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Israel Matzav: Turkey won’t let NATO use its territory to attack Iran

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President Obama’s favorite Middle East leader will not allow NATO – of which his country is a member – to use his territory in an attack on Iran.

Ahmadinejad and Erdogan 090511

Turkey, a member of NATO, will not give the Alliance territory for a military strike on Iran, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, RIA Novosti reports.

The official added that Turkey has been agitating NATO to avoid attacks on neighbors of Turkey and would continue the efforts. He concluded that the borders between Iran and turkey have been borders of peace and will remain that way.

We already knew that Turkey won’t allow their territory to be used against Iraq, and I guess this means they won’t allow it to be used against Syria either.

What could go wrong?

via Israel Matzav: Turkey won’t let NATO use its territory to attack Iran.

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