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UK Andrew Mitchell: Police ‘Tried To Destroy Me’

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Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Mitchell

Former Tory Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell has accused the police of trying to destroy his career over the “plebgate” row.

Mr Mitchell was forced to quit amid a storm of protest – fuelled by the Police Federation – over claims he called officers “plebs” during an altercation in Downing Street.

But last week Scotland Yard opened an investigation into a possible conspiracy against the MP after it emerged an email from a civilian witness backing up the claims was in fact written by another officer.

Writing in the Sunday Times, Mr Mitchell said: “These awful toxic phrases which were hung round my neck for weeks and weeks in a sustained attempt to toxify the Conservative Party and destroy my career were completely and totally untrue.”

He expressed incredulity at the latest developments in the case, which have led to the arrest of one officer from the diplomatic protection squad and another man from outside the force.

“If you had told me on September 19 (the day of the altercation) that the events revealed last week could take place in Britain today, I simply would not have believed you.”

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe has broken off from his holiday to be briefed on the progress of the investigation into the events surrounding the row, which is being supervised by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The Police Federation , which represents rank-and-file officers, also says it plans an independent review into “issues” with its operations.

Downing Street has insisted Prime Minister David Cameron “stood behind” his Cabinet colleague for as long as he could after criticism from some allies of Mr Mitchell.

Number 10 issued a statement after newspapers quoted members of the Mitchell camp claiming he had been left “swinging in the wind” by the premier who they say failed to act on CCTV evidence that cast doubt on the police account.

Meanwhile police minister Nick Herbert said that while corruption in the police is not endemic, it is also not an “aberration”.

He added: “The idea that serving police officers might have conspired to bring down a cabinet minister could hardly be more serious.”

Mr Mitchell has admitted swearing at police who refused to let him ride on his bicycle through Downing Street – but has strenuously denied calling them “plebs”.



Sky News

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