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Decorating Pine Tree was a Turkish Ritual

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Famous all around world Sumerian specialist Dr. Muazzez İlmiye Çığ said pine tree which used Christmas tree was a Turkish ritual. Pine tree which used Christmas tree spreads to Christian world at century 16. And Turks had been celebrated new year at 22 December when the longest night of year. They had been celebrated new year while decorate pine tree.
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Sumerian specialist Dr. Muazzez İlmiye Çığ talk about a tree which named “Akçam’. It is a kind of pine tree. Akçam just used to grew at Turkistan. Turks used to bring Akçam to homes and they used to put some gifts for God under that tree. They used to bind some doeks to boughs. They used to give thanks to God because of God had been given them a good life at pass year. Families used to wear good clothes and visit each one of them and elders. “This ritual reached to Europe. Pine tree isn’t about Noel. Christians accepted as Jesus birth the pine tree at İznik Concile. But Christians didn’t decorate pine tree. This ritual has begun in Germany century 16. It reached to France and spread all around world” said Dr. Çığ.

Turks still have been featured to tree. They decorate with some doeks not only pine but some others trees too. They make some vows. Some Turks perceives the making vow means paganism. This tradition attends with local people. More High-educated, high-income and city people see this tradition at some movies, stories or ads. Some of city people buy noel tree and decorate them at Turkey. All these appear that Dr. Çığ’s claims may be right. Turks left all Shamanist totems after adopt Islam. I think decorating pine tree and putting some gift under that were perceived against Islam. And they began to celebrating the New Year according to Islam. They left celebrating December 22. And noel tree turned back Turkish high-level people as Europe and American ritual after centuries.

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