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Armenian-populated province was sold to Turkey for 7 million francs

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ISTANBUL. – The Hatay Province (Sanjak of Alexandretta), which had passed to France after World War I, was given to Turkey, in 1939, for a mere 7 million francs.

83581Turkey’s Vatan daily’s correspondent obtained a document, whereby it became apparent that Turkey’s central bank had paid France 7 million francs for the Hatay Province. It is noted that it was because of this money that Hatay Province was handed over to Turkey. The Turkish president of the time, Ismet Inonu, PM Refik Saydam, and all the Turkish ministers had signed under the respective agreements.

To note, a considerable number of Armenians used to live in Hatay Province, but they left their lands after 1939. Hatay’s Armenian-populated Vakif village, however, exists to this day.

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