=========================================================================== PETEK CILT: 2 SAYI: 1 1 HAZIRAN 1996 =========================================================================== ___________________________________________ / .......................... \ / ........ /\ /\ ....... \ / ...... / | / | ..... \ / ... / // | .... \ / .. /^/^ / / / ... \ / ... /()|'`--/ _ / .. \ / ... \_'/' '` \_' .. \ / ... 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YIldOnUmUmUz, baSta PETEK GOnUllUleri olmak Uzere tUm emeGi geCenlere ve siz deGerli okurlarImIza kutlu ve mutlu olsun. Geride kalan bir yIl iCinde tUmUyle gOnUllUlerden oluSan amatOr bir ekiple, akademik dUnyadan, bilim ve teknolojiye, sosyal bilimler ve kUltUrden, mizaha deGin geniS bir yelpazede, nitelik ve nicelik olarak tUmUyle profesyOnel CalISmalarla kIyaSlanabilecek dUzeyde yazIlarI sizlere sunduk. Her yeni sayI ile daha da gUClendik, daha iyisini yapmak iCin yUreklendik. Siz okurlarImIzdan aldIGImIz Sahsi yanItlardan, mektuplardan ve kendi gOzlemlerimizden edindiGimiz CIkarImlardan, Su anda Internet yayIncIlIk dUnyasInda kendi alanImIzda kolayca ulaSIlamayacak bir noktaya geldiGimize inanIyoruz. Sizlerin desteGi ve gUveni ile daha nice PETEK yIllarInI geride bIrakaCaGImIzdan eminiz. Daha doyurucu ve nitelikli PETEK'lere doGru adImI, yazI ve eleStiri bazIndaki yardIm ve destekleriniz ile atIyoruz, atacaGIz. PETEK'in bu beSinci sayIsI, tIpkI Oncekiler gibi dopdolu. Yine birCok deGiSik konuda ilginizi CekeceGini dUSUndUGUmUz yazIlarImIz var. Dilerseniz bu sayImIzda sizlerle paylaSmak istediklerimizden kIsaca sOz ederek sUrdUrelim sunuS yazImIzI. Sizlerin de bildiGi gibi ITU MezunlarI DerneGi UluslarasI KuruluSu'nun UCUncU kurultayI 6 Haziran 1996'da ITU TaSkISla KampUsU'nde gerCekleStirilecek. UluslararasI KuruluS'un BaSkanI sayIn Kayaalp BUyUkataman'In Kurultay Oncesindeki Su gUnlerde, KuruluSumuzun baSlangIcIndan bugUne kadar geCirdiGi evreleri bizlerle paylaStIGI yazIsInI ITU MezunlarI DerneGi TanItIm kOsesinde bulabilirsiniz. Bu arada yeri gelmiSken, PETEK YayIn Kurulu olarak, ITU MezunlarI DerneGi UluslarasI KuruluSu'na Kurultay CalISmalarInda baSarIlar diliyoruz. ITU-MD Almanya, A.B.D. Guney-BatI ve A.B.D. DoGu Subelerinin geCtiGimiz gUnlerde gerCekleStirilen genel kurul toplantIlarI ile ilgili haberler yine bu kOSemizde yer aliyor. ToplantIlarIn ana gUndemini oluSturan yeni yOnetim kurulu Uye seCimleri sonucunda seCilen arkadaSlarI kutlar, baSarIlar dileriz. KOSemizin bir alt bOlUmU olan "DUnyadaki TUrk kuruluSlarIndan Haberler"in bu sayIdaki konuklarI: American-Turkish Council ve Turkish-U.S. Business Council. Akademik DUnyadan kOsemizde Universitemizin Isletme Fakultesi'ni tanItan bir yazImIz var. HatIrlayacaginiz gibi daha Onceki sayIlarImIzda bu kOSemizde, Makina, MimarlIk ve InSaat FakUlteleri'nin geCmiSten-gUnUmUze tanItImInI yapan yazIlarI konuk etmiStik. "21. YUzyIla Girerken Istanbul Teknik Universitesi" baslIGI ile Universitemizin geleceGi ile ilgili plan ve programlarIn tartISIlabileceGi bir bOlUmU, yine bu kOSemizde baSlattIk. Bu anlamda Ufuk GOkCen'in "ITU'ye Gelir SaGlamak Icin Oneriler" baSlIklI makalesini bir baslangIC yazIsI olarak verdik. Bu bOlUmUzUn oldukCa etkin ve canlI bir tartISma ortamI yaratarak, Universitemizi geleceGe gOturecek plan ve programlama CalISmalarIna katkIda bulunacaGIna inanIyoruz. Bu sayImIzda ArI KovanI'nIn konuGu deGerli mezunumuz Prof. Dr. Oral BUyUkOztUrk. Kendilerinin ITU InSaat FakUltesi'nde baSlayan ve Su anda Massachusetts Institute of Technology'de (MIT) devam eden, mUhendislik ve akademik yaSamInIn ayrIntIlarInI ilgili bOlUmUzde bulabilirsiniz. Bilim ve Teknoloji kOSemizde, BogaziCi Universitesi tarafindan dUzenlenip, Istanbul-The Marmara Otelinde gerCekleStirilen "UluslararasI Tele-HaberleSme KonferansI" ile ilgili bir haberi bilginize sunuyoruz. Bu haber Ozetini, yine Istanbul'da, Avrupa Devre TopluluGu tarafIndan 12.si yapIlan "Devre Teorisi ve DizaynI" baSlIklI konferansa ait Prof. Dr. Cem GOknar tarafIndan aktarIlan ayrIntIlar izliyor. Bilim ve Teknoloji kOSemizin bir diGer makalesi ise bilim tarihinden: "CiCek HastalIGInIn DevasI Istanbul'dan Yola CIkmIS!" CiCek hastalIGInIn tedavi yOntemlerinin Cin'den, Kafkasya'ya, Istanbul'dan Londra'ya ve oradan dUnyanIn diGer merkezlerine sUren yolculuGunun Meral DemirtaS'In dUzenlemesi ve deGiSik biliminsanlarInIn yorumlarI ile irdelendiGi oldukCa enterasan bir yazI bu. Bilgisayar programlamaya ilgi duyanlarInIz, birCoklarInIn geleceGin programlama dili olarak kabul ettiGi JAVA'nIn tanItImInI Internet ve Bilgisayar DUnyamIzdan kOSesinde, Can SaldalcI'nIn bu konudaki giriS yazIsInda bulacaklar. Bu kOSemizin bir diGer konuGu ise faliyete henUz geCen ITU-MD yeni tanItIm sayfalarI ile ilgili yazImIz. Internet ziyaretCilerine kapsamlI olarak Dernek hakkInda bilgi vermeyi amaClayan bu sayfalarla ilgili duyurunun iCinde bir de Uyelik iSlemlerindeki yenilikler Uzerine son dakika haberini de bulacaksInIz. MUhendis GOzUyle kOSemizde gUncel konularImIzdan biri olan ve daha uzunca bir sure gUncelliGini koruyacagInI tahmin ettiGimiz "Enerji Tasarrufu" konusunda Universitemiz Ogretim Uyelerinden Prof. Dr. Alpin K. DaGsOz'un bir makalesi yer alIyor. Makale enerji tasarrufunun Ulkemiz aCIsIndan Onemini vurgularken, bu alanda Ulkemizdeki standart ve yOnetmeliklerdeki eksiklikleri gOzler OnUne seriyor. Yine bu kOSemizde, Istanbul'da ilk kez gerCeklestirilen "BUtUn DUnyadaki TUrk ISadamlarI ToplantIsIndan" izlenimler Nalan Arsoy-Gainer'in kaleminden aktarIlIyor. MUhendis GOzUyle'nin diGer bir makalesi "Hava ve Para DurumlarI Uzerine Notlar-Meteoroloji Ticareti" baSlIGInI taSIyor. Yazar, Meral DemirtaS, dUnyanIn CeSitli Ulkelerinde, hava tahminlerinin ticari unsur olarak deGerlendirilmesi konusunu Orneklerle anlatIyor. Sosyal Bilimler ve KUltUr kOSemizde felsefe tarihi, TUrk mUziGi ve Ebru SanatI Uzerine makaleler yer almakta. Hakan AydIn "Felsefe Tarihinden Kesitler"in UCUncUsUne Milet okulunun son temsilcisi filozof "Anaksimenes" ile devam ediyor. Esber kOprUcU "TUrk MUziGi Nedir, Ne DeGildir?" adlI makalesinde tarihsel perspektif iCinde TUrk muziGini irdeliyor. TUrk mUziGinde CesitliliGi ama aynI zamanda karmaSayI yaSadIGImIz Su gUnlerde bu makalenin ilgi CekeceGini dUSUnUyoruz. Bu kOSenin bir baSka konuGu "Ebru SanatI" konusunda TUrkCe ve Ingilizce yazIlmIS iki makalesi ile ArkIn IlIcalI. SanatCI, geleneksel TUrk sanatlarIndan "Ebrulama"nIn tarihsel geliSimini ve tekniklerini, unutulmaya yUz tutan bu sanatImIza hakettiGi Onemin verildiGi gUnlerin gelmesi umuduyla, bizlerle paylaSIyor. Mizah kOSesinde, geCen sayImIzda UNESCO'nun 1996 yIlInI Nasrettin Hoca yIlI olarak kabulU Uzerine Internet'te bizim de bir "maya"mIz olsun diye baslatIGImIz, Nasrettin Hoca Ozel bOlUmUne devam ediyoruz. Eski kUltUr bakanlarImIzdan sayIn Talat S. Halman'In: "Nasrettin Hoca: Her YaS ICin KIkIrtIlar -Nasreddin Hoca: Chuckles for All Ages." baSlIklI makalesini oldukCa bilgilendirici ve kapsamlI bulacaGInIzdan eminiz. Bu yazIyI siz deGerli PETEK okurlarInIn bizlerle paylastIGI "gulmekle bitmeyen" Nasrettin Hoca gUletileri izliyor. Siddetle okumanIzI tavsiye ettiGimiz gUletiler iCinde neler yok ki: "Sana ne?", "HiC", "Vadeyle Borc", "Yalan", "I've Got the Recipe" vs. Bizim Hoca'nIn gUletilerini; Amerikan mahkemelerinde sarfedilen komik sOzleri ve Ingilizcenin dUnyanIn deGiSik Ulkelerinde nasIl kullanIldIGInI (ya da kullanIlmaya CalISIldIGInI) konu alan iki ayrI gUleti izliyor. Dilimiz, Deyimlerimiz ve AtasOzlerimiz kOSemizde, "AtasOzlerinin TaSIdIGI CeSitli Ozellikler" Uzerine bir makale yeraliyor. "AC bIrakma hIrsIz edersin, Cok sOz sOyleme arsIz edersin"den, "aSInI, eSini, iSini bil"e deGin birCok atasOzUnUn CeSitli Ozelliklerine gOre sInIfladIrIlmasInI ilgi Cekici bulacaGInIzI Umit ediyoruz. Serbest KOSe'de deGiSik konulara yer veren yazIlarImIz var. "Emek gOCUnUn TUrkiye'deki 35 yIllIk hikayesini" TUrkiye'de uzun yIllar yaSamIs ve TUrkCe bilen Ingiliz Prof. Dr. Paul Stirling'in kaleminden okuyacaksInIz. Bu sayIdan itibaren kOSemizin Nalan Arsoy-Gainer OnderliGinde kurulan yeni bir bOlUmU var: "Washington Sayfasi". Bu bOlumde TUrk Amerikan toplumunun etkinliklerinden, garip gerCeklere deGin birCok deGiSik konuda yazIlar bulacaksInIz. Almanya'da nasIl calISma izni alIndIGInI merak ediyorsanIz, Mehmet S. YIlmaz'In baSIndan geCenleri ve gOzlemlerini benzer durumlarla karSIlaSabilecek diGer okurlarImIz iCin anlattIGI yazIsInI okumalIsInIz. Sunus yazImIzI, dergimize yazI ve eleStirileri ile katkIda bulunan herkese ve Ozellikle bu sayInIn hazIrlanmasInda emegi gecen tum dostlarImIza teSekkur ederek bitirmek istiyoruz. Bir sonraki sayImIza deGin saGlIcakla kalIn. SaygI ve sevgilerimizle, PETEK YayIn Kurulu Baskan: Meral DemirtaS (Meteoroloji '90) Baskan Yrd.: Harun Taner (Gemi InsaatI '88) Uye: Tolgay Nur (Isletme '94) Uye: OzgUr Polat (Makina '90) =========================================================================== PETEK YazISma Adresi ve PETEK'e "WWW"de EriSim =========================================================================== Elektronik posta ile bize ulaSmak isteyenler PETEK YayIn Kurulu Uyelerinin yukarIdaki adreslerine ya da aSaGIdaki "itumez" adresine baSvurabilir. PETEK'e posta ile yazI gOndermek isteyenler iCin yazISma adresimiz aSaGIda verilmiStir: _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ ISTANBUL TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI _/ _/ <<< Mezunlari Dernegi ~ Alumni Association >>> _/ _/ <<< ULUSLARARASI KURULUSU ~ INTERNATIONAL BRANCH >>> _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ 235 E. River Dr Suite 1502 ~ Phone / Fax : 203-282-0251 _/ _/ E. Hartford, CT 06108, USA ~ E-mail: _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ PETEK'e "www" ve "ftp" ile eriSmek istiyorsanIz: 1. http://www.ece.orst.edu/~ituweb/petek/ [ABD'deki adres.] 2. http://www.itu.edu.tr/petek.html [Istanbul Teknik Universitesi'ndeki adres.] 3. ftp.itu.edu.tr adresinde /pub/petek dizini PETEK-L tartISma listemize Uye olmak isterseniz adresine ilk satirinda SUB PETEK-L komutu bulunan bir e-posta yollamaniz yeterlidir. PETEK'in her yeni sayIsInIn "www" adreslerimize yerlestirilmesi iCin kIsa bir sUre beklemeniz gerekebileceGini anImsatalIm. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== PETEK YazI KurallarI =========================================================================== * YazIlarInIzI, yukarIda adresleri verilen PETEK YayIn Kurulu (PYK) Uyelerine ya da PETEK YazISma Adresine gOnderiniz. Elektronik posta ile gOnderilen yazIlarI tercih etmekteyiz. * YazInIza "Subject: ITU-MD E-Dergi: PETEK" UstbaSlIGInI veriniz. * YazI geniSliGinin 75 karakteri aSmamasIna Ozen gOsteriniz. * YazInIzI bir satIr aralIGInda yazInIz, metin iCinde fazla boS satIra yer vermemeye Ozen gOsteriniz. * YazInIzI kUCUk harflerle yazInIz, tamamI bUyUk harflerle yazIlmIS yazIlar kabul edilmemektedir. * PETEK'te yayImlanacak yazIlarda dil ve uzunluk sInIrlamasI yoktur. YabancI dilde yayImlanacak yazIlar iCin yazar(lar)Indan kIsa bir TUrkCe Ozet istenir. * Konu serbest olmakla beraber aSaGIda belirtilen konu Obekleri YayIn Kurulu'nca uygun bulunmuStur: ITU MezunlarI DerneGi (ITU-MD) TanItIm Akademik DUnyadan Bilim ve Teknoloji Internet ve Bilgisayar DUnyasIndan MUhendis GOzUyle Sosyal Bilimler ve KUltUr Mizah Dilimiz, Deyimlerimiz ve Atasozlerimiz Serbest KOSe Okuyucudan * YazInIzIn bu konu Obeklerinden hangisine uygun oldugunu belirleyip, iCeriGini birkaC sOzcUk ile aSaGIdaki Orneklerdeki gibi aCIklayInIz: Konu : Konu ObeGi --> iCerik { Ornekler : Konu : Bilim ve Teknoloji --> BulanIk MantIk Uzerine Konu : Akademik DUnyadan --> YabancI dille eGitim gerekli mi? Konu : Internet ve Bilgisayar DUnyasIndan --> Elektronik Ulak Konu : Sosyal Bilimler ve KUltUr --> MUzik ve toplum Konu : Mizah --> Havadan para kazananlara ne denir? } ASaGIda bir yazI OrneGi bulacaksInIz: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: ITU-MD E-Dergi: PETEK: Serbest Kose --> FIrIldaGIn okulu olur mu? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {YazInIzIn baSlIGI} FIrIldaGIn okulu olur mu? {YazInIz buraya yerleStirilmelidir.} {AdInIz, soyadInIz, (varsa) mezun olduGunuz Universite ve bOlUmUnUzUn adI, lisans mezuniyet yIlInIz, e-posta adresiniz, (ITU-MD Uyesi iseniz) ITU-MD Uyesi ibaresi ve hangi Ulkede kayItlI olduGunuz; (varsa ya da yazmak isterseniz) ayrIntIlI yazISma adresiniz, (varsa) kaynaklar} Meral Demirtas (Meteorloji '90) ITU-MD Uyesi, Ingiltere {Ornek bir yazISma adresi: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meral Demirtas Tel: (44) (01734) 318950 University of Reading Fax: (44) (01734) 352604 Department of Meteorology E-mail: swrdemas@met.reading.ac.uk 2 Earley Gate, Reading RG6 2AU United Kingdom --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PETEK'e gOnderilen yazIlar YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu (YDK) Uyelerince PETEK YazI DeGerlendirme KurallarIna gOre deGerlendirilir. Bu deGerlendirme sonucu PYK'ca yazIyI gOnderene (yazara) bildirilir. * BaSka kaynaklardan aktarIlan yazIlar hakkIndaki kurallar aSaGIda belirtilmiStir: 1. BaSka bir yerde yayImlanmIS bir yazI iCin yazarIndan veya yayIncIsIndan izin alInmalIdIr. 2. BaSka listelerden ya da tartISma ortamlarIndan aktarIlan yazIlarIn yazarIndan izin alInmalI, yazI anonim ise aktarIlan kaynak liste belirtilmelidir. * YazI gOnderenlerden karSIlIk veya yanIt hakkI doGuracak yazI yollamamalarI beklenmektedir. Herhangi bir biCimde yanIt hakkI doGmuS ise, PYK'ya gOnderilen karSIlIk yazIlarI bir sonraki sayIda yayImlanIr. * GOnderilen yazIlarIn yayImlansIn veya yayImlanmasIn geri iadesi sOzkonusu deGildir! * PETEK Dergisi'nde yayImlanan yazIlarIn baSka yayIn organlarInda yayImlanmak istenmesi durumunda yazInIn yazarIndan ya da PYK'ndan izin alInmalIdIr. * Yazarlar yazIlarInIn iCeriGinden sorumludur. Bu konuda PYK, YDK veya ITU-MD hiCbir durumda herhangi bir sorumluluk Ustlenmez. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== ICindekiler =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ITU MezunlarI DerneGi TanItIm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 ITU-MD Etkinlikleri 1.1.1 ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusu 3. Kurultayi'na Dogru, Kaya Buyukataman 1.1.2 ITU-MD Almanya Kolu Genel Kurulu ToplandI, Harun Taner 1.1.3 ITU-MD ABD Guney Bati Subesi, 1.1.4 ITU-MD ABD Dogu Subesi Yeni Yonetim Kurulu, Nalan Arsoy-Gainer 1.2 Dunyadaki Turk Kuruluslarindan Haberler 1.2.1 American-Turkish Council 1.2.2 Turkish-U.S. Business Council (TUSBC) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Akademik DUnyadan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 ITU'den Haberler 2.1.1 ISletme FakUltesi, Ilhan Bayraktar 2.2 21. YUzyIla Girerken Istanbul Teknik Universitesi 2.2.1 ITU'ye Gelir SaGlamak iCin Oneriler, Ufuk GokCen 2.3 ArI KovanI: 2.3.1 Konuk: Prof. Dr. Oral BUyUkOztUrk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Bilim ve Teknoloji --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 International Telecommunications Conference Ends in Istanbul 3.2 European Circuit Society and 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory Held in Istanbul, Cem Goknar 3.3 Cicek HastalIGInIn DevasI Istanbul'dan Yola CIkmIS!, Meral Demirtas --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Internet ve Bilgisayar DunyasIndan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 JAVA - An Introduction, Can K. SandalcI 4.2 Faaliyete GeCen Yeni ITU-MD TanItIm SayfalarI, Meral DemirtaS, Kaya BUyUkataman ve Can K. SandalcI --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. MUhendis GOzUyle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Enerji Tasarrufu, Alpin Kemal DaGsOz 5.2 Where Do We Go From Here? Nalan Arsoy-Gainer 5.3 Havadan Para Kazanmalar Uzerine Notlar, Meral DemirtaS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Sosyal Bilimler ve Kultur --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Felsefe Tarihinden Kesitler (3): Anaksimenes, Hakan Aydin 6.2 TUrk MUziGi Nedir, Ne DeGildir? ESber O. KOprUcU 6.3 Ebru Sanati Hakkinda, Arkin Ilicali 6.4 Brief History of Marbling and Ebru, Arkin Ilicali --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Mizah --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Internet'e Maya Caliyoruz, Ozgur Polat 7.1.1 Nasreddin Hoca, Chuckles for All Ages, Talat S. Halman 7.1.2 Nasrettin Hoca'dan, Beka Kavgaoglu 7.1.3 "I've got the Recipe", Feyza O'Connell 7.1.4 More Stories of Nasreddin Hodja, [Aktaran: Ozgur Polat] 7.2 Disorder in the Court, [Aktaran: Kayaalp Buyukataman] 7.3 English as a Second Language, [Aktaran: Bulent Catay] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Dilimiz, Deyimlerimiz ve AtasOzlerimiz --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 AtasOzlerinin TaSIdIGI CeSitli Ozellikler, Meral DemirtaS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Serbest Kose --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Labour Migration in Turkey: Thirty Five Years of Changes, Paul Stirling 9.2 Washington Sayfasi, Nalan Arsoy-Gainer 9.3 Almanya'da Nasil Calisma Izni Alinir?, Mehmet S. Yilmaz --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Okuyucudan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Kisaca, Tolgay Nur 10.2 Sizden Bize (Okuyucu Mektuplari) 10.3 Anket Formu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. PETEK YayIn Kurulu Uyeleri --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. PETEK YayIn DanISmanI --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyeleri --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. ITU-MD Uyelik Formu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== PETEK CILT: 2 SAYI: 1 1 HAZIRAN 1996 =========================================================================== =========================================================================== 1. ITU MezunlarI DerneGi TanItIm =========================================================================== 1.1 ITU-MD Etkinlikleri 1.1.1 ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusu 3. Kurultayi'na Dogru, Kaya Buyukataman 1.1.2 ITU-MD Almanya Kolu Genel Kurulu ToplandI, Harun Taner 1.1.3 ITU-MD ABD Guney Bati Subesi 1.1.4 ITU-MD ABD Dogu Subesi Yeni Yonetim Kurulu, Nalan Arsoy-Gainer 1.2 Dunyadaki Turk Kuruluslarindan Haberler 1.2.1 American-Turkish Council 1.2.2 Turkish-U.S. Business Council (TUSBC) =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusu 3. Kurultayi'na Dogru --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITU Taskisla Kampusu'nde 6 Haziran 1996'da gerceklesecek olan Ucuncu Kurultayimizla (*) ilgili calismalarimizin devam ettigi su gunlerde, toplantimiza katilamayacak olanlari da goz onune alarak, PETEK araciligi ile sizlere kurulusundan bugunlere kadar Uluslararasi Kurulusu amaclari ve calismalari hakkinda bilgi vermek istiyoruz. I. ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusu'nun Olusturulmasi: 3 Haziran 1993 tarihinde dunyanin dort bir kosesine yayilmis ITU mezunlarini bir cati altinda toplamak, aramizdaki birlik ve beraberligi pekistirmek ve bizleri mezun eden ITU'muze destek olmak amaci ile, 1989 yilinda Turkiye'de kurulmus olan ITU Mezunlari Dernegi'nin onderliginde "ITU-MD Uluslarasi Kurulusu" faaliyete gecirilmistir. Yururlukte olan Turkiye Cumhuriyeti yasalari subelesmeye veya federasyon catisi altinda birlesmeye musaade etmediginden, "Uluslararasi Kurulus" bugun icin bagimsiz bir yapida olusturulmustur. Her iki kurulusun uye tabanlari aynidir ve uyelerine hizmet sahalari Turkiye ici ve disi seklinde bolunmustur. Gunumuzun olanaklarini en iyi sekilde kullanarak ITU'ye ve uyelerine hizmet vermeyi amaclayan Kurulusumuzun bugun icin dort kitada, 16 ulkeye dagilmis 34 subesinde vermis oldugu bolgesel faaliyetlerinin yani sira tum uyelere ortak faaliyet gosteren birimleri de olusturulmustur. Asagida sizlere kisa basliklar halinde calisma yapimiz ve faaliyetlerimiz hakkinda bilgi sunacagiz (**). II. ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusu Genel Yapisi 1. Genel Yonetim Kurulu: Merkez Yonetim Kurulu ve Baskanlar Kurulu'ndan olusur. 1.1 Merkez Yonetim Kurulu: Seref Baskani: Suleyman Demirel (Insaat'49) Baskan: Kaya Buyukataman (Makina '64) Baskan Yardimcisi: Mehmet Binal (Elektrik '69) Genel Sekreter: Esin Buyukataman (MimarlIk '64) Uye: Gul Ozulkulu (Endustri '88) Uye: Esref Ozulkulu (Elektrik '87) Uye: Prof. Turan Onat (Makina '48) Uye: Prof. Nejat Olgac (Makina '72) Uye: Keramettin Atabay (Makina' 67) 1.2 Baskanlar Kurulu: Gorev ve faaliyetleri geregi iki gruba ayrilirlar. Bolgesel Baskanlar ve Birim Baskanlari 1.2.1 Bolgesel Baskanlar: Bulunduklari bolgedeki uyelere ve Dernek'in ortak projelerine yonelik hizmet veren 16 ulkedeki 25 bolge baskanindan olusmaktadir. Osman Simav Ph.D. (Makina '75) Prof. Nejat Guzelsu (Insaat '64) Tunca Iskir (MimarlIk '64) Nalan Arsoy-Gainer (Makina '81) Murat Bilgin (Ucak '90) Prof. Umit Ozguner (Elektrik '71) Faruk Oksuz (Maden '86) Ata Tursucu (Elektrik '74) Sualp Yurteri (Ucak '76) Prof. Bahadir Inozu (Gemi InsaatI) Uner Gokcen (MimarlIk '66) Atilla Bektore (Insaat '51) Dincer Ozgur Ph.D. (Insaat '65) Mithat Yuce Ph.D. (Makina '71) Kerem Kapkin (Kimya '90) Prof. Cengiz Ertekin (Gemi InsaatI '77) Gurcan Aral Ph.D. (Makina '70) Nafiz Yucel (Elektrik '70) Prof. Yusuf Altintas (Makina '76) Mehmet Atlar Ph.D. (Gemi InsaatI '75) Coskun Susoy (Maden '71) I Demir Karsan (Insaat '65) Oguz Ozel (Jeofizik '91) Harun Taner (Gemi InsaatI '88) Tahir Kutbi Olcer (Elektrik '64) Suat Yilmaz (Metalurji '89) Bu gectigimiz devre icinde en fazla aktif olan 10 bolgenin baskanlari ise Nalan Arsoy-Gainer (Makina '81) Faruk Oksuz (Maden '86) Atilla Bektore (Insaat '51) Prof. Nejat Guzelsu (Insaat '64) Mithat Yuce Ph.D. (Makina '71) Gurcan Aral Ph.D. (Makina '70) Mehmet Atlar Ph.D. (Gemi InsaatI '75) Nafiz Yucel (Elektrik '70) Harun Taner (Gemi InsaatI '88) Tahir Kutbi Olcer (Elektrik '64) 1.2.2 Birim Baskanlari: Cesitli kademelerde tum Kurulus'a ortak hizmet veren faaliyet birimlerinin baskanlarindan meydana gelmektedir. Tuzuk Komitesi: Prof. Rasit Eskicioglu (Kimya '77) Denetleme Kurulu: Prof. Bulent Kobu (Makina '61) Disiplin Kurulu: Prof. Yusuf Altintas (Makina '76) Danisma Kurulu: Prof. Oral Buyukozturk (Insaat '63) Uyelik ve Gizli Evraklar: Koksal Hocaoglu (Elektronik '88) Homepage (WWW) Komitesi: Can Sandalci (Kontrol-Bilgisayar '94) PETEK Elektronik Dergisi: Meral Demirtas (Meteoroloji '90) Genc ITU: Emrah Can (Jeoloji '90) ITU'ye Kitap Yardimi Komitesi: Prof. Bulent Kobu (Makina '61) ATAA Temcilcileri: Serdar Muslu (Elektronik '89) Arif Nesimi Kilic (Ucak '83) FTAA Temsilcisi: Zafer Yucel Oner (Maden '92) 2. Mutevelli Kurulu Yonetim Kurulu ve Yardim Toplama Biriminden olusur: Uluslararasi Kurulus'un Mutevelli Kurulu, Dernek'in bir yarisi olarak kurulmus ve ayni genel kurul tarafindan kuvvetlendirilmis bagimsiz bir teskilattir. Kurulusumuzun temelindeki mali ve maddi gucu temsil etmektedir. 2.1 Yonetim Kurulu Baskan Erden Arkan (Mimar '71) Yazman Ahmet Gursoy (Insaat '51) Uyeler: Tunca Iskir (Mimar '64) Ahmet Toprak (Makina '75) Dogan Uygur (Makina '70) Ali Bukey (Sanayii '77) Onder Alademir (Makina '68) Mehmet Cetinbas (Maden '63) Hasan Alabulak (Ucak '68) 2.2 Yardim Toplama Birimi: Baskan Nalan Arsoy Gainer (Makina '81) III. Uyelere ve ITU'ye Yonelik Calismalarimiz: Uyeler arasindaki haberlesme, karsilikli bilgi alisverisini guclendirme ve cesitli konularda yardimlasma ortami saglamak amaciyla Internet olanaklari en iyi sekilde degerlendirilerek su hizmetler verilmektedir: 1. Genel `e-mail' dagitim listesiyle karsilikli iletisim yapilmaktadir. (Genel duyurular, uyelerden gelen mesajlar, is ve staj yerleri hakkinda bilgi verilmesi gibi). 2. `Homepage' ile Internet'te Dernek ve uyeler hakkinda bilgi veren sayfalar olusturulmustur. 3. `E-mail' ile yayim yapan Uc ayda bir cikan PETEK Elektronik Dergisi ve Ari Kovani gazetesi birimlerini faaliyete gecirmistir. Merkez ve bolgesel subelerde; Turkiye'yi ve Ataturk ideallerini tanitici calismalarimizin yani sira, mezunlarimizi bir araya getiren cesitli sosyal faaliyetlerimiz de cig gibi buyuyerek devam etmektedir. Dernek'imiz ITU'ye yardimlarinda ilk hedef olarak kutuphanelerine, Bilgi Islem Merkezi'ne ve laboratuvarlarina yardimi on plana almistir. Bugune kadar ITU kutuphanelerine toplam iki bin civarinda kitap gonderilmis olup, calismalarimiz hizla devam etmektedir. Bilgi Islem Merkezi'ne maddi yardim icin "uluslararasi piyango bileti satisi" duzenlenmistir. Laboratuvarlara yardim icin de cesitli sosyal faaliyetlerle para toplanarak, gereken yerlere aktarilmistir. Yukarida ozet olarak sundugumuz yapilarin olusumunda, uyelere ve ITU'ye yonelik faaliyetlerdeki basarilarimiz; her yas grubundan ITU mezunlarimizin bir araya gelerek olusturduklari gonullu calismalarinin urunudur. Kendilerine tesekkurlerimizi sunar ve diger mezunlarimizi da ITU'muze ve Dernek'imize destek olmaya davet ederiz. Gayeye donuk olan Dernek calismalari artan bir hizla devam etmektedir. Sizleri de aramizda gormeyi diler, selam ve sevgilerimizi sunariz. Kaya Buyukataman (Makina '64) ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusu Baskani (*) UCUncU Kurultay ProgramImIzda kIsaca Su etkinlikler yer alacaktIr: ISTANBUL TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI MEZUNLARI DERNEGI ULUSLARARASI KURULUSU UCUNCU KURULTAYI 6 Haziran 1996 PerSembe A. Kurultay ProgramI: Saat: 16:00 - 19:00 arasInda Yer: ITU TaSkISla BinasI B. ITU Mezunlari TUrk MUzigi Toplulugu Konseri: Saat: 20:00 - 21:30 arasinda Yer: Rumeli HisarI C. ITU Gecesi: 21:30'dan itibaren (gazino veya taverna) KURULTAY GUNDEMI: Saat: 16:00 - 19:30 ________________ Kayit ve Asil Uyelerin Tesbiti I. Kurultay Idarecisi Nalan Arsoy-Gainer II. ACIlIS KonuSmasI Sayin Ercan Vuralhan, Buyukelci Sayin Prof. Dr. Resat Baykal, Rektor Sayin Hakki Atun, KKTC Basbakani Sayin SUleyman Demirel, Cumhurbaskanimiz ITU-MD Seref BaskanI III. Kurul ve Komiteleri TanItIm Kaya Buyukataman Uluslararasi Kurulus Kollari Temsilcileri ITU-MD Seref Uyeleri, N. A. Gainer TUrkiye Merkez Icra Kurulu Idare Heyeti, Remzi Yucebas IV. Uluslararasi Kurulus TUzUgU ve IC TUzUk Atilla BektOre V. Ikinci Kurultay (New York) Tutanaklarinin Okunmasi/Onaylanmasi Nalan Arsoy-Gainer VI. Icra Kurulu Faaliyet Raporu Kaya BUyUkataman VII. MUtevelli Heyeti Faaliyet Raporu Erden Arkan ITU-BIM Piyangosu Nalan Arsoy-Gainer VIII. Komite Faaliyet Raporlari ve Ozetleri: PETEK, GenC-ITU, TUzUk, Uyelik, Kitap YardImI, WWW Homepage, IX. Denetleme Kurulu Mali Raporu Prof. Bulent Kobu X. Icra Kurulunun ve Baskanlik Divanini Onaylama ---- Ara ---- XI. Yeni Icra Kurulu ve Baskanlik Divaninin GOrev Teslimi XII. Takdire DeGer Faaliyette Bulunan Uyelere OdUllerinin verilmesi XIII. Kurucu Uyesi Belgelerini DagItIm XIV. Dilekler XV. KapanIS Saat 19:00 --> Rumeli HisarI'na hareket <<< ITU MEZUNLARI TURK MUZIGI TOPLULUGU KONSERI >>> Saat: 20:00 - 21:30 arasi Yer: Rumeli Hisari ITU Mezunlari TUrk MUzigi Toplulugu, Sayin Inci Cayirli Hanimefendi'nin yOnetiminde Cesitli klasik ve neoklasik eserler sunacaktir. Konser tUm ITU'lUlere, ailelerine, arkadaslarIna ve HABITAT II programlari dolayIsIyle Istanbul'da bulunan tUm misafirlere aCIktIr. Saat: 21:15 --> ITU Gecesi iCin lokantaya hareket <<< NESE DOLU BIR ITU GECESI >>> Saat: 21:30'dan itibaren Yer: Rumeli HisarI'nda bildirilecektir. Konseri takiben ITU Gecesi iCin tespit edilen lokanta/tavernaya veya gazinoya hareket edilecektir. SON SOZ: KOL VE BIRIM BASKANLARI VE UYELERIMIZIN DIKKATINE: Kurultayin efektif bir iletisimle gerCeklesmesi iCin, asagida sizlerden istedigimiz bilgileri en kisa sUre iCinde su arkadaslara iletiniz: TUrkiye'de: Osman Simav, Tel: 212-252-6363 TUrkiye dISInda: Kaya BUyUkataman, 1. Kurucu Uyelik belgelerinizin hazirlanabilmesi iCin Onceden isimlerinizi bildiriniz. 2. Kurultaya katilamayacak olan komite ve kol baSkanlari, sizi temsilen gelecek olan arkadaslarin isimlerini bildiriniz. 3. Daha geniS bilgi sahibi olmak istediginiz veya tartisma aCmak istediginiz konulari bildiriniz. 4. Takdire layik gOrdUgUnUz, UstUn faaliyette bulunan Uyelerin isimlerinini bildiriniz. 5. LUtfen Uyelik kartlarinizla geliniz. (**) ITU-MD Uluslararasi KuruluSu hakkindaki detayli bilgi icin ayrica asagidaki sayfamiza bakmanizi da oneririz: http://www.ece.orst.edu/~ituweb --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 ITU-MD Almanya Kolu Genel Kurulu ToplandI --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almanya Kolu Genel Kurulu, Kol TUzUGUnUn ilgili maddesi uyarInca 2 MayIs 1996 gUnU toplandI. ToplantIda kurucu yOnetim kurulu aklandI ve yeni yOnetim kurulu Uyeleri seCildi. ToplantIda sIrasIyla Su gUndem maddeleri yer aldI: * ACIlIS * Divan baSkanlIGI seCimi: Divan BaSkanlIGIna Dipl.-Ing. MUh. AydoGan Ozdamar, Divan BaSkan YardImcIlIGI ve YazmanlIGa Dipl.-Ing. MUh. K. Turgut Gursel oybirliGiyle seCildi. * Divan BaSkanInca Genel Kurul Uyelerinin sayImI yapIldI ve katIlamayan Uyelerimizin vekaletleri kabul edildi. * GUndem Genel Kurulun onayIna sunuldu ve kabul edildi. * Divan BaSkanI, aCIlIS konuSmasInI yapmak Uzere, sOzU YOnetim Kurulu BaSkanI Harun Taner'e verdi. YK BaSkanI konuSmasInda Almanya Kolu'nun kuruluS dOnemi CalISmalarInI ve etkinliklerini deGerlendirdi. * Sayman mali raporu sundu. * Genel Kurul Uyeleri YOnetim Kurulunun icraatlarI Uzerine sOz aldIlar, sorular sordular. Sorular ve konuSmalar YK adIna YK BaSkanInca yanItlandI. * YOnetim Kurulunun aklanmasI: Genel Kurul, Y. MUh. Harun Taner (BSk.), Y. MUh. Sinan Gungor (BSk. Yrd.), Dipl.-Ing. MUh. K. Turgut Gursel (Uye) ve Dipl.-Ing. MUh. Ilhan Hasdemir (Uye) 'den oluSan Kurucu YOnetim Kurulunu oybirliGiyle akladI, mali rapor kabul edildi ve bu dOnemde alInan kararlarI onayladI. * Divan BaSkanI, yeni yOnetim kurulu adaylarInIn bildirilmesi iCin onbeS dakikalIk ara verdi. Verilen arayI fIrsat bilen -sabahtan beri yemek yememiS- bazI Uyelerimiz meyve sularIna ve Cerezlere saldIrarak biraz olsun aClIklarInI giderdiler. * Yeni yonetim kurulunun seCimi: Yonetim Kurulu Uyeliklerine aday olan dOrt arkadaSImIz - ikisi oybirliGiyle, ikisi oyCokluGuyla olmak Uzere - Genel Kurulca yeni YOnetim Kurulu Uyeliklerine seCildi. Almanya Kolu 2. DOnem YOnetim Kurulu Su Uyelerimizden oluSmuStur: Mimar H. AkIn GOzUaCIk (BaSkan) MUh. Bora KoCdemir (BSk. Yrd.) MUh. GUlsevim KoCdemir (Sayman) Y. MUh. Sinan GUngOr (Uye) * Divan BaSkanInIn sOz vermesi Uzerine yeni YOnetim Kurulu BaSkanI H. AkIn GOzUaCIk kIsa bir konuSma yaparak Genel Kurula teSekkUrlerini sundu. * Genel Kurul Uyeleri bir sUre sohbet ettikten ve gelecek etkinliklere yOnelik dileklerini bildirdikten sonra Divan BaSkanI Genel Kurulu kapattI. Almanya Kolu'nun yeni Yonetim Kuruluna etkinliklerinde baSarIlar dileriz. Harun Taner --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.3 ITU-MD ABD Guney Bati Subesi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ASagidaki yazI ITU-MD UluslararasI KuruluSu "ITUMEZ DaGItIm Listesi"nden temin edilmiS ve PETEK'te yayImlanmak Uzere dUzenlenmiStir.] ----------------------- Genel Kurul Toplantisi'ni, Sayin Dernek Baskanimiz Kaya Buyukataman'in da katilmasi ile 2 Mart 1996'da Dallas Texas'ta yapmis ve yeni yonetim kuruluna asagidaki uyelerimiz secilmistir: Baskan: Mithat Yuce barlas@computek.net Baskan yard.: Serdar Kiyikioglu skiykiog@tddcae99.fnts.com Sekreter: Ertugrul Baydar ebaydar@tddcae99.fnts.com Treasurer: Halit Ozaltun halit@computek.net Uye: Guner Ozaltun halit@computek.net Yeni secilen yonetim kurulu asagidaki kararlari oy birligi ile almistir: 1. YONETIM KURULU TOPLANTILARI Yonetim kurulu toplantilarinin an az iki ayda bir yapilmasina karar verilmistir. Buna gore gelecek toplanti nisan ayinin ilk haftasinda (4.6.96) Mithat Yuce'nin evinde yapilacaktir. Not: Bu toplanti tum uyelerimize aciktir, katilmak isteyenler lutfen, M. Yuce'ye onceden e-mail gonderiniz. 2. UYE SAYISINI ARTIRMAK Yonetim kurulu nisan ayi toplantisina kadar yapilacak en onemli calismanin uye sayimizin artirilmasi olduguna karar vermis ve bu konuda butun yonetim kurulu uyeleri caba gostermekle gorevlendirilmistir. Ayrica yonetim kurulu TURANT (Dallas'daki Turk dernegi) dergisinin gelecek sayisina ilan vererek bolgedeki ITU mezunlarina ulasmayi kararlastirmis ve bu konuda sayin Guner Ozaltun'u gorevlendirmistir. Guney Bati Bolgesi Texas, Oklahoma ve New Mexico'yu kapsamaktadir. Yonetim kurulu tum uyelerimizden bolgemizde tanidiklari ITU mezunlarina ulasip dernegimize yeni uyeler kazandirmaya calismalarini rica eder. Bu konuda gereken bilgileri yonetim kurulu uyelerinden alabilirsiniz. 3. DERNEK CALISMALARI Yonetim kurulu ilk calisma olarak ITU Mezunlari Dernegi'nin ITU icin kitap toplama kampanyasina aktif olarak katilmaya karar vermis ve Mithat Yuce bu konuda gereken bilgileri toplayip yonetim kurulunun gelecek toplantisina sunmakla gorevlendirilmistir. Bu bilgiler tum uyelerimize de dagitilacaktir. Yeni yonetim kuruluna secilen arkadaslara bu gorevleri kabul ettiklerinden dolayi tesekur eder ve tum uyelerimiz de bu arkadaslara yardimci olmalarini dilerim. Y.Muh Dr. Mithat Yuce ITU-MD UluslararasI KuruluSu BaSkan YardImcIsI, ABD GUney BatI BOlgesi Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico W:817/280-4399, H:817/283-0179 E-mail: yuce@aol.com, barlas@computek.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.4 ITU-MD ABD Dogu Subesi Yeni Yonetim Kurulu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABD Dogu Subesi yeni Yonetim Kurulu Uyeliklerine Su dOrt arkadaSImIz seCilmiStir: Nalan Arsoy-Gainer, Baskan (Makina '81) ptcorg@pop.erols.com Deniz Karadenizli, Sekreter (Tekstil '90) dkaradenzli@ubmail.ubalt.edu Dr. Zafer Boybeyi, Uye (Meteoroloji '84) boybeyi@mclapo.saic.com Hasmet Gokirmak, Uye (Maden '85) hgokirmak@aol.com Nalan Arsoy-Gainer [Bu Subemiz Cevrelerindeki CeSitli etkinliklerden haber vermek amacIyla "Washington SayfasI"nI PETEK'in bu sayImIzdan itibaren baSlatmaktadIr. Ilgiyle okuyacaGInIz yazIlarInI "Serbeset KOse" bOlUmUmUzde sunuyoruz.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Dunyadaki Turk Kuruluslarindan Haberler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bu bOlUmUmUzde sizlere iS dUnyasIndan iki kuruluSu tanItmaya CalISacaGIz: Amerikan-TUrk Konseyi (ATC) ve TUrk-Amerikan IS Konseyi (TUSBC). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1 American-Turkish Council (ATC) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Business Association Dedicated to Friendship and the Promotion of U.S.-Turkish Commercial, Defense and Cultural Relations The American-Turkish Council (ATC), based in Washington, DC, is the leading business association in the United States devoted to the promotion of U.S.-Turkish commercial, defense and cultural relations. ATC maintains a diverse membership: U.S., Turkish, multinational, and mid-sized companies, small consulting firms and individuals with an interest in U.S.-Turkish relations. The highlight of ATC's program is the Annual Conference, which is held in Washington, D.C. in the first quarter of each year. It is the most important and comprehensive scheduled event of the year, and incorporates the whole spectrum of U.S.-Turkish relations. The Conference attracts leaders in international business and senior government officials from both Turkey and the United States. It offers up-to-date political and economic briefings and cultural events which provide insight into the historical background and evolution of modern Turkey. The Conference also provides an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and information on strategic issues, large project development, and product marketing in Turkey, with Turkish companies in third countries, and in the newly independent Turkic republics. In addition to the Annual Conference, ATC regularly sponsors breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, and receptions for Turkish dignitaries visiting the U.S., and also seminars/workshops and trade missions to Turkey as recommended by the Council members and industrial committees. Each of these committees focus on specific business lines, such as agribusiness, construction, defense & foreign affairs, energy & pipelines, environment, financial services, telecommunications, textiles, transportation and tourism. ATC also has committees on cultural activities, dispute resolutions, public affairs, small business, trade issues and trilateral trade & investment opportunities in the eastern Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Sea regions, Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. Benefits from membership in ATC include: business advisory services, participation in the Annual Conference & Trade Exposition, invitations to workshop/briefing programs and social events throughout the year, subscription to ATC's fax bulletin service, and access to ATC's electronic bulletin board which is a data bank for pertinent marketing information on Turkey and issues affecting U.S.-Turkish relations. For further details on ATC's program and membership information, please contact: AMERICAN-TURKISH COUNCIL 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W., Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20005-4902 Telephone: 1-202-783-0483 Fax: 1-202-783-0511 E-mail: atcafot@aol.com ATC homepage: http://members.aol.com/atcafot/atc.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.2 Turkish-U.S. Business Council (TUSBC) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Turkish private sector established bilateral business councils with foreign counterparts for the purpose of conducting its international business relations more effectively. The number of these business councils, which operate under the umbrella of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK, Dis Ekonomik Iliskiler Kurulu), has reached 50. The Turkish-U.S. Business Council was established in 1985 in Washington D.C., jointly with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. TUSBC is based in Istanbul and operates as an active part of the DEIK organization. ATC (American-Turkish Council), based in Washington, DC, represents TUSBC in the U.S. and the two organizations operate through joint sub-committees on business development issues. Over the past ten years the Council has held joint annual meetings in the U.S. and Turkey on an alternating basis. TUSBC enjoys the support of the two governments, and was privileged to host dignitaries at the highest level at functions where the dedication of both countries to democracy, free trade and competition was the common goal. The primary objective of TUSBC is to contribute to the efforts aimed at improving the conditions for bilateral trade and industrial cooperation. It also provides a forum for deliberations on new joint venues and forms of bilateral trade, and policy recommendations, such as the removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. The Council also benefits from the synergy that is generated by the environment which the DEIK network of fifty bilateral business councils creates. This network includes the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Council which brings together the business communities of the eleven participating countries consisting of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine. The newly independent Republics of Central Asia are another important group of countries where Turkish enterpreneurs have been identifying new possibilities for cooperation and developing investment projects. HOW DOES TUSBC OPERATE? The Council operates out of the permanent secretariat of DEIK in Istanbul. It aims to provide a continuous flow of information to member companies on trade and industrial cooperation possibilities. Annual joint meetings create an opportunity for member companies to exchange views on various types of business issues. The Turkish-U.S. Business Council has organized missions jointly with the Turkish-CIS Business Council to the Republics of Central Asia and later to Ukraine and the Russian Federation which have borne fruitful results. Such missions demonstrate the eagerness of Turkish companies to explore joint venture possibilities with companies of other countries in third markets. The Council intends to reach different key locations in the U.S. through local organizations to diffuse information on opportunities for collaboration. In this context, "Investment and Business Opportunities in Turkey" seminars have been held in New York and Chicago in 1993 and in Houston, Columbus and San Francisco in 1994. TUSBC's mailing address is the same as DEIK's address below. Executive Committee: Mustafa V. Koc, Chairman, Koc Holding Dr. Yllmaz Arguden, Vice Chairman, ARGE Consultancy Vural Aklslk, Member, Turk Merchant Bank Murad Dural, Member, Altay Koll. Sti. Turgut Koyuncuoglu, Member, Turkish American Businessmen's Association-Izmir Sureyya Y. Ozden, Member, Gama Industries Temiz Ustun, Member, Enka Holding Serif Egeli, Member, Egeli A.S. Ayse Ulgen, Member, Delta Airlines Isak Antika, Member, Chase Manhattan Bank DEIK / Foreign Economic Relations Board / TC Basbakanligi/ Ankara Istiklal Caddesi 286/9 Odakule is Merkezi, Beyoglu X0050 Istanbul, Turkey Tel: (90)(212) 243 41 80 ( 4 lines) Fax: (90)(212) 243 41 84 Tbc: 24260 E Mail: ctuzun@ibm.net DEIK Chairman : Fuat Miras Chairman of the Executive Board : Feyyaz Berker Director : Cigdem Tuzun Regional Coordinator : Basak Kusefoglu =========================================================================== =========================================================================== 2. Akademik DUnyadan =========================================================================== 2.1 ITU'den Haberler 2.1.1 ISletme FakUltesi, Ilhan Bayraktar 2.2 21. YUzyIla Girerken Istanbul Teknik Universitesi 2.2.1 ITU'ye Gelir SaGlamak iCin Oneriler, Ufuk GokCen 2.3 ArI KovanI: 2.3.1 Konuk: Prof. Dr. Oral BUyUkOztUrk =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 ITU'den Haberler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.1 ISletme FakUltesi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Istanbul Teknik Universitesi'nin mevcut 11 fakUltesinden biri olan ISletme FakUltesi'nin kuruluS tarihi 1977 yIlIdIr. Ilk mezunlarInI 1982 yIlInda ISletme MUhendisi UnvanIyla veren fakUltenin CekirdeGini, ITU 'nUn CeSitli bOlUmlerinden mezun olan mUhendisleri hukuk ve genel iktisat bilgileriyle donatmak Uzere InSaat FakUltesi bUnyesinde kurulmuS olan Iktisat ve Idare Hukuku KUrsUsU elemanlarI teSkil etmiStir. Su anda iki bOlUmlU olan fakUltenin diGer kanadInI Makina FakUltesi bUnyesinde geliSmiS bulunan Sanayi MUhendisliGi oluSturmaktadIr. Bu bOlUm, 1982 yIlInda EndUstri MUhendisliGi adI ile ISletme FakUltesi'ne katIlmIStIr. ISetme FakUltesi'nin ISletme BOlUmU Ulkemizde ISletme MUhendisliGi OGretimi ve diplomasI veren yegane kuruluStur. Ulkemizdeki diGer ISletme BOlUmlerinden, mUhendislik formasyonu vermesi aCIsIndan Cok farklIdIr. FakUlte'nin EndUstri MUhendisliGi bOlUmU ise, Ulkemizde OncU olup bu alandaki OGrenimi baSlatan bOlUmdUr. Su anda da gerek OGrenim kadrosu, gerekse araStIrma ve uygulamalar aCIsIndan Ulkemizin en gUClU bOlUmlerinin baSInda gelmektedir. ITU ISletme FakUltesi'nde, geliSen dUnyanIn gerektirdiGi CaGdaS, rekabetCi ortamlarda, firmalarI CaGdaS anlayISla yOnetecek UstUn nitelikli yOnetici adayI iSletme mUhendisleri ile TUrk sanayiinin ihtiyaC duyduGu teknoloji aGIrlIklI endUstri mUhendisleri yetiStirilmektedir. ISletme FakUltesi'nde Ulkemizde Uretim ve yOnetim arasIndaki koordinasyona duyulan ihtiyaC doGrultusunda ISletme ve EndUstri MUhendisliGi eGitim programlarI geliStirilmektedir. ISletme MUhendisliGi eGitim kapsamInda temel mUhendislik bilgisinin yanI sIra, analitik yOntemlere dayalI idari ve iktisadi konulara, endUstri mUhendisliGi eGitiminde ise teknolojik mUhendislik dallarIna iliSkin derslere aGIrlIk verilmektedir. GeliSen dUnyanIn vazgeCilmez araClarI bilgisayar ve yabancI dil bilgisi fakUltenin eGitim programlarInda Ozellikle Uzerinde durulan konulardIr. Istanbul Teknik Universitesi'nin bUtUn fakUltelerinde olduGu gibi ISletme FakUltesi'nde de eGitim dili TUrkCe'dir. Bunun yanInda temel ilke, OGretimi TUrkCe yUrUtUlUrken OGrencilere yeterli dUzeyde Ingilizce OGretilmesidir. Bu ilkeden haraketle arzu eden tUm OGrencilere Ingilizce destekli OGretim uygulanmaktadIr. Bu OGretim CerCevesinde Ingilizce seviye sInavInda baSarIsIz olan OGrenciler hazIrlIk sInIfIna devam etmekte ve bir yIllIk dil eGitimi gOrerek Ingilizce OGrenmektedirler. Ingilizce destekli OGrenimi seCen bUtUn OGrenciler, lisans OGrenimleri boyunca TUrkCe derslerin yanIsIra mesleGin teminolojisini OGrenmek ve meslekle ilgili litaratUrU takip etmek aCIsIndan, her yarIyIl Ingilizce iki ders almaktadIr. ISletme FakUltesi'nde eGitim OGretim faliyetleri halen 20 profesOr, 16 doCent, 9 yardImcI doCent, 42 araStIrma gOrevlisi ve 5 uzman tarafIndan sUrdUrUlmektedir. FakUltede mevcut iki bOlUmdeki ana bilimdallarI ise Su Sekildedir: ISletme BOlUmUne baGlI, Hukuk, Iktisat, Muhasebe ve Finansman, SayIsal YOntemler, Uretim YOnetimi ve Pazarlama, YOnetim ve Organizasyon anabilim dallarI ile EndUstri MUhendisliGi BOlUmU'ne baGlI, EndUstri MUhendisliGi ve YOneylem AraStIrmasI anabilim dallarI mevcuttur. ISletme FakUltesi'ne her iki bOlUmUne merkezi olarak yapIlan OGrenci seCme ve yerleStirme sInavI ile her yIl yUzer OGrenci alInmaktadIr. OGrencilerin puan durumlarI ilk yUzde bir iCindedir. 1995-1996 OGrenim yIlInda ISletme FakUltesi'nde toplan 1181 OGrenci okumaktadIr. Bunlardan 554 tanesi EndUstri MUhendisliGi, 627 tanesi ise ISletme BOlUmleri OGrencileridir. FakUlte'nin her iki bOlUmUnden mezun mUhendisler imalat sanayiinden sigortacIlIGa, bilgisayar sektOrUnden reklam ajanslarIna kadar geniS bir yelpaze iCinde yer alan CeSitli kuruluSlarda CalISmaktadIrlar. ISletme ve EndUstri MUhendisliGi programlarInIn kazandIrdIGI nitelikler sayesinde CalIStIklarI firmalarIn CeSitli bOlUmlerinde her kademede gOrev yapmaktadIrlar. FakUlte'den bu gUne kadar mezun olan 1435 EndUstri MUhendisi ve 1785 ISletme MUhendisi Ulke kalkInmasInda OncU gOrevi yapmaktadIr. FakUlte mezunlarInIn iS bulma SansI diGer alanlara gOre Cok daha yUksektir. FakUlte mezunlarI kendi aralarIndaki iletiSim ve dayanISmayI arttIrmak ve mesleklerinin geliSmesine katkIda bulunmak iCin dernekler de kurmuSlardIr. Bunlardan `ITU ISletme MUhendisliGi Mezunlar DerneGi' 1987 yIlInda, `ITU EndUstri MUhendisliGi Mezunlar DerneGi' ise 1994 yIlInda kurulmuStur. Her iki dernek CeSitli sosyal faaliyetlerin yanInda seminer, sempozyum, panel ve konferanslar da dUzenlemekte ve baSarIlI CalISmalar yUrUtmektedir. ISletme FakUltesi OGrencilere yOnelik faaliyetler aCIsIndan diGer fakUltelerden Cok daha aktif bir CalISma sergilemektedir. OGrenciler tarafIndan kurulan ve yOnetilen ISletme MUhendisliGi, Ergonomi ve EndUstri MUhendisliGi klUpleri sosyal faaliyetlerle, konferans, panel ve sOyleSi gibi toplantIlarla OGrencilere yararlI CalISmalar yapmaktadIrlar. AyrIca ISletme FakUltesi OGrencileri tarafIndan Ulkemizde ilk kez dUzenlenen OGrenci sempozyumlarI ulusal CerCevede yapIlmakta ve baSarIlI olmaktadIr. ISletme FalUltesi OGretim elemanlarI bilimsel faaliyetler, yayIn ve Ulke endUstrisine proje ve danISmanlIk yapma aCIsIndan da ITU iCinde On sIralarda yer almakta ve Universite-sanayii iSbirliGinin gerCek anlamda yaygInlaStIrIlabilmesi iCin yoGun Cabalar harcamaktadIrlar. Ilhan Bayraktar (Makina '95) PETEK Istanbul Temsilcisi [Bu yazInIn hazIrlanmasInda gOsterdiGi katkIlardan OtUrU ISletme FakUltesi eski dekanI Prof. Dr. AtaC Soysal'a teSekkUr ederiz.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 21. YUzyIla Girerken Istanbul Teknik Universitesi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sevgili ITU-MD Uyeleri, ITU'lUler ve ITU DostlarI, ITU-MD UluslararasI KuruluSu Elektronik Dergisi PETEK bu sayIdan baSlayarak "21. YUzyIla Girerken Istanbul Teknik Universitesi" konusunu ele almayI planlamIStIr. AmacImIz TUrkiye'mizin geliSmesinde Onemli sorumluluklar yUklenmiS ve bunlarI baSarIyla yerine getirmiS olan ITU'mUzUn, 21. YUzyIlda da geliSen ve deGiSen CaGa ayak uydurmasInda ihtiyaClarInIn tespiti ve bu alanda neler yapIlmasI gerektiGi konusunda sizlerin gOrUSlerini iletmek ve karSIlIklI gOrUS alISveriSini yaratmaktIr. GOrUS ve Onerilerinizi asaGIda vereceGimiz ITU-MD UluslararasI KuruluSu "E-mail" adresine ya da PETEK YayIn Kurulu'na gOndererek bizlerle paylaSacaGInIza inanIyoruz. Bir mezunumuzdan gelen mektubu tartISmalarda bir baSlangIC noktasI olarak deGerlendirmenize sunuyor; hepinizin katkIsInI bekliyoruz. E-mail: b.ataman@ix.netcom.com SaygIlarImIzla, PETEK YayIn Kurulu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.1 ITU'ye Gelir SaGlamak iCin Oneriler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turk egitim sistemi gerek yuksek ogrenim gerekse orta ogrenim olarak son yillarda halkimizdan gelen talebin niteligine ve Turkiye'nin disa acilma surecine bagli olarak buyuk bir degisim yasamaktadir. Ozel sektor veya ancak bilincli ve uzak goruslu stratejiler olusturabilen devlet veya vakif ogrenim kurumlarinin bu degisim ortaminda ortaya cikan amansiz rekabet karsisinda yasayabilmeleri daha mumkun gozukmektedir. Buna karsin, degisime ayak uyduramayan, altyapisini ve egitim programlarini yenileyemeyen ogretim kurumlarinin ise yakin zamanda yaristan kopacaklarini, itibarlarini yitireceklerini tahmin etmek hic de zor olmasa gerek. Yurtdisindan izleyebildigimiz kadari ile ITU gibi en eski ve en koklu egitim kurulusu, maalesef, bu degisime yeterince ayak uyduramiyor ve ozellikle Internet'in dunya standarti olmaya basladigi gunumuzde bilgisayar altyapisini olusturmakda gucluk cekiyor. Bogazici ve Ege univesitelerinin hizla dunyaya acilabildigi bir ortamda, iki asirlik ITU'muz ogrencilerine bilgisayara erisim hesabi acip acmama kisir tartismalari ile zaman kaybetmeye devam ediyor. Bu "Tahsisat yok, Devlet para vermiyor, vb." bahanelerinin arkasina siginan ve fikir uretmekten uzak anlayis devam ettigi takdirde, tarihiyle ve mezunu olmamizla ovundugumuz gozbebegimiz ITU'muz egitim altyapisi, niteligi olarak diger egitim kurumlarinin gerisinde kalmaya mahkum olacaktir. En son, ITU-MD Uluslararasi Kurulusunun Kuzey Amerika'dan baslayarak dunya capinda duzenlemeye calistigi ve gelirini ITU Bilgisayar Sistemini Yenilestirme Kampanyasi'na bagislamayi amacladigi cekilis orneginden gorulecegi gibi herseyi devletten bekleyen yerel zihniyet yurtdisindaki ITU-MD uyelerinin yaptigi girisime ve duyduklari heyecana bile ilgisiz kalabilmektedirler. Endustriyel ve bilimsel ve hatta politik sahalarda saygin ve etkin binlerce mezunu olan ITU'muz, bu degisimi gerceklestirebilecek yonetici kadroya sahip olamiyor mu? Ben, sahsen, ITU'nun parasal sorunlar yasayan bir kurum olmasini kabullenemiyorum. Beyin gucu ve tesisler olarak buyuk bir potansiyeli olan ITU'muzun, Bogazici Universitesi ve bazi tip fakultelerinin uygulamaya soktugu gibi vakif veya benzeri yan kuruluslar araciligiyla degisim ve yatirim icin gerekli gelir kaynagini olusturabilecegine inaniyorum. Bu konuda, kisa surede aklima gelen onerilerimi soyle siralayabilirim: - Son siralarda bir kongreler, sempozyumlar sehri gorunumune giren Istanbul'da, ITU muhtelif tesislerini ulusal ve uluslararasi kongrelere, toplantilara daha fazla miktarda acabilir. Konum olarak nefis bir yerde bulunan ve mimarisi ile ziyaretcileri buyuleyebilecek olan Gumussuyu, Taskisla ve Macka binalari icindeki bazi amfiler Mimarlik Fakultesi'nin projelendirmesi ve ozel sektorun mali destegi ile restore edilerek kultur ve is imkanlarina acilip gelir kaynagi olusturulabilir. - Yaz okullari, meslek seminerleri, spor aktiviteleri icin cesitli tesisler kullanima acilip gelir temin edilebilir. - Temel Bilimler Fakultesi (veya Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi [yeni bir fakulte anladigim kadari ile] ) katkisi ile orta ogrenim kurumlari olusturulabilir. Nasil Alman veya Galatasaray liseleri universiteler acabiliyorken veya Koc Universitesi orta ogrenime bulasirken, Turkiye'de bir suru ailenin buyuk paralar harcamaya hazir oldugu bir sektorde ITU Vakfi da yillarin sayginligi ile ilk ve ortaokul ogrenim kurumlarini actigi takdirde muracaat kuyruklari icin Inonu Stadyumu'nu kiralamasi gerekebilir. Herhalde bu kanaldan elde edilebilecek gelir ile butun ITU'nun bilgisayar sisteminin yenilebilecegi gibi diger amaclar ve projeler de gerceklestirilebilir. - Turkiye'de ilkleri gerceklestirmis olan ITU Televizyonu ve Radyosu yayinlarini amator zihniyetin disina tasiyip gelir getirebilecek faaliyetlere donusturulebilir. Birbirine benzer bir suru TV istasyonu arasindan ITU, "Learning Channel" veya "Discovery Channel" gibi bir yayin programi izleyerek egitsel faaliyetini renklendirebilir ve dolayisiyla gelir temin edebilir. ITU'lu yoneticilerin de diger egitim kurumlarina benzer tarzda, globallesen Turkiye ortaminda nasil gelir uretilebilinir arayisina girmeleri gerektigine inaniyorum. Onlar bu yapiciligi, dinamikligi ve uretkenligi gosterirler ise tum mezunlar, tahmin ederim cok daha fazlasini vermeye hazir olurlar. Yikmaktan ve haziri tuketmekden cok yapmaya ve yaraticiliga, sozden cok isbitiricilige bayrak acalim. Haydi ITU'luler, her zaman oldugu gibi ilkleri bulalim, yeni kavramlar, stratejiler olusturalim; 21. yuzyili yeni anlayis ve cehre ile karsilayalim. Saygilarimla, Ufuk Gokcen Aerospace Eng. MSc. ITU-1980 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 ArI KovanI --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.1 Konuk: Prof. Dr. Oral BUyUkOztUrk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank you for your kind consideration to publish an article in Petek about me. I have developed the following biographical information for this use. I take this opportunity to congratulate all of you for the excellent and valuable work you are doing for the ITU community. With best regards, Oral Buyukozturk E-mail: Oral Buyukozturk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biographical Information Prof. Dr. Oral Buyukozturk Dr. Oral Buyukozturk is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Head of Structures and Materials Division at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also the Director of Advanced Materials and Structures Laboratories, and the Nondestructive Testing Laboratory of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His current administrative duties in the Department include responsibilities as the leader of the Multi-University Coalition of Design Education (ECSEL), Coordinator of the School of Engineering's Internship Program, Officer of the Department's Civil Engineering Program, and a Member of the Department's Strategic Planning Committee. Professor Buyukozturk graduated from Pertevniyal Lycee, Aksaray, Istanbul, in 1958. He received the degree of Ins. Yuk. Muh. from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey in June, 1963. He then served two years in the military which consisted of six months of reserve officer training in the artillery division in Polatli, Ankara, and one and one-half years as a lieutenant engineer in Turkish Corps of Engineers in Konya, Turkey. Among his first professional projects, together with his officer colleague, structural engineer Unal Kizilkaya, he carried out the structural design and construction management of the Konya Ordu Evi. After the military service, Dr. Buyukozturk joined Istanbul Technical University in September 1965 as a Research Assistant at the Chair of Reinforced Concrete and Advanced Strength of Structures. There, he worked with Professor Ihsan Inan, Prof. Dr. Rifat Yarar, Prof. Dr. Kemal Ozden, Professor Yusuf Berdan, and Professor Mehmet Bilge, performing teaching and research duties. In September 1967, with an offer from Professor George Winter, he entered as a research assistant, the Structural Engineering Department of Cornell University for graduate studies. Dr. Buyukozturk received his M. S. degree in June 1969, and Ph.D. degree in June 1970 in Structural Engineering from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. For nearly three years during his stay at Cornell, Dr. Buyukozturk worked with the supervision of Professor Arthur H. Nilson who made a profound influence on his thinking, research style, and professional development which shaped his future career. His Ph.D. thesis research was on the influence of microcracking on the nonlinear stress-strain response of concrete as a two-phase composite. The work represented one of the early and fundamental contributions involving experiments and the application of the finite element method to the studies of interface cracking. This topic is still an important research area today, this time employing the interface fracture mechanics methodologies in the context of high performance material development. A long-term NSF (National Science Foundation) funded research on this topic is presently underway with the supervision of Professor Buyukozturk at MIT, and in collaboration with Professor John Hutchinson of Harvard University. After graduation from Cornell University in September 1970, Dr. Buyukozturk joined United Engineering Company in Philadelphia as a Research Engineer and later as Consultant. In the Advanced Power Research and Engineering Division of the United Engineers he performed and later supervised work in the area of design and analysis of nuclear containment structures. In September 1972 Dr. Buyukozturk joined the Marc Analysis Research Corporation, and as an Adjunct Associate Professor the Division of Engineering of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. At Brown University he was privileged to meet and associate with Professor William Prager, a giant in plasticity, who had spent nearly eight years of his career in Turkey and who enjoyed immensely communicating in Turkish. Dr. Buyukozturk has also been fortunate in collaborating with Professor James Rice who was then at Brown, and now is with Harvard University. At Brown University Dr. Buyukozturk taught Analysis and Design courses, and at Marc he took part in the developments of Marc General Purpose Computer Program, as one of the three original investigators of the development team. Marc Software has been internationally used for many years for the nonlinear static and dynamic finite element analysis for mechanical, aerospace, and civil engineering applications. The development activity later expanded to Palo Alto, California where Dr. Buyukozturk teamed up with Dr. Robert Melosh. During this period of September 1972-August 1976 Dr. Buyukozturk was heavily involved in development, consulting, and teaching. He conducted and taught many professional courses on finite element analysis in the United States, Europe, and Japan in some cases jointly with Professors O. Zienkiewicz of the University of Wales, Swansea; Richard H. Gallagher of Cornell University, and P.V. Marcal of Brown University. In September 1976 Dr. Buyukozturk joined the Civil Engineering Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an Associate Professor without tenure. He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in July 1980, and to Full Professor in July 1985, at MIT. Dr. Buyukozturk currently heads the Structures and Materials Division of the Department. Working with seven other faculty members of the group he leads the undergraduate and graduate curriculum and research activities, participates in a broad spectrum of administrative matters involving the Department, School of Engineering, and the University. Strategic decision process involves discussions and debates on issues such as the vision for education and research, long-term planning and junior faculty development, re-organization, development of industry links for education, research, and technology transfer. Professor Buyukozturk was the leader of the MIT-TUB (Technical University of Berlin) cooperative research team in structures, mechanics, and materials for the period 1982 to 1992 (Prof. Dr. Peter Pahl of TUB was the coordinator of this program.) Dr. Buyukozturk's teaching at MIT has encompassed several areas. He has developed and taught courses in the areas of Structural Mechanics and Design, Advanced Behavior and Analysis of Concrete Structures, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Offshore Structural Engineering (jointly with the Ocean Engineering Department), Structural Mechanics in Nuclear Engineering (jointly with the Nuclear Engineering Department), and Innovative Structural Technologies. Over the years Dr. Buyukozturk's research and professional interests have cut across interdisciplinary boundaries. These include: Structural Mechanics and Design; Mechanical Behavior, Fatigue, Fracture and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures; Offshore Structures; Constitutive Modeling of Concrete, Refractories, and Ceramics; Thermomechanical Analysis of High Temperature Process Vessels and Linings; Reinforced and Prestressed Nuclear Containment Structures and Earthquake Engineering; Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis; Innovative Bridge Engineering, and Nondestructive Evaluation of Concrete using Microwave. At MIT he developed and supervised as Principal Investigator funded research projects in these areas including major research funding from government agencies such as U. S. Nuclear Regulation Commission, U.S. Department of Energy, U. S. National Science Foundation, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as several private organizations. With the collaboration of the U.S. Department of Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratories managed by Martin Marietta Systems, Professor Buyukozturk conceptualized, and developed a major industry consortium involving thirteen (13) International research, design and manufacturing companies for the development of a general methodology and finite element software in the area of thermomechanical analysis of high temperature process vessels. This activity was cited as a model technology transfer project within the DOE's Fossil Energy Materials program. Professor Buyukozturk has supervised approximately seventy-five (75) graduate theses (M.S. and Ph.D.) at M.I.T. He has published nearly two hundred (200) technical publications and edited several professional committee books, book chapters, and edited a book on Interface Fracture and Bond (M. Wecharatana, Co-editor). Books with major contributions by Dr. Buyukozturk include Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures, ASCE, 1982 (ASCE Task Committee, A.H. Nilson, Chairman; O. Buyukozturk, Chairman of Subcommittee on Shear), and; Mathematical Modeling of Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, John Wiley and Sons, 1986 (Z.P. Bazant, Editor, O. Buyukozturk, Subcommittee Chairman on Creep Analysis of Structures) Professor Buyukozturk, since joining MIT in 1976, has delivered over 120 invited lectures in major national and international conferences, universities, and private organizations. Among others, he lectured and taught special courses as Visiting Professor at Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany (1984, 1985, 1991) collaborating with Prof. Dr. Manfred Specht and Professor Peter Lorenz; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland (1991) collaborating with Prof. Dr. Bruno Thurlimann and Prof. Dr. Peter Marti; University of Delft, Netherlands (1983) collaborating with Prof. Dr. Hans Reinhardt; Milan Polytechnic Institute, Milan, Italy (1991) collaborating with Prof. Dr. Pietro Gambarova and Prof. Dr. Luigi Cedolin; Turin Polytechnic Institute, Turin, Italy (1993) collaborating with Prof. Dr. Alberto Carpinteri; and Technical University of Catalunya, Catolonia, Barcelona, Spain, collaborating with Professor Ignacia Carol. Since joining MIT, Professor Buyukozturk has maintained close ties with the Universities, faculty colleagues, and graduate students in Turkey. He periodically travels to Turkey, for academic and professional collaborative activities. Dr. Buyukozturk's collaboration with ITU goes back to 1978 and 1979 when he lectured in the Regional and European Earthquake engineering conferences and meetings organized by his professor from ITU, Prof. Dr. Rifat Yarar. His interaction with Prof. Dr. R. Yarar, for whom Dr. Buyukozturk has developed a deep sense of respect, has continued to be a valuable experience. Professor Buyukozturk has also had a long-term acquaintance and collaboration with Prof. Dr. Cengiz Dokmeci starting with Dr. Buyukozturk's years at ITU. His interaction with Prof. Dr. C. Dokmeci was strengthened when Dr. C. Dokmeci was at MIT as a visiting scientist in the late 1970's, and again, in 1980's. This interaction has continued up to the present, evolving, over the time, into a productive mechanism for intellectual exchange of ideas in academic, research, and professional pursuits. With an invitation of Prof. Vedat Yerlici, Dean of Engineering, Dr. Buyukozturk spent six (6) months (February - July 1983) at the Bogazici University during his sabbatical leave from MIT during his stay there. He taught a full semester graduate course in the Department of Civil Engineering where Dr. Basar Circlek was the acting Department Head. During that period he also taught a special course at Istanbul Technical University on Design of Offshore Structures organized by Prof. Dr. C. Dokmeci when Dr. Buyukozturk had the opportunity to meet Prof. Dr. Resat Baykal, Prof. Dr. Teoman Ozalp, and Prof. Dr. Kemal Kafali. Professor Buyukozturk's other visits to ITU include seminars in May 1983, lectures at the European Symposium on Computational Methods, in June 1988, and 1992 chaired by Prof. Dr. Hasan Boduroglu; a series of four lectures in July 1991 initiated by Prof. Dr. H. Boduroglu and organized by Prof. Dr. Nahit Kumbasar. Professor Buyukozturk has also developed contacts with other universities in Turkey including Middle East Technical University, and Agaen University of Izmir. He lectured on Engineering Aspects of Preserving Historic Monuments in an international conference on Protection of Architectural Heritage Against Earthquakes, organized by the European Disaster Center in Ankara, October 1992 (invited by Dr. Erhan Karaesmen). He delivered a lecture in Ankara on Precast Concrete Segmental Bridges in the Symposium organized by the Turkish Association of Engineers in May 1993 (invited by Prof. Dr. Ugur Ersoy). With the support of TUBITAK in Ankara, and through the United Nations TOKTEN scheme, Dr. Buyukozturk traveled several times to Turkey to give lectures and to organize meetings in various Institutions including Agean University (1983), METU Institute of Marine Sciences, in Erdemli, Mersin, (1983), the Middle East Technical University in Ankara in 1991. Recently, Professor Buyukozturk attended the International Conference ICSAS '95 on Steel and Aluminum Structures held at Bogazici University in Istanbul, May 1995, where he presented a paper with the invitation of Prof. Dr. Gulay Altay Askar, Chairperson , and Prof. Dr. C. Dokmeci. This provided the opportunity to interact with them and with Prof. Dr. Turan Durgunoglu on a variety of educational and professional topics. Professor Buyukozturk also maintains contact with research assistants at ITU, BU and METU and organizes various meetings and discussions with them during his visits to Turkey. At MIT, as professor and/or thesis advisor, he had several excellent graduate students from ITU, BU and METU. Dr. Buyukozturk received the title of "Docent" from Istanbul Technical University in 1976 which involved a thesis, a test in English, and a class lecture before a Committee which consisted of Prof. Dr. R. Yarar, Chairman, Professor Ismet Aka, and Professor Vedat Yerlici. He also, received the Full University Professor title with the approval of equivalency of his title at MIT, by the inter-university council of Turkey (in 1992). Professor Buyukozturk has performed scientific consulting for over thirty (30) industrial and government organizations on a broad category of engineering projects. Some of the organizations with which he had major projects are Kraftwerk Union Erlangen, West Germany; Power Reactor and Nuclear Development Corporation in Tokyo, Japan; Government of Guine Bissau, South Africa; Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo Japan; Irsid Laboratories, Paris, France; Radex Austria, Radenthein, Austria; Amoco Production Company, Houston, Texas; Comalco Research & Technology, Thomastown, Victoria, Australia; New Zealand Aluminum Corporation, Invercargille, New Zealand. Dr. Buyukozturk was scientific consultant on the design and construction of the Imrahor Viaduct (a precast, post-tensioned concrete segmental bridge) in Ankara. Professor Buyukozturk also held industry board positions including consulting and management as Vice President of Technical Affairs, B & M Technological Services, Inc., Boston, MA (1979-1981); and as President of Integrated Engineering Design, Inc., Cambridge, MA (1988-1991). A fellow of American Concrete Institute, Dr. Buyukozturk has had extensive professional society affiliations and activities including the following: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); Boston Society of Civil Engineers (BSCE); American Concrete Institute (ACI); American Ceramic Society (ACS); Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM); International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE); International Union of Research and Testing Laboratories for Materials and Structures (RILEM); Transportation Research Board (TRB); Pressure Vessels Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); ACI Committee 349, Concrete Nuclear Structures (Member Subcommittee on Design); ASCE-ACI Committee 447 on Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures (Chairman, Subcommittee on Shear Transfer); ASCE, Engineering Mechanics Division, Committee on Properties of Materials; ASME, Pressure Vessels Division, Subcommittee on Reinforced Concrete Containment Vessels; RILEM TC69 Committee on Mathematical Modeling of Creep; RILEM TC148 International Committee on Strain Softening; RILEM TC-ETC International Committee on the Engineering of the Interfacial Transition Zone in Cementitious Composites; Chairman of Subcommittee on Creep Analysis of Structures; SEM, Committee on Fracture; ACI, Committee 446, Fracture of Concrete (Member of Subcommittees on Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis; Design); TRB Committee A3C14 on Adhesives and Bonding Agents; ACI, Committee 126 on Data Development for Concrete Materials (Member, Executive Committee, Chairman of Task Group); Task Force of AASHTO-AGC-TRB for New Highway Systems. Professor Buyukozturk is active in numerous technical committee work, conference and session organization and chairmanships, international cooperative programs, review of scientific papers and books, review of proposals for the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy and others. He occasionally reviews research proposals from TUBITAK. He has served on journal editorial boards and conference scientific committees, has given key-note addresses and main lectures in some major conferences such as Ray Clough Symposium on Computational and Analytical Methods of Structures with Nonlinear Material Behavior, Damage and Fracture, 29th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES) La Jolla, California, 1992; Annual Conference on Micromechanics of Concrete and Cementitious Composites, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993; Fifth Rilem International Symposium on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete, Barcelona, Spain, 1993 and more recently, the International Conference NDT-CE '95 in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Buyukozturk has also been honored by being invited to join some distinguished government panels and committees. He has been on a national panel of five scientists appointed by the National Science Foundation for site evaluation of NSF's Science and Technology Centers. Professor Buyukozturk has recently been appointed by the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutions of Technology, and the Institutions President, to evaluate research and teaching activities of the Swiss Institutions and their Departments. The panel consists of eight (8) experts in different scientific fields. The Institutions to be evaluated include Swiss Federal Institution of Zurich (ETHZ), Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), and Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen-Wurenlingen (PSI). The review process will include assessment of performance, accomplishments, and impacts; and strategic issues for directions in the future. Professor Buyukozturk's current activity also includes participation as a technical committee member, in the organization of an International Conference on Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering, to be held in Liverpool, April 1997, where he will be giving a key-note lecture. He is on the advisory board of International Conference Structural Faults and Repair - 97 to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, in July 1997. He is also organizing two technical sessions in the Structural Engineers' World Congress (SEWC) to be held in San Francisco, California, July 1998. Professor Buyukozturk is a member of the ITU Alumni Association, and Chairman of the Advisory Board of that Association. He is also a member of the Turkish Embassy's Grassroots Program (Washington D. C.). Professor Buyukozturk is married to Hulya, a graduate of Bogazici University. They have two children, Melda and Selda, and live in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. =========================================================================== ============================================================================= 3. Bilim ve Teknoloji ============================================================================= 3.1 International Telecommunications Conference Ends in Istanbul 3.2 European Circuit Society and 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory Held in Istanbul, Cem Goknar 3.3 Cicek HastalIGInIn DevasI Istanbul'dan Yola CIkmIS!, Meral Demirtas ============================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 International Telecommunications Conference Ends in Istanbul --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A three day international conference on telecommunications, organized by Bogazici University, ended yesterday at the Marmara Hotel. The conference provided a platform for cutting edge ideas, technologies, and policies in telecommunications, particularly for newly emerging countries and economies. A range of subjects and technical issues were covered at the seminar including general descriptions of telecommunications policies and how they are emerging, speech processing and mobile communications, and new advances in software to help communications systems. The free interchange of ideas was a element of the conference which pleased participants. It was evident that the chairman of the conference, Professor Bulent Sankur who heads of the Department of Electronic Engineering from Bogazici University, had worked hard to bring the 320 participants from 36 countries, 120 universities, 50 companies, and nations of Eastern Europe such as Bulgaria and Romania who are not normally seen at such international conferences, as well as countries of the Middle East such as Jordan, Israel, Syria, and Iran together. Other participants came from Belarus, Russia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia. Participants were also impressed with this unique turnout and the diversity of countries that were represented. Speeches were given by respected authorities in the field such as Robert Gray from Stanford University, Lawrence Rabiner from AT&T Bell Laboratories, and William Wilde, a member of the board of multinational communications firm ALCATEL. It was announced that the next conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia in 1997. Generous assistance was provided for some participants to enable them to attend this conference, such as from the Turkish National Research Council, TUBITAK and companies as Siemans, NETAS, TURKCELL, and ALCATEL. The global telecommunications revolution has not left Turkey untouched. About 15 years ago Turkey began making its mark on fiberoptic history, and today there are numerous Turkish producers of fiber optic cable such as Turk Siemens, Hesfibel, IZKA, Turk Kablo, and KAVEL. Previously Turkey only sold its products on the domestic market, however, Turkish producers are now exporting their fiber optic cable products worldwide, including to the Far East. The most important elements of fiberoptic cables are strength members and the optic fiber itself. Some of these components are provided to Turkish producers by leading US companies such as NEPTCO and SPECTRAN. [Source: Turkish Daily News, April 17th, 1996] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 European Circuit Society and 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design Held in Istanbul --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Su anda Illinois Universitesi Urbana-Champaign Kampusu'nde Misafir ProfesOr olarak bulunmakta olan deGerli mezunumuz Izzet Cem Goknar'In bize gOnderdiGi "European Circuit Society" (ECS)'yi tanItan bir yazIyla, Istanbul'da dUzenlenen ECCTD'95 (European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design) KonferansI'na yOnelik bir yazIyI bilginize sunuyoruz. SayIn Prof. Cem Goknar, ECS'nin YOnetim ve Akademik Kurulu sayIlabilecek ECS Council'in tek Turk Uyesidir. YazIlarIn ilginizi CekeceGini umarIz.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- European Circuit Society The idea of forming ECS had been under discussion among many European members for a number of years, which led to an initial planning meeting in Zurich in April 1993. Following this, the official launch of ECS took place at ECCTD'93 in Davos. Sean Scanlan was appointed President and a Council of twelve was formed. During ECCTD'93 some 130 members joined ECS. ECCTD'95 was the first official conference sponsored by ECS, and the first general meeting of members was held there. Sean Scanlan informed the Council that he was unable to continue as president and Agnieszka Konczykowska was appointed as the new president. The Council, considering Sean Scanlan's exceptional contributions to initiate, organise and co-ordinate European circuit activities, unanimously appointed him Honorary President of ECS. The Council agreed that the past and future chairmen of ECCTD should ex-officio be the members of the Council. Scope: The field of interest of the Society is broadly defined as Circuits in all its usual aspects within Electrical/Electronic Engineering and Systems as related to circuits. This includes in particular: Linear and Nonlinear Circuit Theory, with its mathematical and physical basis and its theoretical foundations; Circuit Design and Implementation, in particular the Design and Implementation of Integrated Circuits; Computer-aided Design; Computational aspects of Circuit Analysis and Design; Analog, Digital and Mixed-Signal Processing; System theoretic methods related to all aforementioned disciplines; Applications of Circuit-theoretic and related System-theoretic methods in other disciplines. Within its field of interest the Society will make special efforts to promote the transfer of theoretical advances to practical applications. Aims: The major general aim of the Society is to promote the wellbeing of scientific activities within its scope in Europe. To this end the Society will initiate and support appropriate activities within Europe and will collaborate with other organizations both within and outside Europe where mutual benefits can be found. The Society will seek to promote the scientific viability of its area as distinguished from other contiguous or partially overlapping areas. The Society will offer its help to research funding organizations for the definition of programs and for the evaluation of proposals within its field of interest. The Society will aim to give logistic and financial support to members and organizations in geographical areas where the economic situation endangers the scientific activities in its field of interest. The Society will aim to generate adequate financial and other resources in addition to its membership fees in order to achieve its aims. The Conference of the Society is ECCTD, the European Conference of Circuit Theory and Design. The Society chooses and assists the organizers, and seeks to secure their financial basis of the ECCTD Conferences. In return, the members of ECS are granted a reduced registration fee. The Journal of the Society is the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. The Society negotiates with the Editor of the Journal advantageous conditions for its members to get access to the information contained in the Journal. In addition to the Conference and the Journal, the Society will develop a range of member services including * Dissemination of Information * Support of Specialist Workshops * Negotiation of reduced rates for other Conferences and Journals * Representation of the membership in appropriate fora ECS Council: * P.P. Civalleri - Politecnico di Torino * A. Csurgay - Hungarian Academy of Sciences * P. Dewilde - Technical University of Delft * A. Fettweis - Universitaet Bochum * C. Goeknar - Istanbul Technical University * D. Haigh - University College London * M. Hasler - EPF Lausanne * A. Konczykowska - CNET Bagneux - President * E. Lindberg - Technical University of Denmark * G.S. Moschytz - ETH Zurich * J. Neirynck - EPF Lausanne * J. Osiowski - Warsaw University of Technology * J. Vandewalle - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven * J.O. Scanlan - University College Dublin - Honorary President International Journal on Circuit Theory and Application Members of ECS are eligible for a personal subscription rate of $100 per annum for the International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications, provided their institutional library is a subscriber. Communicating with the Society: The Council of the European Circuit Society has decided to create a Web site with information of interest for the members of the Society. ECS WorldWideWeb-address is: http://www.it.dtu.dk/ecs/ You will find there the latest information on the Society and also links to different places of interest. The editor of this service, Erik Lindberg, welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can also send your ideas, suggestions or questions on the Society (for matters related to registration and members data please use the address given in the section "How to become a member of ECS ?") using following addresses: * e-mail: ecs@it.dtu.dk * fax: +45 4593 0355 * postal address: ECS - European Circuit Society c/o Department of Information Technology 345 Technical University of Denmark - DTU DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. ECS membership 1996: As announced during Istanbul meeting, for those who joined the Society in Davos and in Istanbul, the subscription remains valid until the end of 1996. How to become a member of ECS? The easiest way is to connect yourself to the WorldWideWeb, using the browser Mosaic or Netscape, and to open the location http://circwww.epfl.ch/ecs.html which will bring our interactive application form to the screen of your computer. You may also access the application form through the ECS homepage. The application form has a certain number of fields, where you are asked to enter your personal data. We kindly ask you to take the trouble and fill in the fields concerning your technical profile, too, even though this is not strictly necessary for the application. This will permit us to know our membership better and to provide adequate services. At the bottom of the page, there is a button labelled "submit". Once you click on it, the information you have entered travels automatically to our database. That's all. Except that we also would like to receive the dues from you, which amount to 50.- Swiss Francs per year. For 1996, however, we only ask for sfr.25.-, because our Society is still in a build- up phase. You may pay either by bank transfer, or by credit card. There is a corresponding button on the application form, where you simply have to click on. We will send you a confirmation of the application by regular mail. All the information you gave us will be printed on this confirmation. This will allow you to correct any mistakes and/or complete missing items so that our database will not contain wrong information. If you decide to pay by credit card, you will be asked to write on the confirmation your card number, the expiration date and your signature and to send the completed confirmation back to us. In this way, you don't have to send your card number unprotected on the Web. About confidentiality. If you prefer that the information you gave us is only used ECS-internally, and not given to third persons, such as non ECS-sponsored conferences or non ECS-sponsored journals for their promotion, you may indicate this on the application form by clicking on the appropriate button. Finally, if you have no access to the Web, or if you do not like the modern ways of communication, we are glad to send you the application form in paper version, if you request it at the following address: Dr. Herve Dedieu,ECS membership Chair of Circuits and Systems Department of Electrical Engineering Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland e-mail: Herve.Dedieu@circ.de.epfl.ch FAX: +41 21 693 6700 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference Report on the 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD'95 [by J. Vandewalle] This biennial conference, sponsored by ECS, was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 27-31 August 1995. For those who do not have a clear view about the geography, the city of Istanbul is a large but old historic city with a European and an Asian part, thereby bridging the two continents. Of course ECCTD was held in the European part. This city is beautifully located on both sides of the Bosphorus and has an extremely rich collection of palaces, and the famous Hagia Sophia dating back to the time when the town was called Constantinople. Together with the organizers we feel that the series of European Conferences on Circuit Theory and Design, while being a platform for the exchange of scientific ideas and discoveries, has enhanced the solidarity among scientists, and through their influence, the solidarity among people who feel they are European. Regrettably, it was the first ECCTD without the presence of our good friend Professor Mirko Milic, an excellent scientist but above all a man with no errors. During this conference, we devoted one session every day to his invaluable memory. The conference began on Sunday with four parallel tutorials on topics of recent interest. Each tutorial session lasted 6 hours during which experts delivered lectures in their fields. One could learn a single new topic in five days and also exchange ideas and opinions in his/her field of interest and keep up with recent developments. The tutorials were on: * Digital Image / Video / Audio Coding : International Standards by Prof. K.R. Rao, University of Texas at Arlington * Fractal Image Compression Revealed by Prof. D.M. Monro, University of Bath * Digital Signal Processing in Telecommunications by Prof. M. Bellanger, CNAM * Capacitive VLSI Techniques in Engineered Intelligence by Profs. U. Cilingiroglu and Y. Leblebici, ITU On Monday after the opening ceremony and the European Circuit Society meeting, chaired by Prof. J.O. Scanlan, Prof. L.O. Chua presented an Opening Lecture on How Universal is the CNN Paradigm ?. His lecture illustrated and demonstrated the universality of Cellular Neural Networks as a unifying paradigm for simulating many distributed non-linear phenomena from biology and ecology to material science and physics. On the last day, in the afternoon several key researchers gave reminiscent lectures about their research experiences. Throughout the remaining days, participants presented 306 papers in 60 sessions in 6 parallel tracks. The technical program during this week was interlaced with a variety of social activities, such as a city tour, a Bosphorus tour by boat, two cocktails and the Conference Banquet which took place in a famous palace converted into a majestic hotel on Bosphorous. It is fair to say that this conference was excellently organised, it also gave our circuit theory and design community the remarkable historic environment for many scientific discussions during the excellent social program. It is then more than just to thank Cem Goknar and his crew for their efforts and organization talent. We all have good memories about ECCTD'95 and Istanbul. ECCTD'95: ECS Best Paper Award European Circuit Society conferred the Best Paper Award to S. Espejo, A. Rodriguez-Vazquez and R.D. Castro for the paper "A 1=B5m CMOS Cellular Neural Network Universal machine". The award consisted of one year subscription of the International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications and a champagne magnum offered by ECCTD'95 organizers. Congratulations! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Cicek HastalIGInIn DevasI Istanbul'dan Yola CIkmIS! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Konumuz geCmiSte epeyce canlar alan CiCek hastalIGIna karSI kullanIlan tedavi yOnlemleri Uzerine. AGIrlIGIn 18. yUzyIlda olanlara verildiGi aSaGIdaki uzunca yazIda; CeSitli kaynaklardan yapIlan alIntIlarIn eSliGinde, Cin'den Kafkasya'ya, oradan, Istanbul'a Londra'ya ve daha birCok yere uzanacak diyar diyar gezinti yaparken; CeSitli bilimadamlarInIn olaylara bakISInI gOreceGiz. Kolunuzdaki (varsa) Cicek aSIsInIn geCmiSteki macerasInI da OGreneceksiniz. Sizlere Once beni bu konuda bir parCa araStIrma yapmaya ve bulduklarImI PETEK okurlarI ile paylaSmaya yOnelten eserden bahsedeceGim. Daha sonra Ozet halinde hastalIGIn belirtileri ve bulaSma yollarI hakkInda bilgi vereceGim. Takip eden bOlUmlerde de tarihi geliSmeleri alt baSlIklar altInda sunacaGIm. GiriS: FransIz yazarlar arasInda Onemli bir yere sahip, 1694-1778 tarihleri arasInda yaSamIS olan, "If God did not exist, he would have to be invented" sOzUyle de iyi bilinen Voltaire, Cok deGiSik konular Uzerine yazmIStIr. BazI eserlerinin basImI ve satISI Fransa'da kesinlikle yasaklanmIStIr! Bunlardan birisi de 1726-9 yIllarI arasInda Ingiltere'de sUrgUn bulunduGu dOnemde yazmIS olduGu 1733'de yayImlanan "Ingiltere Uzerine Mektuplar" adlI eseridir. CeSitli konularda (din, siyaset, felsefe, bilim, toplum) Ingiltere'deki durumu incelemiS ve Fransa ile mukayese etmiStir. Onbirinci mektubunu "smallpox" (*1) CiCek hastalIGIna karSI Ingiltere'de o dOnemde kullanIlan tedavinin Istanbul'dan nasIl geldiGini anlatIr. Voltaire'in bu kitabInIn Cevirmeni Tancock OnsOzde SOyle der: "... The englightenment of the English in introducing vaccination for smallpox, then one of the major scourges of mankind, may be admirable, but it is as well to point out that the practice, brought back from Turkey by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, only became common after the Princess of Wales,later Queen Caroline, had tried it on her own children, when it immediately became fashionable. ..." [Tancock, 1978] Guzelligi, zekasI ve kUltUrU ile tanInan Ingiliz Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) Istanbul'a gelmeden once genC erkek kardeSi CiCek hastalIGIndan OlmUS ve kendisi de bundan iki yIl sonra 16 yaSIndayken yakalanmIS olduGu bu hastalIGIn etkisiyle Sekli Semali deGiSmiStir. DOnemin meShur isimleri Addison, Pope ve daha bircoGu ile arkadaS olan Lady Montague, tarihteki ilk feminist bayan olarak dahi nitelendirilmiStir. ESinin [Edward Montagu] 1716-1718 yIllarI arasInda Istanbul'da Britanya ElCisi olarak bulunduGu dOnemde, doGu kUltUrU hakkInda edindiGi izlenimleri mektuplarla bildirerek etkili olduGu belirtilmektir. Voltaire bu hastalIGa ayIrdIGI 11. mektubunun baSInda SunlarI yazar: "... It is whispered in Christian Europe that the English are mad and maniacs: mad because they give their children smallpox to prevent their getting it, and maniacs because they cheerfully communicate to their children a certain and terrible illness with the object of preventing an uncertain one. The English on their side say: `The other Europeans are cowardly and unnatural: cowardly in that they are afraid of giving a little pain to their children, and unnatural because they expose them to death from smallpox some time in the future.' To judge who is right in this dispute, here is the history of this famous inoculation which is spoken of with such horror outside England. ..." [Voltaire, 1733] 1. CiCek HastalIGInIn Belirtileri ve Bulasma YollarI: En az on CeSit virUs tipi bulunan CiCek hastalIGIna ait genel belirtiler kIsaca SOyle Ozetlenebilir: Kendini rahatsIz hissetme hali, baS aGrIsIyla birlikte yUksek ateS ve bazen kusmalar. BunlarI takip eden birkaC gUn zarfInda, Once yUzde beliren isilik daha sonra tUm vUcuda yayIlIr ve iCi sarImsI sIvI dolu olan kabarcIklara dOnUSUrler. Yeme ve iCme zorlaSIr. Ozellikle kabarcIklarIn aGIz iCine yayIldIGI dOnemde, yeme iCme adeta imkansIz hale gelir. HastalIGIn baSIndan, irin dolu kabarcIklarIn yok olmasIna kadar aradan geCen sUre yaklaSIk UC haftadIr. Sonu kOr kalmayla, baSta yUz olmak Uzere vUcudun Cesitli yerlerinin Seklinin deGiSmesiyle veya OlUmle sonuClanabilir. KanIn zehirlenmesi, mide ve ciGer kanamalarIna varIlan durumlarda, OlUm azap iCinde gerCekleSebilir. Tabii tUm bunlar kiSinin taSIdIGI virUsUn cinsine, bUnyesine ve hastalIGa karSI alInan Onlemlere ve tedavinin durumuna baGlI olarak hafif veya aGIr geCer. Temel bulaSma kaynaGI hastalIGa maruz kalan kiSiden virUsU kapmaktIr ki bu genelde hastanIn esyalarIyla temas ve/veya solunum yoluyla meydana gelebilir. VirUs CoGunlukla aGIz veya burundan vUcuda geCerek, tUm organizmayI etkilemeye baSlar. HastalIGa karSI herhangi bir baGISIklIGI olmayan bir kiSinin virUsU kapmasIndan hastalIGa ait ilk belirtilerin duyulmaya baslamasI arasInda geCen zaman 10-14 gUn arasIndadIr. 2. Tarihte CiCek HastalIGI HakkInda YazIlanlar: AlIntIlarI okurken sizlerin de dikkatini CekeceGi gibi CeSitli kaynaklar arasInda bazI uyusmazlIklar var. Hem bunlarI ve hem de eski dOnemlerde yayImlanan eserlerde yer alan deGiSik yazImlarI gOrmenizi amaCladIGImdan, bunlarI ne TUrkCeye ne de bugUnUn Ingilizcesine Cevirmeden olduGu gibi aktarmayI tercih ettim. [Kimbilir yIllar sonra yeni nesil bizlerin Internet TurkCesi Uzerine neler diyecek, kullandIGImIz bu yazIm Sekli nedeniyle.] 2.1 Ilk GeliSmeler: DUnya SaGlIk TeSkilatI'nda CalISmIS olan Hopkins'in arastIrmalarIndan: "... Inoculation had been into Constantinople around 1672, apparently having arrived overland from China or Persia via the Circassians. Europeans living in Constantinople learned of inoculation during an outbreak there in 1706. December 1713, Dr. Emanuele Timoni, an Italian physician, sent an account of inoculation in Constantinople to Dr. Woodward in London, who read it to the Royal Society May 1714. The following year, a Greek physician, Dr. Jacob Pylarini of Symrna, published a treatise on the subject at Venice, at this was read to the Royal Society in May 1716. Other reports of the practice were reaching European physicians on the continent around the same time. In Boston, Cotton Mather first learned of it in 1706 while interrogating his African slave. ..." [Hopkins, 1983] Ozellikle `s' yerine `f' kullanIldIGInI gOrdUGUmUz 18. yUzyIl Ingiliz alfabesiyle yayImlanan eserinde Ingiliz doktor Woodville SunlarI yazar: "... In Armenia. Dr. Ruffell fays: `the Turkoman tribes, as well as the Armenian Chiriftians, have practifed inoculation fince the memory of man: but, like the Arabs, are able to give no account of its firft introduction among them.' ..." ... But the Chinefe method, as being lefs underftood, and not fo well authenticated here as that ufed at Conftantinople, muft have appeared to Englifh lefs eligible, and as it was then faid to have been borrowed from Circaffians, I fall mention De La Motrage's relation of inoculation among that people. This gentleman, in 1711, faw the opretaion performed upon a Circaffian girl, four or five years of age. The girl, after being purged with dried fruits, was carried to a boy, who had the natural Small-pox in a flate of fuppuration, and an old woman (for women for advanced in age are the only practicioners of medicine in Circaffia) was employed to tranfplant the diftemper, in the following manner: `She took 3 needles faftened together, and pricked firft the pit of the flomach; fecondly, directly over the heat; thirdly, the navel; fortly the right wrift, and fifthly, the ankle of the left foot fill the blood came; at the fame timefhe took fome matter from the puftules of the boy, and applied it to the bleeding part, which fhe then covered with dried angelica, leaves, and afterwards with fome of the youngeft lamb-fkins; and having bound them all well on, the mother wrapped up her daughter in one of the fkin-coverings, which, as I have obferved, compofe the Circaffian beds, and carried her thus packed up, in her arms, to her own houfe, where fhe was to continue to be kept warm, eat only a fort of pop made of cummin flour, with two-thirds water, one one-third fheep's milk, without either flefh or fifh; and drink a fort of ptifan, made with angelica, buglofs roots, and liquorice, which are all very common throught this country; they affured me, that with this precaution and regimen, the Small-pox general came out very favourably in five or fix days.'..." [Woodville, 1796] Edebiyat yOnUnU bu alanda da gOsteren Voltaire SarkIlarImIzda "KIz sen geldin Cerkez'den pek gUzelsin herkesten..." dediGimiz Cerkezleri ve hastalIGIn tedavisini ne Sekilde bulduklarInI bakIn nasIl anlatIyor: "... From time immemorial the women of Circassia have been in the habit of giving smallpox to their children, even six months old, by making an incison in the arm and inserting into the incision a pustule that they have carefully removed from the body of another child. This pustule works in the arm where it is inserted like yeast in a piece of dough; it ferments and spreads its own qualities through the blood-stream. The spots of the child who has been given this artificial smallpox are used to carry the same disease to others. There is an almost continual circulation in Circassia, and when unfortunately there is no smallpox in the land people are as put out as they are elsewhere by a bad harvest. ... The Circassians are poor and their daughters are beautiful, and so they use them as their chief export. They supply beauties to the harems of the Grand Turk, the Sophy of Persia and those who are rich enough to buy and keep this precious merchandise. ... A commercial nation is always very alive to its interests and neglects none of the knowledge that can be useful in its business. The Circassians noticed that out of a thousand persons, hardly a single one was attracted twice by serious smallpox, that certainly people can develop three or four slight attacks, but never two serious and dangerous ones, in a world that the true disease never occurs twice in a lifetime. Furthermore, they noticed that when smallpox attacs are very mild and the outbreak finds only a delicate and thin skin to pierce, it leaves no mark upon the face. From these natural observations they concluded that if a child of six months or a year had a mild attack it would not die and would not be marked, and would be immune from the disease for the rest of its days. ... To preserve the life and beauty of their children it only remained, then, to give them smallpox at an early age, and that is what they did by inserting into the child's body a pustule taken from the most perfect and at the same time most favourable case of smallpox that could be found. The experiment was bound to succeed. The Turks, who are sensible people, soon adopted this custom, and today there is no a Pasha in Constantinople who does not give smallpox to his son and daughter as sson as they weaned. ..." [Voltaire, 1733] DiGer bir Ingiliz doktor Black de 18. yUzyIl Ingilizcesini taSIyan eserinde SOyle der: "... Europe and America were but lately fublied with the only fafe and defenfive fhiled, worthy of divine original, againft this inverate enemy. Our earlieft inotmation in Britain of Inoculation, and its utility in fur prizingly diminifhing the morality of Small-pox, was from Emanuel Timoni, a Greek physician, in a letter to Dr. Woodward, and dated at Conftantinople, 1713. In 1715 in another epiftle from the fame author to the Royal Society of London, he fays, that forty years before the above date, Inoculation had been introduced into the capital of Turkey, from two of the Afiatic provinces bordering on the Cafpian Sea, Circaffia, and Georgia. An account of the Circaffian practice may be feen in Motrage's Travels to that country in 1712. Another eye-witnefs of Inoculation in Turkey, Kennedy, an Englifh furgeron, in the fame year with Timoni, publifhed fome observations on the fubject. Pylarini's account of Inoculation of Conftantinople, where he then practifed medicine, was publifed at Venice, 1715; in which year feveral thoufands were inoculated in the Turkifh capital. ... I should not omit to mention that in a part of our Ifland called= Wales, a cuftom prevailed before the introduction of Inoculation from Turkey, of engrafting the Small-pox, and fometimes with fuperftitious practices. A fmall wound or fcratch was made on the hand or arm with a pin, or a knife, and the variolous matter rubbed in; now and then the pocky fcabs were merely rubbed in the hallow of the bards. Dr Williams, as phyfician of this practice, it was there a very ancient cuftom not be traced back to its origin by oldeft perfons the fame fact is well authenticated by collateral evidences. ..." [Black, 1781] Ozellikle Essex Uzerine aGIrlIk veren Ingiliz yazar Smith de kitabInIn baSlarInda SunlarI sunar: "...Inoculation was already being practised in Greece, Turkey, China, India and part of Arabia in the seventeenth century. It was first reported in England in February 1701 when Dr Clopton Havers presented an account of the Chinese method to the Royal Society and in 1706 Dr Edward Tarry claimed to have seen over 4,000 people inoculated in Turkey. In 1713 the children of French consul in Aleppo were successfully inoculated and in 1713 and 1714 it was discussed by the Royal Society, much of the information coming from merchants who had lived in Turkey. But there was no statistical information to support the view that inoculation gave lifelong immunity and practice in Turkey appears to have been a folk tradition based on wholly on commonplace observation." [Smith, 1987] 2.2 Tedavinin Istanbul'dan Ingiltere'ye GeCiSi: Black ile baSlayalIm bu konudaki alIntIlara: "... In 1717, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, the elegant letter writer, and wife to the Englifh Ambaffador at Conftantinople, had her fon Inoculated in that capital, by Maitland, an Englifh furgeron. 1721, Dr. Mead and Mr. Maitland made the experiment of Chinefe Inoculation upon one of feven condemned criminals in Newgate, and of the Turkey practice upon the other fix, all of whom by means obtained a pardon from the king, and recovered; but in the former cafe the brain was dangeroufly affected, and probability of Chinefe practice will not be hereafter revived nor imitated by any other nation. ..." [Black, 1781] Voltaire bayan Montagu iCin iltifatlarIyla birlikte Istanbul'da OGrenilen tedavinin Ingiltere'ye nasIl geCtiGini ve yayIldIGInI SOyle Ozetler: "... All I have to say on this matter is that at the beginning of the most intelligent woman in England, and with a powerful intellect into the bargain, then living with her husband at the Embassy in Constantinople, decided without any hesitation to give smallpox to a child she had given birth to in that country. In vain did her chaplain point out that this procedure was not Chiristian and so could only succeed on infields; Lady Wortley Montagu's son thrived on it. Back in London this lady mentioned her experiment to the Princess of Wales, who is now Queen. It must be admitted that, titles and crowns apart, this Princess was born to encourage all the arts and do good to mankind. ... As sson as she heard about inoculation or insertation of smallpox, she tried it out on four criminals condemned to death. She saved their lives twice over, for not only did she snatch them from the gibbet but thanks to this artificial smallpox she prevented the natural death from it that they would probably have suffered later in their lives. ... Once assured of the practical success of this test, the Princess had her own children inoculated: England followed her example, and since then at least ten thousand children of good family thus owe their lives to the Queen and Lady Wortley Montagu, and as many girls are indebted to them for their beauty. ..." [Voltaire, 1733] Doktor Woodville'nin konuyla ilgilenen doktorlar ve calISmalarI hakkIndakI aCIklamarI da SOyledir: "... But it was immediately from Conftantinople that the Englifh firft derived a competent knowledge of the advantages of inoculation; and to fhow in what shape, and on what grounds, practice of it came originally recommended here, I fhall tranfcribe a part of the exact of Dr. Emanuel Timoni's account of this fubject, communicated by Dr. Woodward to Royal Society, and publifhed in the transfactions of that body for the year 1714. `The writer of this ingenious discourfe, obferbes (fays Dr. W.), in firft place, that the Circaffians, Georgians, and other Afiatics, have introduced teh practice of inoculation for about 40 years among Turks and others at Confrantinople.' ..." [Woodville, 1796] ... Small-pox being very mortal in that city, a great many noble families fubmitted to inoculation; but that the Turks, believing in predeffination, refufed to ufe any precaution whatever. He defcribes the operation as conducted in his prefence upon four fons of a Greek nobleman, by an old Greek women, who had been in the conftant practice of inoculation for a long feries of years. This operati inoculated by inferting the variolous matter into a number of punctures, amde in the forehead, cheeks, chin and alfo in both wrifts: the patients were then confined in a warm chawber, and to a vegetable diet, for 40 days. Pylarini does not, like Timoni, fpeak of inoculation as indifcriminately and conftantly fuccefsful, but hints, that teh number of puftules and fymptoms will be found to vary according to the habit of body, and the temperature of the patient. ... It is neceffary to obferve, that teh year before Pylarini's account of inoculation appeared in the Philofophical Tranfactions, this new method of communicating teh Small-pox at Conftantinople, was publifhed by Surgeron Kennedy, in his Effay on External Remedies. This gentleman, who feems to be the firft Britifh author on the fubject of inoculation, tells us, that he was credibly informed both by the pyyficians and merchants of Constantinople, that of 2,000 perfons who had lately received the Small-pox by inoculation, all recovered except two, and of thefe two the proper care had not been taken. I may therefore alfo notice, that foon afterwards the fubject of inoculation was revived by the letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. ... This author [Dr. Jacob a Caffro] defcribes the modes of inoculation as laid down by Timoti and Pylarini, and urges many arguments to induce the phyficians of London to adopt the new parctice, which he contends muft evidently be of great national utility. ... Inoculation of the Small-pox was firft regularly adopted in England in the month of April, 1721; and it was owing to the englightened and philofobhic mind of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, that Great Britain had the honour of early to take the lead in refcuing this useful practice from the hands of the ignorant, and placing it under the direction of profeffional fkill. ..." [Woodville, 1796] Smith detaylI olarak Istanbul'da ve sonrasInda olanlarI SOyle anlatmIS: "... The first Britons to be inoculated were two sons of Mr Hefferman, Secratary to the British Ambassodor in Turkey, who underwent the operation early in 1716 and who were examined by London doctors when they returned to England in March. But far more important was the publicity given by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu whose great beauty had been destroyed by an attack of smallpox in December 1715 and whose younger brother, Lord Kingston, had died from the disease in July 1713. In August 1716 she went to Turkey with her husband Edward, the new Ambassodor, and witnessed inoculation for the first time. In a letter to Miss Mary Chiswell, April 1717 [according to Hopkins: 1 April 1717], she described what she had seen. ..." A `propos' of distempers, I am going to tell you what I am sure will make you wish yourself here. The small-pox, so fatal, and so general amongst us, is here entirely harmless by the invention of `ingrafting', which is the term they give it. There is a set of old women who make it their business to perform the operation, in the month of September, when the great heat is abated. People send to one another to know if any of their family has a mind to have the small-pox: they make parties for this purpose, and when they are met (commonly fifteen or sixteen together), the old woman comes with a nut-sell full of the matter of the best sort of smallpox, and asks what veins you please to have opened. She immediately rips open that you offer to her with a large needle (which gives you no more pain than a common scratch), and puts into the vein as much vemon as can lie upon the head of her needle, and after binds up the little wound with a hollow bit of shell; and in this manner opens up four or five veins. The Grecians have commonly the superstition of opening one in the middle of the forehead, in each arm, and on the breast, to mark the sign of the cross; but this has a very ill effect, all these wounds leaving little scars, and is not done by those that are not supertitious, who choose to have them in legs, or that part of the arm that is concealed. The children or young patients play together all the rest of the day, and are in perfect health to the eight. Then the fever begins to seize them, and they keep their beds two days, very seldom three. They have very rarely above twenty or thirty in their faces, which never mark; and in eight days' time they are as well as before their illness. Where they are wounded, there remain running sores during distemper, which I don't doubt is a great relief of it. Every year thousands undergo this operation; and the French embassador says pleasently, that they will take the small-pox here by way of diversion, as they take the waters in other countries. There is no example of any one that died in it; and you believe I am very well satisfied of the safety of the experiment, since I intend to try it on my dear little son. I am patriot enough to take pains to bring this useful invention into fashion in England; and I should not fail to write to some of our doctors very particularly about it, if I knew any of them that I thought had virtue enough to destroy such a considerable branch of their revenue for the good of mankind. But that distemper is too beneficial to them not to expose to all their resentment the hardy wight that should undertake to put an end to it. Perhaps, if I live to return, I may, however, have courage to war with them.' ..." [Smith, 1987] (Bu mektubun yazIldIGI kiSi olan Sarah Chiswell 1720'de CiCek hastalIGIndan OlmUStUr.) Smith eserinin takip eden sayfalarInda diGer detaylara geCer: "... Apart from describing the Turkish method of inoculation, this letter reveals that Lady Mary had decided to have her son Edward inoculated and that her contempt for the English medical profession was already firmly rooted. Six-year-old Edward Wortley Montagu was inoculated at Pera, near Constantinople, on 18 March 1718 and five days later Lady Mary wrote to her husband `... The boy was engrafted last Tuesday, ans is at this time singing and playing, and very impatient for his supper. I pray God my next may give as good an account of him....' She continued by explaining that she could not have their three-month-old daughter Anne inoculated because `her nurse has not had enough small-pox'. This is important point, showing it to have been understood already that inoculees undergoing treatment were contagious. One English doctor for whom Lady Mary appears always to have had a warm regard was Charles Maitland, surgeon to the British Embassy while the Wortley Montagus were in Turkey. He assisted with the inoculation of young Edward and his own account of the event was published in 1723. `... The operation took in both Arms, and succeeded perfectly well. After the third Day, bright red Spots appear'd in his face, the disappear'd; and thus interchangeably (as it commonly happens) till in the Night betwixt the Seventh and Eight Day, he was observed to be a little hot and thirsty, yet remain'd so but a few Hours; and then the `Small Pox' came out fair: They became round and yellow, like those of the more gentle distinct kind; and the Red Spots which appeard first, were the fullest and largest of all: They began to crust a few Days after, and then gently died away; so that the young Gentleman was quickly in a Condition to go Abroad with Safety. He had above an hundred in all upon his Body; but without any the least Disorder but what I have mentioned: And they fell off, without leaving any one Mark or Impression behind them.'.." [Smith, 1987] 2.3 Tedavinin DUnya CapInda YaygInlaSmasI: 2.3.1 Britanya'daki Durum: Smith ayrIntIlI olarak neler olduGunu SOyle vermiStir: "... Although Lady Mary was already back in England by 1719, in which= year there were, 3,229 smallpox deaths in London alone, it was not until April 1721, when smallpox in London was thought especially fatal to children, that she called on Maitland to inoculate her infant daughter. This was the first inoculation to be carried out in England. When the pustules appeared the child was examined by three members of the College of Physicians, including Sir Hans Sloane, who had attended Lady Mary in December 1715. Although the evidence surrounding this displayed her dislike for medical profession, believing the doctors to be unwilling to have the treatment succeed, and `never cared to leave the child alone with them one second, lest it should, some way suffer from their interfrence'. Nevertheless another of the physicians present, Dr James Keith, who `had formerly lost some Children in a very malignant kind of Small Pox', was so impressed that he had Maitland inoculated his six-year old son Peter. This took place on 11 May and was completely successful. There were no further inoculations in England until the authum when Maitland carried out sucessful experimental inoculations on six condemned prisoners in Newgate in the presence of Sloane, Dr George Steigherthal and 25 other eminent physicians, surgeons and apothecaries. Although Maitland's own account of the Newgate inoculation, published 1723, does not contain details of his technique we may be fairly certain that he made deep incisions with a lancet, for eye-witness account by Dr William Wagstaffe, one of the physician at St Bartholomew's Hospital, describes the incisions, which were made in both arms and right leg of all six, as `long and large'. This inexplicable break by Maitland with the method he had seen in Turkey marks the beginning of a severe form of inoculation that was to be used in Britain until the 1750s. Following the successful outcome of the Montague and Keith inoculations and the Newgate experiments, the royal family and several aristocratic families and political figures took the decision to have their children inoculated. These included the two-year-old son of the Earl of Sunderland, inoculated by Maitland at the begining of April 1722, and the Princesses Amelia, eleven, Caroline, nine, daughters of the Prince of Wales, inoculated by Maitland and Cladue Amyard, teh King's surgeon, on 17 April. Much publicity was given to these cases. ..." [Smith, 1987] Doktor Woodville de SunlarI belirtir: "... For the Princefs Anne, afterwards Princefs Royal of Orange, falling ill to teh Small-pox, in fuch a dangerous way that Sir Hans Sloane thought her recovery doubtful, `Queen Caroline, when Princefs of Wales, to fecure her other children, and for common good, begged the lives of fix condemned criminals, who had not had the Small-pox, in order to try experiment of inoculation upon them. .." [Woodville, 1796] Ilerleyen yIllardaki geliSmeleri de Fenner grubu SOyle Ozetler: "... In 1746 the London Small-Pox and Inoculation Hospital was established and together with the Founding Hospital if offered variolation free. Further advances occured in Great Britain in the 1760s, when Robert Sutton perfected a much simpler technique of inoculation and, with his six sons, practised it on a large scale. The Suttonian method was in a many ways a return to the practice in Constantinople, where the British had learned of variolation: a short period of preparation, or none at all in face of an epidemic of smallpox, a shallow incision, fresh pustule fluid and no dressing. ..." [Fenner et al. 1987] Her zaman her yerde olduGu gibi 18. yUzyIl Ingiltere'sinde de yeni olan Seylere karsi CeSitli tepkiler vardIr. Smith'in araStIrmalarIndan Lady Montagu'nun kIzI ve torunun konuyla ilgili anIlarInI gOrUyoruz. "... Religious opposition began on 8 July [1722] when the Revd Edmund Massey delivered a sermon on `The Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculation' in the curch of St Andrew, Holborn. The advice and supervisoin of Lady Mary was much in demand about this time by families undergoing inoculation and she `constantly carried her little daughter along with her to the house, and into the sick-room, to prove her security from infection'. But this trust and opposition were frequently encountered and in later life Lady Mary's daughter remembered `how she could see the significant shrugs of the nurses and servants, and observe the looks of dislike they cast at her mother. She also overheard anxious parents repeating to Lady Mary the arguments that had been used to deter them from venturing upon the trial; and aunts and grandmothers, in the warmth of their zeal against it, quoting the opinion of this doctor or that apothecary.' Together the organised opposition of a sebstantial part of the medical profession and clergy now began to ensure that deaths from smallpox following innoculation were publicised in the press in a manner calculated to deter all but the most adventurous. This oppositions even caused Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to regret having introduced inoculation into England, her granddaughter Lady Louisa Stuart recalling 1837 `how she seldom passed a day without repenting her patriotic undertaking; and she vowed that she never would have attempted it if she had foreseen the vexation, the persecution, and even the obloquy it brought upon her. The clamours raised against the practice, and of to a man, foretelling failure and the most disastrous consequence; the clergy descanted from their pulpits on the impiety of thus seeking to take events out of the hand of Providence; the common people were taught to hoot at her as an unnatural mother, who had risked the lives of her own children. And notwithstanding that she soon gained many supporters amongst the higher and more enlightened classes, headed by the Princess of Wales... who stood by her firmly, some even of her acquaintance were weak enough to join in the outcry.' ..." [Smith, 1987] Tedaviyi Ingiltere'ye getirdiGine resmen piSman ettirilen Lady'nin, sonradan nasIl takdir edildigini de DUnya SaGlIk OrgUtU adIna yapmIS olduklarI araStIrmanIn yer aldIGI hayli kalIn kitaplarInda Fenner grubu bunu SOyle belgelendiriyor: "... Lady Wortley Montagu is widely credited with having introduced variolation (*2) into Great Britain in 1721, as the Linchfield Cathedral, 27 years after her death in 1762, attests: `Sacred to memory of the right honorouble Lady Mary Wortley Monntagu, who happily introduced, from Turkey, into this country, the salutary art of inoculating the smallpox. Convinced of its efficacy, she first tried it with success on her own children, and then recommended the practice on her own fellow-citizens. Thus, by her advice, we have softened the virulence, and escaped the danger of this malignant disease.' ... By the end of the century, Woodville (1796), in his comprehensive history of variolation, extolled Lady Mary's virtues and concluded: `It is therefore highly probable, had it not been for the uncommon fortitude of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu ... that the era of the commencement of inoculation in this county would have been much later than here stated.' ... Miller (1981) attributes the credit given to Lady Mary Montagu for her vivacity and prominence in British society, her considerable skill with pen, the common knowledge that her daughter was the first person in Great Britain to be inoculated, and the advertisement of her activities, especially by Voltaire. ..." [Fenner et al. 1988] Tekrar Smith'in notlarIna dOnecek olursak, tedavi alehtarlarInIn yapmIS olduklarI etki hakkInda su aCIklamarI gOrUrUz: "...The statistics for inoculations performed in England in the 1720s compiled by James Jurin, Physician to Guy's Hospital and Secretary of the Royal Society and the physician John Gasper Scheuchzer show that growing criticism and opposition had made a marked effect. ... in February 1738 John Hough, Bishop of Worcester, an advocate of inoculation, wrote `The method loses ground ... for parents are tender and fearful, not without hope their children may escape this disease, or have it favourably; whereas, in the way of art, should it prove fatal, they could never forgive themselves: for this reason, nobody dares to advise in the case.' ..." [Smith, 1987] 2.3.2 Fransa'daki Durum: Britanya'da OlUmcUl salgIn hastalIkla ilgili Istanbul'da OGrenilen tedavi uygulanIrken, gUneyde karSI komSularI FransIzlarIn neler yaptIGInI da bazI kaynaklardan Ozetle SOye: "... Inoculation finally began in France in April 1755. A year later the duc d'Orleans, Louis Phillippe, inited a well-known inoculatior, Dr. Theodore Tronchin, to Paris, from Geneva (?), to inoculate his two children. By 1769 the practice had been oficially accepted in France. " [Hopkins, 1983] "... Opposition was particularly strong in France, until it was overcome by the mathematician and geoprapher, Charles de La Condamine, who began a campaign in 1754 by suggesting that nearly a million deaths couldhave been averted in France if the country had followed the British precedent in 1722. ..." [Fenner et al. 1987] "... From 1724 until 1752 no perfon in the medical profeffion in France wrote upon Inoculation; throughout that long interval it flept in profound oblivion, where the Englifh publications and enlarged experience of Inoculators were revived, and expofed to view as a recommendation of the practice. 1754 the public attention of France was further awalened by Mr. Condamine's excellent papers read before teh Academy of Sciences, in vindication of Inoculation; and in 1755 and 6 a few of principal nobility were inoculated at Paris. Numerous pens in that kingdom were then waging warfare in defence and profcription of this novel experiment; and at the end of four years, Mr. Condamine could collect a lift of 200 perfons only inoculated throughout all parts of France. So precarious was its eftablifhment for many years, that at one time inoculation was interdicted in Paris by an order of the parliament, and was tolerated in the furburbs only. ..." [Black, 1781] Voltaire Ingilizleri tevadiyi OGrenme ve ugulama alanInda ne denli OvmUSse, kendi millertini de o derece yermiS. "... Out of a hundred people in the world at least sixty have smallpox, and of these sixty, twenty die of it in the flower of their youth and= twenty keep the unpleasent marks for ever. That makes one fifth of all human beings that this disease kills or permanently disfigures. Of all those inoculated in Turkey or England not one dies unless he is infirm and predisposed to die anyway, nobody is disfigured, nobody has smallpox a second time, assuming that inoculation was properly done. So it is certain that if some French Ambassador's wife had brought back this secret from Constantinople to Paris, she would have done the nation a lasting service. The Duc de Villequier, father of the present Duc d'Aumont and one of the most balanced healtiest men in France, would not have died in the prime of life. ... The Prince de Soubise, who enjoyed the most perfect health, would not have been carried off at twenty-five; Monseigneur, granfather of Louis XV, would not have been buried in his fiftieth year; twenty thousand people died in Paris in 1723 would still be alive. ..." [Voltaire, 1733] Voltaire'den epeyce bir sUre sonra, diGer bir FransIz yazar Zola, 1880 yIlInda, gUzelliGi ile meShur, aGIna takIlan erkekleri ya malIndan ya canIndan ya da her ikisinden ettiGi tiyatro oyuncusu bir hayat kadInInIn hayatInI konu alan "Nana" adlI eserinde FransIz toplumundaki sosyal sInIflara deGinirken, roman kahramanlarI Uzerinde CiCek hastalIGIna iliSkin bilgi sunar ve etme bulma dUnyasInda aSIklarIna azap Cektiren Nana'yI bu hastalIktan dermansIz bir basIna OldUrUr romanIn sonunda. "... The small-pox was no joke. Fontan had been near having it when he was five years old, whilst Mignon gave them an account of one his nieces who had died of it. As to Fauchery, he could speak of it from personal experience, for he still bore marks of it in the shape of three little limps at the base of his nose, which he shaved them. And when Mignon again egged him on to go up, on the pretext that you never had it twice, he violently combated this theory, and with infinite abuse of the doctors instanced various cases. ... Nana was left alone, with upturned face in the light cast by the candle. She was fruit of the charnel-house, a heap of matter and blood, a shovelful of corrupted flesh thrown down on the pillow. The pustules had invaded the whole of the face, so that each touches its neighbour. Fading and sunken, they had assumed the greyish hue of mud, and on that formless pulp, where the features had ceased to be traceable, they already resembled some decaying damp from the grave. One eye, the left eye, had completely foundered among bubbling purulence, and the other, which remained half open, looked like a deep black runious hole. The nose was still suppurating. Quite a reddish crust was peeling from one of the cheeks, and invading the mouth, which it distorted into a horrible grin. And over this loathsome and grotesque mask of death, the hair, the beautiful hair, still blazed like sunlight and flowed downwards in ripping gold. Venus was rotting. It look as if the poison she had assimilated in the gutters, left there by the roadside, the ferment with which she had poisoned a whole people, had now reached to her face and turned it to corruption. ..." [Zola, 1880] 2.3.3 TUrklerin Tedaviyle ArasI NasIlmIS? Buraya kadar olan kIsImda bela hastalIGa karSI Istanbul'da nelerin nasIl yapIldIGInI ve buradan tUm dUnyaya yayIldIGInI ceSitli yazarlardan yapIlan alIntIlarla aCIklandI. Kanuni "Olmaya devlet cihanda bir nefes sIhhat gibi." demiS ama TUrkler saGlIklarInI korumak iCin ellerinin altIndaki CiCek hastalIGIna karSI baGISIklIk yaratan yOntemi kullanmISlar mI? Woodville eserinde yapmIS olduGu alIntIsInda ve kendi gOrUSlerinde der ki: "... `The Turks' he [Dr. Jacob a Caffro] fays, `and other unlearned and barbarous people, at firft declerade very much againft the practice, but at prefent being convinced by the confequences that attended, they readily admit of the operation, and are a induftrious in giving it due recommendation as many others.' ... Small-pox being very mortal in that city, a great many noble families fubmitted to inoculation; but that the Turks, believing in predeffination, refufed to ufe any precaution whatever." [Woodville, 1796] Diger Ingiliz doktor Black de benzeri gOrUSler ifade eder: "... The Turk themselves as Mahometans and fatalifts, and obftinately attached to the dogmas inculcated in alcoran, which command them not to fly even from the plague, rejected inoculation, and it was adopted only amongft the Greeks, Armenians, Chriftians. ..." [Black, 1781] Cesitli yazarlarIn olumlu bakmadIGI TUrklere, herkese veryansIn eden Voltaire tahminlerinizi yanIltacak OlCUde iltifatlarda bulunuyor: "... To preserve the life and beauty of their children it only remained, then, to give them smallpox at an early age, and that is what they did by inserting into the child's body a pustule taken from the most perfect and at the same time most favorable case of smallpox that could be found. The experiment wasbound to succeed. The Turks, who are sensible people, soon adopted this custom, and today there is no a Pasha in Constantinople who does not give smallpox to his son and daughter as soon as they weaned. ..." [Voltaire, 1733] 2.3.4 Diger Ulkelerdeki Durumlar: Etkin ve etkili devasIna pek Cabuk ulasIlamayan CiCek hastalIGIna iliSkin yazImIzI notlamadan Once diGer Ulkelerdeki duruma da kIsaca bir gOz atalIm: "... In 1722, inoculation was carried to Boftin in North America, and attended with the fame happy effects as in London, amongft the handful who had the refolution to entruft their lives that protection. ..." [Black, 1781] "... It was the same Genevan physician, Dr. Tronchin, who began the first inoculations on the European continent at Amesterdam during an epidemis of smallpox in that city in 1748. Inoculation began to be adopted in Switzerland in 1749, in Italy, Denmark, and Sweden in 1754-56, and in Russia and Austria in 1768. ..." [Hopkins, 1983] "... Other notable events included the inoculation of Tsarina of Russia, Catherine II, in 1768, by Dimsdale and, eventually, the acceptance of variolation by the French, which was precipitated by the the quite unexpected death of Louis XV from smallpox on 19 May 1774. ... Early in the 18th century, variolation spread through the Balkans into Central Europea and from Turkey to Great Britain and subsequently in some countries, especially in Great Britain and its colonies in America. Then, at the end of 18th century, Edward Jenner showed by experiment that inoculation with cowpox virus would protect people against smallpox, with very much less constitutional disturbance and danger, to themselves and others, than was the case with variolation. ..." [Fenner et al. 1988] SonuC: Istanbul'dan Ingiltere'ye sonra da diGer Ulkelere yayIlan CiCek hastalIGIna karSI baGISIklIk kazandIrmayI amaClayan ilk etkin tedavi yOnteminin uygulandIGI "inoculation" dOnemi, 1798 yIlInda Edward Jenner'in "cowpox" kullandIGI kendi tekniGini tanItmasInI takiben yerini "vaccination" CaGIna bIrakIr. 1977 yIlInda da CiCek hastalIGI tUm dUnya genelinde temizlenmiStir. Tarihi geliSmelere iliSkin detaylarI ekte sunulmakta olan kronolojide bulabilirsiniz. Meral DemirtaS DIP NOTLAR: (*1) Smallpox: "Before the appearance of syphilis in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century the febrile disease of smallpox was known simply as `pockes' or `pox', derived from the Anglo-Saxon `poc' or `pocca', a bag or pouch, but thereafter the prefix `small' was used in order to distinguish it from the great pox or syphilis." [Smith, 1987] (*2) "Circassia: Region in S Russia S.F.R.S., U.S.S.R., N of the W end of the Caucasus Mts. and on the NE coast of the Black Sea; has no political significance. Inhabited from ab. 13th cent. by races subject to Georgia, who became independent in first half of 15th cent. They occupied the basins of tributaries of the Terek and Kuban rivers, a warlike people noted for their beautiful women; their two leading branches are today the Adygei and Cherkess, now forming two authonomous regions of the Russian S.F.S.R. (see Adygei Authonomous Oblast and Karachayevo-Cherkess Authonomous Oblast). Taken over by Russian 1829; after long war of resistance to Russia 1850-59, large numbers deported 1864 to Turkey. After Revolution 1917 authonomous areas established for remaning members of race." [Webster's New Geopraphical Dictionary, 1984] (*3) "Variolation: called smallpox inoculation, insertion, engrafling, or transplantation by 18th century authors -terms derived from the horticultural procedures or inserting a bud into a plant- the practice of cutaneous inoculation of meterial from smallpox pustules later came to be called `variolation', to distinguish it from the practice of vaccination with material from cowpox lesions, introduced in 1798 by Edward Jenner." [Fenner et al. 1987] ------------------------- Appendix [#]: Chronology of Main Events * 10th Century: Variolation first reported in China, by in sufflation, as a secret rite. Probably also practiced in India at this time, by cultureous inoculation. 982: Hospitals for smallpox setablished in Japon (Ishioho) * 13th Century: Variolation by cutaneous route introduced into Egypt by Mamelukes * 17th Century: 1661-1722: Variolation more widely used in China. K'ang Hsi variolated his soldiers and his children. 1650s: Quarantine introduced to control entry of smallpox into North American ports (Boston, New York, Philadelphia) 1667: Mandatory isolation of smallpox cases at home. (Virginia) 1694: Smallpox kills Queen Mary * 18th Century: 1700-1798: Papers on variolation published Royal Society of London (1700; Turkish Method: Timoni, 1714; Pylarini, 1716) (Chinese method, publication of Jenner's Inquiry (1798)) 1706: Cotton Mather told of variolation by his African slaves (Boston) 1716: Inoculation of first two Britons performed in Turkey 1718: Edward Wortley Montagu inoculated in Turkey 1721: Inoculation of Anne Wortley Montagu, the first to be performed in England. Variolation by cotaneous route out Britain (Sloane) Bohemia (Reiman) and Boston, USA (Boylston) 1726: Variolation popularized in England by Suttons 1746: London Small-Pox and Inoculation Hospital established (1746) 1761: Robert Sutton perfects new method of inoculation 1763: Daniel Sutton leaves father's and set up own inoculation practice 1767 Essential features and secrets of highly successful `Suttonian method' revealed in Thomas Dimsdale's "The Present Method of Inoculating" 1768: Dimsdale variolates Catherine the Great and variolation accepted in Russia 1774: Louis XV dies of smallpox and variolation accepted in France 1777: G. Washington orders variolation of the continental army 1793-99: Eradiction of smallpox by systematic variolation of population and isolation of cases suggested by Haygarth(1793) and Carl (1799) 1798: Results of vaccination expriments published by Edward Jenner 1799: Eradiction of smallpox by systematic variolation of population and isolation of cases suggested by Carl * 19th Century: 1800-1802: Inquiry tarnslated into several European languages 1800-1803: Vaccination adopted in most European countries and in the USA= 1802-1806: Vaccine sent sucessfully to Bombay (de Carro, 1802) and to Sout and Central America, the Philippines and Macao. (Balmis-Salvany Expedition, 1803-1806) 1805-1810: Vaccine produced in calves (Italy) 1805-1870: Variolation banned in Russia (1805), Prussia (1835), Britain (1840) and British India (1870), but still widely practised in Afghanistan, China and many parts of Africa. 1807-1853: Primary vaccination of infants made compulsury in Bavaria (1807), Denmark (1810), Norway (1811), Bohemia and Russia (1812), Sweden (1816), Hanover (1821), and Great Britain (1853) 1807: London Vaccine Institution founded 1808: National Vaccine Establisment founded 1829: Revaccination introduced into Wurttemberg 1833: Vaccination compulsury in Prussian army 1840: Vacine passaged in calves for production (Negri), First Vaccination Act makes vaccination freely available to all and inoculation an imprisonable offence (Britain) 1840s: Use of glycerol as diluent introduced in Italy (Negri) 1853: Vaccination Act makes infant vaccination compulsory and non-compliance or neglect by parents punishable by fine (Britain) 1864-1884: Production in calves in France (1864), Belgium (1865), Great Britain (1881) and Germany (1884) 1870: Control of smallpox by isolation cases and quarantine of contacts ("Leicester method" 1870); reinforced by vaccination of contacts (Millard, 1914) 1892: Glycerolated vaccine popularized by Copeman 1898: Jenner's arm-to-arm vaccination banned in Great Britain * 20th Century: 1948: Compulsory vaccination of infants replaced by free and voluntary vaccination under provisions of National Health Service Act, 1946 1977: World-wide eradiction of smallpox accomplished. [(#) [2] ve [4] numarlardaki kaynaklar esas alInarak hazIrlanmIStIr. ] ------------------------- Kaynaklar: [1] Black, W. [MDCCLXXXI] 1781: Observations Medical and Political, on the Small-pox, 2nd edn., Johnson,London, 284pp. [2] Fenner, F., Henderson, D. A., Arita, I., Jezek, Z., and Ladnyi, I. D. 1988: Smallpox and Its Eradiction, World Health Organization, Genevo, 1460pp. [3] Hopkins, D. R. 1983: Princes and Peasents; Smallpox in History, The University of Chicago Press, 380pp. [4] Smith, J. R. 1987: Speckled Monster, Essex Record Office, Chelmsford, 217pp. [5] Voltaire [1st published in 1733] 1980: Letters on England, Penguin, 157pp [Translated with an introduction by Leonard Tancook] [6] Woodville, W. 1796: The History of the Inoculation of the Small-Pox in Great Britain, Volume I, Phillips, London, 385pp. [7] Zola, E. [1st published in 1880] 1971: Nana, Twentieth Century Classics, London, 447pp. [Translated by Victor Plarr. An introduction by Alec Brown.] [8] Webster's New Geopraphical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Massachusetts, 1984, 1375pp. ============================================================================ ============================================================================= 4. Internet ve Bilgisayar DUnyasIndan ============================================================================= 4.1 JAVA - An Introduction, Can K. SandalcI 4.2 Faaliyete GeCen Yeni ITU-MD TanItIm SayfalarI, Meral DemirtaS, Kaya BUyUkataman ve Can K. SandalcI ============================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 JAVA - An Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Java programming Language has been announced by Sun Microsystems toward the end of 1995. The first official release of the Development Kit and the HotJava Web-browser followed this announcement, creating excitement and enthusiasm. Even Microsoft and IBM have announced that they have future plans for incorporating the Java Platform into their upcoming operating system environments. With proposed bug fixes and improvements and with its new version, to be released in 1996, Java promises to be a language of the future. What is attractive about Java? ------------------------------ Java is: * object oriented, yet simple. * interpreter based * portable across multiple platforms * robust * multithreaded * adaptable * secure The most intriguing aspect is the platform independence of the applications. Although Java is an interpreter based language, there is still a compilation phase where the platform independent byte-code of the application are generated as opposed to the machine code that makes the traditional applications highly platform and operating system dependent. The Java interpreter then translates the byte code to the platform native machine code while the application is being executed. Hence the average application development cycle for Java applications is much shorter, as the compile-link-test-crash-debug cycle is replaced with the compile and run approach. The multithreaded nature of the language enables complex animations and operations to be possible which in other platforms may be difficult or impossible to implement. Another important aspect, probably the one that caused the vast popularity, is the executable content transfer capability for the Java supporting WWW browsers like the HotJava from Sun Microsystems and the Navigator v2.0+, from Netscape Communications. This is made possible by the advanced security features introduced by the Java Language. These features (i.e. authentication, file system protection, etc.) make the Java language ideal for network based applications. Java Applications and Applets: ------------------------------ A Java application is a standalone program that can be executed independently. A Java applet on the other hand is designed to be run by a Java enhanced WWW browser. It can be viewed as an application with security restrictions such as limited file system an memory access. The introduction of the Java applet created the truly interactive Web, with its problems. The first Java enhanced release of the Netscape Navigator which is the most commonly used browser on the net, was challenged by numerous security leak accusations. Still, although being fairly new and unexplored, Java promises a new platform independent, network programming approach. Hot Links --------- - JavaSoft http://www.javasoft.com/ - The Java(tm) Language Environment: A White Paper http://java.sun.com/whitePaper/java-whitepaper-1.html - The Java Developer - Resources http://www.digitalfocus.com/digitalfocus/faq/resources.html - Java Telemed Prototype - A radiology system!! http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~rdaniel/classesJDK/PickTest2.html - Gamelan - A huge Java applet library http://www.gamelan.com/ Can K. SandalcI (Kontrol-Bilgisayar '94) ITU-MD Uyesi, ABD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Faaliyete GeCen Yeni ITU-MD TanItIm SayfalarI, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Istanbul Teknik Universitesi MezunlarI DerneGi [ITU-MD] UluslararasI KuruluSu'nu CeSitli yOnleriyle Internet ziyaretCilerine tanItmak amaCIyla, yeni sayfalar aCIldI. Dernek TuzuGu, verilen hizmetler ve genel CalISmalar hakkInda bilgi edinirken, isteyenin yaSadIGI yere yakIn ITU-MD Subesi ile ilgili detaylara ulaSmasIna gayret edildi. ASagIda bu sayfalar hakkInda bazI On aCIklamalarI bilginize sunuyoruz. ------------------------------ ITU-MD UluslararasI KuruluSu Genel YapIsI ve CalISmalarI (*1) [Adres: http://www.ece.orst.edu/~ituweb/itumd/itumd.html] Bu ilk sayfada BaSkan Kaya BUyUkataman'In giriS yazIsInI takiben Su ana baslIklarI taSIyan dosyalara baGlantIlar yapIlmIStIr. 1. Genel Merkezler ve Subeler 2. Genel Faaliyet Veren Birimler 3. Uye Olma ve Verilen Hizmetlerin Ozeti ASaGIda bu dosyalara ait alt baSlIklarI Ozeti sunulmaktadIr: 1. Genel Merkezler ve Subeler: Bu kIsmIn hazIrlanmasInda PETEK'te yayImlanmIS yazIlarIn birCoGundan yararlanIlmIStIr. Su an iCin elimizde dOkUmanlarla bulunan yerlere gerekli baGlantIlar saGlanmIStIr. DiGer Subelerden katIlIm geldikCe listeye dahil edileceklerdir. * TUrkiye Merkez * UluslararasI KuruluSu Ana Merkez [ABD] * ABD Subeleri - ABD BatI BOlgesi - ABD GUney DoGU BOlgesi * Kanada Subeleri -Merkez Subesi * Ingiltere Subesi * Almanya Kolu ------------------------------ 2. Genel Faaliyet Veren Birimler: Bu bOlUmde genel hizmet veren Su birimlerimiz hakkInda baGlantIlar verilmistir. Ilerde diGer birimler hakkInda bilgi veren dosyalar da eklenecektir. * Homepage Komitesi * Veri TabanI DosyalarI * TUzUk Komitesi * PETEK Elektronik Dergisi * GenC-ITU * MUtevelli Kurulu - Fundraising Committee * ITU'ye Kitap YardImI Komitesi ------------------------------ III. Uye Olma ve Verilen Hizmetlerin Genel Ozeti Bu bOlUmde Uye olmanIn yollarInIn yanI sIra, Dernek'in CeSitli birimlerince tUm Uyelere ve ITU'ye verilen hizmetlerin bir Ozeti de bazI baSlIklar altInda sunulmaktadIr. Isteyenler bu dosyadan ayrIca, ITU-MD Uye formuna ve gOrmek isterlerse fotoGraflI kimlik kartInIn OrneGine de ulaSabilirler. - Son Dakika Haberi: "ITU-MD On-line Basvuru Formu" 25 MayIs 1996 itibariyle kullanIma aCIlmIS bulunuyor (*2). Adres: http://www.missouri.edu/~c584540/itu/membership/ ------------------------------ PETEK'teki bu yazImIz ile sizleri yeni CalISmalardan haberdar ederken, Sube ve birim yOneticilerimizi kendileri iCin tarafImIzdan aCIlmIS olan sayfalarI geliStirmeye davet etmek istedik. ITU-MD Homepage Komitesi'ne gerekli dOkUmanlarI gOndermenin yanI sIra, iSlemleri kolaylaStIrmak ve gerektiGinde dUzeltme ve eklemeleri zamanInda Internet'e sunulmasI iCin kendi sayfalarInIzI faaliyete geCirmenizi ve baGlantI kurulmasI iCin adresleri gOndermenizi Oneriyoruz. YazI gOndermek isterseniz ilgili e-mail adreslerimiz: ITU-MD Homepage: ituweb@ece.orst.edu Can SandalcI: sandalci@ece.orst.edu Onerilerinizi, gOrUSlerinizi ve katkIlarInIzI bekliyoruz. Meral DemirtaS, Kaya BUyUkataman ve Can K. SandalcI DIP NOTLAR: (*1) Bu sayfalarIn ilk hazIrlIklarI Meral DemirtaS ve Kaya BUyUkataman tarafIndan baSlatIlmIS ve daha sonra "Homepage Sorumlusu" Can K. SandalcI'ya aktarIlmIStIr. Su anda sayIn SandalcI tarafIndan iSler yUrUtUlmektedir. (*2) "ITU-MD On-line Basvuru Formu" CalISmalarI sayIn KOksal A. HocaoGlu tarafIndan baSlatIlmIStIr. Kendisine teSekkUrlerimizi sunarIz. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 5. MUhendis GOzUyle ============================================================================= 5.1 Enerji Tasarrufu, Alpin Kemal DaGsOz 5.2 Where Do We Go From Here? Nalan Arsoy-Gainer 5.3 Havadan Para Kazanmalar Uzerine Notlar, Meral DemirtaS ============================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Enerji Tasarrufu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GIRIS Yasam ve uretimi tum yonleriyle aksatmadan gerekli enerjiyi daha verimli kullanmaya yani daha az enerji sarfIna ENERJI TASARRUFU diyoruz. 1973 yIlInda OPEC'in petrol fiyatlarIna yaptIgI zam ile Irak - Iran savasInIn sebebiyet verdigi krizler hatIrImIzdadIr.Bu krizlerden oncelikle Turkiye gibi gelismekte olan ulkeler etkilenmis olup hatta ulkemizde doviz girdilerimiz petrol ithalatImIza bile yetmemistir. Krize giren ulkelerin ithalatlarInIn azalmasIyla da gelismis ulkeler sanayi urunlerini satamamIslar ve kacInIlmaz olarak krize girmislerdir. Ancak sanayilesmis yeni gelismis ulkeleri, Bilime verdikleri onem, arastIrma ve gelistirme calIsmalarI, Gunes, jeotermik, ruzgar vb. enerjilerden yararlanma, Enerji tasarrufu onlemlerini iyilestirme, AtIk enerjiden yararlanma Copleri enerji veya gubre olarak degerlendirme, IsI-guc sistemlerinden, bolge (sehir) IsItmasIndan yararlanma, YapIlarda bilesik IsItma sistemlerin kullanIlmasI, ToplumlarIn TV ile radyo yayInlarI, konferanslar, gazete, brosur ve kitapcIklarla bilinclendirilmesi, ve benzeri yollardan yararlanarak krizi cok etkilenmeden kIsa surede atlattIklarInI ve bu uygulamalarI da inatla devam ettirdiklerini gozluyoruz. Gelismis ulkelerin yukarIda ozetlenen calIsmalar yanInda Ulusal Enerji Tasarruf PolitikalarI uyguladIklarInI, enerji tasarrufunu ozendirici tesvikler yaptIklarInI da ozellikle belirtmeliyiz. Takibeden bolumlerde gelismekte olan ulkemizde enerjiyi ithal ve tuketimimiz ile enerjiyi tuketimdeki savurganlIgImIz incelenerek ULUSAL ENERJI TASARRUF POLITIKASI'nIn ulkemizde de gerekliligi ve saglayacagI yararlar acIklanmIstIr [1,2,3,4,5,6]. 2. HAM PETROL VE DOGAL GAZ ITHALATIMIZ Ulkemizde ham petrol ve dogal gaz uretimi yapIlmakla beraber cok yetersiz olup dIs ulkelerden satIn alma mecburiyetindeyiz. 1987 yIlIndan itibaren dogal gaz ithalatImIzIn 432.106 m3'den 4.432.106 m3'e yukselmistir. 1987 yIlIna kadar artma gosteren ham petrol ithalatImIzIn bu yIldan itibaren cok az da olsa dusme gosterdigini ve 21 673 000 ile 17 606 000 ton arasInda oynadIgInI, goruyoruz. Ham petrol fiyatlarInIn sabit kalmayIp ozellikle petrol ureten ulkelerin -OPEC- tutumlarI ile Iran'daki iktidar degisikligi, Irak-Iran SavasI, Irak'In Kuveyt'i isgali gibi siyasi ve askeri olaylar sonucu cok degistigini soyleyebiliriz. Bu dusuk fiyatlara karsIn Irak-Iran savasI sIralarInda petrol fiyatlarInIn 30 Dolar/varil uzerine cIktIgInI da belirtmeliyiz. Son bes yIl icindeki petrol ithalatImIzIn senelik 2,4 milyon dolar civarInda oynadIgI ve 1992'de 2.630.088.568 Dolar oldugu anlasIlmaktadIr [7]. BazI LPG, benzin, motorin, fuel-oil gibi petrol urunlerinin ithal ve ihrac olmaktadIr [7]. 1992 yIlInda dogal gaz ithalatImIzIn 4.614.553.000 m3 oldugu da gozonune alInarak 1992 yIlInda petrol ve dogal gaz ithalatImIz icin 3,6 milyon Dolar civarInda doviz odedigimizi soyleyebiliriz. 3. ULKEMIZDE ENERJI TUKETIMININ DAGILIMI Enerji istatistiklerine gore sektorel enerji tuketim paylarI asagIdaki gibidir [2,9]. YIl Konut Sanayi UlastIrma TarIm 1973 %49 %25 21 3 1972 %46 %29 19 4 1989 %41 %33 20 5 1994 %37 %33 23 5 Konut, sanayi ve ulastIrma sektorundeki petrol ile linyit tuketImlerI soyledir [2,9]. Petrol 10000 ton Linyit 10000 ton YIl Konut Sanayi UlastIrma Konut Sanayi 1973 1891 2579 3611 3483 2531 1982 2115 4029 5157 7037 3543 1989 2662 5157 7318 9200 8225 Bu veriler ile ikinci bolumdeki veriler arasIndaki uyum acIkca anlasIlmakta olup, konut IsInmasI ile sanayide linyit kullanImInIn da buyuk yer tuttugu goruluyor. Dogal gazIn sanayide de yaygInlasmasI ve ithalatIn artmasI ile 1990'lI yIllarda komur sarfiyatInda duraklama olabilecegi gorusundeyiz. Ilginc olan bir husus ise 1990'lI yIllarda bile ulkemizde odun ve tezegin yakIt olarak kullanIlmasIdIr [9]. YIl Tezek Odun 1973 8 793 000 13 847 000 ton 1982 11 470 000 16 760 000 ton 1989 9 069 000 17 815 000 ton 4. TURKIYE'DE DERECE - GUN SAYILARI VE ISI YALITIM BOLGELERI 4.1.1 Giris Gelismis ulkelerde hassasiyetle uygulanan enerji tasarruf kurallarInIn ulkemiz iklim sartlarIna uygun olarak belirlenerek ulkemizde de uygulanmasI zorunlu hale gelmistir. Bilindigi uzere ulkemizde Akdeniz, Karadeniz ve kara iklimi yasanmakta olup, IsItma surecinde - periyodunda - dIs hesap sIcaklIklarI +30 C ile -27 C gibi cok genis bir aralIkta bulunmaktadIr. Derece - Gun (DG) sayIlarI olarak IsItma surecindeki aralIk ise 1135 iIe 5049 arasIndadIr. Diger taraftan dunyamIzIn ikliminin son yIllarda oldukca degistigi de bir gercektir. Ulkemizde eneji tasarrufu kurallarInIn belirlenmesinde uc IsI yalItIm bolgesi bulunmakla beraber Derece Gun sayIlarInIn en buyuk ve en kucuk degerlerinin oranInI 4,45 gibi oldukca buyuk bir degerde olmasI, IsI yalItIm bolgelerinin sayIsInIn artmasI gerektigini ortaya koymaktadIr. Bu sebeple son meteorolojik verilere gore ulkemizdeki muhtelif sehirlerimizin Derece - Gun sayIlarInIn belirlenmesinin gereksinimi ortaya cIkmIstIr. 4.1.2 Tarifler ve Kabuller IsItma Sureci - IsItma Periyodu: Konutlarda, is yerlerinde vb. yerlerde genellikle sonbahar aylarInda baslayarak kIs ve ilkbahar aylarIna kadar devam eden IsItmanIn yapIldIgI surece IsItma Sureci - IsItma Periyodu adI verilir. IsItma sureci Almanya'da genel olarak 1 Ekim - 30 Nisan arasI olmak uzere 7 aydIr fakat uygulamada 1 Eylul - 31 MayIs arasIna genisledigini de goruyoruz. Ulkemizde cok genis iklim sartlarI bulunup IsItma surecleri belediyelerce belirlenmektedir. Ornegin Istanbul'da kaloriferlerin yakIlmasInIrI 15 KasIm'da basladIgI gibi. Gunluk SIcaklIk OrtalamasI: Meteoroloji istasyonlarInda gunluk 7, 14 ve 21 saatlerinde olculen sIcaklIklar t7, t14 ve t21 olduguna gore "gunluk ortalama sIcaklIk" t = (t7+t14+2t21)/4 ifadesiyle belirlidir. Hesap SIcaklIgI: 20 yIl icinde 10 defa erisilen iki gunun ortalamasI olan en dusuk hava sIcaklIgI, "hesap sIcaklIgI" olarak alInIr. Senelik Ortalama Minimum SIcaklIk: Her yIl 2m yukseklikte olculen en dusuk minimum sIcaklIklann ortalamasI "senelik ortalama minimum sIcaklIk" olarak alInIr. Mutlak Maksimum, Minimum SIcaklIklar: Bir yerde olculen en yuksek ve en dusuk sIcaklIklar Mutlak Maksimum ve "minimum sIcaklIklar" olarak adlandIrIlIr. Ortalama Maksimum ve Minimum SIcaklIklar: "Ortalama maksimum ve minimum sIcaklIklar", buyuk sehirlerin sehir merkezinde uzun yIllar boyunca olculen ekstrem sIcaklIklarIn ortalamalarIdIr. Bu sIcaklIklar sis gibi havanIn rutubetinin fazla olmasI sartlarInda sehir kenarlarIna gore kIsIn 2-4 C yazIn 1-2 C yuksek olabilir. Diger bir ornek ise, caddelerde 2,5 m yukseklikteki sIcaklIgIn cayIrdaki sIcaklIktan 8-10 C yuksek olmasIdIr. Ic SIcaklIklar: DIN 4701 ve TS 825'de, IsItma hesaplarI icin ic ortamlarIn sIcaklIklarI oturma ve yatak odalarI 20 C mutfak 18 C tuvalet 18 C banyo 24 C merdiven boslugu 10 C olarak alInIr. AyrIca genellikle; buro, toplantI, sergi odalarI 20 C satIs yerleri 20 C gIda satIs yerleri 18 C otel odalarI 20 C tiyatro, konser salonlarI 20 C muzeler, galeriler 20 C hasta odalarI 22 C kIslalar 20 C fuar salonlarI 15 C oldugunu belirtmeliyiz. Derece - Gun (DG) SayIlarI: Bir IsItma surecindeki Derece - Gun sayIsI, IsItma gunlerindeki IsItIlan ortam sIcaklIgI ile dIs ortam (hava) sIcaklIgI farklarInIn toplamIna esittir ve DG(t) ile gosterilir. "t endisi" IsItma icin oldugunu gosterir. Burada konu olarak IsItma ile ilgili Derece - Gun sayIsI islenmektedir ve t endisi kullanIlmayacaktIr. t DG = (TOPLAM)* (t(i) - tdo)j Derece - Gun j=l * = (TOPLAM)= Toplam Simgesi Bu ifadede, ti: IsItIlan ortamIn sIcaklIgI C - ic sIcaklIk - tdo: dIs ortamIn gunluk ortalama sIcaklIgI - hava sIcaklIgI - z: IsItma surecinin uzunlugu gun olarak belirlenmistir. Bu kavrama benzer sekilde ayrIca, HavalandIrma derece gun sayIsI DG(h) Sogutma derece gun sayIsI DG(s) tarifleri de bulunmaktadIr. Ic sIcaklIk yani IsItIlan ortamIn sIcaklIgI olarak genellikle t(i)C kabul edilir. DIs ortam yani dIs hava sIcaklIgI olarak genellikle dIs ortam sIcaklIgInIn 15 C ve altInda oldugu sIcaklIklar gozonune alInIr. Baska bir ifade ile hava sIcaklIgI 15 C'ye dustugu zaman IsItmanIn yapIldIgI kabul edilir. YukarIda da belirtildigi gibi cogu ulkelerde gunumuzde, ti C, tdo < l5 C kabul edilmektedir. Almanya'da onceleri ic sIcaklIk ti=19 C ve hava sIcaklIgI tdo <= 12 C alInIrken, gunumuzde tl C, tdo < 15 C alInmaya baslanmIstIr [2,3,4]. Avusturya'da ise Derece - Gun sayIlarInIn belirlenmesinde t C, tao <= l2 C kabul edilmektedir [8]. Ancak Avusturya'da Derece - Gun sayIlarInIn ti=22 C, tdo < 16 C uzerinden verildigi yayInlar da bulunmaktadIr. 4.2 TURKIYE'DE DERECE - GUN SAYILARI Devlet Meteoroloji Isleri Genel Mudurlugunden temin ettigimiz 1980-1990 yIllarI arasIna ait muhtelif sehirlerimiz icin 10 yIllIk gunluk sIcaklIk ortalamalarI degerlerinden faydalanIlarak, ulkemizdeki Derece - Gun -DG- sayIlarI yeniden tarafImIzdan tesbit edilmistir. 4.2.l Derece - Gun -DG- SayIlarInIn BulunmasI Devlet Meteoroloji Isleri Genel Mudurlugu'nden alInIn 1980-1990 yIllarI arasI gunluk sIcaklIk ortalamalarI bilgisayara yuklenmis ve ti C ile tdo=18 C; tdo < l5 C ile tdo < l2 C; sIcaklIk degerleri uzerinden DG(20/15), ti = 20 C tdo <= l5 C DG(20/12), ti = 20 C tdo <= l2 C DG(18/12), ti = 18 C tdo <= l2 C Derece - Gun sayIlarI ayrI ayrI bulunmustur. 4.3 TURKIYE'DE ISI YALITIMI -IKLIM- BOLGELERI Konumuz IsI enerjisi tasarrufu ve bunun icinde yalItIm soz konusu oldugu gozonune alInarak bundan boyle iklim bolgeleri yerine IsI yalItIm bolgeleri denilecektir. AyrIca, ulkemizdeki IsI yalItIm kurallarInIn ic duvarlarda yogusmayI -terlemeyi- onleyecek sekilde belirlendiklerini fakat IsI yalItImInIn esasta enerji tasarrufu yani yakIt tasarrufu icin yapIlmasI gerektigini ozellikle belirtmemizde yarar var. 4.3.l Turkiye'de Derece - Gun SayIlarI ve Diger Ulkelerle KarsIlastIrma Bu bolumde Derece Gun -DG- sayIlarI 20/15 sIcaklIklarI icin gozonune alInacaktIr. Derece Gun sayisi (DG(20/l5)) tablolarIna bakIldIgI zaman en kucuk DG sayIsI 1135 ile Adana en buyuk DG sayIsI 5049 ile Kars oldugunu goruyoruz. AslInda, Anamur ve Alanya gibi sehirlerimizde DG sayIlan daha kucuk degerlere dustugu gibi Ardahan ve IgdIr gibi sehirlerimizde de DG sayIlarI daha yuksek degerlerdedir. Bu verilere gore ulkemiz de, en buyuk ve en kucuk DG sayIlarI oranI icin DG(en bUyUk)/DG(en kUcUk) = 5049/1135 = 4,45 gibi oldukca buyuk bir deger cIkmaktadIr. Halbuki en buyuk ve en kucuk DG sayIlarI oranI * Avusturya'da 6365/3080 = 2,066 Sonnblick/Eisenstadt * Fransa'da 2947/1275 = 2,031 Nancy/Nice (Derece Gun sayisinda ti <= 18 C alInmaktadIr.) * Fransa' da 2625/1542 = 1,70 H3 bolgesi/H1bolgesi * Isvec'de 6250/3870 = 1,615 Lulea/Malmo * Almanya'da 4046/330 = 1,226 Munchen/Dusseldorf olarak verilmektedir. Son degerlerden anlasIlacagI uzere bu ulkelerde Derece - Gun -DGsayIlarInIn en buyuk ve en kucuk degerleri arasIndaki oranI 2 civarIndadIr. Bu ulkelerdeki IsI yalItIm bolgeleri ise; Almanya'da I ve II birlestirilmis olmak uzere I, II ve III bolgeleri, Avusturya'da DG sayIlarI 3200 - 3600, 3600 - 4000, 4000'den buyuk olmak uzere uc bolge, Fransa' da H1, H2, H3 olmak uzere uc bolge olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu ulkelerin normlarInda yukseklikleri- de gozonune alInmIs; Almanya'da yukseklik nazara alInarak bazI sehirler icin bolge farklarI yapIlmIs, Avusturya'da dIs hesap sIcaklIklarI yukseklik aralIklarIna gore verilmis, Fransa'da her bolgeden 800 m yukseklikteki yerler bir ust bolge olarak kabul edilmistir. DIs hesap sIcaklIklarI ise Avusturya'da -l5 C ile -30 C arasInda olmasIna karsIn ulkemizde +30 C ile -27 C arasIndadIr. Yani dIs hesap sIcaklIklarI aralIgI Avusturya'da 15 C iken ulkemizde iki katI olup 30 C'dir Ulkemizde 16 Ocak 1985 tarihli yonetmelige kadar IsI yalItIm bolgeleri 4 olarak kabul edilmisken, bu tarihten itibaren ulkemiz IsI yalItIm yonunden 3 iklim bolgesine bolunmustur. YukarIda da acIklandIgI gibi Avrupa ulkelerinde en buyuk ve en kucuk DG sayIlarInIn oranI 2 civarInda ve IsI kaybI dIs hesap sIcaklIgI aralIgI l5 C civarInda iken, ulkemizde DG(en bUyUk)/DG(en kUcUk) = 4,45 hatta biraz daha buyuk 5 civarInda, dIs hesap sIcaklIgI aralIgI da 30 C gibi yuksektir. Bu verilerin IsIgInda ulkemizdeki IsI yalItIm bolgeleri sayIsInIn Avrupa ulkeleri gibi 3 olmasI yapIlarda enerji sarfInIn onlenmesi yonunden buyuk bir noksanlIktIr, hatadIr. 4.3.2 Turkiye'de IsI YalItIm -Iklim- Bolgeleri ti = 20 C ve tdo <= 15 C sIcaklIklarI uzerinden bulunmus DG sayIlarInI DG < 1500 1501 < DG < 2500 2501 < DG < 3500 3501 < DG < 4500 4501 < DG aralIklarI icin sInIflandIrma yapabiliriz. YukarIda acIkladIgImIz hususlarIn IsIgInda, Turkiye'deki IsI yalItIm bolgelerinin de belirtildigi gibi olmasInIn gerektigi anlasIlmaktadIr. Onerdigimiz IsI yalItIm bolgelerinin sInIrlarInIn tam olarak belirlenmelerinde, bu kIsImlardaki ilce, kasaba gibi yerlesim merkezlerini meteorolojik verilerinden hareketle derece gun -DG- sayIlarInIn bulunmalarI gerekmektedir. Bu calIsmanIn da uzun zaman alacagI suphesizdir. Bu sure icinde gerekirse sInIrlarIn belirlenmesinde dIs hesap sIcaklIklarIndan yararlanIlmasI mumkun olup hata payInIn dusuk olacagInI soyleyebiliriz. 5. ULKEMIZDE ENERJI ISRAFI TABLOSU Ulkemizde yururlukte olan enerji tasarrufu ile ilgili yonetmelik ve standartlarIn ideal olmamakla beraber iyi uygulanmadIklarInI da soyleyebiliriz. Uc katlI binalarIn bile gecekondu adI altInda her turlu proje ve kontrolden uzak olarak yapIldIgI ve bitmemis vaziyette oturuldugu gozonune alInInca bu tutumla enerji tasarrufu yapIlacagIndan ve hava kirliliginin onleneceginden umutsuzluga dusuyoruz. Mevcut yonetmelik ideal uygulansa dahi yetersiz olmasI sebebiyele gelismis ulkelere nazaran cok daha fazla yakIt sarfediyoruz. Muhtelif ulkelerde yururlukte olan yapIlarda IsI yalItmI yonetmelikleriyle ulkemizdeki yonetmelik karsIlastIrIlarak her ulkede aynI mimari projeye gore yapIlan bir bina icin IsI kayIplarI Doc. Dr. Feridun Ozguc ile tarafImdan incelenmistir [6]. Bu calIsmamIzda cIkardIgImIz sonuclara gore; Turkiye'de, sozu gecen butun ulkelerin iklim sartlarI hukum surmektedir. Derece-Gun sayIlarI olarak Turkiye'nin l.Bolgesi, Fransa'nIn l. Iklim Bolgesi'ne, Turkiye'nin 2. Iklim Bolgesi Fransa'nIn 2. ve 3. iklim Bolgelerine ve Ingiltere'nin tamamIna, Turkiye'nin 3. Iklim Bolgesi Avusturya ve Almanya'nIn tamamIna ve Isvec'in guney kIsmIna tekabul etmekte dir. Turkiye'de yururlukteki IsI izolasyon kurallarIna gore yapIlan yapIlardaki IsI kaybI, benzer iklim kosullarInda mukayese edilmesi halinde sozu gecen ulkelerden, yani Almanya, Avusturya, Fransa, Isvec ve Ingiltere'den cok fazladIr. DolayIsI ile cok daha fazla yakIt sarfI ve cevre kirlenmesi soz konusudur. YaptIgImIz incelemeye gore; Ulkemizin l, iklim bolgesinde Fransa'ya nazaran %46, Ulkemizin 2. iklim bolgesinde Fransa'ya nazaran %53, Ingiltere'ye nazaran %27, Ulkemizin 3. iklim bolgesinde Avusturya'ya nazaran %20, Almanya'ya nazaran %25 ve Isvec'e nazaran %230 daha fazla IsI kaybI yani daha fazla yakIt sarfI olmaktadIr [6,10]. Bu degerlerin daha iyi gozunone serilmesi amacIyla bir ev yarIi bir konut basIna Istanbul, Ankara ve Erzurum illerimizdeki konutlarda Fransa, Ingiltere, Almanya , Avusturya ve Isvec'e nazaran daha fazla yakIlan fuel-oil esdeger yakIt miktarlarI asagIda verilmistir [6]. G(Istanbul) - G(Fransa benzeri) = 485 kg/yIl G(Ankara) - G(Fransa benzeri) = 734 kg/yIl G(Ankara) - G(Ingiltere benzeri) = 415 kg/yIl G(Erzurum) - G(Almanya benzeri) = 624 kg/yIl G(Erzurum) - G(Avusturya benzeri) = 629 kg/yIl G(Erzurum) - G(Isvec benzeri) = 2103 kg/yIl Ulkemizdeki enerji israfInIn daha iyi anlasIlmasI bakImIndan bir kac tabloyu gozonune getirmemiz yararlI olacaktIr. Otomabilinizle Gebze ile Silivri ve BostancI ile Florya arasInda yapacagImIz bir gezintide; DIs duvarlarI ince tugla ile orulmus, catIlarI kapanmamIs, sIvalarI yapIlmamIs, katlarI tamamlanmamIs vaziyette bacalarI tuten binlerce tek ve cok katlI evin bulundugu yeni yerlesim merkezleri, BunlarIn bacalarIndan cIkan ve otoyolda bile korkunc sekilde sizi hemen etkileyen ve genzimizi yakan duman, Modern gorunuslu apartmanlarIn boydanboya tek camlI pencereleri, Modern gorunuslu apartmanlarIn bacalarIndan cIkan simsiyah dumanlarI Fabrika bacalarIndan cIkan dumanlarI, zehirli gazlarI ve buhar kacaklarI, Ticari, ozel, hatta resmi kamyonlarIn, otobuslerin ve otomobillerin ekzos gazlarI, Trafik sIkIsIklIgI ile trafik IsIk sistemlerinin ayarsIzlIgI Yollara yayIlmIs trafigi bile aksatan linyit komurleri ve curuflarI guzel Istanbul'un son yIllarda kIs aylarIndaki cehresi olarak dikkatimizi cekecektir. Bu tablo IsI enerjisi ile ilgili meslekten olmayanlarIn bile ilk bakIsta gorebilecekleri ve yararlanabilecekleri bir gorunusdur. Uzman olarak da ozetle; YapIlarda IsI yalItImI Kazan cins ve verimleri ile calIsma sartlarI, Yakacak olarak dogal gaz, fuel-oil, dokme gaz veya iyilestirilmis kaliteli komur kullanIlmasI, IsItIlan ortamlarIn olmasI gereken sIcaklIklarda tutulmasI IsItma sitemleri ve devreleri Fabrikalarda atIk enerjiden yararlanma , Fabrikalarda enerji devrelerinin iyi projelendirilmesi ve yalItImlarI Motorlu araclarIn uygunlugu, motor ayarlarI eksoz kontrolleri, vb pek cok teknik husus gozonune alIndIgInda; - Bilime saygI gostermedigimizi, - Sorumlular ve vatandas olarak bilincsiz oldugumuzu, - Konuya temelden cozum arayarak girmedigimizi,sorunlar atlatIlInca cozum yollarInda Israr edilmedigini, - Enerjiyi iyi kullanmadIgImIzI, savurgan oldugumuzu, - Doviz giderlerimizin bos yere arttIgInI, - Ulusal ekonomimizin zarar gordugunu, - Ve de bu tutumumuz ile hava kirliliginin temelden onlenmesinin bir hayal oldugunu, uzulerek belirtmek istiyoruz. 6. ULKEMIZDEKI STANDART VE YONETMELIKLERIN NOKSANLARI Ulkemizde 1972 yIlIndan bu yana cIkan standart ile yonetmelikler 3. bolumde ozetlenmisti.Hicbirseyin mukemmeli bulunmamakla beraber yururlukteki standart ve yonetmeliklerin IsI ekonomisi yonunden ulkemiz icin beklenilenden cok uzakta olduklarI anlasIlIyor. 6.1 Standart ve Yonetmeliklerin Temel Yonden NoksanlarI: Bu gune kadar yayInlanan standart ve yonetmeliklerde teknik yonden noksanlarI oldugu kadar prensip yani temel yonlerden de asagIda belirtilen noksanlarIn oldugunu soyleyebiliriz. 1. Evvelemirde yonetmeliklerin, ulkemizin ozellikle Sosyal ve ekonomik gelismesi Mevcut enerji kaynaklarI Ihracat ve ithalat dengesinde buyuk payI olan petrol, komur, dogal gaz ve benzeri enerji maddelerinin etkisi, Cografi ve siyasal sartlarI gozonune alInmadan hazIrlandIklarI anlasIlmaktadIr. 2. Ulkemizdeki yonetmelikler, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar BakanlIgI BayIndIrlIk, Imar ve Iskan BakanlIgI olmak uzere iki farklI bakanlIk tarafIndan cIkartIlmIstIr. AnlasIldIgI kadarIyla, bu yonetmeliklerin hazIrlanmasI ve yayIrIlanmasInda her iki bakanlIk arasInda karsIlIklI bilgi alIsverisi haberlesme ve anlasma yani koordinasyon yapIlmamIstIr. 3. YapIlarda IsI yalItImI kurallarInIn yani degerlerinin belirlenmesinde, ulkemizde enerji tasarrIIfu saglanmasI prensibi yerine yapIlarIn dIs duvarlannIrI ic yuzeylerinde yogusmanIn onlenebilecegi asgari degerlerden hareket edilmistir. 4. YapIlarIn mimarsI projelerinde Belediye Imar Mudurluklerine denetim ve kontrol gorevi verilmekle beraber yapIlarIn insaat veya iskan musaadesi safhalarInda ideal bir kontrol mekanizmasI getirilmesi uzerinde hassasiyetle durulmamIstIr. DIs duvar, catI, doseme gibi yapI elemanlarInIn K degerlerinin, - IsI gecis katsayIlarInIn - olculerek kontrol edilmemesi, bu islerin yapIlmasIna dair lavoratuvar ile aletlerine ve sorumlu kontrol mekanizmasIna yer verilmemistir. BayIndIrlIk, Imar ve Iskan BakanlIgI BakanlIgI tarafIndan bina vergileri icin yayInlanan "Bina Insaat SInIflarInIn 5 Tesbitine Dair Cetvel" cok ilginctir.Bu cetvelde IsI yalItImI yapIlmasI halinde yapI, luks veya birinci sInIf insaat grubuna ayrIlmakta ve vergi oranI yukselmektedir [6]. 6.2 Standart ve Yonetmeliklerin Teknik Yonden NoksanlIklarI Standart ve yonetmeliklerin teknik yonden noksanlIklarI asagIda ozetlenmistir. 1. Standart ile yonetmelik arasInda Turkiye Iklim Bolgeleri'nin belirlenmesinde farklar vardIr. 30 Ekim 1981 tarihli ve 16 Ocak 1985 tarihli yonetmelikler ile TS 825 sayIlI Nisan 1985 yayInI standartta belirtilen Turkiye Iklim Bolgeleri ayrI ayrI verilmis olup, birbirine uymamaktadIrlar. Bu durum hem standartta ve hemde yonetmelikte sehirlerin meteorolojik ve cografi sartlarInIn iyi incelenmeden iklim bolgelerinin belirlendigi kanaatini uyandIrmaktadIr. 2. 30 Ekim 1981 tarihli yonetmelikte 4 iklim bolgesi verilmisken 16 Ocak 1985 tarihli yonetmelikte iklim bolgeleri sayIsI 3'e indirilmistir. Kars, Erzurum, AgrI ve Hakkari sehirleri ve cevrelerinde dIs hesap sIcaklIklarI -27C, -2lC, -24C, ve -24C iken bu sehirler -l8C hesap sIcaklIgIndaki 3. iklim bolgesi sartlarIna getirilmistir. 3. En son yonetmelik ile TS 825'in son baskIsInda pencere ile beraber dIs duvarlarIn mustereken saglamalarI gereken ortalama IsI gecis katsayIlarI yani - K ort - degerleri birbirinden farkIl verilmistir. 4. Yonetmelikler ile standartta buhar difuzyonu olayIna yer verilmemistir. Buyuk bir noksandIr. YapInIn fonksiyonu gozonune alInmadan "yalItImIn icte veya dIsta olabilir" seklinde verilen notlarIn iyi bir inceleme sonucu ve yeterli acIklama yapIlarak verilmesi gerekir. 5. Yonetmelikler ile standartta yapInIn tumuyle veya kIsmen camasIrhane, garaj, banyo, hamam, kurutma odasI gibi kullanma sartlarI nazara alInarak terleme kontrolu yapIlmasI ongorulmemistir. 6. Yonetmelikte IsI kopruleri ihmal edilmistir. Nitekim yonetmeligin 2. maddesinin c bendinde aynen "DIs duvarlarIn icinde yer alan hatIl, kiris, lento ve kolon gibi betonarme elemanlarIn yalItImI zorunlu degildir" denilmesi buyuk bir noksandIr. IsI iletim katsayIsInIn betonarme icin lamda = 1,5 ile 1,8 kcal/mhC arasInda dolu tugla icin lamda = 0,34 ile 1,03 kcal/mhC arasInda dusey delikli hafif icin lamda = 0,26 ile 0,34 kcal/mhC arasInda civarInda oldugu dusunuldugunde betonarme kIsImlarIndan olacak IsI kaybInIn etkisi acIkca gorulur. 7. Yonetmelikte verilen K degerlerine gore ic yuzey sIcaklIklarI Istanbul icin 16,3C Ankara icin 14,8 C Erzurum icin 14,7C Kars icin 13,9 C cIkmakta olup, Istanbul haricinde bu degerlerin konfor sartlarI yonunden cok dusuk oldugu anlasIlmaktadIr. KaldI ki bir onceki maddede belirtilen kolon, hatIl, kiris vb. IsI koprusu olan yerlerde cig sInIrInIn altIna dusulecegi ve terleme gorulecegi de suphesizdir. 8. Yonetmelikte duz teras catIlar, catI ile ortulu tavanlar ve zemine oturan dosemeler gibi yapI elemanlarInda tip konstruksiyonlar verilerek 65-50 ve 30 cm kalInlIkta curuf 42-34 cm kalInlIkta celtik kapcIgI beton 15-13 cm kalInlIkta saman, talas 50-40 cm kalInlIkta gaz beton onerilmektedir. Bu malzeme ve kalInlIklarIn verilmesinin uygulama ve kullanma safhalarInda cesitli mahzurlarI gorulecegi kacInIlmazdIr. AyrIca IsI yalItImI icin kullanIlacak bu malzemelerin IsI iletim katsayIlarInIn da ozellikleri ve tatbik sartlarIna baglI olarak buyuk degisiklikler gosterecegi suphesizdir. 9. Tip konstruksiyonlar her ne kadsIr bir kolaylIk olarak hazIrlatIlIp verilmisse de baglayIcI etkisi mumkundur. Teknolojinin hergun daha belirgin sekilde gelistigi insaat sektorunde, piyasaya surulecek yeni malzemelerin de kullanIlmasI yararlI olacaktIr. Ingiltere'de uygulanan yontemin bu yonden cok kullanIslI oldugu soylenebilir. 10. Yonetmelikte yapInIn yapIlacagI yerdeki yukseklik etkisi gozonune alInmamIstIr. TS 825'de yukseklik etkisi, Turkiye Iklim Bolgeleri haritasInIn alt tarafInda not olarak belirtilmistir. 11. Standart ve yonetmeliklerde Derece-Gun-(DG) sayIlan yani baska bir deyimle senelik IsI kayIplarI nazara alInmamIstIr. Derece-Gun sayIlarI incelendiginde il merkezleri olarak 5 misli fark bulunmasI, iklim bolgelerinin belirlenmesinde gozonunde tutulmasI gerekirdi. Derece-Gun sayIlarIna gore; yururlukte olan IsI yalItIm yonetmeligindeki sInIrlamalarIn, yapIlarda IsI ekonomisi prensibinden hareketle belirlenmedigi acIk ve secik olarak anlasIlmaktadIr. 12. YapIladaki IsI kaybI aslInda, yapInIn IsI kaybI olan yuzeylerinin, hacmine gore oranIna baglI olarak degisir. Yani IsI kaybI yapInIn derlitoplu olmasIna baglIdIr. 3 KasIm 1977 tarihli ve Enerji Tabii Kaynaklar BakanlIgI tarafIndan yayInlanan yonetmelikte, diger Avrupa ulkelerinde oldugu gibi (Km - V/A) bagIntIsI verilmisken mevcut yonetmelikte bu gercekten uzaklasIlmIstIr [6,12]. 7. ULUSAL ENERJI TASARRUF POLITIKASI, TESVIKLER VE SAGLAYACAGI FAYDALAR Onceki bolumlerde ozetle acIkladIgImIz uzere, ozellikle; Jeopolitik durumumuz , YakIn gecmiste ve son yuzyIllarda komsu ulkelerle olan iliskilerimiz Enerji bagImlIlIgImIzIn azaltIlmasI, Doviz giderlerimizde tasarruf, Yeni is sektorlerinin acIlmasI, Hava kirliliginin onlenmesi , Avrupa toplulugu ulkeleri ile rekabet , goz onune alInarak, ulkemizde ULUSAL ENERJI TASARRUF POLITIKASI'nIn belirlenmesini ve en kIsa zamanda da uygulamaysI gecilmesini oneriyoruz. ULUSAL ENERJI TASARRUF POLITIKASI'nIn tesbiti ve uygulanmasIyla ilk 5 hatta sIkI bir uygulama ile 3 yIl icinde ham petrol ve dogal gaz ithalatImIzIn %25 azalacagInI soyluyoruz. Bu ifade bir hayal mahsulu olmayIp gercektir. Ne var ki, inanalIm, bilimin geregini yapalIm ve uygulayalIm. Ulusal Enerji Tasarruf PolitikasI'nda, 1. Enerji tasarruf gayasi tesbit edilerek a) YapIlarda IsI yalItIm yonetmelik ve standartlarI Kentler KIrsal bolgeler, orman koyleri olmak uzere yeniden belirlenmeli ve b) Sanayide ve ulasImda enerji tasarrufu icin mevcut yonetmelik ve standartlar yenilenmelidir. 2. Enerji tasarrufu konusundaki arastIrma ve gelistirme calIsmalarI sozde kalmamalI, gercek olarak tesvik edilerek hIzlandIrIlmalIdIr. 3. Enerji tasarrufu konusunda, Teknik Liselerde kollar , Universitelerde bolumler, fakulteler acIlmalIdIr. 4. TV, Radyo, Gazete vb. yayIn organlarInda enerji tasarrufu ile ilgili yayInlarIn yogun sekilde yer almasI tesvik edilmelidir. 5. Enerji tasarrufu onlemleri ozendirilmelidir. a) YapIlmIs binalarda ornegin dIs duvar, catI yalItImlarI, pencerelerin cift cam yapIlmasI IsItma sistemlerinin iyilestirilmesi gibi enerji tasarrufu onlemlerinde, Belirli sure - ornegin 4 yIl - emlak vergisinin alInmamasI, - katalizorlu araclardan tasIt vergisinin alInmadIgI gibi- KullanIlan malzemeden KDV -Katma Deger Vergisi - alInmamasI YakIt fiyatlarInda indirim yapIlmasI b) Sanayide enerji tasarrufu uygulamalarInda, Daha dusuk faiz ile kredi acIlmasI - turistlik tesislerde yapIldIgI gibi - Vergi indirimi, ornegin KDV -Katma Deger Vergisi alInmamasI, YakIt, elektrik fiyatlarInda indirim yapIlmasI c) UlasImda enerji tasarrufu uygulamalarInda, Hafif ve kucuk otomobillerden daha kucuk oranda gumruk vergisinin alInmasI, Hafif ve kucuk otomobillerin alImlarI icin daha dusuk faiz ile kredi acIlmasI, YakIt sarfiyatI az olan araclardan belirli sure icin tasIt vergisi alInmamasI,aklImIzI ilk gelen tesvik ornekleridir. 2. bolumde tablolardan yararlanIlarak acIklandIgI gibi ham petrol ve dogal gaz ithalatImIz icin 1992 yIlInda yaklasIk 4 Milyon Dolar doviz odemis bulunuyoruz. Yine onceki bolumlerde ana hatlarIyla acIkladIgImIz uzere ULUSAL ENERJI TASARRUF POLITIKASI uygulanmasIyla ilk 3 yIl icinde ham petrol ve dogal gaz ithalatImIzI % 25 oranInda azaltmamIz mumkundur. Bu da parasal olarak yeni doviz olarak kazancImIzIn yaklasIk 1 milyar Dolar civarInda olacagInI gosterir. Turk parasI olarak da 35 trilyon TL tasarruf hic de kucumsenecek meblag degildir. Bu kIsa hatIrlatmadan sonra, ULUSAL ENERJI TASARRUF POLITIKASI uygulanmasIyla ulkemizde asagIdaki ekonomik faydalarInIn saglanacagInI soyleyebiliriz. 1. Gunumuzdeki fiyatlar uzerinden senelik saglanacak 1 Milyar Dolar doviz ile dIs ticaret acIgImIzIn azalmasI mumkun olabilecegi gibi bu doviz ile yeni sanayi yatIrImlarInda da katkIda bulunulabilir. 2. Veya 1 Milyar Dolar karsIlIgI - Ekim 1994 kuru uzerinden - 35 trilyon TL ise ulkemizin gelisme hamlesi icinde yollar, barajlar yanInda okullar, hastaneler gibi sosyal yatIrImlar icin de kaynak olusturacagI suphesizdir. 3. Enerji tasarrufu onlemlerinin alInmasInda, YapIlarda IsI yalItIm katsayIlarI dusuk cam yunu, ciftcam, gazbetonu, delikli, gozenekli tugla ve benzeri IsI yalItIm ve insaat malzemelerinin uretim ve kullanImlarInIn buyuk olcude artmasI Sanayide ve araclarda yeni teknolojiye dayanan imalat, yeni urun ve sistemlerin projelendirilmeleri, yapImlarI uretimleri ve uygulamalarI gundeme gelecektir. 4.2. ve 3. maddelerde belirtilen yararlarIn sonucu olarak ve hepsinin yerli olmalarI da gozonune alIndIgInda, Yeni is yerlerinin acIlmasI ile isci istihdam imkanlarInIn artmasI, Is hacmi artacagIndan vergi gelirlerinin yukselmesi gibi ekonomik iki buyuk katkI saglanmIs olacaktIr. 5. Hava kirliligi azalacaktIr. SaglIgIInIz, yasamImIzda onemli bir husus olduguna gore hava kirliligine mutlaka onlemler almalIyIz. KatI, sIvI ve gaz yakacaklarIn daha az kullanIlmalarI ile ulkemizin cogu sehirlerinde tehlike sInIrlarInI zaman zaman asan ve gunes sehirleri Antalya ve Izmir'de bile yasanan hava kirliliginin azaltIlmasI mumkun olacaktIr. Hava kirliliginin ayrIca Isgucunden olma, CalIsma verimini azaltma, Tedavi giderleri ve benzeri yonlerden de ulkemiz ekonomisine olumsuz etkilerinin bulundugu gozardI edilmemelidir. 6. Enerji tasarrufu onlemleri ile daha az yakIt sarfedileceginden, Yakacak nakli daha az olacak, Komur yakacakta kul ve curuf nakli azalacak Daha az sayIda kamyon, tanker sefere cIkacak ve trafik daha az yuklenecek, Aile butceleri ferahlayacak Ulusal servet olarak ozellikle komur kaynaklarImIzI daha uzun yIllar kullanmamIz mumkun olacak, Komur ve curuf ile kul nakillerinde sokaklarda gorulen kirlilik kaynagI durumlar ortadan kalkacak, Gomlek ve elbiselerimiz ile perdelerimizin kirlenmeleri dolayIsIyla yIkama temizleme masraflarI daha az olacaktIr, 7. Enerji sarfInIn, uretim maliyetine %40'lara varan seramik vb. sanayi kollarInda azaltIlarak daha ucuza imalat yapIlmasI ve ucuzluk sebebiyle ozellikle ihracatta iyi bir rekabet saglanarak satIslarIn artmasI saglanacaktIr. 8. Cok ve cok onemli bir husus olarak da yukarIda belirttigimiz gibi enerji yonunden dIs ulkelere bagImlIlIgImIz azalacaktIr (*) Prof. Dr. Alpin Kemal Dagsoz (Makina '58) ITU Makina Fakultesi, Gumussuyu Kaynaklar: 1. Dagsoz, A.K Yapilarda Isi Yalitimi ve Buhar Gecisi Alp Teknik Kitaplari 1991 2. Dagsoz, A.K Sanayiide Enerji Tasarrufu Alp Teknik Kitaplari 1991 3. Dagsoz, A.K Hava Kirliligi ve Enerji Tasarrufu Milliyet 11 Aralik 1993 4. Dagsoz, A.K IsI Gecisi 4.baskI. Alp Teknik Yayinlari 1990 5. Dagsoz, A.K Ders notlari ve yonetiminde yaptirdigi bitirme odevleri 6. Dagsoz, A.K Turkiye'de yapilarda Isi Yalitim Kurallari ve Ozguc, F Avrupa ulkeleri ile karsilastirilmasi.Rapor 1989 7. PIGM Petrol Isleri Genel Mudurlugu Dergisi No:37 8. MOBIL AS Yayin ve Verileri 9. Turkiye 5. Enerji Kongresi Enerji Istatistikleri 22-26 Ekim 1990 10. Ulkemizde Eksik Bina Izolasyonunun Sehirlerimizin Hava Kirliligi ve Ulke Ekonomisi Uzerine Etkileri Izocam AS Yayinlari 1990 [* SayIn DaGsOz HakkInda: Prof. Dr. Alpin Kemal Dagsoz 30.4.1935'te Antalya'da dogdu. Antalya DumlupInar Ilkokulu, Nigde Ortaokulu, Adana Erkek Lisesi'ni ve 1958'de de ITU Makina Fakultesi'ni bitirdi. 1966'da Dr.Muh, 1971'de Docent ve 1976'da Profesor oldu. 22 kitabI, 34 tane yabancI dilde, 50 tane Turkce makale ve raporu yayImlandI. 61 konferans verdi. Ileri IsI Gecisi, SIcaklIk OlCmeleri, Proses Teknigi, Kurutma Teknigi, Sanayide IsI Ekonomisi, GuneS Enerjisi, IsI PompalarI, IsI Enerjisi UygulamalarI, IsI Gecisinde Ozel Konular ile Dogal Gaz derslerinin verilmesini onerdi ve verdi. Et ve BalIk Kurumu, Darmstadt TH, Belford IUT, Fahr AG, Sulzer AG, Brown Boveri ile Daimler Benz'de kIsa ve uzun sureler calIstI.] [Aktaran: Ilhan Bayraktar] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Where Do We Go From Here? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The unexpectedly large and enthusiastic crowd that milled about Istanbul's Ciragan Palace as the World Conference of Turkish Businessmen kicked off on 27 February reflected both Turkey's potential to benefit from the new customs union with the European Union and how unready Turkey is to exploit it. To be sure, this was a good first effort to raise essential questions about issues that could mean life or death to whole sectors of the Turkish economy, questions ranging from product standardization and quality control, and changes in industrial engineering and administrative practices vital to competitiveness in a fast-changing, ruthless market environment. The issues that also needed discussing and bringing to the participants' attention were the need for large-scale industrial project development to attract investors, quick response to in-country and outside financing options, project development technology for industrial and engineering firms, analysis of the European and other markets, appropriate investment strategies, and training associated with this new globalization of the Turkish economy. The conference workshops dealt with issues such as technology transfer through well-planned and structured cooperation, and a desperate need for financing of new industrial projects. The conference also pointed up the potential for small and medium-sized Turkish businesses, visible by the good number of participants from this large sector. In the United States, such firms have generated most of the eight million jobs created since 1992. Dr. Tamer Muftuoglu, of the Political Sciences Faculty of Ankara University, in his dissection of the history and culture of such companies in Turkey, highlighted their need to go beyond implementing more efficient business operations, to developing a more structured, long-term strategic orientation if they are not merely to survive, but to serve as the engine of Turkish economic expansion. Despite the evident enthusiasm of the participants, however, what should have been one of the main reasons for the gathering never came into clear focus: exploring the opportunities and challenges of the customs union. This was not for want of trying. The panel host, Mr. Sakip Sabanci, repeatedly brought home the need to join forces for effective cooperation, to form technologically more competitive partnerships now that the customs union is in place. But how? Mr. Sabanci's comment that "one would have liked that this were our fifth conference in a ten-year stretch", was a paraphrase to the obvious question: why was this sort of meeting held only after the customs union was realized, rather than well before the negotiations? By this time, Turkish businessmen ought to have moved on from this sort of generic conference--however valuable the networking going on in the corridors--to the specific issues unique to each sector and the new realities that will, unfortunately, hit the Turkish economy like the proverbial cold shower. Conversations with dozens of businessmen revealed eagerness for partnerships. Many were there to tell about projects and ideas for expansion into the markets to those interested in investment options. One industry executive I spoke to, told me about a large pistachio produce available, virtually free hydrogen gas for hydrogenation, and "the will and energy to build a large oil production plant in our province", where, he was proud to add, land acquisition, building and operation costs will be favorable to all parties concerned. For all these to happen, he said, "we need the project developed as quickly as possible and are also looking for foreign financing". An equal need--still unmet--for the kind of direction and specific information that specialized sessions, led by experts, could provide for particular industries, should have been envisioned. Turkey's large holding companies and conglomerates can take care of themselves in the new global market environment. For the numerous beginners who have the stamina to become the backbone of Turkish economic expansion, the conference organizers of DEIK and TDTV should take the following key steps and readjust their services, so that the momentum of the conference is not lost: * Change the image Turkey repeatedly projected to national and foreign business groups, that of being strong on goal setting, but weak in implementation by engaging all related professional organizations, including the non-government and private interest groups, to sponsor targeted conferences, led by experts, on particular issues for a particular industry. * Educate members and participants on what a particular sector company should do to launch an aggressive EU-bound expansion effort; the management consulting services needed for new technology implementation, restructuring, and training * Follow up on conference participants with information on available professional services, from Turkish and foreign firms alike. The government should engage these for the customs union issues (standardization, integration, venture capital sources) * Get rid of the red-tape in the process to match Turkish businesses with EU and US companies looking for joint ventures, partnerships, and investment. The BOT model, now that the country's electrification needs will grow faster than projected, is and example of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and misrepresentation of the country's priorities. * Through a periodical, inform participants on a regular basis on developments, lessons learned, opportunities and trends that should be pursued in the EU market. "If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to correct it?" says one piece of wisdom in management technology. The customs union brings a new time dimension to how business in Turkey should be transacted for fast and minimum-error integration with the EU market. Everybody feels this immediacy, as one conference participant from the home country put it in these action words: "Let's get down to business." Nalan Arsoy-Gainer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Hava ve Para DurumlarI Uzerine Notlar [Meteoroloji Ticareti] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meteorolojinin hIzla geliSmekte olan bir uygulama alanI da ticaret sektOrUnde hava tahminlerinin kullanImIdIr. DunyanIn her yerinde temel meteoroloji servisi devlete baGlI kurumlarca verilmektedir. BazI Ulkelerde ticari uygulamalar hariC, bu servislerin giderlerinin hemen hepsi devlet tarafIndan karSIlanmaktadIr. Oldukca masraflI olan meteoroljik gOzlem ve tahmin giderlerinin karSIlanmasI ve servislerin geliStirilmesi iCin gelir kaynaGInI arttIracak yollar aranmaktadIr. Bu amaCla halka sunulan temel hava durumu aCIklamalarInIn dISInda yer alan detaylI Ozel hava tahminleri ve diGer raporlar iCin ayrIca Ucret almak uygun gOrUlmektedir. "Meteoroloji ticareti" olarak da adlandirdIGIm bu alanda yayImlanan makalelerin bir kIsmI hava tahminlerinin ekonomik deGerlerini saptamaya [7,8] ve bazIlarI da uygulamalar Uzerine yOnelmiStir. AsaGIda sizlere bazI Ulkelerde yapIlan uygulamalar hakkInda bilgi sunacaGIm. 1. Cesitli YOnleriyle Britanya'daki durum: 1.1 Meteoroloji Servisi ve Ticari Sektore GeCiSi: Su anda Savunma BakanlIGI'na baGlI olan, 1855 yIlInda kurulmuS, BirleSik KrallIk Meteoroloji Ofisi (The UK Met. Office), 1983 yIlInda alInan kararla meteoroloji ticaretine baSlamIStIr. Oncelikle, bUnyesindeki CalISma gruplarInca verilen servislerin hangilerinin Ucret karSIlIGInda ve nasIl satIlacaGIna yOnelik arastIrma baSlatIlmIStIr. Ilk CalISmalar tamamlandIktan sonra 1984 yIlInda da "Pazarlama BOlUmU" kurulmuStur. BOlUm CalISmalarIna iS dUnyasInIn CalISma sistemini tanImayla baslamIS. Is dUnyasInda rekabet, politika, ulusal ve uluslararasI yasalar, ekonomik kararlIlIk, teknolojik geliSmeler ve sosyal deGiSimin, pazar dUnyasIna etkisini incelemiS. Is dUnyasI Uzerinde yapmIS oldugu araStIrmasInda gazete ve CeSitli yayInlardan hangi tip hava durumlarInIn hangi firmalarin ne tip satISlarInI etkilediGini ilk etapta deGerlendirmiS ve buna gOre ilgili firmalara nasIl meteorolojik servis vereceklerini saptamIStIr. Mesela, nispeten serin geCen yaz gUnlerinde gaz ve elektrik firmalarinin satISlarI nasIl olmuStur, sIcak gUnlerdeki yiyecek ve iCecek satISlarI oranI vs. gibi. Hava ve satIlan UrUnler arasIndaki iliSki tespit edildikten sonra, ilgili firmalarIn tUketiciye etkin servis verebilmesi icin planlamada danISmanlIk yapmak amacIyla, sunulacak hava raporlarInIn iCeriGi ve sunuluS tarzI tespit edilmiStir. Telefon ve/veya faks ve gerektiGinde de renkli grafikleri posta ile gOndermek gibi. BunlarIn yani sIra, "hava olaylarIna duyarlI analizler" hizmeti de verilmeye baslanmIS. Bu amacla hangi UrUnlerin ne Sekilde hangi hava olaylarIna duyarlI olduklarIna dair, Uretici firmalara brosur, seminer ve konferanslarla bilgi verilmiS. Tabii tUm bu CalISmalarI deGerlendirmek Uzere mUSteri servisleri de faaliyete geCirilmiS. Bu servisin amacI, CeSitli meteorolojik parametreler iCin verilen 30 gUnlUk, 10-15 gUnlUk hava raporlarI ve/veya iklim verilerinin, alICI tarafIndan nasIl kullanIldIGI ve sonuclarInI deGerlendirilerek, verilen hizmetin geliStirilmesi yOnlendirilmeye calISmak. BOylece mUSteri ile sUrekli iletiSim saGlanmIS. Bir firma Uzerinde verilen meteoroljik servisin etkisi analiz edildiGinde, o firmanIn yIllIk karInIn 70,000 pound; tUketim ile kAr arasIndaki oranIn da 1:30 olduGu saptanmIS [4]. 1.2 Bu Ulkedeki Uygulamalar: * Su iSlerinde: Britanya'da 1989-90 yIllarI arasInda su iSlerinin bir kIsmInIn Ozel sektOre devredilmesi sonucunda, bu firmalarIn su pompalama planlamalarI iCin verilen meteorolojik servisin, firmalarIn 0.75 milyon pound tasarruf etmelerini saGladIGI saptanmIStIr. [4] * Kara Yolu UlaSImInda: Iskocya'da yapIlan bir araStIrmada, kIS dOneminde hava koSullarIndan Onemli derecede etkilenen kara ulasImInIn dUzenli bir Sekilde surekliliGini saGlamak iCin yIlda en az 100 gUn yapIlan yol iSlerinin planlanmasInda hava radarlarInIn faydasInIn nasIl olduGu incelenmiStir. Buna gOre yOresel hava koSullarI hakkInda daha detaylI bilgi veren radar gOrUntUlerinin kullanImI ile UC aylIk bir dOnemde yol masraflarIndan elde edilecek tasarrufun araStIrma yapIlan bOlgede 23,000 pound ve tUm Iskocya geneli iCin de bunun 0.25 milyon pound olabilecegi ileri sUrUlmUStUr [9]. Britanya'da yollarIn tuzlanmasInda meteoroljik servislerin ekonomik faydasInI gOsteren bir araStIrma da Ingiltere'de Devon'da yapIlmIS. Hem tuz tUketimi ve masrafI azaltmak ve hem de suya karISmasI durumunda canlI yasamInI etkilemesi nedeniyle Cevreyi korumasIna katkIda bulunmak iCin, yollarIn gereGinden fazla tuzlanmamasIna Onem verilmeye CalISIlmaktadIr. Tuzlama yOnUnde karar alInIrken meteoroljik verilerden azami OlCUde yaralanIlmasI amaClanmIS ve bu alanda bir CalIsma planI geliStirilmiStir. Buna gOre buzlanma tahminlerini yaparken Sunlar birarada kullanIlmIStIr: Hava tahminleri, radar ve uydu gOrUntUleri, sIcaklIk haritalarI, Ozellikle buzlanmayI tahmin edebilen bilgisayar programI sonuClarI, sensOrler (duyargaClar?) ve sIcaklIk verileri, 24 saat yol kontrolu yapan ofisin raporlarI. TUm bunlarIn deGerlendirilmesine dayanan tuzlama kararlarInIn, gereksiz tuzlanmayI OnlediGi ve bOylece 125,340 pound tasarruf edildiGi saptanmIStIr [1]. * Telefon ve Faks ile Hizmet verme: Telefon ile hava durumu servisi verilmesi "Weatherline" 1950'li yIllarda baSlatIlmIStIr. Onceleri normal Ucret tarifesinden BT [The British Telecom] tarafIndan sunulan bu hizmet, sonlarI ceSitli kanun deGiSiklikleri nedeniyle yOnetmeliGe uymadIGI iCin verilmemiStir. Bunun Uzerine "the UK Met. Office", Telefon Bilgi Servisleri Sirketi [TIS] ile hizmet vermeye baSlamIStIr. 1986 yIlInda TIS ve BT bir antlaSma imzalayarak hava durumu servisi sunma iSinde ortak CalISma baslatmISlardIr. Buna gOre BT hat temin ederken, TIS cihaz ve gelen telefon edenlerle ilgilenecek personel temin etmiStir. BOylece "the Met. Office" ve birimleri tarafIndan temin edilen hava tahminleri TIS tarafIndan mUSterilere belli bir Ucret karSIlIGInda telefonla verilmeye baSlanmIStIr. BaslIca telefon servisleri SunlardIr: "Weathercall", "Marinecall", "Weekend Weathercall" [5]. Tabii zamanla faks ile hava durumu verme servisi de geliStirilmiStir. 1991 yIlInda test CalISmalarIna baSlayan bu servis, Ozellikle denizcilere bilgi vermeye baSlamIStIr. "Marinefax" ile sunulan hizmet baSlIca "Marinecall" tarafIndan verilen denizciler iCin hava durumunu iCermektedir [5]. Bu faks servisine bir de sonradan genel anlamda hizmet veren, "MetFax" eklenmiStir. * Yiyecek ve Icecek Maddeleri Ticaretinde: YapIlan bir araStIrmaya gOre Britanya'daki ekmek satISlarInIn satISI % 93 oranInda hava sIcaklIGIna baGlIymIS [4]. Birmingham Universitesi'nde yapIlan bir araStIrmada da detaylI olarak hava durumunun yiyecek ve icecek satISlarInI nasIl etkilediGi deGerlendirilmiStir. Brezilya'daki kOtU hava koSullarInIn kahve Uretimini olumsuz yOnde etkilemesinin 1994 yilinda buradaki kahve fiyatlarini etkilediGi belirtilmistir [2]. Britanya'da 1994'teki kOtU hava kosullarI "ulusal yiyecekleri olan patates" Uretimini ve tabii ki fiyatlarInI etkiledi. SIcaklIk ile ve gUneSlilik durumu; alkolsUz iCki, soGuk yiyecek ve salata satISlarInI arttIrIrken; yaGIS, nem, sis ve buzlanma durumlarInIn pek bir etki yapmadIGI gOzlenmIS. Hava sIcaklIGInIn 20 decereyi aSmasI durumunda iCecek maddelerinin satISInda % 40 oranInda artIS gOzlenmiStir. SIcak yaz gUnlerinde beyaz Sarap ve bira; soGuk ve uzun kIS gUnlerinde de viski ve kIrmIzI Sarap satISlarI artmaktaymIS. SIcaklIk artISI ile soGuk tatlIlarIn tUketimi arasIndaki baGlatInIn % 28 civarInda oldugu ve 1991 yIlInda bu alanda elde edilen gelirin 140,447 pound oldugu belirtilmekte [2]. YapIlan araStIrmanIn bir kIsmI da Ureticiden tUketiciye ulaSan zincirde hava tahminlerinin kullanImInIn Onemini incelemeye ayIrIlmIS. Yiyecek ve iCecek UrUnlerinin; Uretim, taSIma, depolanma ve tUketiciye ulaSIncaya kadar ilgili firmalarIn ticarette daha etkili olmalarI iCin "ne, nereye, ne zaman, ne kadar" sorularIna yanIt veren planlamalarinda meteoroljik verilerin nasIl etkili olabileceGini vurgulamISlardIr [2]. TUketicinin ihtiyacI olan UrUnUn vaktinde temin edilememesi, hem maddi kayba neden olurken hem de etkili hizmet veremeyen bir firma intibasi yaratabilecektir. Bunlarla beraber arastIrmacIlar [2], ayrIca, hangi tip hava tahminlerine ve iklim verilerine ihtiyaC olduGunu ve meteoroljik parametrelerle satIS arasIndaki iliSkinin tayin edilmesinde neler yapIlmasI gerektiGini de OnermiStir. 2. Fransa'da Orman YangInlarInIn Sebep Oldugu Ekonomik Etkilerin AzaltIlmasInda Hava Tahminlerinin KullanImI: Fransa'nIn gUney doGusunda, Akdeniz kIyIsIndaki, 4,000,000 hektarlIk orman alanInda, yIlda ortalama olarak 4000 yangIn CIkmakta ve bu 38000 hektarlIk bir alanIn yanmasIna neden olmaktadIr [10]. Fransa Meteoroloji Orgutu (Meteo-France) bu alanda Su hizmetleri vermektedir: * YangInla mUcadelede gOrevli personele; topoGrafyanIn rUzgar Uzerine etkisi ve Onemli hava olaylarInIn alarmInI veren kriterler hakkInda eGitim verme. * Sivil GUvenlik Kuvvet'i ile ortak CalISma grubu oluSturarak, Ozellikle yaz aylarInda faaliyet vermek uzere, sUrekli olarak hava durumu hakkInda bilgi veren istasyon aCmak ve burada kendi hava tahmincilerini gOrevlendirmek. * DetaylI olarak; rUzgar, sIcaklIk, nem ve bulut durumlarI Uzerine tahminler temin vermek. TopraGIn nem durumu, yangIn tehlikesine karSI uyarI verecek meteorolojik indeks hazIrlama ve yangInIn yayIlma oranI hakkInda bilgi verme. * Meteorolojik bilgilerin yangIn alarmI ve yangIn suresince en iyi Sekilde kullanIlmasI amacIyla araStIrmalar yapmak. TUm bu CalISmalar iCin "Meteo-France" 2.7 MF, diGer masraflar da gOz OnUne alIndIGInda, yangInla mUcadele iCin toplam olarak, Sivil Guvenlik Kuvveti 500 MF ve bOlgesel teSkilatlar da 350 MF harcamaktadIr. YapIlan deGerlendirmelere gOre, yangIna karSI Onceden tedbir alma ve yangInla mUcadelede yukarIda belirtilenlerin uygulanmasIyla, yIlda en az 12.5-34.5 MF arasInda tasarruf edilmekteymiS. Bunun yanI sIra yanlIS bir yangIn alarmI verilmesi durumda ise 500,000 F kadar bir kayIp sOz konusu olmaktaymIS. 3. Macaristan Meteoroloji Servisi Genelinde Ticari Anlamda Hava Tahminlerinin KullanIlmasI Uzerine CalISmalar: Ticari amaClI hava tahminlerinin geCmiSi 1968'lere kadar dayanan Macaristan Meteoroloji Servisi [HMS], son yIllarda bu faaliyetlerini Su baslIklarda toplamIStIr: * Onemli hava deGisiminde Sunlara karSI uyarIda bulunma: Siddetli fIrtIna, aGIr kar yaGISI/tipi, gOk gUrUltUlU yaGIS * Belirli bOlgeler icin: En yuksek ve ortalama sIcaklIk, rUzgar, yagIS, gOrUS mesafesi, bulut ve sis hakkInda talebe gOre; kIsa (48 saatlik), orta (3-10 gUnlUk) ve uzun (10 gUn ve daha fazla) vadeli hava tahminleri verme. * Bu ticari servisler Su kurum ve kuruluSlara verilmekte: - Radyo-televizyon kurumlarIna ve gazetelere - Halk taSImacIlIGI yapan firmalara - Yol bakIm Unitelerine - Enerji Uretim ve daGItIm sektOrUne - Ziraat ile ilgili kurum ve kuruluSlara - Su sektOrUne Macaristan Meteoroloji Servisi ticari faaliyetleriyle hava tahminlerinden 1992 yIlInda 31 milyon "Forint" kazanmIS ve Ulke bUtCesine % 16'lIk destek vermiS. 1993 yIlInda bu alandaki geliri 45 milyon "Forint"e yUkselmiStir [6]. Bu baSarInIn ardIndan "Ticari Bolum" adIyla, hava tahminlerini pazarlama ve satma Unitesi kurulmuStur. 4. Avusturalya'da Verilen Meteorolojik Servisler ve Ekonomik KatkIlarI Uzerine Notlar: Bu Ulkedeki meteorolojik servislerin; halk iCin verilen temel raporlar, sadece masrafIn odendiGi servisler ve ticari ortama verilen ozel tarifeli kAr getiren servisler olmak uzere temelde UC grupta toplanabilir. Halka Ucretsiz sunulan servislerin, Avusturalya Meteoroloji Servisi'ne olan maliyeti kuruluS bUtcesinin % 84'UnU teSkil ederken, Yeni Zellanda'da bu oranIn % 64 ve bircok ulkede de % 100 olduGunu ifade etmekte Anaman ve grubunun makalesi [3]. Temel servislerin dISInda; madencilik, ziraat, hava alanlarI ve sigorta firmalarInIn ihtiyacI olan meteoroljik servislerin Ucret karSIlIGInda temin edilmesi gerektiGi gOrUSUnde olan Avusturalya Meteoroloji Servisi, verdikleri servislerin ekonomik ve sosyal faydalarInI bulmak ve ilgililere gOstermek amacIyla CeSitli araStIrmalar baslatmIStIr. 5. Hollanda'da Meteorolojik Parametrelerin Gaz SatISI Tahmininde KullanIlmasI Uzerine: Bu Ulkenin en Onemli enerji kaynaGI olan doGal gazIn daGItImInI yapan "Gasunie" FirmasI, mUSterilerine etkili hizmet verebilmek amacIyla, hava olaylarInIn gaz tUketimini nasIl etkilediGini araStIrmasI ve bOylece kendilerine talep planlamasInda yol gOstermesi iCin Hollanda Meteoroloji Servisi'nin DanISma BOlUmU'nden (MeteoConsult) yardIm istemiStir. DanISma BOlUmU bu amaCla ilgili firmanIn gaz satISlarI ve hava durumu arasIndaki iliSkiyi incelemiS ve ardIndan da bu firmanIn gaz talebi tahminlerini tepit iCin firmanIn kullanmakta olduGu matematiksel formUlleri deGerlendirmiStir. Ilgili tahmin modeline rUzgar hIzI ve bulutluluk faktOrlerini gOz OnUne alarak tayin ettikleri "etkili sIcaklIk" parametresini dahil etmiStir. Yeni dUzenlemeyle CalIStIrIlan model 1986-87 kISInda test edilmiStir. YapIlan aCIklamaya gOre [10], "MeteoConsult" ilgili firmanIn gaz talebi tahmini yapan modelini meteorolojik parametreleri etkili Sekilde kullanarak Onemli OlCUde geliStirmiS ve bOylece tUketicinin ihtiyaClarInI zamanInda karSIlayabilir duruma gelmiSlerdir. 6. TUrkiye'de Durum Nedir? Ulkemizde bu alanda neler yapIldIGIna dair aCIklamanIn yerinde olacaGI gOrUSU hemen belirmis olabilir bu satIrlara ulaSIldIGInda. Avrupa TopluluGu'na dahil edilmek iCin o denli dOvUnUlmesine raGmen halen daha kabul edilmediGimiz Su dUnyada, meteoroloji yazIsIna TUrkiye niye dahil etmedi diye sitem edenler bile CIkar belki. Verilebilecek akla gelen tek Ornek, IstanbullularIn iyi anImsayacaklarI, 1989-90 yIlI meShur kuralIk dOneminde zamanIn BUyUk Sehir Belediye Yonetimi'nin ABD'deki Ozel bir firma ve ITU Meteoroloji BOlUmU ile temasa geCerek, "yapay yaGmur" (*) konusunda yardImlarInI istemesidir. Her yerde kolay kolay yapIlmayan, DUnyanIn sayIlI Ulkelerinde gerCekleStirilen ve kesin etkisi tam saptanamayan, Ozel uzmanlIk gerektiren "yapay yaGmur" CalISmasInIn sonunda Istanbul'da yapIldIGI haberi CIktI medyada. Toplam yaGIS miktarInIn ne kadarInIn bu CalISma ile saGlandIGI, konuyla ilgili Amerikan firmasIna Odenenler de dahil olmak Uzere diGer masraflarIn neler olduGu ve sonuCta bu iSten maddi olarak ve bilimsel alanda kazancImIzIn neler olduGuna dair yayImlanmIS bir makale ve teknik raporu gOremediGi iCin detay yazarInIz detay verememektedir. Belki bazIlarInIz bu konuda Cesitli gazetelerde Devlet Meteoroloji Isleri'nin ilgili demeClerine ve bunlara karSI "yapay yaGmur" projesinde gOrev alan kiSilerin verdiGi yanItlara rastlamISsInIzdIr. O dOnemde ITU'de OGrenci olan bu makalenin yazarI bu konuda bilimsel anlamda bir Seylerin yazIlIp CizildiGi ve seminer bile verildiGine tanIk olamamIS olsa bile, tek kiSinin yanItIyla sonuca varmayIp, sizler de araStIrInIz ve bulduklarInIzI bizlere de iletiniz. Ulkemizde meteorolojik CalISmalarIn yUrUtUldUGU kurumlarda, teknik olanaksIzlIklar ve gerekli bilgi birikiminin olmamasI bir yana, Sahsen tanIk olduklarImIz ve basIna kadar yansIyanlar da gOz OnUne alInarak, kendi iClerinde birbirleri arasInda didiSmelerden halka ve bilim Cevrelerine etkin ve etkili hizmet vermeye vakit bulamakdIklarI sonucuna varIlabilir. TUrkiye'nin bu sorunlarI aSIp, ortak CalISmalara, yapIcI eleStirilere ve Onerilere aCIlmaya ihtiyacInIn ne denli elzem oldugu aCIktIr. YaklaSmakta olan 21. yUzyIlI en iyi Sekilde yakalamanIn yollarInI birlikte arayalIm ve alem ilerlerken bizler "havamIzI almayalIm"! Meral DemirtaS DIP NOT: (*) Bulut iCindeki subuharIndan yere dUSecek bUyUklUkte damlacIklarIn oluSamamasI durumunda, "yaGIS ajanI" (genelde kuru karbondur) ilave edilerek, damlacIk CaplarInIn arttIrIlmasI suretiyle meydana getirilen yaGISa "yapay yaGmur" denilmektedir. Ek: Internet'te meteoroljik bilgi veren CeSitli adreslere ulaSmak iCin henUz geliStirilme safhasInda olan Su sayfaya vaktiniz olduGunda bakabilirsiniz: http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~swrdemas/metsites.html Kaynaklar: [1] Ackerman, J. A. (1994): The economic and environmental benefits of the weather forecasts for salting operations in Devon. Met. Apps., 1, 109-112 [2] Agnew, M. D. and Thornes, J. E. (1995): The weather sensitivity of the UK food retail and distribution industry. Meteorol. Appl., 2, 137-147 [3] Anaman, K. A., Thampapilai, D.J., Sellers, A. H., Noar, P. F., and Sullivan, P. J. (1995): Methods for assessing the benefits of meteorological services in Austalia. Meteorol. Appl., 2, 17-29 [4] Ballentine, V. (1994): The use of marketing principles to maximise economic benefits of weather. Met. Apps., 1, 165-172 [5] Farrow, R. (1994): Development of prenium telephone weather services: a partnership between the public and private sectors. Met. Apps., 1, 185-189 [6] Maller, A. J. and Vissy, K. (1994): Commercial activities in weather forecasting at the Hungarian Meteorological Service. Met. Apps., 1, 85-88 [7] Murphy, A. H. (1994): Assesing the economic value of weather forecasts: an overview of methods, results and issues. Met., Apps., 1, 69-73 [8] Powell, H. L. K. and Solow, A. R. (1994): A Bayesian approach to estimating benefits of improved forecasts. Met. Apps., 1, 351-354 [9] Smith, K. and Vick, S. D. (1994): Valuing weather radar benefits for winter road maintenance: a practical case example. Met. Apps., 1, 173-177 [10] Sol, B. (1994): Economic impact of weather forecast for forest fires. Met., Apps., 1, 155-158 [11] Van den Berg, W. D. (1994): The role of various weather parameters and the use of worst-case forecasts in prediction of gas sales. Met. Apps., 1, 33-37 =========================================================================== 6. Sosyal Bilimler ve Kultur =========================================================================== 6.1 Felsefe Tarihinden Kesitler (3): Anaksimenes, Hakan Aydin 6.2 TUrk MUziGi Nedir, Ne DeGildir? ESber O. KOprUcU 6.3 Ebru Sanati Hakkinda, Arkin Ilicali 6.4 Brief History of Marbling and Ebru, Arkin Ilicali =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Felsefe Tarihinden Kesitler (3): Anaksimenes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milet okulunun Thales ve Anaksimandros'tan sonra ucuncu ve son temsilcisi olarak Anaksimenes ile karsilasiyoruz. Dogum ve olum tarihleri kesin olarak bilinmeyen Anaksimenes'in yaklasik olarak M.O. 585 - 525 yillari arasinda yasadigi cikarsanabilmektedir. Anaksimandros'un ardili ve ancak cok kucuk bir parcasi bugune ulasabilmis olan bir kitabin yazari idi. Diogenes Laertius onun `saf Iyonya lehcesinde' yazdigini bildirmektedir. Onun hakkindaki bilgilerimiz de cogunlukla daha sonra yasamis olan dusunur ve yazarlarin bildirdikleriyle sinirlidir. Tipki Thales ve Anaksimandros gibi Anaksimenes'in esas ilgisi oncelikle ana-ilke (arkhe) sorununa yonelmis gibi gorunmektedir. Ana-ilkeyi "aperion"da bulan Anaksimandros'un kuramini kuskusuz cok yakindan biliyordu; ve onun bu tOzun birlikli, sInIrsIz (sonsuz) ve devinimli olmasi gerektigi gorusunu benimsemisti. Bununla birlikte onculunun tersine ona belirsiz olma zorunlulugu yuklemiyor ve "aer"in ana-ilke oldugunu one suruyordu. Turkceye temelde "hava" olarak cevrilen bu sozcugun "soluk" ve "buhar" gibi yan anlamlari oldugu Anaksimenes'in dusuncesi izlenirken gozden kacirilmamalidir. Anaksimenes, "aer"i ana-ilke olarak saptarken, havanin sInIrsIz olusu bu secimin gerekcelerinden ancak birini olusturuyordu. Anaksimenes, Anaksimandros'un aperion'dan seylerin turemesini aciklayisini acikca yeterli gormuyordu: surekli bir devinim ana maddedeki ogeleri ancak ayirabilir, ama onlari turetemez. Kaldi ki bu ayrilma sonrasi ilkenin nasil birligini koruduguda cozulmemis bir sorun olarak kalmaktadir. Yansiz gozlem ve genis bir imgeleme dayali rasyonel dusuncenin felsefe tarihinin bu ilk okulundaki onemi Anaksimenes'te de gorulebilir. Dogaya, oncelikle de gokyuzu olaylarina ilgisi yonelmis olan Anaksimenes de durgun havada bulutlarin olusumunu gozluyordu; ardindan yagmurun, irmaklarin ve onlarin tasidigi aluvyonlarin (topragin) olusumu uzerine dusundu. Tum bunlar onu, havanin giderek yogunlasarak ruzgara, bulutlara, suya, nihayet de toprak ile taslara donustugu dusuncesine vardirdi. Tersi surec de havanin seyrelerek atese ve gokyuzu cisimlerine donusmesini acikliyordu. Dolayisiyla bu kurama gore, maddenin tum bicimleri, ozu itibariyle hep birlikli ve sonsuz olan tek bir ilkenin (havanin) cesitli yogunlasma ve seyrelme dereceleridir. Anaksimenes'in felsefe ve bilim tarihindeki esas ozgunlugu, havanin seyrelme ve yogunlasmasi kuraminin, niteligin nicelige indirgenmesine dayanan ilk gorusu olusturmasidir: dusunce tarihinin daha sonraki evrelerini derinden etkileyecek bir adim. Bununla birlikte "aer"in Anaksimenes'in dusuncesindeki birincil konumu soluk almanin insan yasamindaki vazgecilmez rolunden de kaynaklanmis gibidir. "Bir hava (soluk) olan ruhumuz (psykhe) bizi nasil bir arada tutarsa, tum evreni de soluk ve hava sarip tutar." Anaksimenes'ten gunumuze ulasmis bu tek tumceden de anlasilmaktadir ki; evren, hava (ana madde) sayesinde dagilmaktan kurtulmakta, surekli bir devinim icinde birligini koruyabilmektedir. Mikrokozmos ve makrokozmos arasinda kurulan bu paralellikte eski Pers hekimlerinin yazilarinin ve Dogu dusuncesinin izlerini goren yorumcular bulunmaktadir. Kozmolojiye gelince, Anaksimenes Thales gibi yeryuzunun yassi oldugunu ileri surmus; gunes ve diger gokcisimleri gibi yeryuzu de havada yuzmekteymis. Yildizlarin yeryuzunun cevresinde dondugunu de savlamis; bunun nedenini de yogunlasan ve tekrar geri tepen hava olarak acikliyor. Anaksimenes, depremlerin kokeni icin de ilk kez mitsel dusunceyi asarak bir aciklama denemesine girismektedir. Depremin nedeninin dissal bir etki degil ama yeryuzunun kendisinin oldugunu ogretmis. Yeryuzu iyice islandigi ya da kurudugu zaman uzerinde catlaklar olustugunu, buradan kopan toprak kutlelerin derin yerlere dustuklerinde yer sarsintilarinin oldugunu soylemis. Asiri yagisli ya da kurak donemlerde depremlerin sik gorulmesini bu sekilde aciklamis. M.O. 494 yilinda Milet'in Perslerin eline gecmesiyle birlikte Milet okulu da sona ermistir. Ancak felsefe ve bilim tarihinin onculeri sayilan bu uc dusunurun (Thales, Anaksimandros, Anaksimenes) etkileri hem Anadolu'nun, hem de Yunanistan ve Guney Italya'nin diger bolgelerine hizla yayilacakti. Hakan Aydin (Kontrol-Bilgisayar '91) (aydin@hidiv.cc.itu.edu.tr) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 TUrk MUziGi Nedir, Ne DeGildir? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ikinci sayImIz iCin "Turkish Music" baSlIGI altInda detaylIca TUrk mUziGinin kurallarI, ses dUzeni ve makamlarI Uzerine yazmIS olan sayIn Esber KOprUcU'nUn, PETEK okuyucularI iCin hazIrlamIS olduGu dOrt bOlUmden oluSan yazI dizisini bir bUtUn olarak bu sayImIzda ilginize sunuyoruz.] --------------------- I EcdadImIz Asya bozkIrlarIndan Anadolu'ya goc ederlerken bircok seyleri, ilk defa, gectikleri yerlerde ve Anadolu'ya geldikleri zaman gorup ogrenmislerdir. Pencereden, patlIcana, kubbeden, iskeleye kadar, bircok seyleri bu buyuk goc sIrasInda ve neticesinde ogrenmislerdir. Turkun yaratIcIlIk dehasI, askerlik ve devlet idaresi sahalarInda kalmayIp, san'at, medeniyet ve ilim sahasInda da kendini gostermistir. Anadolu'ya girisimizden sonra, butun bu sahalarda buyuk bir "sentez" baslamIstIr. Kubbeyi ilk defa, Uskudar sahillerinden bakarak, Ayasofya'da gorduk. Fakat, oyle bir kubbe meydana getirdik ki, onunla bir "Turk Mimarisi" yarattIk. PatlIcanI Horasan'I gectikden sonra gorduk. Fakat patlIcandan oyle yemekler yaptIk ki, Turk olmayanlar bile sofralarIna koydular. Rum, Ermeni ve Yahudilerden, Turk mutfagIna ahcIlar yetisti. Bugun halen, imambayIldI, yalancI dolma, baklava, sis kebabI, pilav ve bunlar gibi yuzlerce yemek cesidi, bir cok memleketlerin mutfaklarInda, sofralarInda yer alIp, lisanlarIna girdi. Musikide de aynI durum meydana geldi. Orta Asya'dan mahdut bilgi, san'at ve imkan ile gelmistik. EtrafImIzda, Iran ve Arap tesirleri cok fazla idi. Bizans halen ayakta idi. Acem ve Arap bize yeni idi. Asya'dan "kopuz"la gelmistik. Yuzde yuz Turk olan Farabi'nin icadI olan "kanun"u Araplar, bizden once kullanIyorlardI. Bizans, Arap ve Acem muzigi bize yabancI idi. Camilerdeki dini merasimlerde nagme ile okunan, Kur'an, dua ve ilahiler kulagImIza hos geliyordu. Her sahada oldugu gibi, buyuk bir sentez ile, kendimize has bir "Musiki" meydana getirecektik. Bu meydana getirdigimiz "musiki" ne Acem, ne Arap ve ne de Bizans muzigi idi. Ilim ve san'atlar, siyasi hudut tanImazlar. Ilim ve san'at cihansumuldUr (uluslararasIdIr). Bugun her dilde, radyo, elektrik, otomobil, deniyor. Ve herkes de anlIyor. Turkce, gayet guzel, oturaklI, kaideleri mazbut bir lisandIr. Ama, Celaleddin Rumi, Farabi gibi buyuk Turk alimleri, eserlerini Acem ve Arap dillerinde yazmIslardIr. Baska turlu yazamazlardI. Buyuk "Sentez" basladIgI zaman, Acem ve Arap ile buyuk bir temasa gecmistik. Bir cok "sey"leri onlardan alIp, paylasmaga basladIk. Fakat bu aldIgImIz "sey"ler artIk Turk olmustu. Bu "sey"lere kendi karekterimizi. Dusunce ve duygularImIzI verdik. Bu, lisan ve edebiyatta, ilim ve san'atta, musikide de aynI oldu. Arapca ve Acemceden aldIgImIz kelimeleri baska manada kullandIk. Muhterem Hocam, rahmetli Orhan Seyfi Orhon, "Biz o kelimeleri alIp esir ettik, baska manalarda kullandIk. ArtIk, Arap ve Acem o kelimeleri anlamaz." demisti. Anadolu'ya aktIgImIz sIralarda, uzerimizde Acem ve Arap tesirleri cok idi. Islamiyeti Araplarda gormus, fakat Acem'den almIstIk. Istilah (deyimler) hep Acemce idi. Neb'i dememistik, Peygamber, dedik, daha bunun gibi bircok seyler, hatta "saray" adet ve tesrifatI dahi, hep Acemce idi. YarattIgImIz musiki de bu tesirden kurtulamadI. YanlIz, bu tesir, musikimizin ruhundan, terkibinden ziyade, deyimler kaldI. Meydana getirdigimiz melodiler, artIk Arap, Acem ve Bizans melodileri degildi. Belki, birkac makam (mode) isimleri musterekti, fakat, melodi seyirleri, makam terkipleri baska idi. Arap, Acem ve Bizans'ta olmayan makamlar meydana getirmistik. Bu makamlar tamamen bizim eserimizdi. Musikimizi o kadar ilerlettik ki, Turk olmayan unsurlar arasInda, Ermeni, Rum ve Yahudilerden, dahi derecesinde, muzisyenler ve bestekarlar yetisti. Zaharya, Tatyos, Ishak Varon ve bir coklarI gibi. Prof. Dr. Suheyl Unver'in, "Yahya Kemal'in DunyasI" isimli kitabInda, Yahya Kemal,"Siirde, %50 Turk, musikide, %1000 (bin) Turk olduk." Diyor. AynI eserde, Yahya Kemal, "Biz hakimiyetimiz altInda bulundurdugumuz milletlere, musikideki vahdeti-birligi yayabilmis olsa idik, tek bir millet olurduk." Diyor. Muhterem Hocam Rahmetli Huseyin Saadettin Arel, "Turk Muzigi Kimindir" isimli kitabInda. "Araplar, 30-40 senede bir Istanbul'a gelir, bizim musikimizi dinlerler, kendi musikilerine taze kan alIr gotururlerdi." Diyor. Anadolu'ya tamamen yerlestikden ve bilhassa Istanbul alIndIkdan sonra, musikimiz suratle gelisti. Cok degerli bestekarlar yetisti. Padisahlar arasIndan bile cok degerli bestekarlar cIktI. Her memleketde, "folklor" denilen bir san'at kolu meydana gelmistir. Bizde de aynI oldu. Musikiden, mimariye, mutfaktan, cinicilige kadar. Tarihe baktIgImIz zaman, butun guzel san'atlar krallarIn ve saraylarIn himayesinde gelismistir. Bizde de boyle oldu. Musiki ve muzisyenler, sarayda, hunkarIn himayesinde gelistiler. Bugun bu isler, "devlet" veya, bircok devlet ve hususi kuruluslar yardImI ile devam ediyor ve gelisiyor. Sporumuz dahi bu saydIgImIz "kurum"lar icinde gelisti ve halen bu sistem devam ediyor. Ne yazIk ki, Turk Muzigi, entelektuel grubunun bir cogu tarafIndan "hor" gorulmustur. Bu hor gorulme, zamanImIza kadar devam etmektedir. Turk Muzigi, Arap Muzigi, Saray-Enderun muzigidir, diye asagIlanmIstIr. Yukarida isaret ettigim gibi, san'at ve ilimler, siyasi hudutlarI tanImazlar, san'at ve ilim uluslararasI birer harekettir. Bunlar arasInda "milliyetcilik" aramak abes olur. Bir Turk KimyasI, Turk Fizigi. Turk Geometrisi yok, diye bu ilimlere sIrt ceviremeyiz. Ne kadar sevmesek de, Oklid Teoremini kullanmadan binalarImIzI yapamayIz. Bircok entelektuel gecinen kimselerde, Dogulu (SarklI) olmak, asagIlIk duygusu yaratIr. Bu duygunun tezahuru=gosterisi olarak, maziye (gecmise) catmak isterler. Ne yazIk ki, uzun zamanlar sahipsiz kalan musikimizi ezmek, horlayIp asagIlamak bu kisiler icin cok kolay olmustur. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumetleri icinde, en kulturlu bir bakan olan, SayIn Talat Halman, Kultur BakanlIgI zamanInda, TopkapI SarayI'nda, Turk kIyafetleri giyensan'atkarlar tarafIndan, bir Turk Muzigi Konseri verdirtmisti. Entelektuel grubundan, Avrupa'da, BatI Muzigi tahsil etmis, bir kimse, "Ataturk'un bir BakanI bunu yapamaz", diye feryada basladI. Ne oldu.? SayIn Halman BakanlIk'tan ayrIldI. Turk Milleti ve memleket, esine cok az rastlanan, kIymetli bir evladInIn hizmetinden mahrum oldu. II [Mart, 1996] Softa- Yobaz yanlIz, din'de olmaz.. San'at ve Ilim sahalarInda da yobaz-softa vardIr. Bunlar, menfaat ugruna, politikacIlarIn, kIsIr dusuncelerin pesine takIlIp, hasis menfaatler ugruna, "yagcIlIk" ordusunun neferi rolune burunurler. Bu softa-yobaz grubu icinde "okumus" cahiller de coktur. zaten, vatan ve milletimizin basIna, bu "okumus" cahiller cok buyuk isler acmIslardIr. Her devirde, bunlarIn zararlarInI cekmekteyiz. Bu tipler, gunluk hayatImIzda yer aldIklarI gibi, romanlara da gecmislerdir. Buyuk roman yazarI Resat Nuri'nin "CalIkusu" isimli romanInda, Maarif Mufettisi bir karakter vardIr. Asri-medeni olmayI, kartvizit bastIrmakla belirtir. Iste bu tipler su baslarInda, bir "koltuk" sahibi oldular mI, yapmayacak divanelik kalmaz. Bunlar, 30'lu senelerde, ud, kanun ve tambur gibi musiki aletlerinin, sahnelerde calInmasInI yasak ettirmege kadar varmIslardIr. Bu yuzden, "Cumbus" denilen, acayip bir nesne icat edilip, piyasaya cIkarIlmIstI. O senelerde, buyuk kanun ustadI muhterem hocam, rahmetli Ahmet Yatman, her seyi goze alarak, Izmir'de kanunu ile sahneye cIkma cesaretini gostermistir. Yine aynI senelerde, siyasi bir partinin iC tuzugunde, ud ve kanun gibi gibi sazlarIn calInmasI men edilmisti. 40'lI senelerin ortalarInda, aynI partinin kurultayInda, Istanbul Millet Vekili, rahmetli Abudlkadir Karamursel, Turk Muziginin Halk OdalarInda ve Halkevlerinde calInmasI teklifi, ayakta alkIslanarak kabul edilmisti. Devletin yuksek kademelerine gelip, tarih yazan uc tarih profesoru, Turk Muzigi, guzel san'atlardan sayIlmaz, diye sacmalamIslardIr. Baska bir grup, Turk Muzigi tek seslidir, harmoni olmazsa, bu muzik devam edemez, kabilinden cevherler yumurtlamIslardIr. Ey efendiler!... Turk Muzigi tek seslidir, guzelligi ve baskalIgI ondandIr. Sizler, Turk Muziginde, bir oktavda 41 ses oldugunu bilmiyorsunuz. Cehalet denizinde yuzuyorsunuz. Turk Muziginde harmoniye ihtiyac yoktur. Harmoni olmaz, olamaz; yapmaga calIsIyorlar olmuyor. Nasrettin Hoca'nIn kar helvasIna benziyor. Turk Muzigi, tamamen matematiksel esaslara dayanIr. Teorik ve pratik olarak, harmoni edilmesine, birkac makam dIsInda, imkan yoktur. Harmoni, batI muziginin kIsIrlIgIndan meydana gelmistir. Illaki, "batIlI"lasmak icin muzigimizi bozup degistiremeyiz. BatIlI, modern olalIm, diyerek, Suleymaniye Camii'nin etrafInI beton duvarlarla cevirip, Hilton Oteline mi benzetelim? Turk muziginin, dunya muzik cografyasInda, kendine has bir yeri vardIr. AtalarInIzIn asIrlar icinde meydana getirdikleri muzik, etrafImIzdaki komsu memleketler tarafIndan ornek alInIp, taklit edilmektedir. Biz, kendi degerli muzigimizi takdirden aciz duruma dusmekteyiz. Istanbul'un eski, yIkIlmaga yuz tutmus ahsap evlerinin ustunde, Tarihi AnItlarI Koruma cemiyeti tarafIndan birer tabela uzerine, "bu bina tarihi eserdir yIkIlamaz", diye yazIlar yazIlmIstIr. Bu binalardan cok eski ve atalarImIzIn yaratIp bize devrettikleri muzigimizi, degistirmege, baskalastIrmaga, dejenere etmege kimsenin hakkI ve selahiyeti yoktur. Yapmaga kalkanlara, Turk dusmanI, damgasInIn vurulmasI icap eder. Hukukumuz ve kanunlarImIz musait olsa, Turk Muzigini bozan, dejenere eden, ses ve saz san'atkarlarI aleyhine, "bir" kurusluk tazminat davasI acmayI, cok defalar dusunmusumdur. Ankara'da, ilk kurulan Devlet KonservatuvarI'nda, bir Turk Muzigi Bolumu yoktu. YayIn hayatImIzda, Ankara Radyosu, senelerce tek basIna yayIn yaptI. Radyo'nun icinde ve etrafInda, Turk Muzigini kucumseyen bir grup, adeta, bir "muzik mafyasI" olusturmustu. BunlarIn marifeti ile, Ankara Radyosu'nda, Turk Muziginin, batI muzigine karsI calInma oranI, % 30 nispetinde idi. "Radyo Vergisi" odeyen halkImIzIn istek ve arzularI hic bir sekilde dikkate alInmazdI. 3-4 parcalIk bir saz grubu esliginde, seanslar idare edilirdi. Radyo idarecileri, kimi acizlikden, kimi yerlerini kaptIrmak korkusundan, ses cIkaramazlardI. Ancak, rahmetli Mes'ut Cemil gibi buyuk bir ustad, Turk Muzigini kIsmak hareketine, karsI cIkma gayret ve cesaretini gostererek, "Tarihi Turk Muzigi Grubu"nu meydana getirmisti. Mes'ut Cemil, Klasik Turk Muzigi Korosu, dememisti. Cok sonralarI, "BatI"ya ozenen, tatlI su alafrangacIlarI, Klasik Turk Muzigi Korosu, dediler. Lafa bakIn, "klasik" ve "koro" denilince, sozum ona, "medeni-batIlI" olacaklar. Musiki tarihimizin hic bir devrinde, musikimiz, eline bir degnek alarak, sazendelerin onune gecip, comak sallayarak idare edilmemistir. YarIm asIrdan fazla olan musiki hayatImda, degnekle idare edilmedim. Istanbul Belediye KonservatuarI Icra Hey'eti BaskanI rahmetli, Eyyubi Ali RIza Sengil, eline aldIgI bir "daire" ile toplulugun ortasInda oturarak, senelerce fevkalade bir sekilde idare etmisti. Buyuk bestekar, Zekai Zade Ahmet Efendi ve yine Eyup'lu olan, buyuk ustat rahmetli Saadettin Heper, musiki calIsmalarInI, ellerine aldIklarI bir comakla degil; "diz doverek" idare ederlerdi. Rahmetli hocam Saadettin Heper, dizini dovmeyen, basInI dover, diye latife ederdi. Simdi, radyolarda, TV'de, konserlerde, "comak"sIz, muzik yurumuyor. Hatta, Turk Muziginin belk kemigini teskil eden, "fasIl" lar bile bir degnekle idare ediliyor. Hele bazIlarI, frak giyip, yapmacIk adImlarla, bir buzdagI soguklugunda, sahnenin ortasIna geliyor. "Koro" ise, Italyan mafyasInIn "godfather"ine yapIlan cenaze ayinine katIlanlar gibi; yuzlerinin donuklugunu, onlerindeki "sef"den almIs simalardan meydana gelmis. Muzik ise, cogu sazlarIn, titrek parmaklarla, korkarak cIkardIgI seslerden ibaret. Ruhu, samimiyeti olmayan bir muzik icrasI. VatandasIn verdigi vergilerle, ayakda zor duran bir "Devlet Korosu". Dinleyici kItlIgIndan, davetiyeler hibe ediliyor. Nufusu 1-2 milyon iken, Istanbul'da 4-5 tane, birinci sInIf gazino vardI. bu gazinolarda, en yuksek seviyeye ulasmIs, ses san'atkarlarI ile virtioz seviyesine ulasmIs, saz san'atkarlarI soyler ve calarlardI. Okunan eserlerin kalitesi, titizlikle secilir, sahne terbiyesi her an goz onunde tutulurdu. Turk muzigi, 40 ve 50'li senelerde, en yuksek noktasIna ulasmIstI. Butun san'atkarlar, senenin oniki ayI calIsIrlardI. AyrIca, bu gazinolara ilaveten, yazlIk bahceler acIlIrdI. Bu bahcelerde, gazetelere ilan verilerek, calInacak fasIllar ilan edilirdi. O devirde, as solistlerle, "baskemancI" arasIndaki ucret farkI, 1/3 veya 1/4 nispetinde idi. Simdi, simdi "bas kemancI" kalmadI ki! Cunku, "sef" istemez. Onun icin musikimizde "virtioz" yetisemiyor. Bu gun Istanbul, benim kanaatimce, oniki milyonluk bir sehir oldu. Ancak bir tane gazino, senenin birkac haftasInda calIsabiliyor! Bu yerde de kalite berbat, muzisyenler, san'atkardan ziyade, sahnede birer mobilye gibi duruyorlar. Radyo ve TV'lerdeki durum daha feci. AklI basInda bir Turk Muzigi dinleyemezsiniz. Gecen yaz, Ege sahillerinde tatilde idim. Bizim radyolarda hemen hemen bir Turk Muzigi dinleyemedim. KarsIdaki Yunan adalarInda, Yunan radyolarI, bizim sarkIlarImIzI Rumca soyleyip calIyorlardI. Abdurrahman Celebi ile idare etmege calIstIm. Bu durum neden boyle oldu? Turk muzigi neden bu hale dustu? Haa, iste evvela. Muzisyenleri doveceksiniz, sonra sopayI onlara verip, idarecileri dovdureceksiniz. Muzisyenlerimizin cogu, kendi kendilerine yetismislerdir. Eskiden iclerinde, yuksek tahsil gormus, HakkI Derman, Halil Can, Halil Aksoy, Dr. Neset Halil, Fikret Kutlug, Dr. Alaaddin Yavasca, Dr. Selahattin Icli, ve Dr. Irfan Dogrusoz gibi, (cok sukur, son dort arkadasImIz halen hayattadIrlar) degerler vardI. Selahattin PInar, Serif Icli, Sadi IsIlay ve Necati Tokyay gibi sahne oteriteleri vardI. San'ata hurmet ettirirlerdi. Halk, san'atIn seviyesine yukseltilirdi; san'at halkIn ayaklarIna inmezdi. 1960 ihtilalinden sonra, yeni anayasanIn musemahasIna sIgInan bir takIm basIn mensuplarI, "fikir hurriyeti" adIna, bir cok "sey" lere catmaga basladIlar. Bu arada, Turk muzigi de kendi payIna duseni aldI. Evvela muzigimiz, isimlerle bolundu. "Turk San'at Muzigi" diye bir isim taktIlar. Sanki, san'atsIz muzik varmIs gibi?! Dusunun bir kere, futbol macIna gidiyorsunuz, arkadasInIz, nereye gidiyorsun? Diye soruyor; spor futbolune gidiyorum mu, diyeceksiniz?! Bir arkadasInIz resim yapIyor; san'at resmi mi yapIyorsun? Diye sorarmIsInIz?! Bu ne sacmalIk, bu ne mantIsIzlIktIr?! Bu gibi seyleri sacmalamak icin senelerce tahsil etmek lazIm! Tabii bu gibi seylere kimse aldIrmadI. Muzisyenlerimiz bile, san'at muzigi okuyorum, san'at muzigi calIyorum, dediler ve halen de oyle diyorlar. Tarihi Turk Muzigi yerine, Klasik Turk Muzigi Korosu, denildi. Binlerce senelik "hayat"ImIza, yasam-yasantI diyenler, "klasik" ve "koro" demeyi hemen kabullendiler. Cunku, lafla, medeni-batIlI olmak cok kolaydI! Sozum ona "Ataturk"cu bir guruh, Ataturk, Turk Muzigini sevmezdi, diye feryada basladIlar. Ne yazIk ki, bu yaygaralarIn koparIldIgI zamanda, Ataturk'un karsIsInda, calanlar ve okuyanlar, o zaman halen hayatda olduklarI halde, hic bir ses cIkaramadIlar. Buyuk onder Ataturk, daima Turk Muzigini sevmis, san'atkarlarI daima yanInda tutmustur. Hatta, "Riyaset-i Cumhur FasIl Heyeti" kurularak, zamanIn san'atkarlarI, askeri kadrolara alInIp, askeri unuformalar giyip, rutbeler takarak vazifelerine devam etmislerdir. Ataturk'un karsIsInda, okuyan ve calan san'atkarlardan pek cok hatIralar dinlemisimdir. Ataturk Turk Muzigini sevmezdi, diyenler, Turk Muzigini kucuk dusurucu soz ve yazIlarda, ettikleri iftiralarla basbasa kalmIslardIr. III [Nisan, 1996] Selcuk zamanInda, Anadolu'da dini baskI, taassup asla olmayIp. "KadIn"a buyuk bir saygI vardI. AtalarImIz Orta Asya'da iken, kadIn-erkek ayrIlIgI yoktu. KadInnIn yeri, aile icinde ve cemiyetde daima itibar tasIrdI. O devirde, tesetture (ortunmeye) itibar edilmezdi. OsmanlI, Arap alemi ile temas ettikden sonra, taassup, yavas yavas kok salIp siddetlenmistir. HalkI hareketsiz hale getiren bir baskI olmustur. KadIn, aile ve cemiyet icinde itibarInI yitirmege baslamIstIr. Boylece, taassubun kol gezmege baslamasile, resim, heykel ve musiki gibi guzel san'atlar hor gorulerek, halkIn, bunlara itibar etmemesi temin edilmege baslanmIstIr. Halbuki, Turk halkInIn resime olan duskunlugu cok eskiden beri bilinmektedir. Selcuk devrinde, Anadolu'daki mezar taslarI uzerinde, kabartma resimlerin oldugu bir gercektir. Selcuk hukumdarlarI, gencliklerini Bizans'ta gecirirlerdi. HalkImIzIn, resime olan duskunlugu ve kabiliyeti, Arapca yazIlarda, kendini gostererek, dunyada birinci sIrada yerini almasile belirlenmistir. YazI, tezhip ve bir cok sahalarda cok ustun eserler verilmistir. Taassubun cIkmaga baslamasile, musiki san'atkarlarI, kendilerini koruyabilecek yerlerden, saray ve tekkeyi secme caresine bas vurmuslardIr. BaslangIcta, OsmanlI sarayInda, "Ozan" musikisi vardI. YIldIrIm BeyazIt ile Timur'un Ankara SavasI'ndan sonra, Anadolu'da, fetret (yokluk) devri baslamIstIr. Memlekette, uzun zaman, sehzadelerin taht kavgasIna girismesi neticesi, otorite boslugundan, halk sIkIntIya, bilhassa, ruhi sarsIntIya dusmustur. Bu devirde, "Horasan Erleri" diye adlandIrIlan, bircok dervisler, dedeler ve seyhler, Anadolu'nun her kosesine dagIlarak, halkI teskin etmege baslamIslar, halka ruhi guvence vermeye calIsmIslardIr. Bu arada, bircoklarI, dini yoldan halkI baskI altIna almayI da basarmIslardIr. Turk Muzigini sevmeyenlerden bir guruh da, Turk Muzigi, meyhane muzigidir. Derler. Bunu duydugum zaman, buyuk hiciv sairimiz, Neyzen Tevfik'in bir mIsraI aklIma gelir. Sair bu guruha der ki: Meclis-i meyde sufehanIn saza meftun olusu, NazarImda, su icen essege IslIk gibidir... (Mey:icki, sufeha:sefiller, yokluk cekenler, meftun: tutkun) OsmanlI sarayInda, YIldIrIm BeyazIt'a kadar icki icilmezdi. YIldIrIm BeyazIt ile evlenen SIrp Prensesi Olivera, padisaha sarap icmesini ogretmis ve alIstIrmIstIr. Boylece, sarayda icki baslamIstIr. Bununla beraber, o devre hakim olan tek ruh ve zihniyet, istilacIlIk ve futuhattIr. Fatih Istanbul'u aldIkdan sonra, OsmanlI sarayIna hakim olan "Kayahan" devri, yavas yavas ortadan kalkmaga yuz tutmustur. Bizans adet ve usulleri, saray icinde yavas yavas gorulmege baslamIstIr. O zamana kadar, saray icinde ve halk arasInda,"ozan" denilen musiki erbabIna, "saz aSIklarI" denilmeye baslanmIstIr. Istanbul alIndIkdan sonra, Halep'ten gelen Hakem isimli kimse ile, Sam'dan gelen Sems isimli kisiler tarafIndan, ilk "kahvehane"ler acIlmaya baslanmIstIr. Bu kahvehanelerde, kimi santranc oynar, kimi saz calar, mani ve gazel okurlardI. Saz asIklarI, bu kahvehanelerde, san'atlarInI devam ettirmege basladIlar. Buralara seckin kisiler gelir, bu kahvehaneler, zamanIn munevver (entelektuel) kisilerinin devam ettigi sayIlI yerlerden biri olmaga baslamstI. Kahvehanelerin artmasI ve cok alaka gostermesi sebebile, cami cematlerinde azalma gorulunce, "taassup" grubu yaygaraya basladI. Buyuk kahvehanelere, devam edenler arasIda azalma goruldu. Fakat, mahalle aralarInda acIlan, nispeten kucuk kahvehanelerde, saz asIklarI bir hayli tutulmaga basladI. "Semai" denilen bir musiki turu meydana geldi. Boylece, "Istanbul Semaileri" denilen, musiki turu buralarda, boylece baslamIs oldu. Yukarda bahsettigimiz gibi, her memleketde, guzel san'atlar, saraylarda ve asilzadelerin malikanelerinde gelismistir. II. Selim ve oglu III. Murad, sair ve musikisinas idiler. II. Selim, musiki ile ugrasan, bestekar olan ilk OsmanlI PadIsahIdIr. I. Ahmed, devrin en sayIlI musiki ustadlarInI sarayda toplamIstIr. Ishak, Vardakosta Ahmet, Ismail Dede gibi ustadlar, sarayda, buyuk bir alaka ve hurmet gormuslerdir. Boylece, musikimiz, o devirde cok ileri gitmis, en yuksek eserler meydana gelmege baslamIstIr. IV [MayIs 1996] YukarIdaki bolumlerde bahsettigimiz sebeplerden oturu, muzigimiz "saray"da himaye gordugu icin oralarda icra edilmeye baslamis ve boylece oralarda gelismistir. Bircok san'at dallari da "saray" himayesinde devam etmis ve gelismistir. Hereke bezi, Hereke halisi, Yildiz Cinisi birer "saray" yapilaridir. Bunlar "saray"da yapiliyordu, diye hor goremeyiz. Muzigimiz de "saray-enderun" muzigidir, diye kucumsenemez. Boyle soyleyenler, cehaletlerini ortaya koymus olurlar. Osmanli Turkleri, devlet, idare, askerlik, san'at ve ilim sahalarinda muazzam ilerlemeler yapmistir. Avrupa'yi dize getiren, tarihte devir degistiren bir millet meydana gelmistir. Bu muazzam ilerleme icinde muzigimiz de ilerlemeye ve degismeye baslamistir. Ilk zamanlarda "ozanlar" tarafindan icra edilen muzigimiz, "saz aSIklarI"na donustu. Kahve semaileri meydana geldi. Muzigimiz gelisip buyudukce, siniflasma durumunda kaldi. "Saz aSIklarI" ile "saray"da icra edilen muzik ayrilmaya basladi. Bu ikisi arasinda bir kopru gecidi olarak, bestekar Tamburi Mustafa CavuS'u gosterebiliriz. Nesilden nesile intikal eden bir "Halk Muzigi" - "Folklor" olustu. Halk Muziginde bestekari mechul; muzik dilden dile dolasan bir hal almistir. "Saray"da kalan musiki, bestakarin kulturlu sekilde meydana getirdigi eserlerle, sahsi bir huviyete burunmustur. Besteler ilerledikce, muzik kaideleri de bir ihtiyac haline gelmis, muzigimizin esas temelleri belirlenmeye baslanmistir. Bu sekilde ikiye bolunen muzigimiz, "Halk Muzigi", "Halk Turkuleri", "Folklor Muzigi" isimleri altinda bir bolum olusmus; digeri de "Turk Muzigi" olarak kalmistir. Ayrica, tarikat ve tekkelerin gelismesiyle kapilarini "muzige" acan bu muesseseler icinde, bir "Din Muzigi" (Tasavvuf Muzigi) meydana gelmistir. Din Muzigi o kadar ilerlemistir ki mensuplari arasinda dahi bestekarlar ve sazendeler yetismistir. Ne yazik ki bilenlerimiz cok azdir, memleketimizdeki, Musevi Havralarinda, Turk Muzigi bestekarlarinin besteledigi; peSrev, saz semai ve besteler Ibranice olarak soylenir. PeSrev ve saz semaileri Ibranice gUftelendirilerek, soylenir. Istanbul'da Kaledibi'ndeki Musevi HavrasI'nda, her cumartesi gunu, aziz dostum Davit Behar'in idaresinde, seckin bir topluluk tarafindan icra edilir. Yukarida siraladigimiza gore, musikimiz, halk muzigi, dini (tassavvuf) muzik ve Turk Muzigi diye uc kisima ayirilir. Bunun haricinde, Turk san'at muzigi, Turk hafif muzigi, Turkce sozlu hafif muzik diye isimlendirilerek, kumelere ayirmak tamamen yanlis olur. Bilgisiz, cahil kisilerin uydurduklari bir siniflandirma olur. Aliniz bir Turkce sarkiyi, Vietnamca okuyunuz. Bu Vietnam muzigi mi olur? Aliniz bir Portekiz sarkisini, bunu Turkce soyleyin; bu Turk muzigi mi olur? Aman edendiler, "mantik" denilen bir sey var; sakin bunu elinizden birakmayin...! Turk muzigine haksiz yere catanlar, kendilerine yanlis hedef secmislerdir. Muzigimizin kabahati yok; muzik mensuplari kabahatlidir. KIsIr, haksiz sohret ve kucuk menfaatler ugruna san'ata ihanet ediliyor. Mikrofonda, sahnede ve ekranda, san'at vasfi aramadan "assolistler" yaratilmistir. Suslu bir kelebek gibi olmaktan oteye gidemeyen kisiler, "assolist" olarak takdim ediliyor. Musikinin fizik vasfi dolayisiyla "dogrulu", san'at vasfi dolayisiyla da "guzellik" aranmiyor. Vaktiyle, sesleri falsolu oldugu icin TRT'de okuyamayan kimseler, ozel TV'ler acilinca, assolist mertebesine cikartildilar. Haris, laf ebesi, cerbezeli kimseler, devlet eliyle korolar kurarak, istedikleri sekilde, keyfi olarak, meydanlarda at oynatmaktadirlar. Eskiden, Turk Muzigi icin okul yok, diye yakinilirdi. Simdi, Turk Muzigi icin bir konservatuvarlar acildi. Bu konservatuvarlarin acilmasinda, omurlerini torpuleyen, cok kiymetli kimseleri hurmetle alkislarim. O kadar zahmetle bu isi basardilar ki, politikacilarin, "Halk Muzigi"nin de konservatuvarlarda ogretilmesi isteklerine boyun egdiler. Netice nedir? Nota bilen muzisyenler cikarildi. Bu kafi mi? Alfabe bilen universite mezunlarimiz cok mebzul. Alfabe bilmek, muzik notasi bilmek neye yarar? Bir comak ile muzik idare etmeyi ogretmek, muzigimiz icin bir kazanc degildir. Turk Muziginde bir oktavdaki ses-aralik adedi, bugun icin halen bir munakasa mevzuudur. Bazi kimseler, bir oktav 24 sestir, derler. Diger kimseler, "41 oktav sestir", der. Bunun arasinda, "ben 30 sesle", "ben 36 sesle idare ediyorum", diyen sazende ve bestekarlarimiz da mevcuttur. Turk Muzigi ilmi bir sekilde arastirip, seslerini tespit edenler konusturulmaz. Zaten dinleyenler de olmaz. "Bu isi en iyi bilen biziz" diyenler, ilmi arastirmalara kulak asmazlar. Muzisyenlerimiz, fizik ilmi bilmedikleri icin, fizikciler de muzik bilmedikleri icin bir teorisi kurulamamistir. Simdiye kadar yazilanlar, soylenenler, tamamen yanlis, hicbir esasa dayanmayan, laf curcunasidir. Yilllar once, bir fizikcimiz, Turk Musikisi hakkinda bir kitapcik yayimlamisti. Aziz dostum, rahmetli Ekrem Karadeniz, o siralarda bu fizikcimizle bircok defa bir araya geldi. Neticede, fizikcimiz, "ne yapayim, bana verilen bilgileri kullandim, onun icin bu neticede elde edildi" deyip, gecistirmistir. Verilen bilgiler, tamamen yanlis ve eksik idi. Muzigimiz incelenerek bir teori cikarilmamisti. Evvela, bir teori kurumus, muzigimiz, o yanlis teoriye uydurulmak istenmisti. Bir gun, bozulan muzigimiz, yeni yetisen, ilme susamis, suurlu kisilerin elinde layik oldugu yeri bulacaktir. Dunyanin her yerinde, sevilen, aranan muskimiz, memleketimizde de sevilen yerini bulacaktir. Sayin ogretmenler, hocalar, profesorler, egitimciler, terbiyeciler, politikacilar, idareciler ve devlet adamlarimiz. En cok "Turk" olan tarafimiz, musikimizdir. Dilimizden, dinimizden daha cok, pek daha cok, muzigimiz "Turk"tur. Belki simdiye kadar farkinda degildiniz. Milletin mali, karsi-kulturu olan, san'at derecesi cok ustun Turk Musikisini, ogretmezseniz de, dinleyin, sevmege calisin ve onu titizlikle koruyun. Karagozden, musakkaya, baklavaya kadar baska milletlere kaptirdigimiz seylere, Turk Muzigini de ilave etmeyin. Bu uzun yaziyi bitirmeden onec, Turk Muzigi hayranlariniin cok oldugu, ogrenme hevesinin cok yuksek oldugu Amerika Birlesik Devletleri'nde dogup buyumus, Turk Musikisini calip soyleyen kisilerin adlarini yazmak, benim icin bir kadir borcudur: Richard Hagopian, Freddie Elias, Joseph Kouyoumjian, Harry Minasian, Fred Spubbf, Robert Mardirosian, George Migirdijian, Hachik Nazarian, Ara Dikchian, Robert Labaree, Albert Gardner, John Vosbikian, Harry Bedrossian, Leon Janikian, Suren Baronian, Johny Georgis, Roger Kirkorian, Jack Chalikian, Jack Zarzatian, George Kamanis, Mel Barsamian, Leon Barsamian, Greg Takfourian, Mike Georgian, Harry Pappazian, Charles Kouyoumjian, Robert Rafealian, Stev Kouyoumjian... Bu kisiler va daha bircoklari muzigimize hayranliklarini her zaman soylerler. Muzigimizi calar ve dinletirler. Bu yazi serisinde, Turk Muzigini sevip mudafaa etmem ve yazilarimda kulladigim lisani gorerek beni "gerici" sananlara seslenmek isterim: Ben Cumhuriyet ilanindan sonra dogdum. Ataturk Inkilaplarinin en sekli oldugu senelerde, Cumhuriyet'in onuncu yilinda, ilkokuldaa basladim. Muselles demedik, ucgen dedik. Zaviye demedik, aci dedik. Miralay demedik, albay dedik. Sark demedik, Dogu dedik. Annemden, babamdan, memeleketimizde sohret sahibi omus hocalarimdan, bu yazdigim dili ogrendim. Boyle konusup, boyle yaziyorum. Memleketimizdeki son askeri ihtilalin, yapmis oldugu tek hayirli is, Dil Kurumu'nu kapatmak olmustur. Bir odaya tikilmis, masa basinda oturarak, hicbir ilmi tabana dayanmayan, birtakim kimselerin icat ettikleri uydurma Turkceyi, onlari protesto etmek gayesiyle asla kullanmiyorum. Ben Ataturk'u bir peygamber, Nutku'nu bir Kur'an, Anit Kabri bir Kabe olarak, bilen ve inanan bir kimseyim. Ecdadimiz, dunyada esi bulunmayan, bir imparatorluk kurmustur. Devlet idaresi, ilim, san'at sahalarinda, bu buyuk Imparatorlugun sanina yakisir eserler meydana getirmistir. Gelecek Turk neslinin, memleketimiz bugunku, kotu durumundan kurtaracagina, san'at ve ilime hurmetli olacagina buyuk bir inancim vardir. Genclerimize, "Damarlarimizdaki Asil Kan"i daima hatirlamalarini tavsiye ederim... Saygilarimla, ESber O. KOprUcU [Aktaran: A. KOksal Hocaoglu] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.3 Ebru Sanati Hakkinda --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geleneksel Turk sanatlari arasinda yer alan ebru sanati, gerek hakkinda yazilmis eser sayisinin azligi, gerekse konu ile el isleri boyutunda degilde sanat bazinda ilgilenen sanatci ve arastirmacilarin azligi sebebi ile malesef etrafi bilinmezlerle ortulmus ve cogu zaman da bu bilinmezlerin boluk porcuk ya da yanlis bilgilerle doldurulmaya calisilmasi neticesinde oldugundan cok farkli bir bicimde algilanmis bir sanat dalidir. Asagida Ingilizce metnini okuyacaginiz ebru hakkindaki yazi genel anlamda ebru, ozel anlamda ise Turk ebru sanati hakkinda ozet ve kisa bir bilgilendirme amaci ile yazilmistir. Bu yazidan anlasilacagi uzere ebru sanati kokeni cogu zaman Turk kaynaklarinda belirtildigi gibi 400 yillik bir sanat dali olmayip, 1200 yil oncesine kadar uzanan cok eski bir sanat dalidir. Ustelik Suminagashi adi verilen en eski Japon ebrularinin aslinda bu sanat dalinin son derece tekamul etmis ornekleri olduklari goz onune alinacak olursa, bu sanatin daha da eskilere dayandigi sonucuna varabiliriz. Ebrunun uzak dogudan baslayip Osmanli Imparatorlugu topraklari uzerinden Iran ve Hindistan`a ve 17. yuzyilda da Avrupa`ya uzanan seruveni boyunca ayak bastigi her cografya, kultur ve gelenek daha bircok farkli etkenlerle birlikte bu sanat formunu degisik kaliplarda yogurmus ve bicimlendirmistir. Bu noktada ebru sanatinin Turkler tarafindan, hem de ustelik iki yuzyillik gibi kisa sayilabilecek bir donemde ve iki elin parmaklarini gecmeyecek sayidaki dahi sanatci tarafindan islah edildigini ve suphesiz o doneme kadarki en ust duzeyde anlatim gucunun ebru sanatina kazandirildigini soylemek sanirim abarti olmayacaktir. Ebru sanatini, gecirdigi bu asamalari dikkate alarak temel iki ana bolume ayirmak, gerek bu sanatin kendi oz yapisini anlamak ve gerekse sanatin kullanim alan ve amaclarinin ugradigi degisimleri anlamak acisindan faydali olacaktir. Bu iki bolumu dogulu bir ifade tarzi olarak ebru sanati ve batili anlamda tamamen pragmatik amaclarla kulanilan ebru el isleri olarak tanimlamak sanirim yerinde olur. Ozellikle Turk kultur ve sanatina getirdigi anlatim, renk, doku ve perspektif zenginlikleri ile diger sanatlardan ayri bir yere oturtulmasi gereken Turk ebru sanati konusunda yapilacak bilimsel calismalarin hem ebru sanatinin gelismesine, hem de bu sanat formunun kayit edilebilir bir sisteme kavusturulmasi sureti ile diger studio sanatlari ile birlikte modern sanatlar arasindaki hak ettigi yeri almasina buyuk katkilari olacaktir. Ebru sanatini elden ele aktarilan bir mesale gibi sonmeden bugune devreden usta ebrucu rahmetli Mustafa Duzgunman ve onun biraktigi yerden alip daha da yukarilara goturmek amaci ile yillardir durmaksizin surdurdugu bilimsel calismalara sahip degerli sanatci Niyazi Sayin suphesiz bu sanatin essiz iki piridir. Ebrulu (akkaseli, battalli, laleli, hatipli, ahenkli) gunler dilegi ile. Arkin Ilicali (*) Montreal, Kanada --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.4 Brief History of Marbling and Ebru --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief History of Marbling "Suminagashi" is a unique style of marbling which was developed in Japan. The name is derived from two Japanese words; "sumi" which means black ink, and "nagashi" which means floating. Thus the name is a description of the basic characteristics of the marbling: delicate sworls of black colour which appear to float on the surface of the paper. Many sources will cite "suminagashi" as the first marbling technique in history; however, considering the difficult process and highly developed technique involved, it is more reasonable to suppose that it developed out of an even older technique which has since been forgotten. So, we are able to say that while "suminagashi" may not actually be oldest form of marbling, it is oldest we know today. "Suminagashi" first appeared at the end of the Heian Era (A.D. 794-1185), a period during which Japan was emerging from influence of China, and was developing its own national identity in the arts, literature, and architecture. There are claims that marbled paper was produced in China from A.D. 1396 to 1644 using a technique similar to "suminagashi", but this theory has yet to be substantiated. It is, however, quite possible that the technology necessary for the production of "suminagashi" traveled from Japan to China and Turkey via the Silk Road across Asia. After a two hundred year hiatus, marbling techniques resurfaced in the Near East. Both paper and marbling techniques came from Turkistan along the silk caravan routes to Persia and Turkey. Unfortunately, little is known of the early history of marbling in countries such as Turkey (known at that time as the Ottoman Empire) and Persia. Several reason may be given for the absence of early examples of marbled paper. Paper is fragile and ephemeral by nature, and the normal vicissitudes of time, vermin, damp and wear can quickly take their toll on it. Another possible explanation is that it would appear no great quantity of marbled paper was produced in these early periods. Paper and paper products were very costly, and for this reason were considered luxury items to be enjoyed only by the aristocracy and the wealthy. Indeed, much of the paper that was made was exclusively done for wealthy patrons in their personal ateliers. This view is substantiated by the relatively small number of manuscripts, books and miniatures incorporating marbling which are included in large collections of Islamic art, such as that in the Topkapi Saray Museum in Istanbul. India, Persia and Turkey were very significant locations in the history of paper marbling after it was brought from Japan. These three stopping points that the trail of paper marbling followed across Asia and Europe represent the most important period of technological development the process of paper marbling would ever experience. History of Ebru The word "ebru" most likely originates from the Persian word "ebri" which can be translated as "cloudlike" or "ab-ru" meaning "water surface". Although both meanings are widely used, the definition "cloudlike" is more widely accepted. Today the word ebru defines Turkish marbling. One of the earliest Turkish marbled sheets ornamented with calligraphy, signed by Malik ud Deylemi, dated 1554, is kept in the Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul, Turkey. Little is known of the earliest artists who produced "ebru" in Turkey, or of the techniques they employed. A Turkish paper marbler by the name of Shebek, who died in 1608, wrote a book on ebru techniques which unfortunately has not survived except referentially in other cultural texts. Two centuries elapsed before the name of another marbler was famous enough to be recorded; this man was a famous preacher, or "hatip", of the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul. It is he who is credited with the invention of the stylized flower marbling named for him: Hatip Ebrusu. In 1773, a fire destroyed the home of Hatip Ebrusu, and he died attempting to rescue his papers from the flames. A number of his marbled papers are preserved in the Suleymaniye Mosque Library in Istanbul. After Hatip Ebrusu, Sadik Efendi, an Ozbek Dervish born in Bukhara, is probably the most significant marbler of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is believed that Sadik learned "ebru" in Bukhara, and he practiced the art until his death in Istanbul in 1846. His second son, Edhem Efendi also practised marbling and is indisputably the most interesting and multi-talented figures in the history of marbling. As well as being a master marbler, Edhem Efendi was also a carpenter, a metal caster, a weaver, printer, scientist, mathematician and mystical leader of the Ozbek Tekkesi (Ozbek School). He is held to be the best Turkish marbler of the last century, and his marblings are unquestionable master-pieces of "ebru". It is common in Turkey to learn marbling from a master; as an apprentice one familiarizes oneself with every aspect of the art. Necmeddin Okyay served as an apprentice under Edhem Efendi, and went on to be recognized as one of the finest marblers of the twentieth century. He was born in 1883 and lived and worked in Istanbul until his death in 1975. Okyay taught marbling to Mustafa Duzgunman who was born in Istanbul in 1920. Until his death in 1990, Duzgunman made great contributions to the technical and artist development of marbling. He accepted few people as his students, but among those was his close friend Niyazi Sayin, a world famous musician and intellectual. Sayin himself became a master marbler and continues to work in his studio as well as teaching the art to students from all over the world. All three of those men: Necmeddin Okyay, Mustafa Duzgunman, and Niyazi Sayin hold special significance in the history of marbling; their contributions to the development of marbling have been invaluable. Technical Developments of Ebru Just as the applications of marbled paper changed over time, so did the materials and techniques used in its production, as scientific developments had their effect on the products available to the marbling artist. Particularly in the last fifty years, much research has been done around not only the materials used in marbling, but also the ideal studio environment for working on marbling. The effects of heat, humidity and other environmental factors such as ground elevation have all been studied; consequently, these previously problematic variables are now more easily controlled by the artist. Scientific advances have also provided a wider array of art supplies to the marbler; while early marblers were limited to a very small selection of natural pigments, their modern counterparts have available to them a practically endless spectrum of colours and type of pigments. Some of the materials necessary for producing traditional marbling, such as gum tragacanth and ox-gall, are difficult to find or process. This is one likely explanation for the slow spread of paper marbling: for centuries people were unable to determine how to collect or prepare the materials necessary to the process. In the 20. century, and particularly since the 1960s, new materials have constantly been made available to marbling artists which have in turn had a powerful impact on the aesthetics of marbling, as new visual effects are made possible. These advances have also made the distinction between eastern (or traditional Turkish Ebru) and western marbled paper much clearer, as much of the difference is resultant of the materials used in production. The three major techniques for marbling which are employed today are the Japanese "suminagashi" technique, "Turkish ebrulama" technique and European marbling or marblizing technique. "Turkish ebrulama" is not only the most complicated and highly developed marbling technique, it is also the method from which the European marbling technique developed. Probably because of the complexity of the process and the difficulty in finding documented information about "ebru" and "ebrulama", most of the information in the western literature about the technique is incorrect or incomplete. A list of the basic materials used in "ebrulama": Trays: Most trays are made of zinc, galvanized steel or wood. They can be made to any size, but the most common is 17.5 x 25cm. or 35 x 50cm. Water: Water is used for preparing the size as well as pigments. Distilled water gives the best result because of the low percentage of calcium and ozone in it. Size: Gum Tragacanth is produced from astrgalus tragacantha, a plant indigenous to Anatolia, a region of Turkey. The principle feature of Gum Tragacanth is that by thickening the water, it keeps the pigments on the surface. Also given its transparent, slightly sticky nature, it performs the duty of a lacquer over the pigments. this is why Turkish marblings must be removed extremely carefully, and also why they are never hung up or rinsed. Dispersing Agent: Ox-gall is the only dispersing agent which both spreads the color on the size and also keeps them from mixing with one another. This is important for producing traditional patterns, which are characterized by their patterns and colour. Colours: Originally, only natural pigments were used in Turkish marbling. Lahur for blue, ustubec for white, Oxide yellow for yellow, etc. It is important to remember however, that these natural pigments were chosen because of the limitation of the time period; over the last thirty years, many different pigments have been employed in Turkish marbling. Papers: The type of papers used has always been dependant on what type of paper was most readily available. 18th and 19th century artists mostly use "aherli" paper, a paper which is soft and absorbent on one side while the other side is hardened. Mustafa Duzguman always used 60 to 80 gram matte paper for his marblings. One of the major differences between Turkish and European marbling is that in Turkish marbling there is no chemical preparation necessary for the paper, while in European marbling an alum powder must be applied before marbling to make the paper more absorbent. Another difference is that in Turkish marbling the brushes used to apply the color are always made from horse hair which will hold a considerable amount of pigment and not cling together; this helps the artist to spread the color with more control and homogeneity. Today the marbling process is more technologically advanced in the western countries than in the east, as the western marblers have incorporated new technology and equipment in their art. In Italy, England, Germany, Sweden and the United States many marblers work in studios which resemble laboratories. In these studios a great emphasis is placed on an understanding of the technical aspect of the marbling process. Perhaps the most important aspect of these technological advances in European marbling is that it has increased our knowledge of how the marbling process works, enabling artists to push the limits of the art even further. Today the only Turkish marbling artist who incorporates the modern western techniques and technology in the production of traditional Turkish marbling is Niyazi Sayin. His contributions to the development of Turkish marbling is invaluable, and his marblings are extraordinary examples of the art of paper marbling. Arkin Ilicali (*) Montreal, Canada ----------------------------- [(*) Sayin Ilicali Hakkinda: Bursa dogumlu olan Arkin Ilicali Istanbul Universitesi Basin Yayin Yuksekokulu'ndaki Gazetecilik egitiminden sonra Kanada University of Saskatchewan`in Guzel Sanatlar Bolumu'nden mezun oldu. Halen Montreal'de Concordia Universitesi'nin Masters Of Fine Arts Bolumu'nde masterini yapmaktadir. Sanatin degisik dallarinda calismalar yapan Ilicali fotograf sanatindaki calismalarina Kayihan Guven'le baslamis, ardindan Francis Robson ve Hans Domesch`la calismalarini surdurmustur. Resim dalinda Graham Fowler ile bir yillik studyo calismanin ardindan ozellikle ilgilendigi alan olan ve uzerinde masterini gerceklestirmekte oldugu Printmaking (baski) konusunda ise Tim Nowlin, Charles Ringness ve ozellikle Nik Semanoff gibi dunyaca taninmis resim ve baski sanatcilari ile birlikte calismistir. Calismalarini Concordia Universitesi Baski Bolumu Baskani ve Ogretim Uyesi olan Cheryl Dudek ile halen surdurmektedir. Bu alanlarda 40'tan fazla kisisel ve grup sergileri, "multi media", "mixed media" gosterimleri ve seminer calismalari bulunmaktadir.] =========================================================================== ============================================================================== 7. Mizah ============================================================================== 7.1 Internet'e Maya Caliyoruz, Ozgur Polat 7.1.1 Nasreddin Hoca, Chuckles for All Ages, Talat S. Halman 7.1.2 Nasrettin Hoca'dan, Beka Kavgaoglu 7.1.3 "I've got the Recipe", Feyza O'Connell 7.1.4 More Stories of Nasreddin Hodja, [Aktaran: Ozgur Polat] 7.2 Disorder in the Court, [Aktaran: Kayaalp Buyukataman] 7.3 English as a Second Language, [Aktaran: Bulent Catay] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1 Internet'e Maya Caliyoruz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Asagidaki yazimiz gecen sayidan oldugu gibi aktarilmistir.] Bircoklarimizin bildigi gibi, 1996 yili UNESCO tarafindan, olumunun 700'uncu yili nedeni ile Nasrettin Hoca yili olarak ilan edildi. Bu vesile ile PETEK'in Mizah kosesi olarak, bizler de guletinin bu koca ustadi, Bizim Hoca, icin uzerimize duseni yapmak istemi ile Internet'e Hoca'nin adina bir "maya calalim" dedik. Mizahin bu bolumundeki tum basliklari da bu amacla Hoca'ya ayirdik. Bu baglamda, Hoca'nin kisiligi ve guletileri uzerine yazilmis eserleri inceleyip bir dosya olusturmayi amacladik. Bu dosyayi yalnizca Turk dilinde yayimlanmis kaynaklarla degil diger dillerdeki calismalarla da beslemek ve boylelikle Hoca hakkinda daha once benzeri olmayan genis bir kaynak arastirmasi yapmayi hedefledik. Bu tip bir calismanin Hoca'mizi daha iyi taniyip, anlamamiza yardimci olacagina inanmaktayiz. Elbette ki boylesine kapsamli bir calismanin basariya ulasmasi, yani "Internet'e caldigimiz mayanin" tutmasi ancak siz okurlarimizin etkin katilimi ile mumkun olacaktir. Siz dunyanin dort bir yaninda yasayan okurlarimizdan bulundugunuz yorelerde Nasrettin Hoca'nin taninip taninmadigi, taniniyor ise ne sekilde tanindigi konularinda yardim almak istiyoruz. Bu sayidan baslamak uzere yil boyunca PETEK'in Mizah kosesinde kendi bulabildiklerimizi ve siz okurlarimizdan duyduklarimizi yayimlayacagiz. Yil sonunda ise elimizdeki butun verilerden hareketle bir Nasrettin Hoca ozel sayisi cikarmayi planliyoruz. Nasrettin Hoca hakkinda bu sayi icin bulabildiklerimizi asagida sizlere sunuyoruz. Sizler de bizlerle paylasmak istediginiz Hoca ile ilgili her turlu makale ve kitap ozetlerini ve Hoca'nin guletilerini, bizlere asagidaki adres ve faks numarasindan iletebilirsiniz: ITU MEZUNLARI DERNEGI 235 E. River Dr. Suite 1502 East Hartford, CT 06108 E-Mail: b.ataman@ix.netcom.com Tel/Fax: 860-282-0251 Yardimlariniz ve her turlu desteginiz icin simdiden cok tesekkur eder, bol guluslu gunler dileriz. Ozgur Polat (Makina '90) (ozgur@umr.edu) ITU-MD Uyesi, A.B.D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1.1 Nasreddin Hoca, Chuckles For All Ages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The test of true comedy," wrote George Meredith, "is that it shall awaken thoughtful laughter." Nasreddin Hoca, the most durable folk philosopher and humorist to emerge from Anatolia, has provided thoughtful chuckles for all ages since 13th century. Ancient Greek culture was enriched by Aesop's fables, Germany by Till Eulenspiegel's merry pranks, England by Shakespearean clowns, the United States by Mark Twain's and Will Rogers' quips -and Turkish life by the wisecraks and the satiric barbs of Nasreddin Hoca. In Turkey, Nasreddin Hoca is truly a household name -a ubiquitous cultural figure whose anecdotes are invoked with remarkable frequency by authors and men-in-the-street alike. Most of his gags and punchlines are used like proverbs: Turkish conversations are often interlarded with allusions to the inexhaustible tales of the Hoca (the word "Hoca" meaning scholar or religious teacher, is Anglicized as "Hodja"). Precious little is known about Nasreddin Hoca's life. He lived probably in the 13th century although some autorities place him in the 14th or even the 15th century. He was born in Sivrihisar near Eskisehir, had his education either in Konya or Aksehir where he spent many years serving as religious teacher, preacher, and judge. He died and was buried in Aksehir where his "mausoleum" stands as an appropriate sight-gag: all its walls are missing, only the iron gate remains intact with a huge padlock hanging on it. At this funniest mausoleum, Hoca's devotees hold a mostly humorous memorial ceremony each year. A principal criterion of success for a humorist is universality. One nation's laughter is often another nation's bafflement or boredom. Not so with Nasreddin Hoca. His wit has transcended national and cultural boundaries: For six centuries he has remained the foremost humorist in the Moslem and non-Islamic communities of the Middle East and the Balkans. His tales have been translated into many languages including English, Russian, German, French, etc., attesting to his universal appeal. Nasreddin Hoca stories embody the entire spectrum of Turkish humor -from the gentlest bathos to outlandish buffonery, from good-natured badinage to biting mockery. In evoking "thoughtful laughter" his bel esprit fulfills the requisites of comedy as expressed by some great practitioners of humor and satire: Shakespeare's maxim, "Brevity is the soul of wit." Swift's observation, "Humor is odd, grotesque, and wild,/Only by affection spoiled." Jane Austen's assertion, "The liveliest effusions of wit and humor are conveyed to the world in the best chosen language." Indeed, Nasreddin Hoca's comic genius has its odd, grotesque, and wild aspects, never falls into the pitfalls of affectation, relates the stories in simple and spare terms, delivers the punchlines swiftly, and utilizes the expressive resources of Turkish with literary precision. The name Nasreddin means "Helper of the Faith". This is far from a ponderous appellation. It actually suits the man's personality and humor. Nasreddin Hoca was an affirmative person who upheld faith in life and human beings -also aiding others to do so. No wonder the common people of Anatolia have always imagined him as as a chubby burly, affable man -like Falstaff or Bottom. He is said to have lived at a time of war and turbulence, but he accepted life stoically, turning anguish into humor and tears into smiles. He avoided the melancholy litanies of the poets among his contemporaries, preferring to offer his tomfoolery and fanciful railleries to give succor to the suffering people of his day as well as to succeeding generations. Nasreddin Hoca's stature as the humorist has been abiding. In fact, his "lore of laughter" has grown along the centuries -even in our time. His authenticated stories number about 300, but hundreds more have been -and are being- ascribed to him, in recognation of his status as the creator, custodian, and embodiment of Turkish folk humor. The range of Hoca's comic faculty is dazzling broad -from subtle ironic piquancy to black comedy, from whimsical philosophic twists to ribald lampoons. Whatever the mods, his humor always does justice to the principle of ridentem dicere verum, to speak to the truth even while laughing. As satire, his statements never fail to have "moral sting" for all levity. Among his most effective quips are those that expose sham, cant, hypocrisy, fanaticism, self-righteousness, avarice, and all human foibles. Nasreddin Hoca's wisdom is quintessential: "Listen carefully to those who know. If some listens to you, be sure to listen to what you are saying." A laconic anecdote sums up ethics: An inquisitive man -the village gossip- once ran up to Hoca: "I just saw someone carrying a lamb." Hoca said: "So? What do I care?" "But he's taking the lamb to your house." Hoca retorted: "So? What do you care?" In a mini-Rashomon story, Hoca posits the idea of relativity: Two men involved in a dispute ask Hoca to settle it for them. When the first man tells his version, Hoca says: "You are right." The second one protests. When he tells his version, Hoca remarks: "You are right." His wife who has been listening in intervenes. "But they can't both be right." Hoca promptly replies: "Wife, you're right too." Nasreddin Hoca is a folk philosopher par excellence: Many of his stories, as lessons in moral conduct and as jocular practical jokes, offer critical commentary on stereotyped social thought and behavior as well as pointing up imaginative alternatives. The bravure with which he confounds life's incongruities and yet affirms faith in man is a captiving challenge to our sensibilities. Take his extravegantly wistful gag: Sitting by a lake. Hoca keeps dipping leaven into the water. Passerby come up to him and ask what he is doing. Hoca calmly says: "I am making yoghurt." They laugh: "You must know that the lake won't turn into yoghurt." Hoca replies: "But if it does!" There are some farcical Hoca anecdotes which might well be TV comedy skits: Hoca is sick and tired of feeding his donkey and ask his wife to do it. She refuses. They quarrel. Then they have a bet: Whoever speaks first will feed the donkey. Hoca is resolved not to lose out. One day, when his wife is out, a burgler breaks into the house. Hoca is home, but he says nothing to burgler lest he loss the bet. The thief packs everything up and goes. When Hoca's wife comes home and see that everything is gone, she screams: "My god! What happened?" Hoca beams with delight: "I've won the bet! You have to feed the donkey!" Nasreddin Hoca's donkey is reminiscent of Sancho Panza's mount in The Adventures of Don Quixote - except it is more of a comic device. One of the most popular Hoca stories about the donkey provides food for thought: Hoca decides that his donkey eats too much, he reduces the daily amount of the fodder. With each passing day the donkey's intake becomes so skimpy that it starves to death. Hoca says incredulously: "Just as he was getting used to it, he died." Hoca is a master of the ironic touch: He was passing through a village where there was a big feast. He observed: "You people must be very prosperous." The villagers replied: "No, we are not. We worked very hard throughout the year and save all we can for this day of festivities." Hoca sighed and remarked: "If only every day happened to be a day of feast, then nobody would go hungry." He can also "burlesque" situations: Once a man brought to him a letter to read Hoca said: "The handwriting is illegible. I can't read it." The man got angry: "Fine Hoca you are. You wear a turban, yet you can't even read a simple letter." Hoca promptly took off his turban, put it on the man's head, and blurted: "Here, now you're wearing the turban, see if you can read the letter." Hoca's humor is often broad, but not without subtlery. One day, while travelling Hoca was famished and dropped in on a village imam he was acquainted with. The imam asked him if he was sleepy and thirsty, and Hoca replied: "On the way here, I took a nap by the fountain." Although Nasreddin Hoca is not given to malice, he can be vindictive if he is doublecrossed. Tamerlane had conquered Aksehir and terrorized the people. He ordered the townsfolk to feed and groom an elephant. The people suffered greatly because of this, and decided to send a committee, headed by Nasreddin Hoca, to Tamerlane to plead with him to take the elephant back. As the committee was about to enter the tyrant's place, Hoca noticed that the other members of the committee got scared and turned back. He was left alone, facing the tyrant. "Your Highness," he said. "I am here to make a request on behalf of the people. They are so happy with the elephant you were kind enough to give us that they would like to take care of one more elephant." Nasreddin Hoca represents the indomitable spirit of the common people. He is a symbol of courage, the invincible underdog, when he is pitted against the terrible Tamerlane (see "Tamerlane's Price" by Orhan Veli Kanik). Hoca's fearlessness is preserved in another story involving Tamerlane. Once when Nasreddin Hoca was in Tamerlane's presence, the tyrant insulted him: "You are not far from a donkey!" Hoca replied: "I'm only a couple of yards from him." Hoca was a tireless critic of the establishment and its false values. One day he went to a banquet in his ordinary robe: the guards wouldn't let him in. He rushed home, put his luxurious fur-coat on -the guard saluted him this time as he made his entrance. When he sat at the table he began to feed his fur-coat saying: "Eat, my fur-coat, eat." The Hoca tales occasionaly banter with God: At his wife's insistence, Hoca buys a cow, but since there is no room for both the donkey and the cow in the barn, if one sleeps the other one has to stand. Hoca implores: "My God, please kill the cow so that my donkey can get some sleep." Next morning he goes into the bar and sees that the donkey is dead. He lifts his eyes to the sky and says: "No offense, my Lord, but you have been God for all these years and yet you can't tell a cow and a donkey apart." Nasreddin Hoca relishes drolleries. One dark night, he looks out the window and catches a glimpse of a man in the garden. He grabs his bow and arrow, lets the arrow go, and hits the figure right in the belly. Next morning, he goes into the garden and finds the arrow sticking out of his own robe which his wife had left on the clothesline. Hoca says: "Thank God, I wasn't in my robe." His irreverences are often directed against blundering bureaucracy and slow justice. One day Hoca is walking in the street, and stranger comes near him and lands a mighty slam on Hoca's face. The man is immediately rounded up. Hoca, witnesses, and the culprit go before a judge. The man is sentenced to pay Hoca one gold coin. The judge orders him to go and get the money. Hoca waits in the presence of the judge. Hours go by, but the man doesn't show up. Hoca is impatient -and not optimistic about the man's return to court. He gets up, goes up to the judge, slaps him on the face, and says: "I've got to go now, Your Honor. Here is your slap. When the man comes back, you get the gold coin." Self satire is a leitmotiv of Hoca's anecdotes. He tries to mount a horse, but fails. For the benefits of the people looking on he remarks: "I wasn't like that as a young man." Then he mutters to himself: "You weren't any good as a young man, either." Ionesco has observed that "the comic is the intuition of the absurd." Nasreddin Hoca obviously had this modern sense of the "absurd" -even of "bisck comedy". An acquaintance complains to Hoca about headache and Hoca suggests: "The other day, I had a toothache. It went away as soon as I had the tooth pulled out." And once he was rowing ten blind men across a river for ten cents a piece. In the middle of the river, he made the wrong move and one of the blind men fell into the river and was carried away by the current. His friends started to scream. Hoca was imperturbed: "Stop shouting! So, you will pay me ten cents less, that's all." Nasreddin Hoca perfected the art of tongue-in-cheek humor. Virtually everything he did was good-natured and zany, marked by bonhomie and optimism, and often admirable for his grace. Once, he was visiting a village and he happened to lose his purse. He reported the loss to some of the villagers and remarked: "I know what I am going to do." The villagers who respected and feared him, undertook a through search. When they handed him the purse, they inquired: "Hoca, you got us all scared. If purse hadn't turned up, what would you have done?" Hoca chuckled: "Oh, that" he said "I have an old remnant of a carpet at home. I was going to make a new purse out of that." The prevailing mood of Nasreddin Hoca has no arrogance, no cynicism, no salacious or scurrilous elements, no stridency or venom. It is also free of the ethnic or national prejudices which mar the folk humor of so many other cultures. His targets are universal foibles. That is why his hilarity can be -and is- enjoyed by so many nations. He had faith in the proposition that "nothing lacks an element of risibility." Heaping ridicule on fallacies and mores, he served as an indefatigable critic of taboos. His persiflage and piquant satire helped to break down inhibitions and to liberate minds from boredom and conformity. Since he refused to act the part of "court jester", he also became a symbol of the independent spirit -and an eloquent advocate of the primacy, even supremacy, of the common people. Once they asked him: "Who is greater -the Sultan or the peasant?" Hoca's reply is significant: "The peasant, of course. If it weren't for his wheat, the Sultan would starve to death." There are the thoughtful chuckles of Nasreddin Hoca for all ages. Talat S. Halman (*) ------------------------------ TAMERLANE'S PRICE One day, Tamberlane and Hoca together take a trip To a bath where they start to wash as soon as they strip. While bathing, out of the clear blue, demands his Highness: "If I were a serf for sale, how much would you bid?" Of course, Hoca knows no cowardice nor shyness: He pretends he ponders, then with customary slyness. "If you ask me," he says. "I would bid a hundred quid." Tamerlane is furious: "You must be insane!" "Our towel here alone is worth at least a hundred." Hoca shakes with guffaws that he cannot restrain. Then he bows and blandly says to Tamerlane: "In fact, it was the towel for which I made my bid." Orhan Veli Kanik [Translated by: Talat S. Halman] ------------------------------ [(*) About the author: Mr. Halman is Professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures at New York University since 1986 and served as Chairman from 1993 to 1995. Formerly he was on the faculties of Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Princeton University for many years. In 1971 he became Turkey's first minister of Culture and created the Ministry. From 1980 to 1982, he served as Turkey's Ambassador for Cultural Affairs. He was Deputy Permanent Representative at the United Nations. From 1991 to 1995 he served as a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO. He has published more than forty books and over 1,500 articles in English and Turkish. He is a weekly columnist for the leading Istanbul daily "Milliyet" since 1982. Honors and awards include an honorary doctorate, numerous literary awards, a Rockefeller Fellowship in the Humanities, Columbia University's "Thornton Wilder Prize", the UNESCO Medal, "Top Turkish Scholars in the U.S. Award" of the Assembly of American Turkish Associations, and "Knight Grand Cross, G.B.E., The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" conferred on him by Queen Elizabeth II (same tittle, equivalent of "Sir", awarded to President Reagan.) Among his books in Turkish are seven collections of poetry, his verse translations of Shakespeare's Complete Sonnets, a massive volume on the poetry of ancient civilizations, two anthologies of American poetry, two volumes featuring the selected poems of Wallace Stevens and Langston Hughes, a play based on the life and works of Shakespeare, a book of ancient Egyptian poetry, and a book of Eskimo poems. For two of the plays he has translated, including Eugene O'Neill's "The Iceman Cometh", he received Turkey's top "Play Translation Awards". His books in English include two collections of his poems - - "Shadows of Love" and "Last Lullaby" - - three volumes on the medieval mystic Yunus Emre, "Modern Turkish Drama", "Contemporary Turkish Literature", "Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes", Suleyman the Magnificent - Poet", "Living Poets of Turkey", "Turkish Legends and Folk Poems", and several volumes featuring selections from Orhan Veli Kanik, Fazil Husnu Daglarca, Sait Faik, and Melih Cevdet Anday. Some of his books have been translated into French, German, Urdu, Hindi, Persian, Hebrew, and Japanese. His latest book is "The Poetry of Ancient Anatolia and Near East" (in Turkish) published in Istanbul in May 1996.] [Aktaran: Ozgur Polat] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1.2 Nasrettin Hoca'dan... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nasreddin Hoca'yI herkes tanIr: Benim 13. yUzyIlda yaSamIS dedem. O zamanlar OGretmen, kadI, hoca, filozof olarak AkSehir'de felsefesini oluSturdu ve Simdi hAlA felsefesi bizlerle yaSIyor. Onunla ilgili fazla sOz sOylemeye gerek yok; onun hakkInda anlatIlan fIkralar bize onu yeterince anlatIyor. Ben de onun AkSehirli bir torunu olarak hakkInda birkaC olayI nakletmek istiyorum. 1. Sana Ne? BaSkasInIn iSine karISmamalI insan Burnunu sokmamalI aklIna esen Seye ISte bunu gOsteren bir hikAye Bizim merhum hocadan: Bir gUn biri gelmiS bizim Hocaya UkalalIk da parayla deGil ya, " Bir tepsi baklava gidiyor " demiS. Hoca hemen terslemiS - Bana ne? Ama yine dayanamamIS adam - "Sizin eve gidiyor, Hocam", demiS. Hoca terslemiS yine: "Seni adam etmek sahi pek zor Madem tepsi bizim eve gidiyor, Sana ne?" 2. HiC Hoca kadIyken iki adam gelir, Biri Otekinden SikayetCidir. Der ki " Hocam ben yolda gidiyordum; Bu da evine odun taSIyordu. SIrtIndan CUval dUSmUS, boyuna uGraSIyordu. ArkadaS dedim, sordum Tutsam Su CuvalI vursam sIrtIna, KarSIlIGInda ne verirsin bana? HiC! dedi. AlA mesele kalmadI; Demek ki anlaStIk dedim; Tuttum yUkU yUkledim. Ya borcun dedim, oralI olmadI. Simdi ben hakkImI istemez miyim? Ver bakalIm borcumu demez miyim? " Hoca keser, der ki: "DoGru! HaklIsIn! Madem ki vadetmiS, alacaksIn. YanlIz bir zahmet et Suraya kadar; KaldIr Su kilimi altInda ne var?" - "Ne mi var? HiC!" " Hah! Al onu oradan Cek git! KaldI mI alacaGIn falan?" 3. Vadeyle BorC Bir gUn bir komSusu gidip Hocadan Vadeyle para ister. "Durumum biraz sIkISIkCa ..." der. Hocaysa memnun olmaz bu ricadan. Ah! Olmaz ama, Belli etmek de istemez adama. "Vadeyle, der, para isterdin demek ... Senin bu iSini halletmek gerek. Gerek ya sen de bir kolaylIk gOster; BunlarIn hepsini benden isteme. Vade vermek dUSsUn benim hisseme, ParayI da baSkasIndan buluver." 4. Yalan Dobra dobra konuSur, HocanIn huyu da bu. BOylesi yalancI Sahit olur mu? Ama olmuS. GelmiSler, kandIrmISlar. HaklI dava diyip inandIrmISlar. DavacI, Hocaya iSi anlatmIS; Onun da aklI yatmIS. Bir buGday meselesiymiS mesele. - "Hocam, demiS, bir kazanalIm hele, Sana tamam bin akCa" Malum paraya dayanamaz Hoca; GOzlerini bir dumandIr bUrUmUS; "Peki!" demiS, yUrUmUS. Hep birlikte CIkIlmIS kadI'nIn huzuruna; Bir Cok sual sorulmuS Suna buna. Dava kazanIldI kazanIlacak, Ancak Bir de HocanIn ifadesi gerek. KadI o ifadeyi de istemiS. Hoca baSlamIS "Efendim" diyerek. Ama baSlar baSlamaz BuGday diyeceGine arpa demiS. KadI atlar mI hiC? Elbet atlamaz; "Hocam, demiS. Bak bir hata iSledin. Herkes buGday dedi, sen arpa dedin." Hoca dOnmUS hemen yUce huzura: - "CanIm, demiS, bu mUhim bir sey midir? Yalan olduktan sonra BuGday olmuS, arpa olmuS, hepsi bir!" Beka KavgaoGlu (Uzay Bil. ve Tekn. '92) Kaynak: Orhan Veli KANIK, "ESeGin SOzU". [Aktaran: Harun Taner] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1.3 I've Got the Recipe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasreddin Hoca yIlI iCin ben de katkIda bulunayIm dedim. Ilkokulda iken her TUrk CocuGu gibi ben de Nasrettin HoCa kitabInI okudum. AklIma gelen ilk fIkralarI sizlerle paylaSayIm dedim. Iyi gUlmeler: One day a visitor came to Hodja with a question. "Hodja, the place that we humans come from and the place that we go to, what is it like?" "oh," said Hodja, "it is a very frightening place." "Why do you say that?" the visitor asked. "Well, when we come from there as babies, we are crying and when somebody has to go there, everybody cries." Here is another one: One day Hodja went to the market and bought a fine piece of meat. On the way home he met a friend who gave him a special recipe for the meat. Hodja was very happy. But then, before he got home, a large crow stole the meat from Hodja's hands and flew off with it. "You thief!" Hodja angrily called after the crow. " You have stolen my meat! But you won't enjoy it, I've got the recipe!" :) Feyza O'Connell (Makina '90) (hathaway@world.std.com) ITU-MD Uyesi, A.B.D. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1.4 More Stories of Nasreddin Hodja ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Critism of a Man Hodja and his son went on a journey once. Hodja preferred that his son ride the donkey and that he himself go on foot. On the way they met some people who said: -Look at that healthy young boy! That is today's youth for you. They have no respect for elders. He rides on the donkey and makes his poor father walk! When they had passed by these people the boy felt very ashamed and insisted that he walk and his father ride the donkey. So Hodja mounted the donkey and the boy walked at his side. A little later they met some other people who said: -Well, look at that! That poor little boy has to walk while his father rides the donkey. After they had passed by these people, Hodja told his son: -The best thing to do is for both of us to walk. Then no one can complain. So they continued on their journey, both of them walking. A little ways down the road they met some others who said: -Just take a look at those fools. Both of them are walking under this hot sun and neither of them are riding the donkey! Hodja turned to his son and said: -That just goes to show how hard it is to escape the opinions of men. --- Everyone Who Sees The Light Hodja's wife was pregnant. One night, her labor pains started and Hodja called the neighbours and the midwife. Soon they called out from his wife's room and said, Hodja! "You have a son!" He was very happy. A few minutes later the midwife called out again, Hodja! You also have a girl. After a little while, she called out again, Hodja! You have another girl! Hodja, who had been waiting in front of his wife's room, rushed into the room and blew off the candle. "What are you doing?" asked the surprised women. Well! Everyone who sees the light wants to come out. What else can I do? he answered. --- Forty Year Old Vinegar His neighbour asked Hodja, Do you have some forty-year old vinegar? "I have"; answered Hodja. "Would you give me some? I need it to prepare a medication," said the man. "No, I won't" replied Hodja." If I had given some to everybody who asked for it, would I have it for forty years!" --- Mortal's Way One day four boys approached Hodja and gave him a bagful of walnuts. "Hodja, we can't divide these walnuts among us evenly. So would you help us, please?" Hodja asked, "Do you want God's way of distribution or mortal's way?" "God's way" the children answered. Hodja opened the bag and gave two handfuls of walnuts to one child, one handful to the other, only two walnuts to the third child and none to the fourth. "What kind of distribution is this?" the children asked baffled. "Well, this is God's way" he answered. "He gives some people a lot, some people a little and nothing to others. If you had asked for mortal's way I would have given the same amount to everybody." --- How a Donkey Reads During a conversation with Tamerlane, Hodja started bragging about his donkey. "It is so smart that I can teach it even how to read" he said. "Then go ahead and teach it reading. I give you 3 months." Tamerlane ordered. Hodja went home and began to train his donkey. He put its feed between the pages of a big book and taught it to turn the pages by its tongue to find its feed. Three days before the three month period was over, he stopped feeding it. When he took his donkey to Tamerlane, he asked for a big book and put it in front of the donkey. The hungry animal turned the pages of the book one by one with its tongue and when it couldn't find any feed between the pages it started braying. Tamerlane watched the donkey closely and then said, "This is sure a strange way of reading!" Hodja remarked, "But this is how a donkey reads." Kaynak: T.C. Dis Isleri Bakanligi Ev Sayfasi, http://www.mfa.gov.tr/groupd/chapter1/NHodja2.htm. Tarih: 2/12/95 Ana Kaynak: NET Turistik Yayinlar. [Aktaran: Ozgur Polat] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.2 Disorder In The Court: A Collection of 'Transquips' by Richard Lederer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Most language is spoken language, and most words, once they are uttered, vanish forever into the air. But such is not the case with language spoken during courtroom trials, for there exists an army of courtroom reporters whose job it is to take down and preserve every statement made during the proceedings. Mary Louise Gilman, the venerable editor of the National Shorthand Reporter has collected many of the more hilarious courtroom bloopers in two books - Humor in the Court (1977) and More Humor in the Court, published a few months ago. From Mrs. Gilman's two volumes, here are some of my favorite transquips, all recorded by America's keepers of the word: --- Q. What is your brother-in-law's name? A. Borofkin. Q. What's his first name? A. I can't remember. Q. He's been your brother-in-law for years, and you can't remember his first name? A. No. I tell you I'm too excited. (Rising from the witness chair and pointing to Mr. Borofkin.) Nathan, for God's sake, tell them your first name! --- Q. Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated? A. By death. Q. And by whose death was it terminated? --- Q. Are you married? A. No, I'm divorced. Q. And what did your husband do before you divorced him? A. A lot of things I didn't know about. --- Q. And who is this person you are speaking of? A. My ex-widow said it. --- Q. Do you know how far pregnant you are right now? A. I will be three months November 8th. Q. Apparently then, the date of conception was August 8th? A. Yes. Q. What were you and your husband doing at that time? --- Q. Mrs. Smith, do you believe that you are emotionally unstable? A. I should be. Q. How many times have you comitted suicide? A. Four times. --- Q. Doctor, how many autopsies have you peformed on dead people? A. All my autopsies have been performed on dead people. --- Q. Were you aquainted with the deceased? A. Yes, sir. Q. Before or after he died? --- Q. What happened then? A. He told me, he says, "I have to kill you because you can identify me." Q. Did he kill you? A. No. --- Q. Mrs. Jones, is your appearance this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney? A. No. This is how I dress when I go to work. --- Q. Did he pick the dog up by the ears? A. No. Q. What was he doing with the dog's ears? A. Picking them up in the air. Q. Where was the dog at this time? A. Attached to the ears. --- Q. And lastly, Gary, all your responses must be oral. O.K.? What school do you go to? A. Oral. Q. How old are you? A. Oral. --- Q: What is your relationship with the plaintiff? A: She is my daughter. Q: Was she your daughter on February 13, 1979? --- Q: ...and what did he do then? A: He came home, and next morning he was dead. Q: So when he woke up the next morning he was dead? --- Q: Could you see him from where you were standing? A: I could see his head. Q: And where was his head? A: Just above his shoulders. --- Q: What can you tell us about he truthfulness and veracity of this defendant? A: Oh, she will tell the truth. She said she'd kill that sonofabitch - and she did! --- Q: Do you drink when you're on duty? A: I don't drink when I'm on duty, unless I come on duty drunk. --- Q: Are you sexually active? A: No, I just lie there. --- Q: What is the meaning of sperm being present? A: It indicates intercourse. Q: Male sperm? A. That is the only kind I know. --- Q: (Showing man picture.) That's you? A: Yes, sir. Q: And you were present when the picture was taken, right? --- Q: Was that the same nose you broke as a child? A: I have only one, you know --- [Aktaran: Kayaalp Buyukataman] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3 Enlish as a Second Language ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples of how English is being used in different parts of the world: In a Tokyo Hotel: Is forbitten to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing is please not to read notis. In another Japanese hotel room: Please to bathe inside the tub. In a Paris hotel elevator: Please leave your values at the front desk. In a Japanese hotel: You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid. In the lobby of a Moscow hotel across from a Russian Orthodox monastery: You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except Thursday. On the menu of a Swiss restaurant: Our wines leave you nothing to hope for. In a Rhodes tailor shop: Order your summers suit. Because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation. Similarly, from the Soviet Weekly: There will be a Moscow Exhibition of Arts by 15,000 Soviet Republic painters and sculptors. These were executed over the past two years. A sign posted in Germany's Black Forest: It is strictly forbidden on our black forest camping site that people of different sex, for instance, men and women, live together in one tent unless they are married with each other for that purpose. In a Zurich hotel: Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose. In an advertisement by a Hong Kong dentist: Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists. In a Rome laundry: Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time. In a Czechoslovakian tourist agency: Take one of our horse-driven city tours -- we guarantee no miscarriages. Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand: Would you like to ride on your own ass? On the faucet in a Finnish washroom: To stop the drip, turn cock to right. On the box of a clockwork toy made in Hong Kong: Guaranteed to work throughout its useful life. In a Swiss mountain inn: Special today -- no ice cream. In a Tokyo bar: Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts. In a Copenhagen airline ticket office: We take your bags and send them in all directions. In a Norwegian cocktail lounge: Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar. At a Budapest zoo: Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty. In the office of a Roman doctor: Specialist in women and other diseases. In a Tokyo shop: Our nylons cost more than common, but you'll find they are best in the long run. Two signs from a Majorcan shop entrance: - English well talking. - Here speeching American. [Aktaran: Bulent Catay] =========================================================================== =========================================================================== 8. Dilimiz, Deyimlerimiz ve AtasOzlerimiz =========================================================================== 8.1 AtasOzlerinin TaSIdIGI CeSitli Ozellikler, Meral DemirtaS =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 AtasOzlerinin TaSIdIGI CeSitli Ozellikler --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUrkCemizin anlatIm zenginliGini gOsteren atasOzlerimizin CeSitli Ozellikleri uC ana baSlIk altInda aSaGIda Orneklerle Ozetlenmeye CalISIlmIStIr. I. YAPI OZELLIKLERI AtasOzlerinin sahip olduklarI yapI Ozellikleri kIsaca Su alt baSlIklar altInda Ornekle incelenebilirler. 1. KalIplaSmIS sOzlerdir: AtasOzleri belirli sOzcUklerle sOylene gelen kalIplaSmIS yapIlardIr. Kendilerini oluSturan bu sOzcUklerin cUmle iCindeki sIralarI yeniden ayarlanamayacaGI gibi ilgili sOzcUkler eS anlamlIlarI ile de yer deGiStiremezler. Bu tip deGiSikliklere gidildiGinde, atasOzUnUn anlamI aynI kalsa dahi, sOzUn kalIbI deGiStirildiGi iCin, artIk atasOzU olarak nitelendirilemez. Ornekler: "Calma elin kapIsInI, Calarlar kapInI." atasOzU; "Elin kapIsInI Calma, kapInI Calarlar." Seklinde deGiStirilemez. "Derdini saklayan derman bulamaz." atasOzU; "Derdini saklayan ilaC bulamaz." Seklinde deGiStirilemez. * YukarIdaki kuralIn dISInda yer alan, birkac biCimi bulunan atasOzleri de bulunmaktadIr. Ornekler: Denize dUSen yIlana sarIlIr. [Denize dUSen yosuna sarIlIr.] AyaGInI yorganIna gOre uzat. [YorganIna gore ayaGInI uzat.] * BOlgelere gOre deGiSik biCimler almIS atasOzleri de vardIr. AsaGIda bunlar [] iCinde yazIlmISlardIr. Ornekler: Keskin sirke kabIna [kUpUne] zarardIr. TavSan [fare] daGa kUsmUS de daGIn haberi yok. AC tavuk [dUsUnde darI gOrUr] kendini buGday anbarInda sanIr. 2. KIsa ve OzlUdUrler: Ornekler: Alet i$ler, el OvUnUr. Ta$Ima su ile deGirmen dOnmez. * KIsa olarak dUsUnceyi verdiGi halde, Ozel bir amaCla uzatIlan sOzler de vardIr. Ornekler: "Yerine dUSmeyen gelin yerine yerine eskir" sOzUne; "boyuna dUsmeyen esvap sUrUne sUrUne eskir" eklerek uzatIlmIStIr. "El elden UstUndUr" sOzUne; "arSa varIncaya" eklenmiStir. "AyIpsIz yar olmaz" sOzU; "AyIpsIz yar isteyen yarsIz kalIr" haline dOnUStUrUlmUStUr. 3. Tam bir cUmle oluSturmayan -eskiltili- atasOzleri: BorC vermekle, dUSman kIrIlmakla. Ata arpa, yiGide pilav. Ana hakkI TanrI hakkI. ElmayI CayIra, armudu bayIra. El el ile deGirmen yel ile. Incir babadan, zeytin dededen. AtIn UrkeGi, yiGidin korkaGI. 4. OykUlU biCimdeki atasOzleri: OynamasInI bilmeyen kIz "yerim dar" demiS; yerini geniSletmiSler "gerim [yenim] dar" demiS. ESeGi dUGune CaGIrmISlar; "ya odun eksik ya su" demiS. KatIra "baban kim" demiSler; "dayIm at" demiS. Yengece "niCin yan yan gidersin" demiSler; "serde kabadayIlIk var" demiS. Deveye "iniSi mi seversin yokuSu mu" demiSler; "dUz yere mi girdi [dUze kIran mI geldi]" demiS. Tilkiye "tavuk kebabI ister misin" demiSler; "adamIn gUleceGini getiriyorsunuz" demiS. 5. AtasOzlerinde devrik cUmleler: Kazma elin kuyusunu, kazarlar kuyunu. ACma sIrrInI dostuna o da sOyler dostuna. AGlama OlU iCin aGla deli icin. Say beni sayayIm seni. Var ne bilsin yok halinden. 6. TaSIdIklarI kipler: * Genelde geniS zaman kipi taSIrlar. OGUt veren atasOzlerinde emir kiplerinin yer aldIGInI goruyoruz. Ornekler: Deveci ile konuSan kapIsInI bUyUk aCar. Dost ile ye iC, alISveriS etme. Ne yavuz ol asIl, ne yavaS ol basIl. AnasIna bak kIzInI al, kenarIna bak bezini al. * BunlarI demekle beraber, bazI atasOzlerimizde belirgin olarak sOylenmediGi halde geniS zaman ya da emir anlamI iCerdiklerini gOrUrUz. Ornekler: Ne oldum dememeli, ne olacaGIm demeli. YalancInIn evi yanmIS, kimse inanmamIS. Ana kIzIna taht kurmuS, baht kuramamIS. Anlayana sivri sinek saz, anlamayana davul zurna az. 7. CeliSik atasOzleri: DoGruyu sOyleyeni dokuz kOyden kovarlar. DoGru sOyleyenin tepesi delik olur. YalancInIn evi yanmIS kimse inanmamIS. IyiliGe iyilik olsaydI koca OkUze bICak olmazdI. 8. Iki yargIlI atasOzleri: * Biri benzeyen Oteki kendisine benzetilenlere Ornekler: Kavurga karIn doyurmaz, kar susuzluk kandIrmaz. Suyun yavaS akanIndan, insanIn yere bakanIndan kork. Cok mal haramsIz, Cok sOz yalansIz olmaz. HIrsIzlIk bir ekmekten, kahpelik bir Opmekten. * Iki cUmle arasInda bir benzetme olmayan iki yargIlI atasOzleri de vardIr ki bunlarda iki yargI birbirini tamamlar ya da birbirine karSIt olabilir. Ornekler: AC bIrakma hIrsIz edersin, Cok sOyleme arsIz edersin. Baba evi vergisi gOrUmlUk, koca vergisi doyumluk. Var evi kerem evi, yok evi verem evi. GUzel bUrUnUr, Cirkin gOrUnUr. II. ATASOZLERININ SOZ SANATLARI TASIMA OZELLIKLERI AnlatIma Cok guzel deGiSik bir hava katan sOz sanatlarI edebiyat eserlerinin vaz geCilmez unsurlarIdIr. AtasOzleri de bu sanatlara sahiptirler. AsaGIda bunlara iliSkin Ornekler sunulmaktadIr. 1. Beyit: GUlme komSuna - Gelir baSIna GUvenme varlIga - DuSersin darlIGa AGlarsa anam aGlar - Gerisi yalan aGlar Oduncu gOzU amCada - Dilenci gOzU COmCede Gelin altIn taht getirmiS - CIkmIS oturmuS ACtIrma kutuyu - SOyletme kOtUyU 2. Dize: Bey ardIndan Comak Calan Cok olur. Dilsizin dilinden anasI anlar. Cok naz aSIk usandIrIr. 3. Seci: Dertsiz baS mezarda taS. DerviSin fikri ne ise zikri odur. MUft olsun da zift olsun. GUvenme dostuna saman doldurur postuna. 4. Teziye: SarmIsak da acI amma evde lazIm bir diSi. 5. Kinaye: BalIk baStan kokar. Davul dengi dengine diye Calar. Can boGazdan gelir. 6. Alliterasyon: AkCa akIl OGretir. Kaynayan kazan kapak tutmaz. TarlayI taSlI yerden kIzI kardeSli yerden. ASInI, eSini, iSini bil. KIzInI dOvmeyen dizini dOver. 7. Cinas: Dilim seni dilim dilim dileyim. Ulu sOzU dinlemeyen uluya kalIr. Yerine dUSmeyen gelin yerine yerine, boyuna dUSmeyen esvap sUrUne sUrUne eskir. 8. EGretileme (Istiare): Delikli taS yerde kalmaz. Cay geCerken at deGiStirilmez. Et tIrnaktan ayrIlmaz. KoCa boynuzu yUk deGil. 9. Tezat: At bulunur meydan bulunmaz, meydan bulunur at bulunmaz. Deli dostun olacaGIna, akIllI dUSmanIn olsun. Yaz yalan, kIS gerCek. IstediGini sOyleyen istemediGini iSitir. 10. IhamI Tezat: OksUzUn karnIna vurmuSlar [dOvmUSler], "vay arkam" demiS. 11. Akis: Buldum bilemedim, bildim bulamadim. Sen olursan bensiz, ben de olurum sensiz. 12. HUsnU Talil: UzUm UzUme baka baka kararIr. 13. Istifham: Erkek aslan aslan da diSi aslan aslan deGil mi? Sen aGa ben aGa, bu ineGi kim saGa? BuGday ekmeGin yoksa, buGday dilin de mi yok? Yenice eleGim, seni nerelere asayIm? 14. Sibhi iStikak: GeC olsun da gUC olmasIn. Hasta yatan Olmez, eceli gelen OlUr. 15. Zef ve NeSir: Yaman komSu, yaman avrat, yaman at. Birinden gOC, birini boSa, birini sat. 16. MecazI MUrsel: BorClunun dili kIsa gerek. AGIz yer yUz utanIr. Iki el bir baS iCindir. SaG baS yastIk istemez. Kefenin cebi yok. 17. AtasOzlerinde Mecaz ve MecazsIzlIk. Her ne kadar atasOzlerimizin CoGu temsili ve mecazi ise de temsili ve mecazsIz olanlarI da vardIr. Ornekler: Sirkesini sarmIsaGInI sayan paCayI yiyemez. (MecazlI) BUgUnkU iSini yarIna bIrakma. (MecazsIz) Damlaya damlaya gOl olur. (MecazlI) Dost ile ye iC, alISveriS etme. (MecazsIz) III. ICERIK OZELLIKLERI BiCim ve sOz sanatlarI Ozelliklerini sIrladIGImIz atasOzlerini CeSitli alt baSlIklar altInda iCerik Ozellikleri de Orneklerle SOyle Ozetlenebilir. 1. AtasOzlerimiz CeSitli toplumsal olaylarI bildirirlerken, aynI zamanda geCmiSe ait gOzlem, deneme ve tecrUbeleri de dile getirirler. TecrUbeyle neredeyse sabit hale gelmis olan sosyal olaylardan ders alInmasI gerektiGini OGUtleyen, ahlak dersi veren nitelikte olanlar gibi yol gOstermeyi amaClayan atasOzleri de vardIr. Ornekler: KomSunun tavuGu komSuya kaz gOrUnUr. Minareyi Calan kIlIfInI hazIrlar. Sutten aGzI yanan yoGurdu Ufleyerek yer. Ofke ile kalkan zarar ile oturur. Mahkeme kadIya mUlk deGil. Sona kalan dona kalIr. Cirkefe taS atma, UstUne sICrar. Korkunun ecele faydasI yok. Bal bal demekle aGIz tatlI olmaz. 2. BazI doGa olaylarInIn nasIl meydana geldiklerini, bunlarIn gUnlUk yaSama etkisini; gOzlem ve tecrUbelere dayanarak, kIsa ve OzlU olarak yeni nesillere bildirirler. Ornekler: Zemheride kar yaGmadan kan yaGmasI iyi. Mart yaGar nisan OGUnUr, nisan yaGar insan OGUnUr. Martta yaGmaz, nisanda dinmezse, sabanlar altIn olur. Martta tezek kuruya, nisanda seller yUrUye. 3. TOre ve gelenekleri anImsatan atasOzleri: Ornekler: KIzInI dOvmeyen dizini dOver. KIz beSikte Ceyiz sandIkta. 4. Cesitli inanISlarI bildiren atasOzleri: Ornekler: KIrk yIlda bir Olet olur, eceli gelen OlUr. AnanIn bahtI kIzIna. BaykuSun kIsmeti ayaGIna gelir. 5. Genel kural gibi olmayanlar: Kimi atasOzleri gerCek kural gibi sOylenmiSlerse de bOyle deGildirler. Ornekler: KOr OlUr, badem gOzlU olur; kel OlUr, sIrma saclI olur. Gelen gideni aratIr. Suyu getiren de bir, testiyi kIran da. [Iyilik bilmeyen katInda, su getirenle senek sIyan biridir.] Meral DemirtaS Kaynak: Aksoy, O. A.,(*) 1993: AtasOzleri ve Deyimler SozlUGU, 1 AtasOzleri SOzlUGU, InkIlap Kitapevi, Istanbul, 8. baskI, 486 sayfa. [(*) Omer AsIm Aksoy: 1898'de Gaziantep'te doGdu. Ilk ve orta OGrenimini burada tamamladIktan sonra, yUksek OGrenimini Istanbul Hukuk FakUltesi'nde yaptI. SavcIlIk, avukatlIk, edebiyat OGretmenliGi, OGretmenler DerneGi ve Halkevi BaSkanlIGI, Ozel okul mUdUrlUGU ve gazetecilik de yapan Aksoy, 1935-1950 yIllarI arasInda dOrt dOnem Gaziantep milletvekili olarak seCilmiStir. 1940-1983 yIllarI arasInda TUrk Dil Kurumu YOnetim Kurulu uyesi ve Derleme-Tarama Kolu BaSkanI, Genel Yazman ve TUrk Dili Dergisi Sorumlu MUdUrU olarak CalIStI. Dilimizin yabancI sOzcUklerden arIndIrIlmasI gOrUSUnU destekleyen ve bu alanda bazI CalISmalarda bulunan Aksoy'un eserlerinden bazIlarI ise Soyledir: Edebiyat Dersleri, Gaziantep AGzI (3 cilt), HasIrcIoGlu, MUtercim AsIm, Seyh Ahmet ve NazmU'l-leal, Hasan Ayni ve NazmU'l-Cevahir, Oz TUrkce Dersleri, En Gerekli SOzcUkler, Dil Uzerine, Tarama SOzlUGU (8 cilt), Derleme SOzlUGU (12 cilt), AtatUrk ve Dil Devrimi, GeliSen ve OzleSen Dilimiz, OzleStirme Durdurulamaz, Dil GerCeGi, Dil YanlISlarI, AtasOzleri ve Deyimler SOzlUGU (2 cilt), Ana YazIm KIlavuzu. Bu eserlerinin yanI sIra CeSitli dOnemlerde gazete ve dergilere sayIsIz makaleler de yazmIstIr. Gaziantep Universitesi tarafIndan TUrk dili ve edebiyati Uzerine yapmIS olduGu CalISmalarIndan dolayI "fahri doktor" UnvanI da verilen Omer AsIm Aksoy 1993 yIlInda vefat etmiStir.] =========================================================================== ============================================================================== 9. Serbest Kose ============================================================================== 9.1 Labour Migration in Turkey: Thirty Five Years of Changes, Paul Stirling 9.2 Washington SayfasI, Nalan Arsoy-Gainer 9.3 Almanya'da Nasil Calisma Izni Alinir? Mehmet S. Yilmaz ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.1 Labour Migration in Turkey: Thirty Five Years of Changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Author's Notes: 1. The main recent research on which this article is based was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council of the U.K. (Grants G000232121, 1985-6, and R000 23 1955,1989-91), for which I am most grateful. I also wish to thank the Republic of Turkey for permission to carry out fieldwork. An earlier version of it was presented to the International Scientific Conference: The Problems of Migration, Department of Social Demography, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 17th -21st June 1991. 2. {This article was published in Humana: Bozkurt Guvenc'e Armagan Serpil Altuntek et al. (ed.) Ankara: Ministry of Culture 1994. Very minor corrections added Feb 1996}. {These brackets{} are used for things added in 1996}] ------------------- Labour Migration in Turkey: Thirty Five Years of Changes Migration as Process Labour migration is a process of complexity and variety. I argue that this simple point has interesting and serious implications, and I illustrate some of them both from a brief model of the history of the Turkish Republic, and from my own research in Turkish villages over a period of forty years. By labour migration, I mean a move by individuals or households, not by larger by social units; people who migrate in order to work and earn somewhere else, because they perceive it to be to their advantage; they expect to gain, or to avoid loss or suffering. Such a move is affected by and affects the context from which the migrants move, the situation into which they move, the migrants themselves, and the relations between the two ends of their move. To put it more abstractly, in society, every `cause' is already itself an effect of several causes, every effect is in turn one causal influence in a number of further effects. This cross cutting net work of multiple causes and multiple effects includes some `negative feedbacks', that is, controls tending to stability, and some `positive feedbacks', that is, escalating changes. For example, some authors have argued that labour migration actually enables an agriculturally based rural community - a village- to continue its way of life in new circumstances, by inhibiting some of the potential changes [.Watson 1958.]; but at the same time it is obvious that such migration must also produce continuing - escalating - changes in the exporting community. This complexity of social processes makes our task as social scientists enormously difficult. If we ask what are the causes of labour migration in Turkey, there can be no simple answer, nor even a list of answers. There are many causes, and the relations and the quantitative balance between them is messy and controversial. If we ask what are the effects of labour migration in Turkey, the list is likely to be long and inconsequential, with overlaps and imprecisions. If we try to fit these two lists into a more complex `systemic' model of wider social processes, this model can only be partial and provisional. Moreover, each phenomenon, while it is itself both a causal factor and an effect in the field we are analysing, is also interacting with a whole set of other phenomena outside that field. Time is a further complication. The factors affecting, and the consequences of, Turkish labour migration from villages to towns operate differently at different periods - in 1940, in 1970, in 1994. So disentangling the network of causes and effects in labour migration is in principle immensely difficult. Two or more (three? four?) centuries ago, some unprecedented changes took place in northern Europe and the USA, which produced further, startling, changes, at unprecedented speeds. These changes are normally called the rise of capitalism, or the industrial revolution; the fashionable intellectual cop-out is 'modernisation'. Similar kinds of changes have taken place in Turkey in the last seventy years. I argue that one necessary and central part of this process is the massive migration from villages and agriculture to towns and other occupations. In this article, I only claim to make some relevant comments towards unravelling its role in this process. Research and the Villages I came to Turkey with my wife to do anthropological field work, in March 1949. We lived and worked in two villages near Kayseri. I lived in Turkey on and off till September 1952, spending about ten months in S village, and about seven in E. In 1971, I attempted a restudy; but for political reasons I was only permitted two weeks research, in which, with massive help from my official protector, I recorded a swift census. I was able to visit the villages for a day or two at a time most years from 1974 to 1983. From 1983 to 1986 I joined the staff of the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. I did serious field work, with the collaboration of the late Mehmet Arikan, Emine Onaran Incirlioglu and others briefly in 1985, and from February to August 1986. I would like to thank with all my heart the people of the two villages for their generosity and friendship, over forty years. It astonishes me how willingly so many people bear with being studied by academics, and indeed share with them their homes, their food, and their affection. In this article, I use specific data from S village. S is roughly 30 kilometres east of Kayseri; in 1949, the village mud road had just become passable for very infrequent lorries, which were destroying it, and which took two hours to reach Kayseri. Now there is a metalled road with regular buses which take thirty minutes. The village was poor; the largest household land holding was about 30 hectares; 10 out of 100 households had none. Land was fallowed in alternate years. Yields of cereal were less then 5 to 1 of seed; roughly 100 kg per dec. . E village was a District administrative centre further east. It owned more land per head of its 212 households than other nearby villages. In spite of its greater importance, greater contacts, extra land per head, and the greater sophistication of a few top households, it was the similarities in the way of life and the standard of living that surprised me. My more general model fit E equally well, but I have drawn no ethnographic illustrations from it here. S Village Village Migrant Year Pop Hhs Mean Pop Hhs Mean 1950 636 103 6.2 - (4?) - 1971 906 137 6.7 252 65 3.9 1986 894 153 5.8 849 163 5.2 Table 1 In Table 1, I give some simple data about households, inhabitants and migrants from S village, for which our coverage is close to complete; notice that by 1986, more of the households patrilineally descended from the original 103 of 1950 are living outside the village. In fact, the outflow accelerated after 1986, and by 1993 there were said to be about 110 households left. Households from S in Antalya rose from 24 in 1986 to 63 in 1993. Migration and Turkey's Revolutions. When Mustafa Kemal, Ataturk, created the Republic of Turkey in 1923, it was a poor, agrarian country. Eleven years of war had severely disrupted the traditional agricultural and craft based productive systems, and almost destroyed its small modern industry. Since then, Turkey has experienced a truly startling rate of change. Ataturk himself called his political changes a 'revolution' - "inkilap", later "devrim", in the singular. I would prefer to talk about revolutions in the plural. Exactly how many is a matter of drawing arbitrary - and fuzzy - boundaries, but I list here ten. Perhaps revolution is not the best English word. There was certainly no overturning by popular demand; changes were imposed from the top down, or just happened. Ten major changes; or ten revolutions? Neither word is quite right. I can only make the briefest comments here. I hold that these ten are distinguishable; and 'important'. Each influenced and was influenced by the others. Or rather, each summarises a whole set of specific interacting changes and events. No descriptive or theoretical model can do full justice to this intense complexity. Add time, - none of these ten happened harmoniously in a time scale with the others - and model building becomes even more approximate. I once coined the overstatement `labour migration is the engine of social change'. But it is at least a necessary and central factor in Turkey's demographic and economic processes. In some ways, perhaps, migration is less directly relevant to the first two on my list, about politics, and the ninth, about Islam. But not much less. (i) The State The establishment of a totally new kind of State, a sovereign nation state claiming to be validated by the Will of the Turkish People [Berkes 1974, Kili 1969]; and not by loyalty to a "Sultan" or a Caliph. (ii) Ataturk's Reforms As everyone knows, from 1924 to 1928, Ataturk and his supporters set out to make the formal institutions of this new State as close as possible to a secular version of western European states. He closed the medreses and tekkes, and changed the state education system to a secular one closely modelled on Europe. He replaced Islamic courts with a European type judicial system, using a new set of legal codes translated from European ones. He prohibited religious clothing outside mosques, introduced European hats, changed the script from arabic to latin, and in 1928, removed the reference to Islam from the Constitution. Later, he introduced a European week and a European calendar, and European style surnames in Turkish for all citizens regardless of ethnic origin. These well known changes affected both the formal bases of the social structure - property, marriage, education, trade, organisations, groups - and people's personal habits - clothes, writing, names, learning, worship. (iii) Demographic Growth The population grew from about 13 million in 1923, to 21 million in 1950, to 50 million in 1986, and is still rising at about 2% per annum. These numbers are very much in line with world growth. Plainly, such an unprecedented population put immense strain on the resources of thousands of villages, and forced people to look for an outside income. (iv) Economic Growth >From 1923 to 1940, and from 1945 to 1978, the Turkish GNP grew on average at close to 7% p.a.: 7% p.a. doubles every ten years. So in round numbers, it tripled from 1923 to 1940, multiplied more than eightfold, 1945 - 78, and around twentyfold, 1923-1986. With minor setbacks it has continued to grow overall. Again in round numbers, GNP per capita increased fivefold from 1923 to 1986, threefold from 1950 to 1986. These numbers are constructed by economic historians on certain conventions, and are measured at `constant' prices [Hale 1981, World Bank 1986]. I am well aware that econometrics of this kind are open to charges of professional collective fantasy. All the same, very large real changes in the standard of living that correspond to these statistical measures are clearly visible. This rise in the standard of living is both a main cause and a main effect of labour migration. A main cause because it reduces village death rates, raises village expectations, and offers jobs in other sectors. From 1950 to 1986, industry grew at about 8-10% p.a., services at about 6-7%, agriculture at only 2-5% [Hale 1981, World Bank 1986]. A main effect, because the villagers supply the labour necessary for growth, and many villagers set up businesses and production units which directly generate that growth. (v) Occupations To produce such economic growth, and to run the resulting economy, millions of people had to learn hundreds of new skills and professions. Turkey now has huge armies of teachers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, technicians, managers, accountants, medical auxiliaries, transport workers, shopkeepers,- ,factory workers, industrialists small and large, and of course, memur - civil servants of all kinds. Detailed and reliable occupational statistics are not easy to find. One simple example: in 1942, Turkey had just over 30,000 teachers of all kinds, in 1985, 330,000 [Statistical Annual 1989]. (vi) Urban growth The main manpower source was the villages. To supply all these positions, people had to leave their villages and move to town, and accordingly the towns have grown at a great speed for seven decades. In 1950, roughly 5 million people out of 21 million did not live in villages. By 1986, 26 of 50 million did not live in villages. Urban-rural migration is not a puzzle; it is universally part and parcel of economic and demographic growth. (vii) Knowledge and Social Cognition Two kinds of obvious knowledge are necessary for economic growth. First, everyone needs some level of more or less uniform basic education and training [Gellner 1983]. Second, everyone needs specific and detailed knowledge about the job they are doing, from office cleaners to directors of space programmes. How villagers get to learn these things is itself complex enough. But there is something more subtle, more fundamental, which seems seldom discussed, let alone effectively researched. Humans seldom stop talking. Villagers watch television, listen to politicians, receive visits from their kin and friends who now do other things than agriculture, hear from their children about schools and universities and so on and so on. They talk about these things. I call this `social cognition'. [Giddens 1976, Mardin 1989, Fischer 1991]. It seems very difficult to research, still more difficult to measure. But the difference between Turkey 1950 and Turkey 1986 in social cognition, that is, in what people know, take for granted, are able to discuss and tell each other, is colossal; not just in villages, but at all levels of society. Labour migration is one of the effects and one of the causes of this huge difference. People only go to town if they have what they see as evidence that there is something to go for. Social networks carry information through this constant conversation. Moreover, as the total sum of potential information grows, people consciously build networks of other people who know how to find out the things which they themselves do not expect to know. This kind of knowledge is obviously the basis of `chain' migration. Much more important, it is also the source of innovation and enterprise, the way people with resources to invest learn about new opportunities for production or commerce. Village failures provide experience for future village successes. Indeed, profitable information based on experience becomes a major asset, even a commodity to be exchanged with those who can offer some kind of return. (viii) Organisation and Social Control Here I make two related points. First, organisation, that is, the co-ordinated arrangements which people make to get things done, is central to all daily activities and to all achievements in all human societies; and to human social evolution. An organised group of any size in any society - the State itself is the largest and most complex, with multinational companies and international organisations close behind - is bound to run into all kinds of problems. These problems mainly centre round the clash between the personal aims and rivalries of individual members and subordinates, and the aims of the organisation, and of its bosses. To run a village, complex and subtle controls and organisations are necessary. But to run a modern state and a modern economy with its dozens of different kinds of organisation and its multiple opportunities for private power and gain, both legitimate and illegitimate, is infinitely more complex. It seems to me that what makes the rich and successful nations rich and successful is above everything else, their capacity for effective organisation; not because as individuals their citizens are more competent, but simply because as societies they have a store of social cognition about organisation, and a culture in which effective organisation has become embedded and legitimised. In the city, villagers from rural Turkey find themselves controlled by, and having to learn about and come to terms with, all kinds of organisations that are new to them. Many, by setting up businesses, find themselves compelled to organise others in ways which they had never thought about. [Ayata 1982] They organise themselves not only for work and production but for urban living; for finding themselves homes, for getting municipal services, for exploiting bureaucracies, for all kinds of purposes. Some of these are illegal, some even criminal; some may involve violence. So labour migration imposes problems not only of organisation, but also of public order. Order is essential for any social life. Social control involves not only the formal and imposed controls of State bureaucracies, the police, and the disciplines imposed by working for employers, but also, and more important, the informal controls of family, gossip and neighbourhood. The way social control works in villages seems to me different from the way it works in towns. So massive rural urban labour migration causes major changes in mechanisms of control, not only within organisations, but also in ordinary day to day living. [Stirling 1957, 1984] (ix) Islam Precisely what is currently happening, and even more, what ought to happen, about Islam in Turkey is hotly and passionately debated. [Mardin 1989, Tapper 1991, Toprak 1981] I make only four brief points. First, virtually everyone in Turkey now sees Islam, not just as the religion of pious Turks, but as a fundamental contrast both to western secularism, and to Christian society. Second, universal primary education, now including religion, gives a huge new literate market for religious texts and periodicals of all kinds. Third, the earnings of migrants have financed not only mosques, but systematic religious training for children on a wide scale; people, especially the young, are very much better informed than they were in 1950. Fourth, moving about brings migrants into contact with a wide range of all kinds of people, including ardent Islamic proselytisers of various kinds, and especially with a supply of religious texts, sound tapes, and videos. (x) Gender Gender is perhaps the most objectively difficult and the mostly emotionally fraught topic of current social and cultural study. I make only two points. Ataturk reformed the law and education, and succeeded in modifying the conduct of educated Turkish women. Many entered the professions, and the civil service. [Abadan-Unat 1981, Kandiyoti 1991] The changes in the villages since 1950 are also marked, variable and complicated, but very different from the changes among the urban educated. Most important, perhaps; women and girls now travel, and almost all girls go to school. Their stock of knowledge, their social cognition, is different and vastly greater. They are less segregated and less firmly subordinated than in 1950. Along with schooling and literacy, labour migration is one major factor in these changes. And now most girls do not want to marry in the villages, still less into farming households. They become themselves a factor making for further household migration. [Incirlioglu 1993]. Migration: Two Distinctions I make a sharp distinction between `pendular' migrants and `household' migrants; I am unhappy about the logic of these words, but cannot find a better pair. I make a less sharp distinction between internal and international migrants. A pendular migrant is a man who leaves his household to earn in the town, with the intention of returning with his earnings, or of sending money back to his wife or his household head. I define such a man, as the villagers do, as a member of the household he has left behind and continues to support. But sometimes a man moves his whole household to town, wife and all. Such cases I call household migration; a household migrant is any member of such a household. The two cases are very different. In the first, the migrant remains part of a village household, from which he may be absent for months or even years, and uses at least some of his earnings for his household; commonly all of them, less rather variable personal urban expenses. In the second, the man separates from the village, normally for good, taking his village wife, or marrying one in the town. The bulk of his earnings go to his new urban household, and his children grow up as townsmen. This simple distinction of course leaves out men who leave the village as single men, but do not remit anything, and are lost to their household. Such persons are seen as delinquent, and are in fact very rare. I classify them as fragmentary migrant households. In fact, those who begin as pendular migrants, and then marry a woman in town, normally remain committed to their village household till their marriage. I have also assumed migrants are male. This is not purely chauvinist insensitivity. I know of no woman from these villages, or indeed this area, who migrated to town except as a member of a migrant household, or to join one. The only exceptions are two or three women - none from S -, who achieved professional education while still members of village households, and moved out to practice their professions. The second distinction is between internal and international. Beginning with a trickle in the late 1950s, Turks began migrating as workers to Germany and other places in Europe. The flow gathered pace until 1973, when the oil crisis slowed down European economic growth, and official permission for labour immigration into European countries was more or less universally withdrawn. But only a few Turks gave up and returned; the majority held on to their legal rights and began to take their families to Europe, especially Germany, to set up households there. Berlin became the fifth largest Turkish city, after Adana. In the 1970s, Turks began also migrating for work to the Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia [Abadan-Unat 1993, Keyder and Kog 1988]. In both cases of course the lure was wages out of proportion to those earned in Turkey, where finding employment was in any case becoming more of a problem. A few returned as failures, not even covering their expenses. Most were more or less successful, a few very successful. At first, the majority lead exiguous lives, and sent, or took, one half to two thirds of their earnings back to Turkey; immediately or later. Those who later moved their families to Europe found saving much more difficult; unless they allowed their wives to earn, or had co-resident earning children. Saudi Arabia did not accept families. All the men were pendular migrants; most complained bitterly about the heat, the police, and the Arabs. A few seemed to find it congenial, or, as one cynical wife remarked, more congenial than being at home. Many men are both internal and international migrants at different points in their lives, especially pendular migrants Some went abroad after they had moved from the village to Turkish towns. {They were thus at the same time internal household migrants and external pendular migrants}. For the European migrants, the cultural influences tend to be greater. Most regard Europe as temporary, even if they have stayed many years, and show no sign of returning. [Abadan-Unat 1981,1993] With some exceptions, those who work in Saudi Arabia, are little different from internal migrants, except for greater inaccessibility - though many now telephone regularly - and much higher savings. S Village (i) History of Migration The impact on me of my visits to S village in 1970 and 1971 after twenty years was powerful [Stirling 1974]. My emphasis on complexity, on process, and on labour migration as central goes back to that experience. The diagram which I constructed after that visit has many things wrong with it. I reprint it here, warts and all, as an appendix, to illustrate how difficult it is even to begin to specify this complexity on paper. {Emailing it is impossible. Copies to be found in Davis 1974, Hale 1976, and in Hann 1994.} At some point well before 1950, S must have had enough land and animals to feed all its people and to occupy all its labour, including the landless. Yet it is clear that within living memory some men did leave the village to work and earn. Some went to town, mostly as unskilled labourers. Others went as annual tied labourers to join the households of land-owning peasants in neighbouring villages. In the 1930s, men walked to Ankara, which took them two weeks, to find work. Two men from well to do households in S were experienced traders who told me that they had taken cattle from the area as far as Istanbul by train. Three or four households had recently moved out of the village altogether. Around 1940, two men are said to have become skilled plasterers, and to have initiated other young villagers into skills in the building trade, thus greatly enhancing their prestige and their earnings. By 1950, out of a population of 636, and a male working population of 171, I counted 39 skilled building craftsmen, 26 of them plasterers; 6 other men with simple jobs, 5 workers in the State textile factory in Kayseri, commuting weekly, and 27 unskilled labourers. At least 48 men derived most of their income from migrant labour, and at least 77 had migrated for work [Stirling 1965, p.55]. By 1971, things were very different. Virtually all normal young men went off at about 15 years old with elder kinsmen to the towns to learn a trade. Most of the young were learning to be tilers, since this was a comfortable job, better paid, more skilled and apparently in fair demand. Eleven single men, 'pendular migrants', were working in Europe, and sending cash home. The village was conspicuously better off materially. Besides all these, who were bringing money directly into their village households, 65 whole households had left the village and were resident in Adana, Antakya, Ankara, Kayseri and other places. Two tractors in the village had reduced working oxen from roughly 200 to 80. Men with small amounts of land had tractor owning neighbours work their land, by direct contract, or by renting or sharecropping, thus releasing more male labour to earn remittances in the towns. >From 1974 to 1984, I visited the village briefly many times, and was able to observe that these processes were continuing. Households continued to leave; young men to go off to work. In 1973, the oil crisis in Europe made it very difficult to get into Europe to work, except with the help of close kin, or by risky 'tourist' adventures. [Abadan Unat et al ed 197 ] Instead, men already established there took their village or urban Turkish households to Europe; mostly to Germany. In 1977 or thereabouts, some men from S got themselves established, nearly all in the building industry, in Saudi Arabia. Saudi regulations, it seems, required every foreign worker not employed by a company to have a native Saudi sponsor. Sponsors had a lot of power, and exercised it in different ways, some ruthlessly; the migrants complained a lot about them. People found sponsors for their kin and friends, often charging quite large fees for this service. Most of the those who went seemed to make very good money, but many complained about their sponsors. By 1981, I listed 100 men born in S working in Saudi Arabia, and in 1986, 150, of whom less than 50 were from urban households. By 1993, hardly any men of S were still in Saudi Arabia, but a considerable number were working in Russia, paid by Turkish companies in US dollars. In 1986, at least 80% of the 153 households in the village had at least one member earning outside the village. Those that did not had no one to send, and some of these had kin resident in the towns who helped to provide for them. (ii) Population The total population of the village (Table 1) in 1950 was 636. The households in Table 1 are those descended patrilineally from those 636, including incoming wives, but excluding daughters who married out. On this imprecise measure - and a few people must have slipped through our research net -, while the national population grew by slightly less than 2.5 times, the village grew by almost three times; the direct result of a falling death rate, especially among very young children. Such a sudden change in the number of surviving children has multiple consequences, not only for economic viability, but also for kinship, for the structure and fission of households, and for marriage arrangements. Marriage to cousins is common, and when several siblings have eight or ten surviving children each, the number of available cousins rises sharply [Stirling 1995]. (iii) Income I have found it impossible to offer any index of the rise in incomes, either of the households, or of the village as a whole; still less of the migrant descendents of the 1950 villagers. This village, indeed, this whole area, seems to have done a good deal better than the national average, partly by luck. I estimated above that the national product grew about 8 times, and the total product per capita about 3 times between 1950 and 1986. Such numbers mean little in the village context, but it is possible is to describe the rise in the material standard of living, and in the available resources. In 1950, people went about in patched clothes, or in rags; some women and children had no shoes to wear in the winter snow. Even the well to do households, following a harvest failure, had extremely modest diets; most of the poor were hungry and malnourished by the time of the next harvest. In the winter of 1949-50, most households lived in one room to save fuel, and a few only possessed one room anyway. Only nine households provided heat for a `guest' room, "misafir odasi", in which nine rooms all the men of the village assembled every evening after a meal and prayers at sundown, "aksam", to gossip before the fifth and final prayer and bed. Every household head claimed to be in debt; and I had good grounds to believe most of them. [Stirling 1965, pp.44-98] By 1986, virtually everyone in the village had plenty to eat, and adequate clothes. Virtually all households had a television set, and most had refrigerators. Most had at least one decent sitting room, and most had at least two heated rooms in the winter; at any rate, whenever it was socially desirable. Men no longer congregated in the evening, but sat at home, or visited as they wished; sometimes in mixed company. The village owned 26 tractors, a large number of milk cows of European breeds, and so on. What is much more significant, though obviously everyone still complained about shortages of cash for weddings, for investment in new housing and so on, many owned land or housing in the towns. Of course there were a few poor households, but even these were not as poor as the poor majority of 1950. Of course, people borrowed for specific purposes, and there were debts, some serious. But by and large, most operating costs of agriculture were met by remittances, and no households faced the grinding debts of 1950. Not a rich community, though one or two households were quite well-to-do. One for example had built a busy petrol station just on the village border, and owned and operated a large petrol tanker to supply it. The quality, availability and affordability of medical services were incomparably greater. The village was several times better off in material terms than in 1950. This improvement was almost exclusively due to remittances from migrants. Agriculture had changed, though the main structure was similar. With mechanisation - I photographed the last pair of oxen in 1984 -, fertilisers, different crop patterns and new varieties, and much more milk production, overall production had perhaps doubled, at the cost of investments and much higher operating costs. And from around 1960, village girls had begun to weave carpets commercially, more or less as wage labour working in their own homes. But these two sources accounted for only a small part of the rise in the standard of living. Even in 1950, this village could not have survived without income from its migrant labour, and the most conspicuous consumption was the houses and furnishings of the successful migrants. But by 1986, remittances were the main source of the community income. I cannot measure this; but I offer a guess, based on questions asked and notes made on various visits to the village. Very roughly, in 1950, 80% of total income was from agriculture, and 20% from remittances. In 1986, remittances may have been about 60%, a more productive agriculture about 30%, and carpet weaving by women about 10%. These figures ignore small percentages, for example, kilims in 1950, and from investments and pensions in 1986. In this guess, I have of course ignored the urban migrants. A few who have suffered misfortune or who cannot find or do well paid work are poor, struggling to feed the household in low grade rented housing. Most are at least moderately successful, and own their own town houses. Many are well off, owning real estate, and running small businesses. Three or four are wealthy; one runs one of the largest building firms in Adana. Some of these successful people keep close ties with village households, supporting the elderly or unfortunate, helping with special needs like weddings, or co-operating in investment projects. Several groups of siblings co-operate in this way, sometimes with their father or a brother in the village. Very recently (1993), three of four households with adequate land holdings and elderly heads have moved to town, and now derive a part of their urban income from their their village land. With rare exceptions, the income unit is not an individual but a household. These changes, in size and sources of income, obviously affect the balance of household incomes, and thus the internal balance of power between earners within households. Most households in 1950 were agricultural firms. Father organised the resident men, women and children as a productive team to run the land and the animals. Now the sources of income are many. Smith and Wallerstein [Smith and Wallerstein, 1992] have recently published what they claim is a universal classification of household incomes; with frank discussions of the fuzzinesses and complexities involved. They name five kinds of sources. Subsistence includes any activity for own use; farming for the household needs, cooking for family and guests, DIY in San Francisco. Profit includes selling anything produced in the household, or profits from trading by members of the household. Wages is working for cash or kind for others. Rents include all unearned income from investment. Transfers includes gifts, inheritance, pensions, and State handouts. In these terms, most households in 1950 had only subsistence and a meagre profit from agriculture and animals; about half of them augmented this with wages, but explicitly unwillingly. Now all but small and fragmentary households enjoy income from at least three sources. Many have income from subsistence, profits from agriculture, profits from other sources, wages from girls weaving carpets, wages from pendular migrants, rents from village or urban houses, and quite a few have pensions, some on a European scale. One major advantage of this multiplicity of sources is security. If one source fails, the household is not destitute. The most vulnerable now are the least successful urban migrants, those who have only have only their labour to sell. But these are few. (iv) Occupations Most S village men work in building. So do those from most nearby villages. One village at least has been noticeably more successful than S village, producing many successful contractors in Ankara. Another village supplied far more workers to the Kayseri textile factory in 1950, and later sent many children to live with their kinsmen in Kayseri and attend secondary school. This village now has a lot of lawyers, teachers and government officials. In S village and its emigrants, outside the building industry, I can count fourteen or more separate occupations, plus some shopkeepers of different kinds; including one medical doctor practising in Germany, with a German wife. Not many, but growing, as the new generation growing up in towns looks for new ways to make money. The structure of the building industry in which the villagers operate is loose and casual. Boys go off to learn a craft, in S mainly tiling, as an apprentice, "cirak", from a master, "usta". Without any formality, he works until he is ready to take on work as a master himself, which is simply a matter of someone giving him a break. It may take three months or two years. If he does it well, fine. Most jobs are short lived, and an usta needs to maintain a network of friends to keep him informed of job openings. Maintaining a regular income depends on reputation and social networks. I have the impression that most do not work on average more than 15 days a month, but some are more successful and manage to go straight from job to job. Being sociable and reliable seem more important than being skilful. The next step is to become a subcontractor, "tasaron", for a particular skill. A subcontractor undertakes a fixed amount of tiling or whatever for a given price. He then employs his friends to do the work. This involves risk and experience. Most subcontractors do not employ more than five to twelve masters at a time. They said recently that the margin it is possible to achieve is between 125% and 150% of a master's daily rate, so long as nothing goes wrong; even twice in the past. Since most subcontractors also work with their team, they can make good money. Many of the tilers and painters oscillate between working as a subcontractor and working as a master. But one painter told me how he used to subcontract six or seven different jobs at as time, employing 30 to 40 people, and supervising them by driving round in a car, not by working alongside them. He now runs three separate businesses, one them wholesale. A few experienced subcontractors may make a larger leap, and become contractors. This involves considerable capital, and people often make partnerships. In 1989, we counted seventeen individuals or partnerships from S acting as building contractors. In that year, several were hit by inflation and cash flow problems, and the number fell. Three are wealthy; one apparently very successful man overreached his resources, and was hiding from his creditors. Besides these, some household migrants from S have gone into retailing or wholesaling paint or other building materials; or into manufacturing them, - for example, cement blocks. One man makes sewer pipes, and had for a time a monopoly in the Kayseri area. One man in Antalya is a graduate in Civil Engineering. He gave up a government post as underpaid, and now runs a private practice, and collaborates with successful building contractors from S, including his own close kin. The pendular migrants are never the most successful. It is hard to run a business from a village home. The successful feel secure, and have much to gain from residing in town. But it is safer and cheaper for the less successful to keep wife and children in the village, and combine pendular migration with household farming. (v) Organisation Of course, the pre-1950 villages and their households were organised. They had to plan ahead, and to co-ordinate all kinds of activities [Stirling 1965]. Individually, men had the experience of military organisation, and many had experience of employment at the bottom of the urban pile. One or two were already tasaron. Since 1950, children of both sexes have learned subordination in school. Moreover, many village people had experience of the urban world and of the government through all kinds of contacts. All the same, by and large the villagers lacked knowledge of and experience with the myriad organisations of a modern urban based industrial and commercial society. Even the unskilled migrants of 1950 had to learn to cope with many new organisations in order to work and live in town. The skilled, the educated, the entrepreneurs have to learn a great deal more, including forward planning and managing equals and subordinates, and learning how to cope with State and private organisations for supplies, permissions, markets, and such by persuasion, or by obeying, evading or ignoring complex rules. They also had to learn to manage cash flows and inflation. Coping with organisations is partly a personal matter of skill and personality. But it is primarily social and cultural. Any society must have accepted sets of information, ideas, and moralities for dealing with or running organisations. Faced with new organisations in new circumstances, people have to learn, often by bitter experience; and many villagers did. Within their own field of social interaction, these problems were and are constantly discussed, and new public sets of such information, ideas and moralities are created; including information about where to find information. Of course, all such information carries a value, and is often exchanged as a commodity. But this does not prevent the building of a cultural pool of entrepreneurial and organisational knowledge and experience of many kinds. (vi) Social Control Social control is at the root of organisation, because it is at the root of everything social, which is to say human. The word control seems to arouse moral disapproval in some people, just as authority arouses approval in others. But social control is built in to all social interaction. Human conduct is controlled far less by formal rules and formal punishments than by the subtle innuendoes and implications of other people's reactions. By and large, and with complications, - feuding, for example, is a form of social control - small communities like S in 1950 are more tightly controlled by informal interpersonal sanctions, than towns, especially rapidly growing shanty towns. Pendular migrants have more freedom from such controls in the towns, and this migrant experience makes them less subject to such informal controls when they are back in the village. Households which migrate have even more freedom. So labour migration is directly correlated not only with far greater experience and awareness of formal organisation, but also with a profound change in the mechanisms of informal social control, both in the villages and even more in the towns. [Stirling 1957, Stirling 1981, Shankland 1992, 1993] (vii) Social Cognition I have already argued that daily conversation contains and implies a vast amount of information, and of assumptions and values, that make social life and successful activities in any given society possible. Here, I simply wish to repeat in the concrete context of the village and its emigrants that much of the social cognition which was fairly uniform in 1950 has been lost; that vast new quantities of new social cognition have arrived, covering a multitude of topics from a multitude of sources; and that such social cognition is far less even and uniform than it was in 1950. Main sources of new 'cognition' are of course formal education and literacy, and television and radio, which together open huge new possibilities of knowledge. But people do not necessarily believe what they are told. The testing and validation of ideas and information rests on personal interaction and discussion. It is migration, because it is constantly bringing new information back to the villages, whence it is often passed on again to migrants elsewhere, that is the most important factor in this testing of new social cognition. Moreover, social cognition is in turn a main factor in chain migration, in job finding, in helping migrants with home finding and other practical problems, and above all in entrepreneurial and investment activities. Equally, labour migration is the main factor in mixing people up, and providing personally validated information across all kinds of social frontiers of states, communities, occupations, social classes, often through common membership by birth, or parents' birth, in a village or a set of villages. Thus, the decisions which villagers make about migrating, about education, about jobs, about homes, about investments, are the result not of the reality as seen by planners or economists or ethnographers; but reality as the villagers - or migrants - themselves perceive and experience it. And this perception is in turn directly controlled by informal social controls; by social cognition validated in and by the social networks in which they live. The Village and its Townspeople The variations in the ties between the urban migrants and their villages make brief description unsatisfactory. A few lose touch, many have very little contact. The number of these will presumably {must} increase as a new urban generation grows up. But most keep close ties. Many visit at least once a year when they can. Many have formal rights to village land. These vary from minute theoretical fractions too small to matter, to sizeable holdings. A few run their land by contract, or even by frequent visits; a few give land formally to sharecroppers or tenants, usually close kin; many receive presents of food from fathers or brothers who farm as yet undivided inheritances. Some own houses which they use for summer holiday, or to supervise harvesting. Some couples keep closer ties with the wife's family than the husband's. Reciprocally, some subsidise poor village kin; many house village children who are attending town schools, or provide lodging for pendular migrants, especially apprentices. Two main links tie many tightly to the village. First, marriage. The vast majority of marriages arranged for the young adults growing up in the town so far (1986) have been with close or distant kin, or other village partners; or with migrants already in town from the village or from neighbouring villages. The children of these marriages thus have kin links back to the village, or to neighbouring villages, through both parents. Already, such marriages are becoming less dominant, and surely the trend to marry strangers in town will grow with new generations. But to date (1993) many marriages renew kinship and help to keep village ties and village consciousness alive for at least one more generation. Secondly, in many cases, village households and migrant households maintain close economic cooperation. Fathers give their urban children food in bulk from the family land. People in trouble can expect help in both directions. Men looking for resources to finance weddings, start businesses or meet cash flow problems turn to their parents or siblings or children. The village is thus linked by pendular and household migrants to many urban contexts in many different places. It thus becomes a storehouse of social cognition, of information about conditions, jobs, enterprises, places, possible spouses, through which migrants can discover things they need to know. Thus while the village no longer has clear boundaries, as it did in 1950, between members and non members, it retains at least for the present a strong identity as the active centre of a network with valuable resources of information, marriage partners, and material help and co-operation. The village migrants in no way form a proletariat as such. Some do find themselves with nothing to sell but their labour; mostly those with serious misfortunes, or low skills and little village resources. But the great majority manage, as I have said, to own their dwellings, to invest in real estate, to run shops or businesses. Most of them have ambitions for themselves or at least for their children, whom they send to town secondary schools, and higher education. I found nothing I would call 'working class culture'. So far, urban financial success does not of itself self isolate the village migrants from their village kin. Turkey is certainly an extremely unequal society, and analysis in terms of social class is, to say the least, plausible. In 1973, the top quintile of households enjoyed 56.5% of total household income, the bottom quintile 3.5%, at that time one of the most extreme imbalances in the World Bank table for 1986. [World Bank 1986,Table 24, p. 226] The evidence suggests that in recent years this imbalance is increasing. [Keyder 1987, Keles 1985] But the village migrants move into a wide variety of places in this hierarchy, and moreover, they see the society as open, as one in which they are free to compete. Migrants belong to social networks covering a wide sector of hierarchy; they do not form a social class. The rapid process of urban migration contributes to keeping Turkey a highly unequal but a highly mobile society, with strong vertical ties between strata. Again, this situation may not be stable; many of the less successful may find their children caught in a typical urban poverty trap. At the same time, the frontier between rural and urban, which even in 1950 I found less sharp than others found it, has become very much less so. Since nearly every rural household has its own urban migrants, and or at least friends and neighbours in the towns; and since most villages except some in the east, or in mountains and forests, have regular bus services, electricity, television, telephones, village daily life is not cut off from the national life, and is much more like town life than it was forty years ago. So one of the most important effects - and causes - of labour migration is the much much greater integration of Turks as a nation, within the new frontiers of 1923. And of course, 'integration' is itself another complex idea, with complex implications. Conclusions This limited report on the ethnography of one village omits a mass of anecdotes, special cases, exceptions, which would both illustrate and qualify my generalities. And this is only one example. In many ways it is a paradigm of much of what has gone on, and is going on in Turkey; but there are also many other villages, some with very different stories [Keyder 1983, Keyder 1993, Aksit 1993, Sirman 1988, Hann 1985, 1990]. So complex as it is, it greatly underestimates the complexity of the national processes. Three final comments. First, in a situation of changing processes of change, innovations abound; people invent different ways of coping with unprecedented problems, and combine and deduce new "social cognition" from the new variety of sources. So, even though local and various "social cognition" is lost with national standardisation, new varieties are developing. Even if most such innovations perish rapidly, some persist. {In this sense, 'culture' is constantly growing out of new forms of interpersonal relations}. Second, those who present Turkish change and growth as some kind of unwelcome 'capitalist penetration' seem to me mistaken, both because their vocabulary usually presents a simplistic, even at times false, view of these complex processes, and because they underrate the astonishing economic growth of the last seventy years. They seldom talk about a nation of villages, as late as 1950, in which many suffered malnutrition every time the harvest was poor, in which the poor shivered through the winters, in which people were short of clothes and shoes, in which children, and even adults, constantly died in large numbers. The crucial word is 'some'. It is not true that villagers were driven out of the villages into miserable poverty in the shanty towns. It is true that some were; proportionately, not many [Hinderink and Kiray 1970]. Most people left the villages because of their carefully researched knowledge that the opportunity for a higher income and a better life was waiting for them, and most of those got it right. But of course some villages have not developed detailed networks which guarantee most of their young members a niche to earn in town, as S has done. Some for example migrate annually from poor eastern villages to pick cotton in Adana or the Menderes valley [Sirman 1988]. But, third, equally the 'modernisers' do not emphasise the suffering and misery that such rapid mass movements cause. People exploit each other; some employers pay cruel wages or cheat their employees; some cheat less sophisticated compatriots of their German savings; some migrants do end up in grinding urban poverty; illness may be disastrous; families are divided by migration; lonely spouses, especially men, find new partners. Meanwhile, nationally, it seems that a lot of rich get richer, and many poor stay poor. A few people are worse off; most people are much better off; but nationally the gap between the very rich and very poor widens. Modernisation capitalism is not a universal bed of roses, and it most certainly involves individual and social suffering and injustice, quite apart from environmental damage. If we try to evaluate what has happened in Turkey in the last 70 years, if we ask whether the colossal movement of people out of villages into the towns has been bad or good, how do we balance the huge national and personal benefits against the miseries, losses, and fresh injustices? And what is the point in denouncing what has happened anyway? What we can do is to try to understand. But I am saying that understanding is perhaps a great deal more difficult than most of the available social science models seem to imply. Paul Stirling (*) E-mail: P.Stirling@ukc.ac.uk http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/stirling.html [(*) About the author: Professor Stirling, who knows Turkish as well, is Emeritus at UKC (Eliot College, University of Kent, Canterbury). He taught in METU for three years. This article was edited by Professor Stirling for the PETEK.] LIST OF REFERENCES Abadan-Unat, N. et al (ed.) 197: Migration and Development Abadan-Unat, N. (ed.) 1981: Women in Turkish Society. Leiden: Brill. Abadan-Unat, N. 1993: The Impact of Migration on Village Life. In Culture and Economy: Changes in Turkish Villages. (ed.) Stirling, P.. Huntingdon: Eothen. Aksit, B. 1993: Studies in Rural Transformation in Turkey: 1950-1990. In Culture and Economy: Changes in Turkish Villages. (ed.) Stirling, P.. Huntingdon: Eothen. Ayata, S. 1982: Differentiation and Capital Accumulation: Case Studies of the Carpet and Metal Industries in Kayseri (Turkey). Canterbury: PhD Thesis University of Kent at Canterbury. 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Ankara ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.2 Washington SayfasI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ITU-MD UluslararasI KuruluSu ABD DoGu BOlgesi Subesi'nce (*) hazIrlanan ve Internet dUnyasIna PETEK aracIlIGIyla yeni katIlan "Washington SayfasI", sizlere ASCII formatInda daGItIlIrken, PETEK'in "Homepage" dUzenlemesinde de "Capitol" fotoGrafI kapak sayfasIna yerleStirilmiS olarak sunulacaktIr.] ------------------------------------ Washington Sayfasi'nda neler var? 1. Washington'dan Selamlar! (will tell about who we are, what we do, why we publish this section) 2. Turk-Amerikan Toplulugu Aktiviteleri (What happened recently, who came to town, announcements etc.) 3. Garip Gercekler! 4. Workaholic'lerden (arastirma ve gelistirmeler, makaleler v.s.) ----------------------------------- 1. Washington'dan Selamlar! Bu sayfamiz ABD'nin Washington ve civarinda yerlesik arkadaslarin PETEK'e katkilarindan olusmaktadir. Washington, dunyadaki tek super gucun baskenti, bir `political and economic powerhouse', ayrica da modern demokrasinin en orijinal sistemlerinden birinin isleyisine merkez teskil eden, baska her yonden mutevazi, 15 katin uzerinde binalari olmayan, yemyesil bir kasaba gorunumlu bir sehir. Bu bolgede yasayan biz ITU'luler, profesyonel hayatlarimizin yanisira garip bir ilgi ile Washington'un canli politik hayatini da yakindan izliyoruz. Bircok bakimdan pervasiz gorulen bu politik lobi sisteminin elde ettikleri, edemedikleri, pragmatik diplomatlarin elde ettikleri ve etmek istedikleri basarilara sahit oluyoruz. Washington ayrica, Washington Buyukelciligimiz'in ve diger resmi Turk organizasyonlarin, Turk-Amerikan kultur dernekleri ve Turkiye-ABD is iliskileri ile ilgili resmi, yari-resmi, ozel, tum organizasyonlarin merkezlerinin birarada bulundugu tek kent. Burada olagelen faaliyetler hakkinda sizleri bilgilendirmek istedik. Anlayacaginiz, arkadaslar, bu kentte birtakim dunyaca unlu kisi ile dirsek surtmek her an mumkun olabiliyor. Amerikalilar arasinda Washingtonlulara 'workaholic' adi takilmistir. Zira bu kentte insanlarin cok buyuk bir bolumu haftada 60-70 saat calisiyor, uzun ve fazla mesai ucreti almadan, gonullu calismaya istekli olmak ve severek yapiyor gorunmek mesleginizde ilerlemeniz icin en buyuk sarti olusturuyor. Bu nedenle, bir altbasligimiza da `Workaholic'lerden...' adini verdik. Sayfamizda ilginc yazilar sunmaya ve ABD'nin bu renkli kentinden ilginc bilgiler aktarmaya ozen gosterecegimize soz veriyoruz. Sevgilerimizle, Nalan Arsoy-Gainer PETEK "Washington SayfasI" Temsilcisi ----------------------------------- 2. Turk-Amerikan Toplulugu Aktiviteleri [Bu kIsIm iCin bu sayImIza yayImlanmak Uzere yazI ulaSmamIstIr. Ileriki sayIlarImIzda "Washington SayfasI" ekibinden gelecek olan CeSitli yazIlar ilginize sunulacaktIr.] ----------------------------------- 3. "Garip Gercekler" Sayfamizin bu bolumu, ulkeler arasinda gorulen kulturel, sosyal ve ekonomik farkliliklari, cok fazla mantik oyunlari yapmamaya gayret ederek aktariyoruz. Bazi karsilastirmali gercekler sizleri guldurecek, bazilari ise aci gelebilir, ama tumu gercek ve arastirma sonucu olan bilgiler olacaktir. Asil amacimiz, bu renkli demokrasinin nasil isledigini, ne tur dengelerin gecerli oldugunu orneklerle gostermek. Bir diger amacimiz da, Amerikan toplumunun disaridan garip gelen bazi yanlarini, bu ulkeye gelinceye kadar anlasilmayan ozelliklerini, magazin haber niteligine burumeden aktarmak. Enjoy! `Numbers Versus Numbers' One frontline issue since the Clinton government went to work, has been 'Reinventing Government', vicepresident Al Gore's brainchild. The main idea is that through private sector-like reorganization and restructuring, technocrats have no other choice but to create a much smaller, more efficient U.S. government. The effort has not produced results yet, due to classic reasons like resistance to change. Here is what in the U.S. is considered 'too big government' and some comparative facts about two governments that steer the operations of two great world powers, present and past. Baska bir deyisle, 'egemenligini herzaman elinde tutmus' iki buyuk milletin kurdugu devlet mekanizmalari arasindaki farklar: Fact: The U.S. government employs about 600 000 personnel in the federal and state sectors. This number includes the 2500 State Department employees, including personae like Secretary of State Mr. Warren Christopher, or HE Marc Grossman, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey. The population of the U.S. is 265 million. The government of Turkey employs about 550 000 people in its state sector (includes all province governments, KIT'ler, and municipalities). Turkish Foreign Ministry personnel are about 3200 and include our beloved HE Nuzhet Kandemir, Turkey's Ambassador to Washington. The population of Turkey is 72 million. The state is the single biggest employer in Turkey, whereas in the U.S., the smaller and medium size private sector employs the largest amount of workers - around 16 million. Need we say more? ---------------------------- 4. "Workaholic'lerden..." "Uncle Sam Closed Shop in January 1996" The United States government machine stopped with screeching sounds last January for 3 weeks due to a 'no-deal' approach between flamboyant president Bill Clinton and the now Republican-dominated United States Congress with regards to the country's $3 trillion - dollar yearly budget. The budget negotiations went on again, off again, for nearly 5 months, largely viewed as a power showdown, an inscrutable struggle of the worst kind between the two sides, and showed to the 265 million Americans and the world how a giant could indeed stop breathing because a few small humans cannot reconcile their differences for the good of the country. To get to the main issue, the budget impasse was not only severe, but fairly incomprehensible to us the citizens. Even when on May 2nd the deal was signed, it left many questions unanswered, many issues undecided, and these are likely bring the two sides again around the negotiations table by the end of this year. When you ask the average American why the government shot down, there are as many opinions as there are Americans in this country. Here are a few good ones: "Because politicians are jerks who can't get along with each other." "Because Newt Gingrich (the powerful House speaker) had to leave Air Force One from the back door." (a Democrat alluding to his rejection by the Air Force when he applied for officer 25 years ago) "Because Democrats love to spend taxpayer dollars and don't want to balance the budget." (a Republican) "Because Bill Clinton is running frantically for reelection". (a Republican) " Because everything has been screwy in this country since Ike left office". (an 'I like Ike' sloganist, many Americans still believe that the Eisenhower era was the best for this country) According to the U.S. constitution, the U.S. Congress has the final say on every year's budget proposal, that is, it approves or vetoes a federal budget, which is prepared and submitted by the present ruling party's cabinet. In this case, the ruling party being the Democratic party, and the Congress having Republican majority, the power struggle was inevitable. While part of it is political snubbing and election year play, the main facts are all about numbers and number and how these numbers are crunched. Both sides, the Clinton cabinet and the Congress, used criteria and economic assumptions completely legitimate and realistic in themselves in calculating and predicting the future 5-to-7 years from now. We engineers like to politely sneer at economics as a science, because of this particular aspect of the discipline- there are no norms in almost anything, just economic theories by famous scholars, in themselves quite simple mathematics, but each one of these theories has its fans among decision makers and their economic advisers. In an effort to build rules and bases to any economic debate, economists set up sets of economic assumptions, which should be first decided upon before embarking on a long calculation journey. The set of economic assumptions tells about what will happen to the budget under existing laws. If you want to balance the budget down the road, you have to have some baseline assumptions upon which you start your calculations. Calculating future economic predictions by using a set of assumptions seems easy enough, until you see what these assumptions are. These are about how much things like tax revenues, inflation, interest rates e.t.c. will grow. In short, it is all about trying to most realistically predict how the country will be doing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years from now. or. It is a difficult process, but at the same time, the two sides could not even agree on these assumptions. Republicans in Congress favor the baseline of the Congressional Budget Office, which says the budget deficit will be 340 billion dollars by the year 2002. whereas The President has his own agency for crunching numbers, the Office of Management and Budget, whose assumptions bring a final number of 240 billion. The interesting thing is that both sides use assumptions that are well within the mainstream of economic thought. They are not far apart in initial guesstimates (an Americanism, meaning 'an educated guess'). It's only because the forecasts are so long-range that they drift apart over time, with small differences compounding into big differences. To estimate the likely change in the GDP is harder than figuring out GDP itself. You can't foresee things like economic recessions, oil crises, wars, or acts of God. You also have to decide how close to "peak capacity" the economy is likely to perform. Peak capacity is the growth rate at which point any further growth will trigger inflationary pressures. You also have to guess what the peak capacity of this economy is or should be. When you turn to government expenditures, you have another problem. And it goes on and on in this ambiguous fashion. After following the media which made a nice big news of the debate during the last few months, this writer came to the conclusion that it is all very well for powerful men to put up a political show which one can but ignore, but the fact remains that it is all about hypothetical numbers. The realization that it was not the deficit, but the absence of the thing, is quite stunning. How do people function in such darkness and lack of good old universal laws? Now that the government machine is turned back on, government employees can enjoy their jobs and continue to bring home the bread. For this writer, the debate was one more experience among many, one more rather unbelievable, but true, incident about democracy at work. Nalan Arsoy-Gainer Engineering & Management Consultant Professional Training & Consulting Co. Washington, DC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) ITU-MD ABD DoGu BOlgesi Subesi: Baskan: Nalan Gainer (Makina '81) Sekreter: Deniz Karadenizli (Tekstil'90) Uye: Zafer Boybeyi (Meteoroloji '84) Uye: Hasmet Gokirmak (Maden '85) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.3 Almanya'da Nasil Calisma Izni Alinir? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Almanya'da yaSayan biri olarak insanIn arada sIrada Alman resmi makamlarIna iSi dUSUyor. EGer siz bir yabancI iseniz, dUzenli olarak gittiGiniz veya en Cok iSinizin dUStUGU resmi makamlardan biri de YabancIlar Dairesi'dir (Auslaenderbehoerde). Benim de geCtiGimiz sene iCinde baSImdan benim ilginC bulduGum bir takIm olaylar geCti. Ben Almanya'ya OGrenim amacIyla 1988 yIlInda geldim. DeGiSik sebeplerden dolayI aksaklIklar oldu. Fakat 1995'in iCinde diploma sevincine ulaStIm. OGrenimimin arkasIndan ne yapabileceGimi, nerede CalISabileceGimi ya da aslInda ne istediGimi toparlamam kolay olmadI. Sonunda mUmkUn olduGu takdirde Almanya'da bir mUddet CalISmamIn benim iCin vazgeCilemez bir avantaj olduGuna karar verdim. Ne yapabilirdim, acaba Almanya'ya OGrenci olarak gelen birisine geCici de olsa CalISma izni veriyorlar mIydI? Kim bana bu konuda bilgi verebilirdi? WDR Radyosu'nun TUrkCe yayInlarInda da dinlediGim "TUrk DanIS" Kurumu'nun (Arbeiter-Wohlfahrt) yerel bUrosuna gittim. Durumumu belirttim, ne yapmak istediGimi anlattIm. SanIrIm bOyle bir durumla Cok sIk karSIlaSmadIklarI iCin olacak, bana evlenmemi tavsiye ettiler! Bana bunun dISInda yabancIlarIn problemleriyle ilgilenen bir avukatIn adresini verdiler. Sonunda Almanya'ya OGrenci olarak giriS yapan ve bu zamana kadar "Aufenthaltsbewilligung" Seklinde oturum izni alan kiSilere en fazla iki sene boyunca CalISma hakkI tanIyan bir kanun maddesinin varlIGIndan hem avukatIn hem de benim haberimiz oldu! Kanun SOyle: Arbeitsaufenthalteverordnung - AAV Par. 2, Abs. 4, Punkt 1 (Abs. 4) Eine Aufenthaltsbewilligung kann erteilt und bis zu einer Gesamtgeltungsdauer von laengstens zwei Jahren verlaengert werden (Punkt 1) Absolventen deutscher Hoch- und Fachhochschulen, die im Anschluss ihre Ausbildung eine praktische Taetigkeit zur Vertiefung der erworbenen Kenntnisse im Rahmen eines fachbezogenen Praktikums nach Plan ableisten. Yani, Alman Universite veya YUksekokullarIndan mezun olan kiSiler, mezuniyetlerini takiben, en fazla iki sene olmak Uzere OGrenimleriyle ilgili bir staj yapabilirler. Onemli bir nokta, izin alabilmek iCin bir staj planInIn dilekCeye eklenmesi gerekli. Peki, bu staj planI nasIl bir Sey? Bundan kimsenin haberi yok! Ticaret OdasI bu konuda herhangi bir bilgi veremiyor. Sonra, kimler veya hangi firmalar bOyle bir staj imkanI tanIyorlar? AvukatIn Onerisi Uzerine CalISma Dairesine (Arbeitsamt) gidip, bana bu kanun maddesi ve uygulamasI hakkInda bilgi vermelerini istedim. Bana ABM (Arbeitsbeschaffungsmassnahmen) kIsmIndaki gOrevli Cok ilginC Seyler anlattI; - Bu kanun bana herhangi bir hak tanImIyor, - Bu kanundan yalnIzca OGrenimini bitirdikten sonra Ulkesine dOnUp oradan baSvuruda bulunanlar yararlanabilir, - CalISma Dairesi Avrupa TopluluGu Ulkeleri vatandaSlarInIn baSvuranlarInI deGerlendirmek zorunda, - CAlISma Dairesindeki iSlemler yaklaSIk 3-4 ay sUrebilir. BunlarIn dISInda bu gOrevli gerCekle yakIndan uzaktan ilgisi olmayan bir sUrU Sey anlattI. KIsacasI, beni yIldIrmak istediGi ilk 5 dakika iCerisinde belli oldu! Benim SansIm iyi gitti. Bitirme tezimi yaptIGIm firmaya baSvuruda bulundum ve olayI zorluklarIyla birlikte aCIkladIm. Oradaki mUhendisler beni desteklediler. FirmanIn iS kapasitesi de uygundu. Bir mUddet sonra bir staj planI yazIldI ve ben YabancIlar Dairesine dilekCemi sundum. Bekleme uzun sUrdU. Arada sIrada iSlemlerin ne aSamada olduGunu sorarak, bilgi almaya CalIStIk. YaklaSIk 6 hafta sonra (araya tatil aylarI girmiSti!) iSlemlerin bittiGini ve pasaportum ile beraber gidip izni alabileceGimi bildirdiler. Benim baGlI olduGum YabancIlar Dairesi bir banka gibi. SIraya giriyorsunuz. GiSeye gOrevli geliyor. Ne istediGinizi soruyor. KonusUlan herSey salonda yankI yapIyor. BOyle olunca kimse konuSmuyor. Herkes dOrt kulak sizi dinliyor. GOrevli ile aramIzda yaklaSIk SOyle bir konuSma geCti; - Buyrun. - Benim dilekCem ile ilgili karar sonuClanmIS. - Pasaportunuz. (DosyayI getirdi. Ben 8 seneden beri burada olduGumdan, dosyam oldukCa kabarIktIr. Dil kursu belgeleri, universite belgeleri, universitede CalISma izni baSvurusu, vs. Ilk sayfadan baSlIyarak sayfa sayfa dosyama baktI. Bu taktiGi hemen kavradIm. Ilk defa baSIma gelmiyordu. Cileden CIkarma taktiGi. Biraz sonra dilekCemi ve staj planInI okudu ve diGer sayfalara devam etmeden,) - Kusura bakmayIn, dilekCenizi redetmek zorundayIm! (SimSek CarpmISa dOndUm.) - Bana dilekCemin kabul edildiGi bildirildi. - Burada bOyle birSey gOremiyorum. AyrIca siz OGreniminizi bitirmiSsiniz. En yakIn zamanda Ulkeyi terketmek zorundasInIz. Bu gOrevliye Alman kanunlarInI OGretmem ve benim bOyle bir stajI yapma hakkIm olduGunu anlatmam, biraz zamanImI aldI. Dosya ve karar onun elinden geCiyordu. DosyamI tekrar iSleme aldI. Uzmanlarla gOrUStU. Daha ayrIntIlI bir staj planI istedi. Belgeleri CalISma Dairesine gOnderdi. Firma deGiSik eyalette olduGu iCin, bu eyaletin CalISma Dairesi yetkili. Bu nedenle iSlemler daha uzun zaman aldI. CalISma Dairesinden gelen belgede kanun maddesi yazmadIGI iCin, belge geri gitti. Telefonla konuSuldu. Belge gene geldi. Olumlu! Bu iSlemler 4 ay kadar sUrdU. Ben 1,5 sene iCin baSvurmuStum. Bana verilen izin 10 aylIktI! Tekrar uzatIlmasI iCin, stajIn ne durumda olduGu ile ilgili bir belgeyle beraber dilekCe vermem gerekiyor! Firmadaki mUhendisler Cileden CIkmISlardI. Bu iSlerin neden bOyle uzun sUrdUGUnU anlayamIyorlardI. Sirket CalISma Dairesinden gelen gOrUSme isteGini memnuniyetle karSIlamIS ve resmi dairedeki gOrevlilere verilen dilekCenin gerCekten bir staj ile ilgili olduGunu anlatmak zorunda kalmIStI. BOylece buradaki iSlemler kIsa zamanda bitirilmiSti. ilginC! AslInda kanun size bir hak veriyor. Fakat hakkInIzI alana kadar, hakkInIzI almaktan vazgeCirmek isteyen bir sUrU insanla karSI karSIya geliyorsunuz. Kimbilir kaC kiSi bu yollardan geri dOndU... Selam ve sevgilerimle. Mehmet S. YIlmaz (yilmaz@wrcs3.urz.uni-wuppertal.de) ITU-MD Almanya Kolu ============================================================================== ============================================================================== 10. Okuyucudan ============================================================================== 10.1 Kisaca Tolgay Nur 10.2 Sizden Bize (Okuyucu Mektuplari) 10.3 Anket Formu ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.1 Kisaca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Merhaba, Bazen kelimeler yetmez duygulari anlatmaya, insanin elinden sadece birkac onemli noktayi soyleyebilmekten baska birsey gelmez. Iste artan ilginiz ve surekli desteginiz ile bizlerde calismalarimizi sizlerle paylasirken ayni tarif edilmezligi yasiyoruz. Ilginize, desteginize, elestirilerinize, onerilerinize ve hepsinden onemlisi bizlerle olan birlikteliginize tesekkurler. Bu sefer "kisaca" dedik bizim yerimize yazilariniz konussun istedik..... Petek Gonulluleri Adina Tolgay Nur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.2 Sizden Bize (Okuyucu Mektuplari) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meral: PETEK'in 4. sayisi nedense bana eskilerinden daha enteresan geldi. Yayin kurulu ve yazilariyla bu sayiya katilanlar isin havasina tam girmisler. Ilgi ile okunan boyle bir sayi yarattiklari icin emegi gecen herkese sag olun var olun derim. Nasreddin Hoca hikayeleri cok hos, kaynaklar enteresan. 'Kurtar bizi fillerden' hikayesi sizin bana anlattiginiz gibi cok hos. Bu sayida Meral Demirtas'in biyometeoroloji konusundaki yazisi bence bas ya da eklemler agrisi, aksirma, tiksirma gibi illetlerle simdi ya da daha eskiden karsilasmis herkes icin cok ilginc. Sekizinci bolum bir mereoroloji muhendisinden ziyade bir dil uzmani- nin yazilarina benziyor. Bernard Shaw'un "Last Laugh" ile Meral Demirtas'in "pheci" ornegi herhalde baliklari saskina dondurmustur. 'Basiboozook'lugu 'barbarous mercenary'lik ile, Araplari Turklerle karistiran kulturler, ciftlikteki evlerinin pencerelerinin altindan gecen (Erzurum'a surulmekte olan efendiler, pasalar ve kadilarla dolu) gemileri izliyenlerle buyuk filozof diye gecinen dervislerden bahse- denler bana, onlari oyle konusturan dusunus hakkinda neler anlatmiyor neler. Ilginize, kaleminize ve zekaniza kuvvet Meral hanim. Bu dil meselesi cok ilginc. Bir haftadir, vakit buldukca, National Geographic'in 1996 Mart sayisindaki uc yaziyi okuyorum (size de saglik- larim). Sayfa 42'deki resimde nefis bir dag, onunde bir gol ve en onde de kirmizi elbiseli bir Uygur kadini ve digerleri var. Baslik soyle diyor: "Rhapsody in red, a Uygur woman takes a travel brake at Karakol Lake, a rest stop on the China-Pakistan highway. Muztagata 'Ice Mountain Father,' shimmers in the distance..." Turkcede biz 'Muztagata'yi Buzdagata diye 'Karakol'u da Kara Gol diye okuyoruz galiba. Bir ilgisi olsa gerek. Sayfa 50 ile 51'de de Uygur'larin "Kiruran Guzali" dedikleri "Laulan beauty" nin 3800 yillik mumyasi var. Sayfa 13-14'deki haritada isimlerin bazilarinin Cincelestigi goruluyor, digerlerini hala anlamak mumkun. Dilciliginizi ilgilendirir diye yazdim. Butun yayin kuruluna ve size basarilar diler, PETEK'te ilginc yazilarinizi bekler, selam ve sevgilerimi yollarim. Senol Utku ---------- Toplumsal yonden, bravo size. Basinin, sizin gibi "gercekleri yanlissiz olarak yansitma"ya hassas yazarlarin yonetiminde olmasi kadar onemli sey yok. Yazdiklarinizi daha cok guvenceyle okuyacagim bundan boyle. Iletisim ve bunu saylayan kisiler ve teknoloji beni her gun daha iyimser yapiyor: Petek, Meral Demirtas & Co., ve iletisim teknolojisindeki "breakthroughs" gibi. Selam ve sevgilerimle. Senol Utku ---------- Merhabalar Meral Hanim, Bende Kanada Merkez Subesi uyelerinin bir kisminin "e-mail" adresleri var, ben kendilerine iletecegim. Eger gonderdigim kisilerin bir listesi lazim ise size yollayabilirim. Ayrica biliyormusunuz bilmiyorum, biz burada yonetim kurulu olarak PETEK dergisinin hersayisinin belli bir kismini "print" edip cogaltiyoruz ve butun uyelerimize, bizim de ekledigimiz bir haber bulteni ile ulastiriyoruz. Uzun lafin kisasi butun uyelerimiz PETEK dergisini iletisim (computer) olanaklari olmasa da biliyor ve okuyorlar. Hoscakalin. Berkant Koseoglu ---------- Meral Hanim: Meteoroloji uzerine yazdiginiz yazinizi ilgiyle okudum. Mezunlarimizin akademik dunyanin yaninda, meslekleriyle ilgili kisisel tecrubelerini iceren yazilarini da gormekten memnun olacagiz. Tekrar basarili calismalarinizi kutlar, sevgi ve selamlarimi iletirim. Ilbay Ozbay --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.3 Anket Formu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sevgili PETEK Okuyucusu, Anketimize ayiracaginiz kisa zaman ile bizlere PETEK hakkindaki genel dusuncelerinizi ogrenme firsati vermis olacaksiniz. Goruslerinizin daha guzel ve basarili bir PETEK icin onemini tekrar hatirlattiktan sonra anketimize ayirdiginiz zaman icin tesekkurlerimizi sunuyoruz. PETEK YayIn Kurulu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lutfen buradan kesip asagidaki adrese e-mail ile gonderiniz. Tolgay Nur (nurt@rpi.edu) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. ITU-MD E-Dergi PETEK hakkindaki sorular: ---------------------------------------- 1. PETEK'in organizasyonu hakkindaki gorusleriniz nelerdir? ( ) Begendim ( ) Begenmedim ( ) Daha iyi olmasi icin goruslerim: ....................... 2. Kullanmakta oldugunuz sistemde PETEK'in yazi satir genisligi bir problem teskil ediyor mu? Yanitiniz evetse, bir satirdaki kabul edilebilir azami karakter sayisi sInIrInIzI belirtiniz. 3. PETEK'te yer alan bolumleri puanlarla degerlendirir misiniz? (0-10 arasi, 0 en kotu, 10 en iyi olmak uzere) ( ) ITU MezunlarI DerneGi (ITU-MD) Tanitim ( ) Akademik Dunyadan ( ) Bilim ve Teknoloji ( ) Internet ve Bilgisayar Dunyasindan ( ) Muhendis Gozuyle ( ) Sosyal Bilimler ve Kultur ( ) Mizah ( ) Dilimiz, Deyimlerimiz ve Atasozlerimiz ( ) Serbest Kose ( ) Okuyucudan 4. PETEK'te olmasini arzu ettiginiz baska bolum var mi? (Onerdiginiz bolum adini ve amacini kisaca yaziniz.) [2]. PETEK Okuyucu Profilinin Belirlenmesine Iliskin Sorular: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. En son mezun oldugunuz egitim kurumunun adi ve bolumunuz? (Yuksek lisans ve doktora sahibi okuyucularImIzdan ayrIca lisans derecelerini hangi universiteden aldIklarInI belirtmelerini rica ediyoruz.) 2. ITU-MD uyesi misiniz? ( ) Evet ( ) Hayir (Yanitiniz evetse, lutfen asagidaki soruyu da yanitlayiniz.) Bulundugunuz ITU-MD subesinin adi: (Yanitiniz hayirsa, asagidaki soruya geciniz.) PETEK E-Dergisi Dagitim Listesi'ne katilmak ister misiniz? ( ) Evet E-mail adresiniz: ( ) Hayir 3. Ilerde PETEK'in sizinle onerinizleriniz ve elestirilerinizle ilgili olarak temasa gecmesini istiyorsaniz, lutfen asagidaki ilgili kisimlari doldurunuz. Aksi takdirde, asagidaki kismin doldurulmasina gerek yoktur. Adiniz: E-mail adresiniz: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anketimize katildiginiz icin, PETEK Gonulluleri olarak tesekkur ederiz. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== =========================================================================== 11. PETEK YayIn Kurulu Uyeleri =========================================================================== BaSkan: Meral Demirtas (Meteoroloji '90) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meral Demirtas Tel: (44) (0)(1734) 318950 University of Reading Fax: (44) (0)(1734) 352604 Department of Meteorology E-mail: swrdemas@met.reading.ac.uk 2 Earley Gate Reading http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~swrdemas RG6 2AU United Kingdom --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BaSkan Yrd.: Harun Taner (Gemi InsaatI '88) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harun Taner | Tel. : + 49 30 31425899 Technische Universitaet Berlin | Fax : + 49 30 31426883 ISM, Sekr.SG-10, Salzufer 17-19 | E-mail : taner@cadlab.tu-berlin.de D-10587 Berlin Deutschland | http://www.cadlab.tu-berlin.de/~taner --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uye: Tolgay Nur (Isletme '94) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tolgay Nur Tel: (1) (518) 274-9322 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute E-mail: nurt@rpi.edu Lally School of Management 2218 14th Street Troy, NY 12180, USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uye: Ozgur Polat (Makina '90) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ozgur Polat Tel&Fax: +1(314) 341-5943 Engineering Management E-mail: ozgur@umr.edu University of Missouri-Rolla http://www.umr.edu/~ozgur --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== 12. PETEK YayIn DanISmanI =========================================================================== Kaya BUyUkataman (Makina '64) _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ Kayaalp Buyukataman Ph.D #INTERNET : buyukak@pweh.com _/ _/ P&W Externals-Nacelles #INTERNET : itumeztr@sariyer.itu.edu.tr _/ _/ Value Engineering Group #RCINET : PWNKB1@RCINET.UTC.COM _/ _/ Gear Systems and Controls #NETCOM : b.ataman@ix.netcom.com _/ _/ Mail Stop : 169-19 #PROFS : c904762 #SUN : BUYUKAK _/ _/ E Hartford, CT 06108 #Ph/Fx Home: (203) 282-0251 _/ _/ USA #Ph:(203) 565-0524, Fx:(203) 565-5990 _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ =========================================================================== 13. YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyeleri =========================================================================== * Meral DemirtaS YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Bsk. * Harun Taner YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Bsk. Yrd. * Tolgay Nur YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * Ozgur Polat YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * BUlent Catay YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * Emrah Can YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * Can K. Sandalci YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * Ali Bilgin YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * Ilhan Bayraktar YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi * Hakan AydIn YazI DeGerlendirme Kurulu Uyesi =========================================================================== 14. ITU-MD Uyelik Formu =========================================================================== _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ To: ITU Alumni Scattered All Around The World _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/..ITU-MD................ ISTANBUL TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI _/ _/........ /\ /\ ..... _/ _/..... / | / | .... Mezunlari Dernegi-Alumni Association _/ _/.. / // | ... _/ _/. /^/^ / / / .. _/ _/. /()|'`--/ _ / .. Adr: 235 E River Dr. Suite 1502 _/ _/. \_'/' '` \_' .. E Hartford, CT, 06108, USA _/ _/.. '//`--' '\ .. Phone-Fax : (203) 282-0251 _/ _/... || //--/ ' \ ... _/ _/..... \\ ||\_/\\ ... E-mail Int: _/ _/....... || \_/ .... _/ _/.......1989 \\ \ .... http://www.ece.orst.edu/~ituweb _/ _/........................ E-mail TR: _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ ** COMPONENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LOCATIONS ** _/ _/ Almanya-Ingiltere-Turkiye(2)-Japonya-Kanada(3)-Benelux-Avusturya _/ _/ Avustralya-Suudi Arabistan-Amerika(16)-Norvec-Hongkong-Fransa-Kibris _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ ITU-MD U Y E MURACAAT F O R M U _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Is this a new application or a renewal? Please check. "E-mail"le olan mUracaatlarda, Uyelik FormlarIndaki TUrkCe yazIlarda kargaSaya yol aCmamak iCin lUtfen aSaGIdaki alfabeyi kullanInIz: abcCdefgGhIijklmnoOprsStuUvyz ========================================================================= 1. INITIAL INFORMATION: ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name (first, middle, last) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Father's Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth Place and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Married (Husband's/wife's) Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Any Children Names and Birth Dates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 2. EDUCATIONAL RECORD: ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highest Degree: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITU Graduation Year: ITU Freshman Year: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Higher Education Institutions and Degrees: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If not an ITU graduate reason for membership: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please write your title for ITU-MD membership card: (And also specify its abbrivation in brackets.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 3. WORK (OR STUDY) PLACE INFORMATION: ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affiliation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Division/Department: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Street address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- City, State, Zip: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telephone: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fax: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 4. HOME ADDRESS ETC.: ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Street address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- City, State, Zip: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telephone: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fax: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Please my mail to HOME: WORK: ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 5. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AND ASSOCIATION RECORDS: ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to join ITU-MD as ------------------------------------------------------------------------- a Regular Member Yearly dues $25.US (senelik aidat) | $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- a Student Member Yearly dues $10.US (senelik aidat) | $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- initiation and ITUMD ID (ilk gIrIS ve kimlik Ucreti) | $10. US ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My check payable to ITU-MD is mailed. Total: | $.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My picture for ITU-MD ID cart is mailed (check) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membership: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membership type: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membership date approval: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Establish Contact with E-Mail: Fax: Mail: Phone: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended by: 1. 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Aproved for membership : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 6. ITU-MD ACTIVITIES INFORMATION: ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** If you would like to participate committee activities and associations administration, please check the followings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOMITELER VE GOREVLER: (Preferred Assignments): ============================================== 1. Bylaws (Tuzuk) .., By General Assembly, (Genel Secimle) __________ 2. Ethics (Disiplin).., By General Assembly, (Genel Secimle) __________ 3. ITU Book (ITU Kitap Yardimi) __________ 4. Employment (Is ve Staj Yeri Bulma) _________ 5. Membership (Uye Kayit ve Data Base), By General Assembly _________ 6. Membership Drive (Mezunlara Tanitim) _________ 7. Board of Trustees (See Bylaws for Req.) (Lutfen tuzugu inceleyin) __ 8. Young ITU (ITU-MD Genclik Kolu) _________ 9. May Turkish Week Activities Newyork (19 Mayis Turk Haftasi) _______ 10. Federasyon (FTAA) or Asembly (ATAA) Rep. (ITU-MD Temsilciligi) _____ 11. Technical Conference Organization (Konferans Duzenleme) __________ 12. Regional Meetings Organization (Bolgesel Toplantilar) ________ 13. Regional Board of Directors (Bolgesel Idare heyeti) (Secimle) _____ 14. ITU Scientific Aid (ITU Lab. Malzemesi Ozel Yardim) _________ 15. ITU-MD TUrkiye Newsletter (Mezunlar Dernegi Dergisi) __________ 16. Central Focal (Kilit Noktasi, E-mail olmayanlara haber iletimi) ___ 17. Voice Mail (Telefon Haberlesme Sistemi Idaresi) _________ 18. Central Fund raising (Klup Binasi ve Ileri Projeler Yardim) ______ 19. ITU Special fund Raising (ITU Ozel Proje Yardim) _________ 20. ITU-MD WWW Homepage ________ 21. ITU-MD E-Dergi PETEK ___________ 22. Other (Onerdiginiz diger bir saha var mi?) __________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== PETEK CILT: 2 SAYI: 1 1 HAZIRAN 1996 ===========================================================================