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Iranian galleries to participate in Istanbul art show

Photo by: Elad Brin

Photo by: Elad Brin

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TEHRAN — Three Iranian galleries will present national artworks at the Contemporary Istanbul (CI), which will be held from November 24 to 27 in Turkey.

As the most extensive modern and contemporary art event in Turkey, CI will host Assar Art Gallery, Etemad Gallery and Mohsen Art Gallery from Iran.

For four days, Contemporary Istanbul is hosting national and international galleries, artists from all over the world, collectors, museum directors, curators, art critics, members of press and art lovers at the Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Center (ICEC) and the Istanbul Convention Center.

Sculptor Reza Lavasani, whose works are currently on display at the Assar Art Gallery, is one of the most important participants at the event.

A total of 89 galleries around the world will present paintings, sculpture, plastic arts, gravure, photography, installation, video and original graphics at the event.

In addition to the main event, Contemporary Istanbul is organizing several side events and art projects, such as conferences and exhibitions, throughout the year with the aim of contributing to the development of the country’s contemporary art.



via Iranian galleries to participate in Istanbul art show – Tehran Times.

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