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Protesters descend on BNP leader

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bnpAnti-BNP protesters have stopped the party’s leader Nick Griffin from entering Euro election count in Manchester.

Placard waving demonstrators surrounded a number of cars – one of which was thought to be carrying Mr Griffin – when they arrived at Manchester Town Hall.

The cars, one of which apparently had a window broken, drove away without anyone getting out.

Several dozen protesters had gathered outside the town hall to await the count.

Mr Griffin is hoping to become the far-right BNP’s first MEP in the EU-wide election.

Small crowds of noisy demonstrators had gathered around both entrances to the Town Hall.

There was also a large police presence.

A Manchester City Council spokeswoman said: “Nick Griffin has been driven away to avoid the protests that they have set up at both entrances.

“He drove to one and could not get in then went to the other one and then was driven away.”

The protesters were carrying “Don’t Vote BNP” banners and chanting “BNP is the Nazi Party”.

The council spokeswoman said another attempt would be made to get Mr Griffin into the building.

She said: “Griffin, as one of the MEP candidates, will have to gain access to the Town Hall at some point for the count.”


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