Turkey ‘Ready To Share Armenian Pain’

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Turkey — Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu addresses the media in Ankara, 20Jan2012

Տեքստի չափը


Turkey is ready to share the pain of Armenians ahead of the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Armenian massacres in the Ottoman Empire, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu reportedly said late on Tuesday.

“We want to share the pain of those who are ready to share it with us,” Davutoglu was quoted as saying by Anatolia news agency in an interview with state-run television TRT Haber.

“It is necessary to keep channels open in order to share history,” he said in remarks cited by the AFP news agency.

Davutoglu did not say if Ankara could eventually acknowledge that some 1.5 million Ottoman Armenians were massacred during World War I in the first genocide of the 20th century.

Successive Turkish governments have for decades insisted that Armenians died in much smaller numbers and as a result of civil strife, rather than a premeditated government policy. Some Turkish leaders, notably Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, have said that it was Armenians who massacred Turks.

Erdogan has repeatedly stated that Ankara will never recognize the genocide. His government has at the same time been advancing the idea of setting up a Turkish-Armenian commission of historians that would examine the highly sensitive subject.

via Turkey ‘Ready To Share Armenian Pain’.

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4 responses to “Turkey ‘Ready To Share Armenian Pain’”

  1. You must be joking, you want to share our pain , how can you even mention that when you are creating more pain as we speak, when was the last time you checked your self, but the way you are talking you might wreck your self

  2. You have that inocent look on your face like you are about to cry, and how can you think of that to share our pain when at the same time you create a dark sky for all of your neihbours,şimdiye kadar ne ön baş ve ne ne olacak thats üzerine dür
    onlar sizin sandığınız gibi, doğal olması ve sen bunu biliyorsun ve sana doğayla mücadele edemez biliyorum başkalarının size geri gelecektir ne ki oğlum unutma dont, denilen bir lider olarak yoksul Türk halkını temsil edilmez , bunu şimdi benim durumda kalacak ama biz kadar rahat olmayacak
    dizlerinizin üzerinde olsun ve Ermeni soykırımı için bize özür

  3. Bunu insan beyninin sadece herhangi bir bilgisayar gibi programlanabilir ve beyin yalan ve yalan programlanmış oldu biliyorum, ama gerçeği söylemek böylece iyi zamanda bile beyin yeniden programlanacaktır, ben her gece yatağa giderken anlamak onun size gün boyunca yalan nasıl rahatsız ve seni suçlu bilinçli ama bir daha o suçluluk hissediyorum asla böylece yeniden programlanacaktır tüm uyanmak biliyorum, met t aynı zamanda gerçeği ve doğruyu söylüyor denir olacak için bir formül yok özgür hissetmenize yardımcı ve tüm kötülüklerin oğlum sizi özgür kılacak

  4. V,demirW Avatar

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