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Turkey eager to start operating nuclear plant

İşletmelerin 2020 Yılında Faydalanabileceği Bazı Kilit Teknolojiler
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ANKARA – Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said Saturday that his country was eager to start operating nuclear power plant as soon as possible.

“Turkey wants nuclear power plant to be constructed and start operation as soon as possible,” Babacan told Japan’s Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper in an exclusive interview ahead of his visit to the country.

There would not be any change in Turkey’s determination for construction of a nuclear power plant as new reactors would be used, Babacan was quoted by Turkish semi-official Anatolia news agency as saying.

He said that the design and construction phases of the project would last at least six or seven years, adding that Turkey was willing to start negotiations on nuclear cooperation with Japan and reach an agreement that would satisfy both sides.

via Turkey eager to start operating nuclear plant|Europe|

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