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Turkey’s anti-Zionist stance is a positive move

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Israel is living in a region whose people believe that the Zionist regime is their archenemy.

c 150 100 16777215 0 images stories sep01 01 sheikh99But with the backing of the United States and other allies, Israel was able to obtain the support of the Arab dictators of the region, who suppressed anyone opposed to the cancerous Zionist entity.

For many years, the people of the Middle East have been lamenting the plight of oppressed Palestinians expelled from their homeland. The people of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria directly witnessed this barbaric act, in which hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed and forced to live in refugee camps in their countries.

However, since the fall of some of the dictatorships in the region, the Arab masses have found the courage to stand up to the Zionist regime.

In addition, the Israel-Lebanon war of summer 2006 shattered the Israeli military’s myth of invincibility, especially in the eyes of the Arab masses.

This has increased Israel’s isolation and animosity toward the Zionist regime.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must now deal with this gradual isolation, which is leading to the Zionist regime’s destruction. The Israeli people are also feeling pressure due to the rise in insecurity and emigrating from the occupied territories in greater and greater numbers day by day.

Although Ankara has made some miscalculations in its foreign policy in regard to relations with the West, the policy adopted by the Turkish government toward Israel is a positive step at this critical juncture.

The Turkish government’s suspension of its military agreements with Israel has also encouraged the brave Egyptian people, who have made many bold moves recently, such as the storming of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo.

The level of regional governments’ support for the Palestinian people is a criterion for determining the veracity of their rhetoric.

And the stance recently adopted by the Turkish government is definitely a positive move.

Hossein Sheikholeslam formerly served as Iran’s ambassador to Syria. He is currently the parliament speaker’s advisor on international issues and the director of the Secretariat of the Conference for Defending the Palestinian Intifada.

via Turkey’s anti-Zionist stance is a positive move – Tehran Times.

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