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Afrin seems quite intact After Turks took control. Does the Kurdish media lie about invasion and destruction?

suriye ordusu afrin
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Adnan Hakoun, studied at Damascus University – Faculty of Economics

i am syrian who live in turkey now..i lived in syria for the whole 7 years of war and just left the country last year..i came to turkey illeagely (walking through mountains not by plane) so i had to cross those areas on my way from Damascus (my home city) to turkey and i had to live in the north of syria fo 40 days befor i managed to enter turkey…
so what i have learned is this:

every side is lying about what is happening and every side has his own media which make them appear as the rightful and good side…what is rally happening is that the militias which claim to protect the KURDS in the north of syria are actually protecting them frome ISIS and those other extremist militias in the area..but at the same time they made some really horrible crimes against the NON-KURD civilians (arabs , turkmans and arminyans) in the same areas..trying to kick them out of what (so-called) Kurdish they can proclaim there own country (kurdistan)…a story which i didn’t hear from media but from my friends from DEİR-ALZOR whos actually kicked out of thier homes and saw thier village distroyed completly by those militias because its a NON-KURD village.. here the turkish goverment moved to stop them from what they are doing and enterd the area and took control over it .. kicking those militias out..and again the real loser every time is the civilians who pay the real price in every political conflict..maybe Afrine seems intact when you compare it with AL-RAQA after recapturing it from ISIS but thats does not mean that there is no civilians suffering or no people have been killed by mistake… because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make any war for either a good reason or bad reason without killing any innocent people….and more important is that those soldier on the ground are not robots they have there minds and feelings there mercyness or savageness and with all this amount of chaos in the war its really hard to ensure that they are Committing to the rules and commands.

sorry for the long answer but it’s not a yes or no question.

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