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Turkey Directly Involved in Terrorist Operations against Syria

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Russian Zavtra Newspaper: Turkey Directly Involved in Terrorist Operations against Syria – SANA, Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Turkey is directly in charge of coordinating acts of sabotage and terrorism against Syria and involved in carrying out special operations on the Syrian territories, said the Russian Newspaper, Zavtra.

The Newspaper pointed out in an article written by Boris Borisov that the statements of Turkey’s Prime Minister and German, French and U.S. foreign ministers against Syria indicate that they decided to use the Libyan scenario.

It revealed that the leaders of the Western alliance have taken the decision to target Syria since 2003 when they proposed partial disarmament to Syria for amity and god relations with the West in exchange, a proposal rejected by President Bashar al-Assad.

At that time, Borisov added, the U.S. Congress enacted what is called Syria Accountability Act which gave the U.S. President the right to impose sanctions on Damascus according to his interests, particularly seizing Syrian capitals and restricting the Syrian Airline flights.

The Newspaper clarified that Turkey has played a major role in conducting systematic operational plans to undermine Syria, pointing out that the insurgents were trained and armed in the Turkish territories to infiltrate into the Syrian territories as defectors from the Syrian army.

Turkey is in charge of providing the terrorist groups with information on the Syrian troops’ stationing and movements. In addition, the Turkish intelligence conducts radio-electronic reconnaissance on Syrian military talks, the newspaper continued.

It pointed out that the Department of Turkish Land Forces plays a main role in preparing for operations against Syria, as Zaverta also warned of the Turkish Department of Psychological Intelligence’ s role in targeting Syria which uses media methods to affect the awareness and behavior of governments, institutions and individuals in the foreign countries.

The Russian Newspaper highlighted the continuous coordination between the Turkish and U.S. and French intelligence on this issue.

R. Milhem / H. Said

via Russian Zavtra Newspaper: Turkey Directly Involved in Terrorist Operations against Syria – SANA, Syria.

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