From Thu Mar 28 15:51:15 1996 Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 13:26:16 -0500 (EST) From: Kaya Buyukataman x-0524 To: "Can K. SandalcI" Subject: ITU-MD UCUNCU KURULTAY GUNDEMI (fwd) Resent-Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:48:54 -0800 (PST) Resent-From: "Can K. SandalcI" Resent-To: ituweb@ECE.ORST.EDU can bu mesaji web'e yerlestirimisin 3. KURULTAY TOPLANTISI BILGILERI ADI ALTINDA AYRICA IKINCI KISIM OLARAK, SEYYAHAT ACENTALARININ ISIMLERINI VER, BIR ONCEKI YAYINDA YAYINLADIGIMIZ. COK TESEKKURLER Kayaalp Buyukataman Ph,D P&W Externals-Nacelles Prd Cntr Gear Systems and Controls _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ To: ITU Alumni Scattered All Around The World _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ (kurultay gundemi malumat arttikca genisletilecekdir) ITU MEZUNLARI DERNEGI ULUSLARARASI KURULUSU UCUNCU KURULTAYI 6/HAZIRAN/1996 , PERSEMBE GUNU, SAAT 18.00 ILE 21.00 ARASINDA, TASKISLADA GUNDEM -Kayit ve ASil Uyelerin Tesbiti (17.30'da Basliyacak) (Oy Kullanmak isteyen Uyelerimiz Uye kartlarinizla Geliniz) -Acilis Konusmalari ve Icra Kurulunun Taninmasi(18.00'de Basliyacak) -Sayin Rektor Prof Resat Baykal -Sayin Cahit Idil -Sayin Remzi Yucebas -Toplantiya Katilan Seref Uyelerinin Taninmasi -Sayin Dr. Osman Simav -Sayin Prof. Mete Unugor -ITU mezunlarinin Kurdugu Kuruluslar ve Temsilcilerinin Taninmasi -Sayin Gazanfer Ugural -Turkiye Merkez Icra Kurulu Idare Heyetinin taninmasi -Sayin Ilhan Burcoglu -UluslarArasi Kurulusu Kollarinin Dernek Temsilcilerinin Taninmasi -Sayin Gazanfer Ugural -Uluslararasi Kurulusu Tuzugunun ve Ic Tuzugun Izahi -Sayin Atilla Bektore -Ikinci Kurultay (Newyork) Tutanaklarinin Okunmasi ve Onaylanmasi -Icra Kurulu faaliyet Raporu -Mutevelli Heyeti Faaliyet Raporu -ITU-BIM Yardim Piyangosu Sonucu -Komite Faaliyet Raporlari ve Ozetleri -Petek, -Genc-ITU, -Tuzuk, -Kitab Yardimi, -WWW Homepage, -Membership -Denetleme Kurulu Mali Raporu -Icra Kurulunun ve Baskanlar Divaninin Onaylanmasi {-devre arasi sicak-ve-soguk ickiler ve ordovrler-} -Yeni Icra kurulunun ve Baskanlar Divaninin Gorevi Teslim Almasi -Ustun Faaliyet Gosteren Uyelerin taninmasi ve Odullendirilmesi. -Altin ari, -Ari, -Genc-ITU, -Ilim ve sanat, -Senenin Mezunu, -Ustun Hizmet, -En Basarili Kol, -En Basarili Komite, -Baskanin Ozel Tanimasi, -Toplantiya Katilan Kurucu Uyelerin Belgelerinin Dagitimi -Yeni Icra Kurulunun Onumuzdek iki sene icin Faliyet Planlamalari -Uyelerin Istekleri -Yeni Icra Kurulu ve Baskanlar Divanina Yon Verilmesi...Kapanis Not: Toplantidan Sonra Hep Beraber Bir Lokantaya/Tavernaya Gidilecektir Katilabilecek Arkadaslar lutfen Isimlerinizi Onceden Bildirin. TOPLANTIYA KATILACAK UYELER VE KURUCU UYELER LUTFEN UYE BELGELERINIZIN HAZIRLANMASI ICIN ONCEDEN ISIM'LERINIZI BILDIRIN, KOMITE VE KOL BASKANLARI LUTFEN SIZLERI TEMSILEN KATILACAK OLAN KISILERIN ISIMLERINI BILDIRIN. KOL BASKANLARI VE AKTIF UYELER LUTFEN FAALIYET GOSTEREN UYELERIN TANINMASI ICIN LUTFEN ADAYLARINIZIN ISIMLERINI BIZE ULASTIRIN. (Tarif icin asagiya bakiniz.) HEPIMIZE BASARILI BIR KURULTAY DILEKLERIMLE Kaya Buyukataman President Elect ITU-MD Makina'64 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ APPENDIX-1 AWARDS An awards committee is formed by the President at least 30 days before the Convention. After obtaining input from the Component Associations and the BOD, the awards Committee determines the recipients of various award categories. The ITUMD Founders' Award (Altin Ari Odulu) This award is the highest honor bestowed by the ITUMD on those individuals whose contributions have had global influence in achieving the missions spelled out by the Founders of ITUMD. Distinguished Service Award (Ari Odulu) This award is bestowed upon a person or persons who have distinguished themselves in giving extraordinary service to the ITUMD and the Alumni community. Young ITU Award This award is bestowed upon a person or persons who have distinguished themselves in giving extraordinary service to the ITUMD and the Alumni community, and countinuing their higher education. Most Active Committe of the Year Award Each year ITUMD acknowledges the committe chairperson and committe that has excelled in its missions consistent with the goals and objectives of the ITUMD. Arts and Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award This award is given to an individual who has reached the pinnacle of his or her career in the arts and sciences and, also, has been a model for the Alumni community in making outstanding contributions to the success of the ITUMD. Alumni of the Year Award This exclusive award is presented to an individual who has achieved extraordinary success and prominence in his or her field and brought honor to the Alumni community through his/her achievement. Meritorious Service Award This award is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the work of the ITUMD. Most Active Component Association of the Year Award Each year ITUMD acknowledges the component association that has excelled in its missions Consistent with the goals and objectives of the ITUMD. President's Special award From time to time an individual or an organization performs such an outstanding service to the Alumni Community that goes beyond the scope of the established categories of the ITUMD awards. President's Special Award is bestowed upon such individuals or organizations to bring special recognition to such contributions. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/