The following is a list of Greek Cypriot Organizations which promoted
ENOSIS -union of Cyprus with Greece- through armed assaults,
killings, and terrorism all over the island. 

(Source: The Cyprus Revolt by Nancy Crawshaw)

AKEL    Anorthotikon Komma Ergazomenou Laou
        Reform Party of the Working People

ANE     Alkimos Neolaia Tis EOKA
        Valiant Youth of EOKA

AON     Anorthotiki Organismos Neolaias
        Reform Youth Organisation

EAM     Ethnikon Apeleftheritikon Metopon
        National Liberation Front

EAS     Ethnikos Apeleftherotikos Synaspimos
        National Leberation Coalition

EDMA    Eniaion Dimokratikon Metopon Anadimiurgias
        United Democratic Reconstruction Front

ELAS    Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos
        People's National Liberation Army

EMAK    Ethnikon Metopon Apeleftheroseos Kyprou
        Cyprus National Liberation Front

EOKA    Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston
        National Organization of Cypriot Fighters

KEM     Kypriakon Enotikon Metapon
        Cyprus Enosis Front

OAE     Organosis Aristeron Ethnikophronon
        Left-wing Nationalists' Organisation

OAP     Organosis Aristeron Patrioton
        Left-wing Patriots' Organisation

OHEN    Orthodoxos Christianiki Enosis Neon
        Orthodox Christian Union of Youth

PEAEK   Panellinikos Epiropi Agonos Enoseos Kyprou
        Panhellenic Committee for the Struggle for the Union of Cyprus

PEK     Panagrotiki Enosis Kyprou
        Panagrarian Union of Cyprus

PEKA    Politiki Epiropi Kypriakou Agonos
        Political Committee of the Cyprus Struggle

PEO     Pankyprios Ergatiki Omospondia
        Pancyprian Federation of Labour 

PEOM    Pankyprios Ethniki Organosis Mathiton
        Pancyprian National Organisation of Pupils

PEON    Pankyprios Ethniki Organosis Neolaisas
        Pancyprian National Organisation of Youth

SEK     Synomospondia Ergaton Kyprou
        Confederation of Cypriot Workers

SEKA    Syndonistiki Epitropi Kypriakos Agonos
        Coordination Committee of the Cyprus Struggle


ANE's wide range of duties included surveillance and intimidation... 
Later, on demonstrating proficiency as gunmen, they were promoted to 
full membership of EOKA. [p. 255]

AON ... the communist youth organisation... [p. 54]

EAS immediately offered to support the Church plebiscite on condition
that it was a 'genuine' plebiscite for Enosis [p. 47]

EDMA ..., the potential successor to EOKA was formed out of ex-fighters
in support of Makarios [p. 352]

ELAS ... the overwhelmingly superior forces of ELAS... [p.92]

EMAK ... a secret revolutionary organisation, well organised and fully
armed, which aimed at Enosis... [p.111]

KEM... a plot by KEM to assasinate Makarios and start civil war in the 
island... [p. 353]

OAE & OAP ... The two new organisations,..., sought to capture the 
loyalties of the moderate leftists and claimed to represent Akelists...[p.306]

OHEN ... had exercised a pernicious influence over Cypriot youth through OHEN
and had frequently preached sedition in recent years [p. 169]

PEAEK ... This organisation, according to its own accord, had issued over 3
million anti-British pamphlets printed by departments of the Greek Army and 
Government [p. 219]

PEK ... its subversive activities were in any case notorious and its links
with Greece essentially political. [p. 128]

PEKA ... [EOKA]'s political wing... [p. 242] 

PEON ...since its prescription in 1953, had functioned underground... [p. 101]

SEKA... pledged to self-determination and Enosis.. [p. 384]