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Turkey steel product imports up by 19pct in January

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According to the Turkish Iron and Steel Producers’ Association, in January this year Turkey’s total steel product imports amounted to 1.2 million metric tonnes rising 19.1% compared to the same month of the previous year with a total revenue of USD 985 million up 6.9% YoY. In January this year, the average price of Turkey’s steel imports stood at USD 850 per MT falling compared to the average of USD 947 per tonne recorded in the same month of 2012.

In January, Turkey’s steel billet imports decreased 10.4% YoY amounting to 209,000 tonnes while the country imported 178,000 tonnes of steel slab with a significant increase compared to January 2012. In the month in question, Turkey imported 580,483 tonnes of flat rolled steel up 3.2% while its long steel imports came to 122,000 tonnes rising 24.1% both compared to the same month of the previous year.

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