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CONFIDENTIAL: Chief Rabbi Ishak Haleva and Fethullah Gulen

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8/4/2005 | classification: CONFIDENTIAL | Consulate Istanbul

1. (C) Summary: In a farewell luncheon for Consul General, Istanbul Chief Rabbi Ishak Haleva noted that he is wrestling with a difficult request from a local foundation for a letter in support of Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish-Muslim spiritual leader of a major Islamist lodge who is Halevacurrently residing in the United States. Haleva said that those who approached him indicated that Gulen will soon seek to adjust his immigration status in the United States, and needs the testimonial to address the belief in parts of the U.S. government that he is a “radical Islamist” whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda. This concern apparently stems in part from FBI documents that Gulen supporters received through a recent FOIA request in the U.S.. Separately, business contacts with links to Gulen confirmed the fact that they are soliciting such testimonials at Gulen’s personal request, while Istanbul Legat was also approached by police contacts with Gulenist links who asked that the bureau provide a “clean bill of health” for Gulen. End Summary.


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