime geçti.
İnsan nereden nereye diyor.
Sevgili Arkadaslar,
Bildiginiz gibi Connecticut Eyalet Universitesi yillardir Kuzey Kibris Turk Cumhuriyetimizin gurur kaynagi haline gelen Dogu Akdeniz Universitesi ile yakin bir akademik calisma ortami icerisindedir. Kibris Rum yonetimin Amerikadaki resmi temsilcileri ve bazi toplum orgutleri geleneksel hosgorusuzluk tutumlari cercevesinde Connecticut Eyalet Universitesi
yoneticilerine tehdite varan mektuplar gondererek binlerce genc ogrencinin ufkunun acilmasini saglayan bu akademik iliskiyi sona erdirme cabasi icerisine girmislerdir. Bununla da yetinmeyip kendi toplumlarinin mensuplarina yuzlerce e mail ve fax gondertirerek bagimsiz ilmi calismalara siyaset bulastirmaya ve baski olusturmaya calismaktadirlar.
Washington merkezli kardes kurulusumuz Turk Amerikan Dernekleri Asamblesi ile birlikte Federasyonumuz yillardir Dogu Akdeniz Universitesi ile yakin akademik calisma icerisinde olan Connecticut Eyalet Universitesi ile yapici iliskiler kurmustur. Bu konuda icimizi rahatlatan tek husus ise Connecticut Eyalet Universitesi yetkililerinin kararli tutumudur. Tabii ki onlarinda bu kadar yogun baskidan etkilenme ihtimaline karsi kendilerinin kararligini takdir ettigimizi gostermemiz gerekmektedir. Aleyhimizdeki gruplarla mucadele ederken dostlarimizida kaybetmemeye ozen gostermeliyiz.
Asagidaki mektubu Federasyonumuz adina Connecticut Eyalet Universitesi Baskani Sayin Richard Judd’a gondermis bulunmaktayiz. Ancak Kibrisli Rumlarin yuzlerce mektubunun yaninda bizim gonderdigimiz tek bir mektup yeterli olmayacaktir. Bu dostlarimizin kararliligini takdir eden bir mektubu VEYA BU MEKTUBUN KOPYASINI, KENDISINE OLAN DESTEGIMIZI GOSTERMEK ICIN Connecticut Eyalet Universitesi Baskani Sayin Ricard Judd’a e-mail veya fax yoluyla gondermenizi sizlerden rica ediyoruz. Bu tur calismalar
toplumumuzun birlik ve beraberligini sergilemek acisindan da son derece onemlidir. Her
firsatta belirttigimiz gibi Amerika’daki Turk toplumu bir butundur, bolunemez.
Bugune kadar bizlere gosterdiginiz destegin bu konuda da devam edecegine olan
inancimizla, saygi ve selamlarimizi sunuyorum.
Egemen Bagis Baskan,
Turk Amerikan Dernekleri Federasyonu
February 11, 2000
Mr. Richard Judd
Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street
P. O. Box 4010
New Britain, CT 06050-4010
Fax: (860) 832-3033
Web Page: www.ccsu.edu
Dear President Judd,
The Federation of Turkish- American Associations (FTAA) established in l956, is an umbrella organization representing over 40 organizations, including Turkish Cypriot societies, and the body of the Turkish-American community living in the USA. Our Federation is one of the most effective establishment in voicing the sentiments and views of the Turkish-American community.
Recently it was brought to our attention that the Greek Cypriot Representative in Washington D.C. Mrs. E. K. Marcoullis, addressed a letter to you protesting the academic relationship between Central Connecticut State University and the Eastern Mediterranean University at Gazimagusa in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This is a typical example of Greek Cypriot political hypocrisy: while on the one hand purporting to “talk” at
the current UN sponsored talks, the Greek Cypriot side, on the other, engages in acts of propaganda that nullify the chances of improving the atmosphere necessary for achieving progress at the talks between the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot parties. This scam is intended solely to isolate the Turkish Cypriot people from the world at large. The illegal embargoes imposed by the Greek Cypriots upon the Turkish Cypriots since l963 in every field of human activity is a blatant act of human rights violation. This exercise in hypocrisy, as you must be aware Mr. President, feeds on a gross misrepresentation of historical and political facts pertaining to Cyprus.
The American education system is based upon the principles of liberty and democracy. Although the word “democracy” comes originally from Greek, the Americans deserve the real credit for pursuing this virtue both at home and abroad. Mrs. Marcoullis’s attempt to restrict academic freedoms and to impose preconditions is a blatant infringement of basic educational rights and liberties of an independent and sovereign American
university. Personal judgements should stay personal and democratic rights and academic freedom should be respected. Furthermore, under no circumstances can educational activity be politicized. It seems that the Greek Cypriot administration
and its representatives are prepared to readily violate or ignore basic principles, such as academic freedoms, in order to propagate their selfish political views at the expense of the Turkish Cypriot people and their legitimate institutions. We must reject such anachronistic mentality which defies all logic and common academic values and goals.
On behalf of all the Turkish-American organizations in the US, the FTAA extends to you and your esteemed University our heartfelt gratitude and full support for the firm stand that you have displayed in upholding academic freedoms as well as the principle of independent free decision-making on a purely academic matter.
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