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The Hamam Experience

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The Hamam Experience

Turkish baths are a must-do on your getaway

Spa-BreakA trip to Turkey just wouldn’t be complete without experiencing a traditional Turkish bath. For tourists visiting the area, the idea of having a Turkish bath is a new and exciting experience and something that must be tried whilst on holiday.

However, to the locals it is simply part of their usual routine which has been incorporated into their lifestyles.

The custom of having a traditional bath has been passed down from thousands of years, first being founded by the Romans and eventually being passed down to the Turks, who have wholeheartedly adopted this fascinating and invigorating practice of cleansing the body.

You’ll be able to find the traditional baths in almost every neighborhood of all the large towns and cities in Turkey. Taking part in this activity whilst on holiday is the ideal way for relaxing and cleaning your body in a historic and exotic style. You will be amazed at how clean, extremely smooth and silky soft your skin will feel afterwards!

You should definitely take the opportunity to indulge yourself in an exotic and age-old tradition that is almost impossible to find outside of the area. Here are some reasons why having a hamam experience is an absolute essential part of every holiday to this destination.

It’s recommended that you should book your Turkish bath experience on the first morning of your holiday in Turkey. This ensures that your skin is fully exfoliated before a single ray of sunshine is able to hit the body. An exfoliation mitt will be used all over your body to remove any dirt and old skin. Although the thought of it doesn’t sound very appealing, this process will actually help your tan last a lot longer than usual.

Almost all baths here either have separate sections or different times for men and women. You will receive your luxurious treatment on a warm slab of marble, allowing the muscles in your body to relax entirely whilst you lay in tranquil surroundings listening to the soothing music.

Following the exfoliation and relaxation stage, you’ll be treated to the foamy peaks of soap clouds. You will find that your body will be lathered from head to toe in a mountain of soap, making you look like a giant cloud. This moment is definitely one to capture on your camera to show others when you get back home!

After experiencing the slightly weird but soothing soap clouds, you’ll be splashed with buckets of cold water to rinse off the soap. The change of temperate will definitely make you squeal a little but the squeaky clean feeling you’ll experience in the end will certainly be well worth it. Some even say you will be feeling like a newborn baby after the hamam experience!

If you have the opportunity to take a Turkish bath whilst on holiday then do it – this is one activity not to be missed out on!

via The Hamam Experience | Turkey | easyJet Holidays.

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