From Tue Mar 4 11:34:45 1997 Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 04:16:26 +0200 (EET) From: ITU Mezunlari Dernegi Haber Dagitim Merkezi To: GENEL DAGITIM LISTESI Subject: ISTANBUL'UMUZA BIR SANS VERIN - OLIMPIYAT YERI SECIMI ICIN OYUNUZU KULLANIN (fwd) OLIMPIYATLAR ICIN GAYRI RESMI OLARAK YUNANLILAR, VE TURKLER AMERIKADA OYLAMA TABLOLARI ACMIS BULUNMAKTADIR. ... BIZLERIN ACMIS OLDUGU SAYFAYA YUNANISTANDAN GELEN TIPIK MESAJLAR EKDE BILGINIZE SUNULMUSDUR. BUGUN ICIN TURKLERIN ACDIGI LISTE'YE BILE YUNANISTANDAN AKIN AKIN GELIP 2004 YILI OLIMPIYATLARI ICIN, ATINA'YA OY VERILMISDIR.. BUTUN LISTELERDE ATINA'NIN ALDIGI OYLAR KOSARCASINA ISTANBULU GECMISTIR. SITE (SEHIR) SECIMINDE ILK ELEME MART AYINDA YAPILACAKTIR DURUMUN CIDDIYETINI GOZ ONUNE ALAN "TURK OLIMPIYAT KOMITESI" ILK RESMI HOMEPAGE'I HAZIRLATIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ sayfalarina, DUNYA CAPINDA OYLAMAYA KATILANLARA ISTANBUL HAKKINDA BILGI VERMEK ICIN, TURKLERE AID OLAN OYLAMA LISTESININ YANINA YERLESTIRMISTIR. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ SAYET ISTANBULUN SECIMLERDE BIR SANSI OLMASINI ISTIYORSANIZ, LUTFEN OYLAMAYA KATILIN. HER IKI OY YERINDEDE OYUNUZU KULLANIN. RESMI TURK OLIMPIYAT SAYFASININ YERINI GIREBILDIGINIZ BUTUN LISTELERE DUYURUN, VE TURK OLIMPIYAT HOMEPAGE'INI DAHA NASIL GUZELLESTIREBILIRIZ, BIZE FIKIRLERINIZI E-MAIL'LE ILETIN,.......... ISTANBUL'UMUZA BIR SANS VERIN .....OLIMPIYAT YERI SECIMI ICIN OYUNUZU KULLANIN _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 1- turklerin actigi oy yeri --------> 2- yunanlilarin actigi oy yeri -----> ========================================================================= YUNANISTANDAN OYLAMALARI SIRASINDA GELEN TIPIK MESAJLAR ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 12:55:47 +0200 (EET) From: Message-Id: <> SUBJECT: FUCK TURKEY Apparently-To: Hey you dirty face, turkey is chicken! ================================================= Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:20:44 +0200 From: Yiannis P. Markopoulos To: Subject: About you people About some things I heard in your voting site Because someone gave a good and well possed vote (Athens 2004) you are not allowed to say that crap you Turkish guys...... Remember that 2500 years ago that Olybism and Olymbic Games started in GREECE you Turks were not exist. You are not allowed to speak about terrorism because history is different and ofcourse you don't now anything, remember your ancestors have a story of 400 years. Whe have a history of 10000 years.......Also remember those things said by you recently about terrorism acts in Rhodes and Crete..... The filthy thinks you did and do to Armenians, Kurds and Cypriots speak for all the world and I am happy that finally European Community and USA start to understand what ARE YOU!!!!!!!! Buy the way it is not Instabul it is KOSTANTINOUPOLIS (HISTORY REMEMBER!!!!!) P.S. Finally we have nothing to say together just let us leave with peace, and mind your own jobs and problems!!!!!! Just read some international (not Turkish) books!!! Yours Faithfully and no hard feelings Ioannis M. Research Assistant ================================================= Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 22:16:26 +0200 From: THE ONE AND ONLY-JFK THE COMEDY-NO RELATION WITH THE KENNEDYS To: Subject: KWLOTOURKOI! Oust kwlotourkoi! Pou 8a mas petaxete kai exw apo tis kwloselides sas! ================================================= Date: Wed, 22 Jan 97 12:41:20 -0800 From: stella demesticha To: Subject: Turks:DON'T FORGET THE TRUTH! Do you want to host the Olympics?Then don't forget: -The genocide of Armenians. -The genocide of Kurds. -The genocide of Greeks(Smirni and Costantinoupoli). So don't accuse the Greeks.OK? ================================================= Received: from by via SMTP(940816.SGI.8.6.9/940406.SGI) Tue, 24 Dec 1996 03:50:14+0100 Message-Id: <> Date: 24 Dej 96 3:50:13 pl To: Subject: DIE TURKS!!! DIE !!!!!!! NoWHeRe To HiDe !!! ====================================================== Date: 25 Jan 1997 11:14:25 -0000 From: CONSTANTINOS LAZARIS To: Subject: DAMN! You Turkish pigs are so disgusting that my dog wants to throw up when she sees your red piece of textile you call flag. CONSTANTINOPOLE not Istanbul CYBRUS Will soon be FREE and Hellenic You do call the Hellenians Yunan... Yunanistan(Ionia) is the Hellenic Part of Asia Minor... WE WILL NOT FORGET....WE WILL BE BACK TO RAPE YOUR WIFES AND CHILDREN LIKE YOU DID TO OURS... BEWARE, THE IMMORTAL SPIRIT OF THE ANCIENT HELLENIANS THAT KICKED PERSIAN BUT WITH ALEXANDER THE GREAT IS IN OUR SOULES --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at --------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================