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IHH Calls People Around the World for Help for Palestinians

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It is time for the world to stand up for what is right.

Gaza murders protest

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People from all walks of life protesting Israel’s war crimes against Palestine in Downtown Chicago. 11/15/12 Protests took place in front of Obama’s headquarters and the Israeli Consulate. Photo by Exposing The Truth team member Dana S Hamed

(Istanbul, TR) – Gaza is under Israeli attack since last Wednesday. As death toll rises hour by hour the humanitarian crisis is also increasing in Gaza Strip.

The Istanbul-based Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH) makes a call for people around the world to urgently take action against Israeli attacks targeting civilians and to supply humanitarian aid for Gazan people.

Israeli Occupation Forces has escalated military attacks on the Gaza since Wednesday evening, 14 November 2012.

They first extra-judicially executed the leader of the Izziddin alQassam Brigades (the armed wing of Hamas) and his bodyguard. This attack was followed by a series of aerial, ground and sea attacks on civilian and paramilitary targets throughout the Gaza Strip.

As a result of these attacks, so far 39 Palestinians including 9 children have been killed and more than 345 injured. Beside, a number of houses and schools have been extensively damaged and the rest of the schools closed for days.

Gazan people are now living without electricity and deprived of right to communication.

The people of Gaza who have already been facing tremendous hardship now need more help. With the increasing number of wounded, hospitals which already have inadequate resources are in drastic need of emergency medical supplies including antibiotics, anesthetics and disposable sterile supplies such as tubing, surgical gloves, needles and syringes.

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation which has been carrying out relief efforts for Palestinians for 20 years caring more than ten thousands Palestinian orphans primarily sends a team to Gaza with relief items which include mainly drastic need of emergency medical supplies and food (1 million Turkish Lira in value).

IHH calls upon people around the world urgently to take action to prevent Israeli attacks targeting civilians and to supply humanitarian aid for Gazan people.

via IHH Calls People Around the World for Help for Palestinians – Salem-News.Com.

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