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The NHS: Health care needs to be depoliticised and patient led

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Reforming the NHS is so vital that we shouldn’t have to wait until after the next election, says Helen Evans .

Gordon Brown

With the NHS again moving centre stage in the run-up to the general election, the mainstream political parties will be quick to reassure voters that nationalised health care will only be safe in their hands. Indeed, we have already seen campaign messages from David Cameron’s Conservatives promising that they will “cut the deficit, not the NHS”.

However, in reality, the UK’s structural financial situation is now so dire that the NHS will have to be substantively overhauled, irrespective of who wins the next general election or whatever they say beforehand. Rather than simply wait for the next government, Nurses for Reform (NFR) believes that as front-line carers, nurses must now put the case for a fundamentally different and better health-care system.

That is why NFR not only recognises the urgent need for reform, it also believes too many nursing and medical trade unions remain wedded to fundamentally old and outdated ideas. Instead of promoting substantive reform – and in doing so, championing the rights of patients and consumers – they predictably default to the short-term platitudes of demanding more taxpayers’ money or new forms of legislative favour. Such an approach is not only disastrous for nurses and the other medical professions, it is also catastrophic for patients.

NFR believes that the next government must liberate health provision from the costly and counterproductive world of top-down and un-innovative state control. On a practical level, this means a detailed consideration of the following key points:

Today, more than ever, such a package of reforms is necessary so that health care is finally depoliticised and led by the people who matter most: patients as consumers. In short, we can do a lot better than the NHS without ever going the way of highly regulated and state-funded American health care. What we need is a genuine market.

The Telegraph

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